• Chinese president meets Chinese, Nigerian businessmen

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investment looks set to pay off as more than 12000 km of dedicated passenger route are planned or under construction. Special machines will be supplied for installation using a process similar to that developed on the Dutch HSL-Zuid project.
Major rolling stock contracts for China
Supplier Product Quantity Partner Value First delivery
GE Transportation Diesel locos, 4000 hp 78 - n/a 2006
GE Transportation Diesel locos, 6000 hp 300 Qishuyan US$450m 2007
Electro-Motive Diesel Diesel locos, 6000 hp 300 Dalian n/a 2007
Siemens Twin-unit electric locos 180 Zhuzhou k350m1 2006
Alstom Twin-unit electric locos 180 Datong k380m2 2007
Japanese consortium3 8-car EMUs 60 Nache Sifang ¥140m n/a
Bombardier C2008 8-car EMUs 204 Sifang Power US$424m 2006
Alstom C250 8-car EMUs 60 Changchun k620m2 2006
Siemens CRH3 8-car EMUs 60 Tangshan k1·3bn 2008
1. Siemens share of contract 2. Alstom share 3. Hitachi, Itochu, Mitsubishi, Marubeni 4. plus options
Picture caption: Siemens has supplied 20 Type DJ1 twin-section electric locos to China for heavy haul operations; the first three were built in Austria
Picture caption: EMD and Dalian are building 300 low-emission high-horsepower diesel locos under a contract from the Ministry of Railways
Picture caption: Under a contract signed in January, a Pfleiderer-led consortium is supplying its Rheda 2000 ballastless track technology as used on HSL-Zuid in the Netherlands for use on future Chinese high speed lines, starting with the 989 km Wuhan - Guangzhou route
Signalling contracts too
Among companies to secure contracts for signalling and train control technology in China is GE Infrastructure Rail, which is supplying its Incremental Train Control System as well as point machines and Locotrol equipment for remote control of locomotives.
In March 2005 the Ministry of Railways chose Nortel to provide GSM-R equipment for the Golmud - Lhasa line, now nearing completion. This followed trials with the company's wireless communications equipment in 2004.
Tide of technology pours into China
China's red-hot economy is fuelling massive demand for freight and passenger transport, to which Chinese Railways is responding with a sweeping programme to modernise and expand its network. CR has turned to western suppliers for help, and huge contracts for all types of railway equipment are being signed, often with a technology transfer element. Main line diesel locos are being built by EMD and GE, while Alstom and Siemens hold major contracts for electric locomotives. High speed electric multiple-units are on order from Japanese suppliers and from Alstom, Siemens and Bombardier. Track and signalling expertise is also in demand.
Une marée de technologie en Chine
L'économie bouillonnante de la Chine alimente une demande massive côté transports de marchandises et de voyageurs, auxquels les chemins de fer chinois répondent avec un imposant programme de modernisation et d'expansion de leur réseau. Pour l'aide, les chemins de fer chinois se sont tournés vers des fournisseurs occidentaux et des contrats gigantesques pour tous types d'équipements ferroviaires ont été signés, souvent avec une part de transfert de technologie. Les locomotives diesels de grandes lignes vont être construites par EMD et GE tandis qu'Alstom et Siemens détiennent des contrats importants pour des locomotives électriques. Des automotrices électriques à grande vitesse sont en commande auprès de fournisseurs japonais ainsi que d'Alstom, Siemens et Bombardier. Des compétences pour la voie et la signalisation sont également demandées
Technologiewelle überflutet China
Chinas boomende Wirtschaft sorgt für eine massive Nachfrage an Güter- und Personentransportleistungen, auf welche die Chinesischen Bahnen mit einem umfassenden Programm zur Modernisierung und Erweiterung ihres Netzes reagieren. CR wandte sich an westliche Lieferanten für Unterstützung, und riesige Vertr"ge zur Lieferung von allen m"glichen Eisenbahn-Komponenten sind unterschrieben worden, h"ufig mit einem Technologietransfer-Element. Streckendiesellokomotiven werden von EMD und GE gebaut, w"hrenddem Alstom und Siemens wichtige Vertr"ge für Elektrolokomotiven halten. Hochgeschwindigkeitstriebzüge sind von japanischen Herstellern und von Alstom, Siemens und Bombardier bestellt. Erfahrung in Oberbau und Sicherheitseinrichtungen ist ebenfalls stark gefragt
Una ola tecnológica que invade China
La econom'a china estÝ al rojo vivo y la demanda de transporte de pasajeros y de mercanc'as es enorme, reto al cual los Ferrocarriles de China (CR) estÝn respondiendo con un programa de largo alcance con vistas a la modernización y expansión de su red. CR ha decidido buscar ayuda entre los suministradores occidentales. Se estÝn firmando sustanciales contratos para el suministro de todo tipo de equipo ferroviario, frecuentemente con un elemento de transferencia tecnológica. EMD y GE estÝn construyendo locomotoras diesel de l'nea, mientras que Alstom y Siemens ya han obtenido los principales contratos para las locomotoras eléctricas. También hay trenes de alta velocidad ya pedidos a suministradores japoneses, as' como a Alstom, Siemens y Bombardier. Finalmente, existe una fuerte demanda de empresas y técnicos en señalización y en v'as
Document RAILGI0020060327e23100016

