Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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McCarthy, Edward F. 1980 Giant-Cell Tumor of Bone: An Historical Perspective. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 153:14-25. NEOPLASM, TUMOR, GIANT-CELL, [JRNL]
McCarthy, J. P. 1990 African American Acculturation as Reflected in the Cemeteries of the First African Baptist Church, Philadelphia: Population Dynamics and Social Stress in the Early Nineteenth Century. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council for Northeast Historical Archeology, Kingston, Ontario. CEMETERY, FIRST AFRICAN BAPTIST CHURCH, PHILADELPHIA, [GRAUER-BODS-OF-EVIDENCE-1995:033]
McCarty, Daniel J. 1970 A Historical Note: Leeuwenhoek's Description of Crystals from a Gouty Tophus. Arthritis and Rheumatism 13(5):414-418. GOUT, GOUTY TOPHUS, CRYSTAL, [JRNL]
Macchiarelli, Roberto 1988 Age-Related Rates and Patterns of Cortical Bone Involution in Past Human Populations: A Protohistorical Italian Example. Rivista di Antropologia 66:55-76. BONE, CORTICAL BONE INVOLUTION, AGE-RELATED, [AJPA-1994-93:120]
Macchiarelli, Roberto 1989 Prehistoric "Fish-Eaters" Along the Eastern Arabian Coasts: Dental Variation, Morphology, and Oral Health in the Ra's al-Hamra Community (Qurum, Sultanate of Oman, 5th-4th Millennia BC). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(4):575-594. DENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY, PREHISTORIC ARABIA, RA'S AL-HAMRA, [JRNL]
Macchiarelli, Roberto, and Arthur C. Aufderheide 1990 Skeletal Lead Content at Grottaperfetta, Rome, 1st-2nd Century A.D. Rivista di Antropologia 68:231-240. SKELETAL LEAD CONTENT, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1991-29(4):342]
Macchiarelli, Roberto, and Luca Bondioli 1994 Linear Densitometry and Digital Image Processing of Proximal Femur Radiographs: Implications for Archaeological and Forensic Anthropology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 93(1):109-122. FEMUR, PROXIMAL, RADIOGRAPHY, AGE ASSESSMENT, FORENSICS, [JRNL]
Macchiarelli, Roberto, Luca Bondioli, Bruno Frohlich, et al. 1987 L'Indagine Radiografica dello Scheletro nella Attribuzione dell'Età alla Morte. Un'Analisi Densitometrica Sperimentale. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1988, 63:16.]. Rivista di Antropologia 65:309-346. RADIOLOGY, SKELETON, [PPNL-1988-63:16]
Macchiarelli, Roberto, Luca Bondioli, Laura Censi, Margarita Kristoff Hernaez, Loretana Salvadei, and Alessandra Sperduti 1994 Intra- and Interobserver Concordance in Scoring Harris Lines: A Test of Bone Sections and Radiographs. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1995, 89:17.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 95(1):77-83. HARRIS LINES, SCORING OF, [JRNL]
Macchiarelli, Roberto, and Loretana Salvadei 1994 Paleodemography and Selective Funerary Practices at Latium Vetus, Middle-Tyrrhenian Italy. [English with German Abstract]. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 52(1):37-52. DEMOGRAPHY, FUNERARY PRACTICE, ITALY, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32(2):137]
Macchiarelli, Roberto, Loretana Salvadei, and P. Catalano 1988 Biocultural Changes and Continuity Throughout the 1st Millennium B.C. in Central Italy: Anthropological Evidence and Perspectives. Rivista di Antropologia Supplement 66:249-272. BIOCULTURAL CHANGE AND CONTINUITY, ITALY, [AJPA-1994-93:120]
McClain, Carol Shepherd 1995 A New Look at an Old Disease: Smallpox and Biotechnology. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 38(4):624-639. MEDICAL HISTORY, SMALLPOX, [JRNL]
McClain, J. L., F. B. Jordan, and R. Blakeney 1986 Human Cannibalism: A Case Report. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 7(2):279-290. CANNIBALISM, CASE REPORT, [NDX-Cannibalism-27-08-08282]
McClary, Andrew 1972 Notes on Some Late Middle Woodland Coprolites. In: James E. Fitting, ed. The Schultz Site at Green Point: A Stratified Occupation Area in the Saginaw Valley of Michigan. Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Number 4. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press, pp. 131-136 DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, COPROLITE, MIDDLE WOODLAND, SAGINAW VALLEY, MICHIGAN, [JRNL]
