(R) Caribbean Regional Communications Infrastructure Program (CARCIP): Increase access to regional broadband networks and advance the development of an IT/ITES industry in Nicaragua and the Caribbean Region. Negotiations authorized on 21 June 2016. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P155235. US$ 20.1 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. Ministerio de Hacienda y Credito Publico, Contact: Ivan Acosta Montalvan, Minister; TELCOR, Contact: Orlando José Castillo, Executive President.
Panama Inclusive Rural Productivity: Objective to be Determined. Identification completed on 9 July 2015. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$64.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.
Support for the National Indigenous Peoples Development Plan: Objective to be Determined. Identification completed on 10 November 2015. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$80.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Implementing agency(ies) to be determined.