3,437 words

1 March 2006

US Fed News



© Copyright 2006. Hindustan Times. All rights reserved.
WASHINGTON, March 1 -- The U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Intelligence and Research Electronic Affairs Publication Office issued the following Background Note:
OFFICIAL NAME: Republic of The Gambia
Area: 11,300 sq. km. (4,361 sq. mi.); about the size of Maryland.
Cities: Capital-Banjul (pop. 34,828 excluding suburbs (2003 census provisional).
Terrain: Flood plain of the Gambia River flanked by low hills.
Climate: Tropical; hot rainy season (June to November); cooler, dry season (November to May).
Nationality: Noun and adjective-Gambian(s).
Population (2003 census): 1.36 million.
Annual growth rate (2001 - 2003): 2.77%.
Ethnic groups (1993 census): Mandinka 39.5%, Fula 18.8%, Wolof 14.6%, Jola 10.6%, Serahule 8.9%, Serere 7.8%, Krio/Aku Marabout 1.8%, Manjago 0.8%, Bambara 0.7%, other Gambians 1.2%, no declaration 0.3%.
Non-Gambians 12.9% of the population.
Religions: Muslim 95%, Christian 4%, animists 0.08%.
Languages: English (official), Mandinka, Wolof, Fula, Jola, other indigenous languages.
Education: Years compulsory-none. Attendance-69% primary, 35% secondary. Adult literacy-37.8%.
Health: Life expectancy-54.1 yrs. Infant mortality rate (2001)-91/1,000. Access to safe drinking water-urban 80%, rural 53%.
Work force (400,000): Agriculture-70%; industry, commerce, services-24%; government-6%.
Type: Civilian.
Independence: February 18, 1965.
Constitution: January 16, 1997.
Branches: National Assembly; Executive; Judiciary.
Subdivisions: Capital and five divisions.
Political parties: Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction (APRC), United Democratic Party (UDP), National Reconciliation Party (NRP), National Convention Party (NCP), Peoples Democratic Organization for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS), National Democratic Action Movement (NDAM), and the Gambia Party for Democracy and Progress.
GDP (2002): $360 million.
Annual growth rate: (2002) 3%.
Per capita income (2002): $330.
Natural resources: Seismic studies indicate the possible presence of oil and gas offshore.
Agriculture (29% of GDP): Products-peanuts, rice, millet, sorghum, fish, palm kernels, vegetables, livestock, forestry.
Industry (12% of GDP): Types-peanut products, construction, telecommunications, brewing, soft drinks, agricultural machinery assembly, woodworking, metal working, clothing.
Trade: (2000 est.): Exports-$12.03 million, including re-exports, groundnut and groundnut products (37%), fish and fish products (7%), fruits and vegetables (26%). Major markets-U.K., other EU countries, and Senegal. Imports-$139.3 million, including textiles, readymade foodstuffs, machinery, transportation equipment. 98% for domestic consumption, 2% for re-export. Major suppliers-U.K.; other EU countries; China, Japan, and other Asian countries; West African neighbors. Official Development Assistance (ODA) received from all sources (2001): $50.9 million. U.S. economic aid received (FY 2001): $6.2 million in food aid and assistance to democracy and human rights programs.
A wide variety of ethnic groups live in The Gambia with a minimum of intertribal friction, each preserving its own language and traditions. The Mandinka tribe is the largest, followed by the Fula, Wolof, Jola, and Serahule. Approximately 3,500 non-Africans live in The Gambia, including Europeans and families of Lebanese origin.
Muslims constitute more than 95% of the population. Christians of different denominations account for most of the remainder. Gambians officially observe the holidays of both religions and practice religious tolerance.
More than 63% of Gambians live in rural villages (1993 census), although more and more young people come to the capital in search of work and education. Provisional figures from the 2003 census show that the gap between the urban and rural populations is narrowing as more areas are declared urban. While urban migration, development projects, and modernization are bringing more Gambians into contact with Western habits and values, the traditional emphasis on the extended family, as well as indigenous forms of dress and celebration, remain integral parts of everyday life.
The Gambia was once part of the Empire of Ghana and the Kingdom of the Songhais. The first written accounts of the region come from records of Arab traders in the 9th and 10th centuries A.D. Arab traders established the trans-Saharan trade route for slaves, gold, and ivory. In the 15th century, the Portuguese took over this trade using maritime routes. At that time, The Gambia was part of the Kingdom of Mali.
In 1588, the claimant to the Portuguese throne, Antonio, Prior of Crato, sold exclusive trade rights on The Gambia River to English merchants; this grant was confirmed by letters patent from Queen Elizabeth I. In 1618, King James I granted a charter to a British company for trade with The Gambia and the Gold Coast (now Ghana).
During the late 17th century and throughout the 18th, England and France struggled continuously for political and commercial supremacy in the regions of the Senegal and Gambia Rivers. The 1783 Treaty of Versailles gave Great Britain possession of The Gambia, but the French retained a tiny enclave at Albreda on the north bank of the river, which was ceded to the United Kingdom in 1857.
