100 general provisions

B. Inserting Valve and Valve Box

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B. Inserting Valve and Valve Box. Install inserting valves in existing water mains where it is mandatory not to interrupt the water supply.

Assemble the sleeve around the existing main through which water is flowing under pressure. Bolt the equipment to the sleeve, drill a hole through the existing main walls, and insert the valve, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

C. Cutting-In Sleeve, Valve, and Valve Box. Use cutting-in sleeves to install a gate valve in an existing main, without breaking pipe joints, where it is permissible to interrupt the flow for a short period of time. Install the valve by cutting an exact length of pipe from the existing main according to the manufacturer’s recommendation.

Assemble the cutting-in sleeve, its glands and gaskets, and the cutting-in valve over the cut ends of the existing pipe according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

D. Tapping Sleeve, Valve, and Valve Box. Where it is mandatory not to interrupt the water supply in an existing main and the branch is 4-inch (100 mm) or larger provide tapping sleeves.

Bolt the tapping sleeve around the existing main, assemble the tapping valve, and drill a hole through the main wall, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

E. Tapping Saddle and Corporation Stop. Use corporation stops to provide individual service connections to mains. Ensure that the stops permit a shut-off of the service flow. Either assemble the stops directly to mains by means of a tap tool providing a tapped hole, or use a tapping saddle. Fasten the saddle around the main and drill a hole into the main by an attached drilling machine, then remove the machine and screw the stop into the saddle. Do not use corporation stops larger than 2 inches (51 mm) in size and locate them approximately 60 degrees from the top of the main.

F. Service Stop and Service Box. Install service stops in service lines to allow the shutting-off of individual services. Locate the stop beyond the pavement and provide it with a service box centered vertically over the stop operating nut such that the box provides maximum protection for the stop.

When 2-inch (51 mm) service stops are used, provide service boxes with an enlarged base. When necessary, provide extension sections for the service box to bring the box cover to finished grade.

G. Meter, Setting, Stop, and Chamber. This pay item is for meters that are to be installed in frost-proof chambers. Set the chamber on hardwood blocks. The maintaining agency shall furnish meters unless otherwise indicated by the plans. Do not transmit shock or stress to the meter body.

638.14 Fire Hydrant. The item includes excavation and furnishing and installing a new fire hydrant complete with proper jointing, blocking, and backfilling as outlined below and all other incidental work necessary to complete this item of work. The Department will pay for all hydrant branches, gate valves, and valve boxes required to perform the work separately.

A. Excavation and Drainage Pits. Excavate according to 638.04. Excavate a drainage pit 2 feet (0.6 m) in diameter and 3 feet (1 m) deep below the hydrant and fill it with granular material.

B. Setting Fire Hydrants. Provide a 3-foot (1 m) minimum radius unobstructed area around all hydrants. Set the sidewalk flange 2 inches (50 mm) above finished grade. Set hydrants on hardwood blocks according to 638.06.K. Provide thrust blocking according to 638.06.L.

Cover any hydrant not in service with a burlap or sturdy opaque plastic bag.

C. Fire Hydrant Connections. Construct hydrant branches using a section of ductile iron pipe from the main to the hydrant, and include a gate valve and valve box set vertically and placed in the line as indicated. Locate the valve a minimum of 3 feet (1 m) from the hydrant streamer connection.

D. Gate Valve and Valve Box. Provide gate valve and valve boxes for hydrant branches conforming to 638.13.

638.15 Fire Hydrant Adjusted. This item includes installing fire hydrants as described below complete with proper jointing, blocking, backfilling as outlined and all other incidental work necessary to complete this item of work. The Department will pay for all hydrant branches, gate valves, and valve boxes required to perform the work separately.

A. Fire Hydrant Extended or Adjusted to Grade. Where existing hydrants are to be adjusted to conform to new street alignment and grade, relocate the hydrant without disturbing the location of the hydrant lateral tee at the main.