McCollum, E. V., Nina Sommonds, and J. Ernestine Becker 1975 Studies of Experimental Rickets: XXI. An Experimental Demonstration of the Existence of a Vitamin Which Promotes Calcium Depositor. [Nutrition Classics from the Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 1922, 53:293-312.]. Nutrition Reviews 33(2):48-50. RICKETS, EXPERIMENTAL, [JRNL]
McCombie, Susan 1994 Evolution of Infectious Disease. By Paul W. Ewald. 1994. New York: Oxford University Press. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 95(2):244-246. REVIEW OF, EWALD; PAUL W., 1994, [JRNL]
MacConaill, M. A. 1969 On the Harris Lines in Bone. Current Anthropology 10(2-3):224. HARRIS LINES, [JRNL]
McConnell, John 1994 19th Century Lyme Disease. Lancet (London) 344(8932):1291. PARASITISM, LYME DISEASE, [JRNL]
McCord, C. P. 1971 Scurvy as an Occupational Disease. I. Introduction. Journal of Occupational Medicine 13:306-307. SCURVY, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, [NDX-Scurvy history-12-02-08079]
McCord, C. P. 1971 Scurvy as an Occupational Disease. II. Early Sea Explorations. Journal of Occupational Medicine 13:348-351. SCURVY, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, [NDX-Scurvy history-12-02-08079]
McCord, C. P. 1971 Scurvy as an Occupational Disease. III. Scurvy During the Early Global Circumnavigations. Journal of Occupational Medicine 13:393-395. SCURVY, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, [NDX-Scurvy history-12-02-08079]
McCord, C. P. 1971 Scurvy as an Occupational Disease. IV. Scurvy and the Nations' Men-of-War. Journal of Occupational Medicine 13:441-447. SCURVY, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, [NDX-Scurvy History-13-08-08886]
McCord, C. P. 1971 Scurvy as an Occupational Disease. V. Scurvy and the Merchant Marines. Journal of Occupational Medicine 13:484-491. SCURVY, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, [NDX-Scurvy History-13-08-08886]
McCord, C. P. 1971 Scurvy as an Occupational Disease. VI. Scurvy Among the Whalers. Journal of Occupational Medicine 13:543-548. SCURVY, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, [NDX-Scurvy History-13-08-08886]
McCord, C. P. 1971 Scurvy as an Occupational Disease. VII. Scurvy in the World's Armies. Journal of Occupational Medicine 13:586-582. SCURVY, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, [NDX-Scurvy History-13-08-08886]
McCord, C. P. 1972 Scurvy as an Occupational Disease. VIII. Scurvy and the Slave Trade. Journal of Occupational Medicine 14:45-49. SCURVY, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, [NDX-Scurvy History-13-08-08886]
McCord, C. P. 1972 Scurvy as an Occupational Disease. IX. Scurvy in Polar Expeditions. Journal of Occupational Medicine 14:232-235. SCURVY, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, [NDX-Scurvy History-13-08-08886]
McCord, C. P. 1972 Scurvy as an Occupational Disease. X. Scurvy Among Early American Western Migrants. Journal of Occupational Medicine 14:321-324. SCURVY, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, [NDX-Scurvy History-13-08-08886]
McCord, C. P. 1972 Scurvy as an Occupational Disease. XI. Scurvy and Gold in Alaska. Journal of Occupational Medicine 14:397-398. SCURVY, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, [NDX-Scurvy History-13-08-08886]
McCord, C. P. 1972 Scurvy as an Occupational Disease. XII. Scurvy in the Early American Colonies. Journal of Occupational Medicine 14:556-559. SCURVY, OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE, [NDX-Scurvy History-13-08-08886]
McCorkle, Thomas 1970 Comment on "Depopulation of the Central Andes in the 16th Century." [See C. T. Smith, 1970.]. Current Anthropology 11(4-5):461. DEMOGRAPHY, DEPOPULATION, ANDES, [JRNL]
MacCormack, Carol P. 1983 Human Leopards and Crocodiles: Political Meanings of Categorical Anomalies. In: Paula Brown, and Donald Tuzin, eds. The Ethnography of Cannibalism. Washington, D.C.: Society for Psychological Anthropology, pp. 51-60. CANNIBALISM, ETHNOGRAPHY, [BOOK]
McCormick, E. W. 1963 An Essay on Gout. Western Medicine 4:304-310. GOUT, HISTORY, [NDX-Gout-05-03-01667]