As many as 3 million slaves may have been taken from the region during the three centuries that the transatlantic slave trade operated. It is not known how many slaves were taken by Arab traders prior to and simultaneous with the transatlantic slave trade. Most of those taken were sold to Europeans by other Africans; some were prisoners of intertribal wars; some were sold because of unpaid debts, while others were kidnapped. Slaves were initially sent to Europe to work as servants until the market for labor expanded in the West Indies and North America in the 18th century. In 1807, slave trading was abolished throughout the British Empire, and the British tried unsuccessfully to end the slave traffic in The Gambia. They established the military post of Bathurst (now Banjul) in 1816. In the ensuing years, Banjul was at times under the jurisdiction of the British governor general in Sierra Leone. In 1888, The Gambia became a separate colonial entity.
An 1889 agreement with France established the present boundaries, and The Gambia became a British Crown Colony, divided for administrative purposes into the colony (city of Banjul and the surrounding area) and the protectorate (remainder of the territory). The Gambia received its own executive and legislative councils in 1901 and gradually progressed toward self-government. A 1906 ordinance abolished slavery.
During World War II, Gambian troops fought with the Allies in Burma. Banjul served as an air stop for the U.S. Army Air Corps and a port of call for Allied naval convoys. U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt stopped overnight in Banjul en route to and from the Casablanca Conference in 1943, marking the first visit to the African Continent by an American president while in office.
After World War II, the pace of constitutional reform quickened. Following general elections in 1962, full internal self-government was granted in 1963. The Gambia achieved independence on February 18, 1965, as a constitutional monarchy within the British Commonwealth. Shortly thereafter, the government proposed conversion from a monarchy to a republic with an elected president replacing the British monarch as chief of state. The proposal failed to receive the two-thirds majority required to amend the constitution, but the results won widespread attention abroad as testimony to The Gambia's observance of secret balloting, honest elections, and civil rights and liberties. On April 24, 1970, The Gambia became a republic following a referendum.
Until a military coup in July 1994, The Gambia was led by President Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara, who was re-elected five times. The relative stability of the Jawara era was first broken by a violent, unsuccessful coup attempt in 1981. The coup was led by Kukoi Samba Sanyang, who, on two occasions, had unsuccessfully sought election to parliament. After a week of violence which left several hundred dead, President Jawara, in London when the attack began, appealed to Senegal for help. Senegalese troops defeated the rebel force.
In the aftermath of the attempted coup, Senegal and The Gambia signed the 1982 Treaty of Confederation. The result, the Senegambia Confederation, aimed eventually to combine the armed forces of the two nations and to unify economies and currencies. The Gambia withdrew from the confederation in 1989.
In July 1994, the Armed Forces Provisional Ruling Council (AFPRC) seized power in a military coup d'etat, deposing the government of Sir Dawda Jawara. Lieutenant Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh, chairman of the AFPRC, became head of state.
The AFPRC announced a transition plan for return to democratic civilian government. The Provisional Independent Electoral Commission (PIEC) was established in 1996 to conduct national elections. The transition process included the compilation of a new electoral register, adoption of a new constitution by referendum in August 1996, and presidential and legislative elections in September 1996 and January 1997, respectively. Foreign observers did not deem these elections free and fair. Retired Col. Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh was sworn into office as President of the Republic of The Gambia in November 1996. The PIEC was transformed to the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in 1997 and became responsible for registration of voters and conduct of elections and referenda. In late 2001 and early 2002, The Gambia completed a full cycle of presidential, legislative, and local elections, which foreign observers deemed free, fair, and transparent, albeit with some shortcomings. President Yahya Jammeh, who was re-elected, took the oath of office again on December 21, 2001. The APRC maintained its strong majority in the National Assembly, particularly after the main opposition United Democratic Party (UDP) boycotted the legislative elections.
The 1970 constitution, which divided the government into independent executive, legislative, and judicial branches, was suspended after the 1994 military coup. As part of the transition process, the AFPRC established the Constitution Review Commission (CRC) through decree in March 1995. In accordance with the timetable for the transition to a democratically elected government, the commission drafted a new constitution for The Gambia, which approved by referendum in August 1996. The constitution provides for a strong presidential government, a unicameral legislature, an independent judiciary, and the protection of human rights.
