Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in East and Central Africa Multi-Donor Trust Fund: This is a request for Additional Financing to support the existing ASARECA MDTF (P112600, TF071104). A Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) was established at the World Bank in 2008 to support a program of integrated agricultural research for development, as described in ASARECA's 5-year OP (2008/09-2013/14). The MDTF is intended to facilitate donor interaction, coordination and harmonization (including harmonization of procedures and formats to be applied by ASARECA), which is essential to effectively and efficiently assist the further institutional development of ASARECA. The project has been under implementation for the past 3.5 years and implementation progress has been satisfactory. Original donor pledges were expected to reach $55 million and this target has been met. New contributions totaling $4 million will be used to scale up the results of existing sub-projects within the remaining timeframe of the grant (19 months). No new activities are planned. Identification completed on 21 May 2012. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 5.6 (CDP4). Consulting services to be determined. Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA), Contact: Seyfu Ketema, Executive Director.