CT_SurveyElementPr is a complex type that specifies additional properties of a survey element.
Child Elements:
extLst: A CT_ExtensionList ([ISO/IEC29500-4:2011] section A.2) element that specifies future extensibility for this element.
cssClass: An ST_Xstring ([ISO/IEC29500-1:2011] section attribute that specifies a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS, [CSS-Level2-2009]) class name to apply to the survey element.
bottom: An int ([XMLSCHEMA2] section 3.3.17) attribute that specifies the bottom boundary of this survey element in pixels.
top: An int ([XMLSCHEMA2] section 3.3.17) attribute that specifies the top boundary of the survey element in pixels.
left: An int ([XMLSCHEMA2] section 3.3.17) attribute that specifies the left boundary of the survey element in pixels.