Local government in The Gambia varies. The capital city, Banjul and the much larger Kanifing Municipality have elected town and municipal councils. Five rural divisions exist, each with a council containing a majority of elected members. Each council has its own treasury and is responsible for local government services. Tribal chiefs retain traditional powers authorized by customary law in some instances.
President - Yahya Abdulaziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh
Vice President - Isatou Njie-Saidy
Ambassador to the United States - Dodou Bammy Jagne
UN Representative - Crispin Grey-Johnson
The Gambia maintains an embassy at 1156 15th Street, NW, Suite 905, Washington, DC 20005. Tel. (202) 785-1399. Its UN mission is located at 820 2nd Avenue, Suite 900-C, New York, NY 10017. Tel. (212) 949-6640.
The Gambian national army numbers about 1,900. The army consists of infantry battalions, the national guard, and the navy, all under the authority of the Department of State for Defense (a ministerial portfolio held by President Jammeh). Prior to the 1994 coup, the Gambian army received technical assistance and training from the United States, United Kingdom, Peoples Republic of China,_Nigeria'>China, Nigeria, and Turkey. With the withdrawal of most of this aid, the army has received renewed assistance from Turkey and new assistance from Libya and others. The Gambia allowed its military training arrangement with Libya to expire in 2002.
Members of the Gambian military participated in ECOMOG, the West African force deployed during the Liberian civil war beginning in 1990. Gambian forces have subsequently participated in several other peacekeeping operations, including, inter alia, Bosnia, Kosovo, DROC, Sierra Leone, Eritrea, and East Timor. The Gambia contributed 150 troops to Liberia in 2003 as part of the ECOMIL contingent. In 2004, The Gambia contributed a 196-man contingent to the U.N. Peacekeeping Mission in Darfur, Sudan. Responsibilities for internal security and law enforcement rest with the Gambian police under the Inspector General of Police and the Secretary of State for the Interior.
Before the coup d'état in July 1994, The Gambia was one of the oldest existing multi-party democracies in Africa. It had conducted freely contested elections every 5 years since independence. After the military coup, politicians from deposed President Jawara's People's Progressive Party (PPP) and other senior government officials were banned from participating in politics until July 2001.
The People's Progressive Party (PPP), headed by former president Jawara, had dominated Gambian politics for nearly 30 years. After spearheading the movement toward complete independence from Britain, the PPP was voted into power and was never seriously challenged by any opposition party. The last elections under the PPP regime were held in April 1992.
Following the coup in July 1994, a presidential election took place in September 1996, in which retired Col. Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh won 56% of the vote. The legislative elections held in January 1997 were dominated by the APRC, which captured 33 out of 45 seats. In July 2001, the ban on Jawara-era political parties and politicians was lifted. Four registered opposition parties participated in the October 18, 2001, presidential election, which the incumbent, President Yahya Jammeh, won with almost 53% of the votes. The APRC maintained its strong majority in the National Assembly in legislative elections held in January 2002, particularly after the main opposition United Democratic Party (UDP) boycotted the legislative elections.
The Gambia has a liberal, market-based economy characterized by traditional subsistence agriculture, a historic reliance on groundnuts (peanuts) for export earnings, a re-export trade built up around its ocean port, low import duties, minimal administrative procedures, a fluctuating exchange rate with no exchange controls, and a significant tourism industry.
Agriculture accounts for 29% of gross domestic product (GDP) and employs 75% of the labor force. Within agriculture, peanut production accounts for 6.9% of GDP, other crops 8.3%, livestock 5.3%, fishing 1.8%, and forestry 0.5%. Industry accounts for 12% of GDP and forestry 0.5%. Manufacturing accounts for 5.5% of GDP. The limited amount of manufacturing is primarily agriculturally based (e.g., peanut processing, bakeries, a brewery, and a tannery). Other manufacturing activities include soap, soft drinks, and clothing. Services account for 19% of GDP.
The U.K. and other EU countries constitute The Gambia's major domestic export markets, accounting for 86% in total; followed by Asia at 14%; and the African subregion, including Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, and Ghana at 8%. The U.K. and the other EU countries-namely, Germany, France, Netherlands, and Belgium-were the major source of imports accounting for 60% of the total share of imports followed by Asia at 23%, and Cote d'Ivoire and other African countries at 17%. The Gambia reports 11% of its exports going to and 14.6% of its imports coming from the United States.
The Gambia followed a formal policy of nonalignment throughout most of former President Jawara's tenure. It maintained close relations with the United Kingdom, Senegal, and other African countries. The July 1994 coup strained The Gambia's relationship with Western powers, particularly the United States, which suspended most non-humanitarian assistance in accordance with Section 508 of the Foreign Assistance Act. Since 1995, President Jammeh has established diplomatic relations with several additional countries, including Libya, Taiwan and Cuba.