Before excavating, close valves on hydrant branches to be cut. Where the distance of the center of the existing hydrant to the center of the gate valve on the hydrant branch is less than 4 feet (1.2 m), extend the trench to the hydrant branch valve to permit removal of the pipe. Adequately support the hydrant before being disconnected. Extend the hydrant branch with new pipe of the same size as the existing pipe. Thoroughly clean the removed hydrant of dirt, reset it, and connect it to the extended branch. Provide drainage pits and thrust blocking according to 638.14.A, and 638.06.L.

After hydrants have been reset, open branch and hydrant valves until water flow expels all air and dirt.

B. Fire Hydrant Removed and Reset. Where existing hydrants are indicated for removal, provide adequate support for the hydrant before disconnecting it and resetting it in the new location. Cap the existing branch line, and install adequate thrust blocking to brace the cap according to 638.06.L, unless the line is to be abandoned. Construct a new main tee, a new pipe branch, a new gate valve with valve box, with thrust blocking, and a drainage pit for the reset hydrant items. Adjust the valve box to the finished surface at the new location by raising or lowering the top portion and furnishing an extension section if needed.

C. Fire Hydrant and Gate Valve Removed and Reset. Conform to 638.15.B, except remove and reinstall the gate valve and valve box. Furnish a new tee and new pipe branch using the existing valve and box.

D. Fire Hydrant Removed and Disposed Of. Remove and dispose of fire hydrants designated for removal. Cap the existing line and place thrust blocking according to 638.06.L, unless the line is to be abandoned.

638.16 Service Branches. Furnish and install service branches, either pipe or tubing and fittings, as necessary, or as shown on the plans including the removal of the existing service branches or service boxes, as required according to the following situations. Tapping saddles, corporation stops, service stops, and service boxes, if required, are separate from this item:

A. Where a service branch is disturbed for lowering, raising, or relocation between the water main at the corporation stop and the service stop, replace it with new materials within these limits unless the connections can be made outside the limits of the proposed pavement, paved shoulder, or curb.

B. Where a service branch is disturbed for lowering, raising, extending, or shortening on the property side of the service stop, replace it with new materials from the existing service stop to the proposed service stop. However, if the existing service branch encountered is found to be lead or galvanized pipe, replace it from the corporation stop to the service stop with new material.

638.17 Meter and Chamber Removed and Reset. Remove and reset existing water meters and chambers as specified in 638.13.G. Remove existing chambers. Disconnect existing meters, and replace them with suitable connections if necessary. Reconnect the meters at new locations.

638.18 Valve Box and Service Box Adjusted to Grade. Raise or lower existing valve boxes and service boxes to grade or the reuse of existing service boxes.

The Contractor may reuse existing service boxes if they are in good condition, as determined by the Engineer then payment is per service box adjusted to grade.

Excavate around the valve box or service box to permit the raising or lowering of the valve box or service box. The Contractor may adjust any screw-type boxes without the use of extensions provided that ample thread remains on the box to provide adequate rigidity to the box. Provide extension sections for boxes that are not of the screw-type and boxes not having ample thread for rigidity to adjust the top to grade. The Engineer will allow inserts or adapters. Adequately secure new sections of box stem to the existing stems. Backfill the hole after the box has been adjusted to grade.

638.19 Method of Measurement. The Department will measure Water Main, Ductile Iron Pipe and Water Main, Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe and Fittings by the number of feet (meters) of each constructed.

The Department will measure Copper Service Branch, Polyethylene Service Branch, and Polybutylene Service Branch by the number of feet (meters) of each constructed.

The Department will measure Polyethylene Encasement by the number of feet (meters) of covered pipe.

The Department will measure Steel Pipe Encasement by the number of feet (meters) constructed, including the open cut or boring or jacking operation, encasement pipe, bedding and backfill, blocking to support the internal main, and end bulkheads.

The Department will measure Gate Valve and Valve Box; Inserting Valve and Valve Box; Cutting-In Sleeve, Valve and Valve Box; Tapping Sleeve, Valve and Valve Box; and Meter, Setting, Stop and Chamber separately as a complete item by the number of each.

