OMVS - HYDROPOWER AND ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: The objective of the proposed project is to improve the reliability and capacity of the OMVS interconnected power system. Identification completed on 13 December 2013. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P147921. US$ 150.0 (IDA Credit). Consulting services to be determined. Mali - SOGEM - Societe de Gestion de Manantali.
Regional Transmission Development APL (RI): The objective is to support the development of the transmission backbone linking Tete Province with the south of Mozambique. Concept completed on 11 September 2008. Environmental Assessment Category A. Project: P108934. US$ 150.0/50.0 (IDA Credit/GUID). Consulting services to be determined. Electricidade de Mozambique (Electricity of Mozambique) Tel: (258-21) 304-407, E-mail:, Contact: Mr. Carlos Yum, Director and Project Coordinator.