The Gambia plays an active role in international affairs, especially West African and Islamic affairs, although its representation abroad is limited. As a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), The Gambia has played an active role in that organization's efforts to resolve the civil wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone and contributed troops to the community's ceasefire monitoring group (ECOMOG) in 1990 and (ECOMIL) in 2003. It also has sought to mediate disputes in nearby Guinea-Bissau and the neighboring Casamance region of Senegal.
U.S. policy seeks to build improved relations with The Gambia on the basis of historical ties, mutual respect, democratic rule, human rights, and adherence to UN resolutions on counter-terrorism, conflict diamonds, and other forms of trafficking. Following The Gambia's successful presidential and legislative elections in October 2001 and January 2002, respectively, the U.S. Government determined that a democratically elected government had assumed office and thus lifted the sanctions it had imposed against The Gambia in accordance with Section 508 of the Foreign Assistance Act as a result of the 1994 coup. U.S. assistance supports democracy, human rights, girls' education, and the fight against HIV/AIDS. In addition, the Peace Corps maintains a large program with about 100 volunteers engaged in the environment, public health, and education sectors, mainly at the village level.
Relations with the U.S. have improved significantly given the restoration of democratically elected government in 2001-2002, greater respect for human rights, and steadfast support of the War on Terrorism. The Gambia became eligible for preferential trade benefits under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) on January 1, 2003.
Ambassador - Joseph D. Stafford
Deputy Chief of Mission - C. Patricia Alsup
Peace Corps Country Director - Dr. Diana Sloane
The U.S. Embassy in The Gambia is situated in Fajara on Kairaba Avenue, formerly known as Pipeline Road. Tel: [220] 4392856; fax [220] 4392475). The Peace Corps office also is on Kairaba Avenue near the embassy. (Tel. [220] 4392466). The international mailing address for the embassy is American Embassy, PMB 19, Kairaba Avenue, Banjul, The Gambia.
The U.S. Department of State's Consular Information Program provides Consular Information Sheets, Travel Warnings, and Public Announcements. Consular Information Sheets exist for all countries and include information on entry requirements, currency regulations, health conditions, areas of instability, crime and security, political disturbances, and the addresses of the U.S. posts in the country. Travel Warnings are issued when the State Department recommends that Americans avoid travel to a certain country. Public Announcements are issued as a means to disseminate information quickly about terrorist threats and other relatively short-term conditions overseas that pose significant risks to the security of American travelers. Free copies of this information are available by calling the Bureau of Consular Affairs at 202-647-5225 or via the fax-on-demand system: 202-647-3000. Consular Information Sheets and Travel Warnings also are available on the Consular Affairs Internet home page: http://travel.state.gov . Consular Affairs Tips for Travelers publication series, which contain information on obtaining passports and planning a safe trip abroad, are on the Internet and hard copies can be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, telephone: 202-512-1800; fax 202-512-2250.
Emergency information concerning Americans traveling abroad may be obtained from the Office of Overseas Citizens Services at (202) 647-5225. For after-hours emergencies, Sundays and holidays, call 202-647-4000.
The National Passport Information Center (NPIC) is the U.S. Department of State's single, centralized public contact center for U.S. passport information. Telephone: 1-877-4USA-PPT (1-877-487-2778). Customer service representatives and operators for TDD/TTY are available Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Time, excluding federal holidays.
Travelers can check the latest health information with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia. A hotline at 877-FYI-TRIP (877-394-8747) and a web site at http://www.cdc.gov/travel/index.htm give the most recent health advisories, immunization recommendations or requirements, and advice on food and drinking water safety for regions and countries. A booklet entitled Health Information for International Travel (HHS publication number CDC-95-8280) is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, tel. (202) 512-1800.
Information on travel conditions, visa requirements, currency and customs regulations, legal holidays, and other items of interest to travelers also may be obtained before your departure from a country's embassy and/or consulates in the U.S. (for this country, see "Principal Government Officials" listing in this publication).
U.S. citizens who are long-term visitors or traveling in dangerous areas are encouraged to register their travel via the State Department's travel registration web site at https://travelregistration.state.gov or at the Consular section of the U.S. embassy upon arrival in a country by filling out a short form and sending in a copy of their passports. This may help family members contact you in case of an emergency.
HTS anac 060327-374720 CANIRBAN
Document INDFED0020060327e231000v5