McCormick, J. P. and J. Parascandola 1981 Dragon Bones and Drugstores: The Interaction of Pharmacy and Paleontology in the Search for Early Man in China. Pharmacy in History 23:55-70. PALEONTOLOGY, PHARMACY, DRAGON BONES, CHINA, [ARME]
McCormick, S. K. 1994 Evidence of Association Between Cranial Modification and Supra-Inion Depressions. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:142. SKULL, DEFORMATION, SUPRA-INION DEPRESSIONS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
McCormick, William F. 1980 Mineralisation of the Costal Cartilages as an Indicator of Age: Preliminary Observations. Journal of Forensic Sciences 25(4):736-741. AGE ASSESSMENT, COSTAL CARTILAGE, [JRNL]
McCormick, William F. 1981 Sternal Foramina in Man. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 46:12.]. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 2(3):249-252. STERNUM, STERNAL FORAMEN, [NDX-1982-23-05-03682]
McCormick, William F., and John H. Stewart 1983 Ossification Patterns of Costal Cartilages as an Indicator of Sex. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1983, 43:18.]. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 107(4):206-210. CARTILAGE, COSTAL, OSSIFICATION PATTERN, SEX ASSESSMENT, [JRNL]
MacCorquodale, D. W. 1995 Meriwether Lewis' Cause of Death. [See also J. P. Pollard, 1995.]. [Letter]. Epidemiology 6(1):97-98. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, CAUSE OF DEATH, MERIWETHER LEWIS, LETTER, [NDX-SYPHILIS-ON-LINE-CD-DOWN-LOAD-08-02-95]
McCosh, F. 1977 Malaria and Goitre in South America One Hundred and Fifty Years Ago. Central African Journal of Medicine 23:254-258. MALARIA, GOITER, SOUTH AMERICA, [CWHM-1978-097-#0563]
McCown, E. n.d. Human Skeletal Remains from Lake Besaka, Ethiopia. [Manuscript, Unpublished]. REMAINS, SKELETAL, LAKE BESAKA, ETHIOPIA, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1988-20:55]
McCown, T. D., and A. Keith 1939 The Stone Age of Mount Carmel, Volume 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press. MOUNT CARMEL, STONE AGE, [CRAN]
McCoy, G. W. 1913 A Brief History of Leprosy in Hawaii. Military Surgeon 33:522-527. LEPROSY, HAWAII, [LSG3-Leprosy history & statistics]
McCracken, Robert D. 1975 Comment on "New Evidence for a Late Introduction of Malaria into the New World." [See Corinne Shear Wood, 1975.]. Current Anthropology 16(1):98-99. MALARIA, NEW WORLD, [JRNL]
McCreery, J. Honour 1935 The Mummy Collection of the University of Cuzco. El Palacio 39(22-23-24):118-121. MUMMIES, PERU, UNIVERSITY OF CUZCO, COLLECTION, [JRNL]
MacCubbin, Patrica A., Sally S. Hipp, Dennis P. Murphy, Lynn Hoback, and Eugene Tobey 1991 Syphilis: The Epidemiology of Change. New York State Journal of Medicine 91(12):526-530. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, EPIDEMIOLOGY, [JRNL]
McCullagh, Roderick, and Finbar McCormack 1991 The Excavation of Post-Medieval Burials from Braigh, Aignish, Lewis, 1989. Post-Medieval Archaeology 25:73-88. BURIAL, POST-MEDIEVAL, EXCAVATION, [CWHM-1992-153-#0374]
McCullough, John M. 1975 Comment on "New Evidence for a Late Introduction of Malaria into the New World." [See Corinne Shear Wood, 1975.]. Current Anthropology 16(1):99. MALARIA, NEW WORLD, [JRNL]
McCullough, John M. 1990 Relatedness and Mortality. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):266. MORTALITY, RELATEDNESS, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
MacCurdy, George Grant 1905 Prehistoric Surgery--a Neolithic Survival. American Anthropologist 7(1):17-23. SURGERY, PREHISTORIC, NEOLITHIC SURVIVAL, [JRNL]
MacCurdy, George Grant 1914 Human Skulls from Gazelle Peninsula. University of Pennsylvania the University Museum Anthropological Publications 6(1):1-12. SKULL, GAZELLE PENINSULA, [JRNL]
MacCurdy, George Grant 1918 Surgery Among the Ancient Peruvians. Art and Archaeology 7(9):381-394. TREPHINATION, ANCIENT, PERU, [JRNL]
MacCurdy, George Grant 1923 Human Skeletal Remains from the Highlands of Peru. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 6(3):217-329. REMAINS, SKELETAL, HIGHLAND, PERU, [JRNL]
MacCurdy, George Grant 1924 Human Origin: A Manual of Prehistory, Volumes 1 and 2. New York: D. Appleton and Company. HUMAN ORIGIN, [BOOK & CRAN]