The Department will measure Fire Hydrant, Fire Hydrant Extended and Adjusted to Grade, Fire Hydrant Adjusted to Grade, Fire Hydrant Removed and Reset, Fire Hydrant and Gate Valve Removed and Reset, and Fire Hydrant Removed and Disposed Of separately by the number of each.

The Department will measure Valve Box Adjusted to Grade and Service Box Adjusted to Grade separately by the number of each, including any extension sections of valve or service boxes required.

The Department will measure Meter and Chamber Removed and Reset by the number of each.

The Department will measure Sheeting and Bracing Ordered Left In Place in thousands of board feet, MBF (cubic meters).

638.20 Basis of Payment. The Department will pay for accepted quantities at the contract unit prices as follows:

Item Unit Description

638 Foot (Meter) ___ inch (___ mm) Water Main,

Ductile Iron Pipe, ANSI Class___,
(push-on, mechanical, boltless- restrained,
ball-and-socket) Joints and Fittings

638 Foot (Meter) ___ inch (___ mm) Water Main,

Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe and Fittings,
ASTM SAR ___ or AWWA Class ___

638 Foot (Meter) ___ inch (___ mm) Copper Service Branch

638 Foot (Meter) ___ inch (___ mm)

Polyethylene Service Branch

638 Foot (Meter) ___ inch (___ mm)
Polybutylene Service Branch

638 Foot (Meter) Polyethylene Encasement

638 Foot (Meter) ___ inch (___ mm) Steel Pipe Encasement,
(open cut, bored or jacked)

638 Each ___ inch (___ mm) Gate Valve and Valve Box

638 Each ___ inch (mm) Inserting Valve and Valve Box

638 Each ___ inch (mm) Cutting-In Sleeve,

Valve and Valve Box

638 Each ___ inch  ___ inch (___ mm  ___ mm)

Tapping Sleeve, Valve and Valve Box

638 Each Meter, Setting, Stop and Chamber

638 Each ___ inch (___ mm) Fire Hydrant

638 Each Fire Hydrant Extended and

Adjusted to Grade

638 Each Fire Hydrant Adjusted to Grade

638 Each Fire Hydrant Removed and Reset

638 Each Fire Hydrant and Gate Valve

Removed and Reset

638 Each Fire Hydrant Removed and Disposed Of

638 Each Valve Box Adjusted to Grade

638 Each Service Box Adjusted to Grade

638 Each Meter and Chamber Removed and Reset

638 MBF Sheeting and Bracing

(Cubic Meter) Ordered Left In Place


641.01 Description

641.02 Materials

641.03 General

641.04 Equipment

641.05 Pavement Preparation

641.06 Layout and Premarking

641.07 Line Placement Tolerance

641.08 Marking Types

641.09 Two-Way Radio Communications

641.10 Removal of Pavement Markings

641.11 Deduction for Deficiency

641.12 Method of Measurement

641.13 Basis of Payment
641.01 Description. This specification gives general requirements for various kinds of retroreflective pavement markings. Deviations from these general requirements are covered in the specific requirements for each marking type.

Place all pavement markings according to the OMUTCD.

641.02 Materials. Use marking materials that are a formulation, identified by a manufacturer’s code number, prequalified by the Laboratory and that have the same composition as the prequalified marking material.

The Laboratory will require that the materials pass a service test according to Supplement 1047 before prequalifying them. Furnish prequalified materials conforming to Supplement 1047 and supplied by manufacturers conforming to Supplement 1089.

Minimum material performance requirements and chemical and physical properties are stated in Item 740 and the Invitation for Samples for the service test performed according to Supplement 1047.

Materials and manufacturers will be listed on the Laboratory’s Approved List.

Furnish a material safety data sheet (MSDS) for each material, including resin, catalyst, primer, adhesive, activator, glass beads, and cleaning solvent, to be used on the project to the Engineer before material delivery. Inform workers of the location of all MSDS and allow workers an opportunity to review them.

Furnish the Engineer, prior to application, the paint manufacturer's printed application equipment requirements and application instructions.