Chinese_Trade_Hits_$3bn_Mark'>Nigeria/Chinese Trade Hits $3bn Mark
by Funmi Peter-Omale And Kingsley Nwezeh

464 words

27 February 2006

03:06 PM

All Africa



(c) 2006 AllAfrica, All Rights Reserved
Abuja, Feb 26, 2006 (This Day/All Africa Global Media via COMTEX) --
Trade between Nigeria and China has hit the $3 Billion mark, Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria, His Excellency Wang Yongqiu has said.
Yongqui said this at a reception organised to commemorate 35-years of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
According to Yongqiu, steady increase in the economic interaction between Nigeria and China is an indication of the extent of the countries' economic cooperation.
He said "looking back, we can see there were steady increases in economic interaction between our two peoples. For example,, in 1960, our bilateral trade volume was less than U$1 million.
"In 1970, it reached $4.5 million while in the last decade, it had grown rapidly.
"In 1998, the volume was $384 million and by 2001, it recorded a break-through of $1 billion. In 2004, another breakthrough was recorded as the two- way trade between the two countries reached $2 billion. By the end of last year, our bilateral trade has reached approximately $3 billion," he said.
Yongqui said Nigerian exports to China, excluding oil, has more than quadrupled, saying the Chinese government was ready to help Nigeria develop its non-oil sector, and import more agricultural products from Nigeria.
Besides, the envoy said China had made enormous direct invests in various sectors of the Nigerian economy, adding that Nigeria was one of the most important recipient country of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Africa. Chinese investments include such fields as oil and gas, iron and steel, machine manufacturing, cement, consumer electronics, motorcycle assembling, ocean fishing, pharmaceutics, telecommunications equipment, and so on. Statistics show that total volume of Chinese investment in Nigeria has exceeded USD 3 Billion. The most prominent characteristic of China economic cooperation with Nigeria, and Africa as a whole, is its unreserved transfer of technology to the African countries.
On the issue of Nigeria relations with Taiwan, the Ambassador deplored the 1990 MOU between Nigeria and Taiwan saying it was a aa?A"derailment of Nigeria one-China policy and a regrettable set back in the development of or bilateral relations.
The so-called aa?A"Trade Missionaa?? of Taiwan in Abuja now becomes a platform for Taiwanese secessionists activities in Nigeria and West Africa, not to mention its constant irritating effects on the sound development of our cordial relationship. What the so-called Trade Mission is doing in Abuja is to try to have official relations with Nigeria or create a misconception that Nigeria has diplomatic ties with Taiwan.
Yongqiu said last month, China signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Nigeria on the Establishment of Strategic Partnership. Nigeria becomes the first African country to sign such pact with China.
Document AFNWS00020060227e22r0010a

