(R) AFCC2/RI-Regional Great Lakes Integrated Agriculture Development Project: The project development objectives (PDO) are (i) âœto increase agricultural productivity and commercialization in targeted areas in the territory of the Recipient and improve agricultural regional integration; and (ii) to provide immediate and effective response in the event of an eligible crisis or emergency. Approval completed on 21 June 2016. Environmental Assessment Category A. Project: P143307. US$ 150.0/2.7 (IDA Credit/PHRD). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry Of Finances Tel: 243-811-696-263, E-mail: minfinrdc@micronet.cd, Contact: Honore Tshiyoyo, Cellule des Coordination des projets; Minstry of Agriculture and rural Development Tel: 243819906017, E-mail: hubert_ali@yahoo.fr, Contact: Hubert Aly Ramazani, Permanent Secretary.