Absheron Lakes Cleanup and Rehabilitation: The objective of the proposed project is to support the GoA in its efforts to reduce the Greater Baku population’s exposure to and health risks from pollution hazards in and around selected project lakes. This will be accomplished by (a) developing an innovative, area-based plan and mechanisms for land redevelopment that could be scaled up and sustained in the future, (b) implementing the cleanup and ecological revitalization measures of water bodies and adjacent lands in a sustainable and cost-effective manner, and (c) strengthening the capacity of implementing agencies. Concept completed on 10 March 2016. Environmental Assessment Category A. Project: P157091. US$85.0 (IBRD). Consultants will be required. Republic of Azerbaijan Tel: 994124938867, E-mail: sahil.babayev@economy.gov.az, Contact: Sahil Babayev, Deputy Minister; Ministry of Economy Tel: 994124938867, E-mail: sahil.babayev@economy.gov.az, Contact: Sahil Babayev, Deputy Minister.