Tanzania Water Sector Support Project - Additional Financing: The Additional finance will contribute to the country's water sector development program (WSDP) achieve its first phase target of providing access to the originally planned beneficiaries of 10 villages per local Government Administration (LGAs). This target was down sized during restructuring of the project due to shortage of funding. Given the increased attention given to the Rural water supply in governments recent initiative of Big Result Now (BRN), the AF will be a timely response to assist government achieve its objective. It will also be uninterrupted continuation of the Bank support during the transition from phase I to Phase II of the program. The AF will finance RWS schemes and completion works in urban component while at the same time provide program management assistance to Government's effort to streamline the new BRN initiative with the WSDP arrangement. It is expected that development partners such as the DFID will join the initiative. It is also envisaged that preparation of the follow on project to support the second phase of government's WSDP will be initiated in parallel to implementation of the Additional financing. Approval completed on 16 June 2014. Environmental Assessment Category A. Project: P146700. US$ 44.9/13.0/15.0 (IDA Credit/DFID/KFW). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Water Tel: (255-22) 245-1530, E-mail: b.psmw@mowi.go.tz, Contact: EgR. Bashir J. Mrindoko, Permanent Secretary.