USXP, RSHN, SOLM, XKEM - OTCStockExchange.com Stock Alert
1,321 words

27 February 2006

M2 Presswire



(c) 2006 M2 Communications, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Rochester, NY - OTCStockExchange.com's "Stock Watch Alert" this morning are Universal Express Inc. (OTCBB: USXP), RushNet, Inc. (Pink Sheets: RSHN), Solomon Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB: SOLM), Xechem International, Inc. (OTCBB: XKEM).
Sign-up for our FREE Stock Alerts at http://www.otcstockexchange.com !
Universal Express Inc. (OTCBB: USXP - http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=USXP.OB ) Universal Express Inc., has begun to receive initial investments from its new Gulf Partners.
"In addition, Universal Express has today submitted its corporate brokerage account forms to invest a percentage of these investments to purchase AirNet and its own Universal Express stock on the open market," said Richard Altomare, CEO and Chairman of Universal Express, Inc.
"Obviously, we're pleased with the continued confidence and support of our Saudi and Dubai partners," concluded Richard Altomare.
RushNet, Inc. (Pink Sheets: RSHN - http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=RSHN.PK ) RushNet, Inc. is pleased to announce that its licensing agreement with Rush Beverage Company now covers all of Japan and its vast affluent market. Pursuant to the expansion of RushNet's licensed territory into the Far East, the company reports it is in talks with high-level Japanese retail and advertising groups to make available Rush Ginseng Cola(TM) (12 fl. oz. cans), Rush Ginseng Cola XXX(TM) energy drink (8.45 fl. oz. cans) and Ginseng Rush XXX(TM) energy drink (8.45 fl. oz. cans) in retail venues and vending machines throughout the nation of Japan. RushNet further announced that it is hiring additional personnel to manage its ginseng division in expectation of significant export sales.
Robert J. Corr, president of RushNet, Inc., stated, "We are delighted with the response of key Japanese executives to our licensed beverages containing Wisconsin-grown residue-free American ginseng (Panax quiquefolius). The Japanese have deep understanding and historic knowledge of the value and benefits of ginseng beverages. They fully appreciate the unrivaled potency and purity of the American ginseng we employ in our all-natural products. They want the best ginseng beverages money can buy, and RushNet can satisfy this demand."
Corr added, "We have recruited Brian Freestone, founder of Direct Beverage Co., as our export agent. Mr. Freestone will oversee the retail launch of our beverages into the Japanese market. Additionally, Mr. Freestone has arranged for La Familia Distributors of Dallas, Texas to act as distribution center of Rush beverages for the Southwestern United States. La Familia operates the central distribution center for 7-11 stores in Dallas and also distributes to more than 3000 convenience stores. It handles distribution accounts for the Indian nation and Cashway stores. Mr. Freestone has received positive response for Rush beverages from several large vending machine operators, as well."
Solomon Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB: SOLM - http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=SOLM.OB ) Solomon Technologies, Inc. develops, licenses, manufactures and sells electric power drive systems, including those incorporating hybrid and regenerative technologies incorporating Solomon's patented Electric Wheel(r) and Electric Transaxle(tm), for marine, commercial, automotive, hybrid and all electric vehicle applications.
Xechem International, Inc. (OTCBB: XKEM - http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=XKEM.OB ) Xechem International, Inc., a development stage biopharmaceutical company, engages in the research, development, and production of generic and proprietary drugs from natural sources. Its principal product under development is NICOSAN/HEMOXIN, which would be used for the treatment of sickle cell disease. The company also applies its proprietary extraction, isolation, and purification technology to the production and manufacture of Paclitaxel, which is an anti-cancer compound used for the treatment of ovarian, breast, small cell lung cancers, and AIDS related kaposi sarcomas. In addition, Xechem International engages in the research and development of other compounds using traditional medicinal plants, microbial fermentation, or semisynthesis to produce anti-cancer, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and memory enhancing compounds. The company has operations in the United States, India, China, and Nigeria.
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27 February 2006

