Mali Rural Electrification Hybrid System Project - GPOBA: The Mali Rural Electrification Hybrid System Project (US$25 million – IDA; US$ 15.5 million - Climate Investment Funds) prepared under the Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program in Low Income Countries (SREP) aims i) to increase the share of renewable energy generation in rural electricity supply and ii) to contribute to increased access to modern energy services in rural areas. The proposed GPOBA component (US$ 5 million) will support the objectives of the Program by partially subsidizing the investment cost of mini-grids’ densification/extension, SHSs and internal wiring to make access to clean energy affordable to low income households in rural, isolated areas. Promoting OBA approaches in the rural electrification program is important for unlocking additional US$1.6 million of private sources of funding for rural energy development, maximizing the benefits of renewable energy generation (hybridization of mini-grids with solar energy under IDA project) through increased access, enhancing the performance of private operators while making off-grid connections affordable to the poor. The grant will be managed by AMADER and implemented by selected private operators. Approval completed on 11 December 2013. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 5.0 (GPBA). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.