Transport Sector Improvement Project: 19.The proposed project development objective is to improve the management of Transport Sector and improve road asset management of the classified road network. This will be achieved through targeted institutional and expenditure reviews, the introduction of performance-based road contracting on selected roads and selected coordinated road safety activities. Concept completed on 8 September 2015. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P151026. US$ 150.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. Republic of Ghana, Contact: Major M.S. Tara (Rtd), Chief Director; Ministry of Transport Tel: 233302685637, E-mail:, Contact: Twumasi Ankrah-Selby, Chief Director; Ministry of Roads and Highways Tel: 233302661575, E-mail:, Contact: Godwin J. Brocke, Ag. Chief Director.