641.03 General. Apply lines as solid, broken, or dotted lines, either singly or in combination, as shown on the plans. Apply broken lines in a 40-foot (12.0 m) cycle consisting of a 10-foot (3.0 m) dash and a 30-foot (9.0 m) gap between broken lines, unless otherwise shown on the plans. Use an accurate striping mechanism that is capable of being easily adjusted to retrace existing broken markings or to apply new materials at the correct spacing. Begin broken lines that are to be applied over plainly visible existing broken lines within 6 inches (150 mm) of the beginning of the existing broken line, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Apply dotted lines in an 8-foot (2.4 m) cycle consisting of a 2-foot (0.6 m) dot and a 6-foot (1.8 m) gap between dots for line extensions and in a 12-foot (3.6 m) cycle consisting of a 3-foot (0.9 m) line segment and a 9-foot (2.7 m) gap for lane drop/add markings.

Fill gaps that were not marked as a result of template use for spray-applied auxiliary markings with marking material after the template is removed. If applying extruded thermoplastic, the Contractor may leave small gaps in arrows or letters resulting from template use unfilled.

Ensure that pavement markings are free of uneven edges, overspray, or other readily visible defects that detract from the appearance or function of the pavement markings.

Ensure that lines are sharp, well defined, and uniformly retroreflective. Apply the lines to the width specified 1/4 inch (6 mm). Fuzzy lines, excessive overspray, or non-uniform application are unacceptable. The Engineer will inspect lines at night to verify proper retroreflectivity. Correct pavement markings that are improperly applied, located, or reflectorized. Reapply lines applied with insufficient material quantities according to 641.11 or 644.04. Remove improperly located lines according to 641.10, and apply new lines in the correct locations.

Reapply any lines applied with non-specification materials.

Obtain the Engineer’s approval for methods and equipment used for pavement preparation, marking, and marking removal. Keep glass beads dry during storage and before use.

Furnish to the Engineer at least 3 days in advance of installation current copies of the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations for application of any marking material, including primer, activator, catalyst, and adhesive, shown on the plans. Schedule and perform other construction work, such as shoulder paving, seeding, and mulching in a manner to avoid damage to applied pavement markings.

Do not apply pavement marking materials to the reflector of a plowable raised pavement marker. Interrupt the application of the pavement marking line at each raised pavement marker where marking material would otherwise be applied to the marker’s prismatic reflector. Provide a maximum gap in the marked line of 18 inches (0.5 m) at each marker. Remove pavement marking material applied to a prismatic reflector surface, or replace the reflector that same workday. If material must be removed from the reflector, restore the reflector’s brightness to its prior condition.

641.04 Equipment. Equip long line pavement marking equipment for traffic paint, polyester, epoxy and work zone marking Item 642 with a computerized Data Logging System (DLS), including a cab mounted display which shows the actual material application rate and film thickness. For center line, lane line and edge line markings, when the length of marking exceeds 0.5 miles (0.8 km) of continuous line equivalent, document the following with the DLS:

  1. Measure and record application vehicle speed to nearest 0.1 MPH (0.16 km/h),

  2. Measure and record weight and/or volume amount of material used by color,

  3. Measure and record weight of glass beads,

  4. Measure and record pavement surface temperature,

  5. Measure and record air temperature,

  6. Measure and record dew point,

  7. Measure and record humidity,

  8. Calculate and record average material application rate and film thickness over the section painted..

Record as a separate DLS report line entry the above information for each route section painted, when the length of center line, lane line and edge line marking exceeds 0.5 miles (0.8 km) of continuous line equivalent. A route section is defined as one direction of a contiguous section of highway (without breaks) with the same route number designation. DLS documentation is not required for center line, lane line and edge line markings of 0.5 miles (0.8 km) or less, and for channelizing lines of any length.

If the DLS equipment fails, finish that day’s work only and resume when the DLS equipment is working.

The Department will provide a standard DLS spreadsheet, which prescribes the correct DLS report format and content prior to beginning of work.

