Henan Xinxiang New Urbanized Community Development: The Henan Xinxiang New Urbanized Community Development Project is located in Xinxiang City of Henan Province, involving 9 counties or districts. The project development objective is to upgrade the living quality of farmers through demonstration of urbanized community development and to provide an applicable urbanization model for the middle part of China. The objective will be achieved through carrying out application studies and pilots on policy and approach, construction of community infrastructure, and development of community facilitates and services. The total project cost is estimated as USD 200 million, of which the Bank financing is USD 100 million. The project would consist of the following proposed components: (a) application studies and pilots on policies and approach; (b) community infrastructure construction; (c) community facilities and services development; and (d) project management and capacity building. Identification completed on 23 October 2013. Environmental Assessment Category A. US$100.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.