Asia Pulse



(c) 2006 Asia Pulse Pty Limited
An executive briefing on energy for Feb 27, 2006, prepared by Asia Pulse ( http://www.asiapulse.com ), the real-time, Asia-based wire with exclusive news, commercial intelligence and business opportunities.
MUMBAI - Anil Ambani-controlled Reliance Energy Ventures Ltd (BSE:532704) was listed at Rs 45.70 (US$1.03) on the Bombay Stock Exchange on Friday.
REVL is the second of the four newly carved out companies from Mukesh Ambani's RIL and transferred to Anil, to be listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange.
CANBERRA - Large energy-using businesses will be forced to assess their energy efficiency and report on their findings under new laws introduced into parliament today.
Under the laws around 250 big businesses in Australia - representing more than 60 per cent of Australia's energy use - will be forced to conduct internal audits examining their energy efficiency.
SEOUL - The amount South Korea paid to import crude oil soared to record highs in January, a government report said Monday.
The latest figures showed that crude oil imports for the month rose 18.8 per cent from January 2005 to 74.3 million barrels, with import costs jumping 74.5 per cent to US$4.19 billion, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy said.
TAIYUAN - Construction work began Wednesday on China's first coal-based synthetic oil production facility in Changzhi City, northern Shanxi Province.
The Shanxi Lu'an Coal-based Synthetic Oil Demonstration Factory will have a designed annual production capacity of 160,000 tons, with its core technology developed independently by the Shanxi Research Institute of Coal Chemistry under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
SHANGHAI - China will step up efforts in developing innovative nuclear power technologies of its own, according to reports from the 6th China-EU Energy Corporation Conference in Shanghai.
China plans to increase its combined installed capacity of nuclear power stations to 40 million kilowatts by 2020, or four per cent of the mainland's total.
NANCHANG - China's new building construction statute enforced this year sets clauses for the first time on mandatory energy efficiency standards for buildings.
If it works well, by 2020, the country's resources saving in the construction sector will approach the level of a moderately developed nation, said a senior expert with the China Association of Construction.
JINAN - Eastern China's Shandong Province aims to produce about 150 million tons of coal in 2006, some 18 million tons more than the figure in 2005.
The province's coal production has maintained steady growth and posted a record production of 145 million tons in 2003, according to Shandong Provincial Coal Industry Administration.
HARBIN - Harbin Power Station Equipment Group (Hadian Group) said its Steam Turbine Company won domestic orders for supply of 41 large steam turbines each with a capacity ranging from 100,000 kilowatts (kW) to one million kW, totaling 15.01 million kW, in 2005, taking up nearly 45 per cent of China's total orders for such steam turbines in the corresponding period.
The new orders further consolidated the domestic leading position of the company based in this capital city of China's northeast Heilongjiang Province.
TOKYO - Petroleum product futures surged across the board Friday on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange, with most kerosene and gasoline contracts going limit-up.
Buying was fueled by lingering crude oil supply concerns stemming from the uncertain political situation in Nigeria. In addition, "U.S. inventories of petroleum products are lower than market projections, boosting buying sentiment," according to an official at Mitsui Bussan Futures Ltd.
DHAKA - Jute spinners have urged the government to shut down markets and shops with few exceptions by 7 pm and ban any type of illumination to mitigate losses in industrial production due to power outages.
There can be exceptions for restaurants, kitchen markets, departmental stores and drug shops, they said.
SEOUL - South Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. (KSE:042660), the world's No. 2 shipbuilder, said Monday it has won two contracts worth a total of US$530 million for an oil carrier and a rig, respectively.
A semi-submersible drilling rig will be delivered to Norway's Odfjell Invest I Ltd by October 2008, the company said.
DHAKA - As a 71-MW power generation unit at Baghabari tripped and the 360 MW CDC Globeleq Haripur plant failed to resume its scheduled operation after maintenance, the authorities were forced to go for a 1,200 MW load-shedding Sunday across the country.
Of the huge power-cut, capital Dhaka to alone had to experience some 500 MW load-shedding to manage the power distribution system, said the officials of the Power Development Board and the Dhaka Electric Supply Authority (DESA).
DARWIN - Darwin will host the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Energy Minister's Meeting next year, Australian Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane says.
The meeting, the 8th APEC meeting of energy ministers, is expected to bring up to 300 government leaders, industry and media representatives to the city.
JAKARTA - State Enterprises Minister Sugiharto disclosed here Saturday that the operation of the Cepu Block oil fields would be subjected to a seven-tier audit so that the public did not have to worry about its tranparency.
"Whoever will be the operator at the Cepu block oil fields, the audit will be conducted in seven tiers. The people should not worry about 'overpricing' or 'overestimates'," the minister said after opening a seminar.
DHAKA - Asia Energy, the UK-based company engaged in Phulbari coal mine project, Sunday claimed that the agricultural productivity of the mining area would go up in the long run if the open pit mining technique is applied to extract coal from the project.
Releasing a study report titled 'The Impact of Mining Activities on Agriculture', Asia Energy said that the rehabilitation of land and application of improved farming methods would help restore lost agricultural production within 15 years and, in the long run, it would make agricultural production more profitable.
HYDERABAD - Indian Oil Corporation's (BSE:530965) business development efforts are focussed on globalisation of products and services diversification into gas marketing besides, integration upwards into oil exploration and production and downwards into petrochemicals, its chairman Sarthak Behuria said on Friday.
"India is on the runway of an ambitious growth path which can drive the domestic petroleum sector to register a cumulative annual growth rate of 3.5 per cent through the period till 2025," Behuria said inaugurating the two-day 14th International Aviation Confernece organised by the Indian Oil Aviation Service here.
TAIPEI - Taiwan's energy consumption amounted to 162.3 million kiloliters of crude oil equivalent (KLOE) in 2005, up 3.2 per cent over the year-earlier level, according to a report released Saturday by the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics.
Energy supplies amounted to 135.5 million KLOE last year, up 1 per cent from 2004, the report said. Ninety-eight per cent of the energy supplies were imported, more than half of which was in the form of oil and related products.
BAKU - The Azeri minister of energy and fuel said here Saturday that his country was interested in energy cooperation with Iran.
Nateq Aliyev told IRNA that the two nations have good cooperation in electricity and discussions on other project are also underway in this sector.
MELBOURNE - Gas and electricity provider Alinta Ltd (ASX:ALN) says it has the option of making a hostile, full cash bid for Australian Gas Light Company (AGL) (ASX:AGL) if its proposal to merge with AGL fails.
Alinta chief executive Bob Browning said Alinta wanted to stay focused on its merger proposal but had thought of all the alternatives available.
COLOMBO - Lanka IOC, a unit of Indian Oil Corp. (BSE:530965), posted a US$72 million loss for the three months to December 2005.
Unpaid subsidy bills has worsened Lanka IOC's financial health, with net loss for the nine-month to December 2005 now standing at US$70 million, the firm said on Friday in a statement to the Colombo Stock Exchange.
(C) Asia Pulse Pte Ltd.
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