On the first working day following application of markings requiring documentation with the DLS or upon demand, furnish the Engineer a copy of the DLS report in ODOT standard DLS report format. The DLS report can be provided in one of the following methods, which should be agreed upon at the preconstruction meeting:

1. hand delivery of paper report

2. fax delivery of paper report

3. e-mail of Excel spreadsheet file

4. disk or flash drive transfer of Excel spreadsheet file

Within two weeks of the date of application of markings requiring documentation with the DLS, furnish the Engineer the Excel spreadsheet file of the DLS report in ODOT standard DLS report format by e-mail at the e-mail address provided at the preconstruction meeting.

At the end of the project, furnish the Engineer all Excel spreadsheet files in ODOT standard DLS report format.

Each DLS shall have an annual calibration of all mechanical and electrical components and its software function and output confirmed by the DLS manufacturer or their designated representative. Evidence of the annual calibration shall be carried by a signed and dated stamp or seal affixed to the inside of the driver’s door of each striper.

641.05 Pavement Preparation. Clean all visible loose or foreign material from the surface to be marked. Equip the pavement marking equipment with an air jet to remove all debris from the pavement in advance of the applicator gun. Operate the air jet when marking material is being applied, and synchronize it with marking material application. Power-broom clean all surfaces where gore markings or edge lines are to be applied. If required by the Engineer, also power-broom clean other surfaces. Do not apply marking to portland cement concrete until the concrete in the areas to be marked is clean of membrane curing material and is dry.

641.06 Layout and Premarking. Lay out the locations of all lines, words, and other symbols to ensure their proper placement. Do not start marking operations until the Engineer has approved the layout and premarking lines. If applying longitudinal or transverse lines, use existing lines, construction joints, or premarking to guide this marking equipment.

On projects where resurfacing or other operations will result in obliteration of the existing pavement markings, establish reference points to ensure proper placement of restored markings. If existing markings are to be retraced, verify any adjustment in the location with the Engineer.

Establish “T” marking of no-passing zones according to the plans or a no-passing zone log provided by the Engineer.

Locate premarking from survey data or reference points, and offset it so as to parallel the theoretical edge of the marking lines at a maximum distance of 1 inch (25 mm). Use templates for the layout of arrows, words, and other symbols. Place premarking for longitudinal lines at 40-foot (12 m) intervals, and do not exceed 2 inches (50 mm) in width or 12 inches (300 mm) in length. Locate premarking for auxiliary markings from the plans or schematic forms provided by the Engineer.

641.07 Line Placement Tolerance. Ensure that pavement marking lines are straight or smoothly curved, true to the alignment of the pavement, and do not deviate laterally from the proper location at a rate of more than 2 inches in 100 feet (50 mm in 30 m). The Engineer will not allow any deviation greater than 3 inches in 100 feet (75 mm in 30 meters). Remove improperly located lines according to 641.10 and apply new lines in the correct locations.

641.08 Marking Types. Apply marking materials at the rate or thickness specified in 642.04, 643.04, 644.04, 645.03, 646.05, or 647.04 and, except for parking lot stall markings, ensure that they are uniformly retroreflective. However, ensure that portions of parking stalls that are adjacent to street traffic are retroreflective. Pavement markings consist of the following types:

A. Edge Lines. Place edge lines as continuous 4-inch (100 mm) wide stripes. Locate the center of the stripe a minimum of 6 inches (150 mm) from the edge of the pavement.

B. Lane Lines. Place lane lines as 4-inch (100 mm) wide, white stripes between contiguous lanes of pavement carrying traffic in the same direction. Place them as broken lines unless specified solid. Offset lane lines to the left of the longitudinal joint, if present, or the theoretical line lying between contiguous lanes, if a joint is not present. Ensure that the nearer edge of the stripe is 2 inches (50 mm) to the left of the joint or line. Do not place lane lines through intersections.

C. Center Lines. Place center lines as single or double yellow stripes between contiguous lanes of pavement carrying traffic in opposite directions. Center line marking includes two-way left-turn lane striping and the outline of left-turn islands. Make each stripe 4 inches (100 mm) wide, solid or broken as specified.

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