McDermott, C. 1994 Case Study: The Skeletal Remains of a Young Adult Female from the Pajarito Plateau, New Mexico. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:143. REMAINS, SKELETAL, FEMALE, PAJARITO PLATEAU, NEW MEXICO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
MacDonald, M. 1986 The Secularization of Suicide in England 1660-1800. Past & Present 111:50-100. SUICIDE, ENGLAND 1660-1800, [CWHM-1986-130-#2009]
MacDonald, R. Hutton 1996 Dental Anthropological Perspectives on Pastoralism. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:154. DENTAL ANTHROPOLOGY, PASTORALISM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
McDonald, R. K. 1972 Porphyria in Royalty. Medical Annals of the District of Columbia 41:510-511. PORPHYRIA, ROYALTY, [CWHM-1973-77-#1154]
Macdonell, Joan M., Paul S. Sledzik, and Sean P. Murphy 1987 Trauma with Survival: Cases Studies from the Armed Forces Medical Museum. [Abstract]. In: Frank P. Saul, Peggy Caldwell, and Leslie E. Eisenberg, conveners. Section 2: Forensic Pathology and Paleopathology--Potential Interfaces. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, New York, New York, 1-2 April 1987, p. 3. TRAUMA, SURVIVAL, CASE REPORT, ARMED FORCES MEDICAL MUSEUM, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
MacDonell, W. R. 1906 A Second Study of the English Skull with Special Reference to Moorfields Crania. Biometrika 5:86-104. SKULL, ENGLISH, MOORFIELDS CRANIA, [DIGGING UP BONES:191]
MacDonell, W. R. 1913 On the Expectation of Life in Ancient Rome and in the Provinces of Hispania and Lusitania and Africa. Biometrika 9:366-380. DEMOGRAPHY, LIFE EXPECTANCY, ROME, HISPANIA, LUSITANIA, AFRICA, [ARME]
MacDougall, Philip 1992 The Chatham Gaol Fever Epidemic of 1814. Bygone Kent 13(10):611-616. INFECTIOUS DISEASE, EPIDEMIC, CHATHAM GAOL FEVER EPIDEMIC 1814, [CWHM-1993-157-#0351]
McDowell, Frank K. 1976 The Classic Reprint: A Modification of the Harelip Operation and Operation for Harelip with a Zigzag Suture by Werner H. Hagedorn (Centralb fuer Chirurgie, 1884, Volume 11:765 and 1892, Volume 19:281). [Translated from the German]. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 58(1):89-95. CLEFT LIP, HARELIP, [JRNL]
Mace, A. C., and H. E. Winlock 1916 The Tomb of Senebtise at Lisht. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, Egyptian Expedition. TOMB, SENEBTISE, LISHT, EGYPT, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:027]
Macedo, C. M. 1916 Artificial Deformation of the Cranium in Ancient Peru. Science 43(n.s.):869. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICAL, PERU, [LSG3-Cranium abnormalities & deformities artificial]
Macedo, C. M. 1916 Trepanation of the Cranium and Its Representation in the Pottery of Peru. Science 43(n.s.):869. TREPHINATION, PERU, POTTERY, [LSG3-Trephining prehistoric & primitive]
Macek, A. 1962 Die Verbreitung von TBC und Krebs in den südlichen Teilen Mährens. [Spreading of TBC and Cancer in the Southern Parts of Moravia.]. Mitteilungen der Sektion Anthropologie der Biologischen Gesellschaft in der DDR 6:19 26. NEOPLASM, CANCER, TBC, MORAVIA, [WIEN-KW]
McElroy, A., and P. Townsend 1985 Medical Anthropology in Ecological Perspective. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, ECOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE, [ZAGREB-1988:118]
McEvedy, Colin 1988 Bubonic Plague. [Letter]. Scientific American 259(1):8. PLAGUE, BUBONIC PLAGUE, [CWHM-1989-139-#1520 & JRNL]
McEvedy, Colin 1988 Die Pest. [The Plague.]. Spektrum der Wissenchaften 1988(April):114 119. PLAGUE, [WIEN-KW]
McEvoy, S. A., R. J. Mitchell, and Mary L. Powell 1996 Wedge-Shaped Cervical Dental Lesions in Two Prehistoric Native American Populations. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:162. DENTAL LESION, WEDGE-SHAPED, INDIAN KNOLL SITE, HARDIN VILLAGE SITE, AMERICA, INDIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Macey, H. L. 1979 The Identification of Human Blood in a 166-Year-Old Stain. Journal of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science/Journal de la Société Canadienne des Sciences Judiciaires 12(4):191-193. BLOOD, IDENTIFICATION, OLD STAIN, HUMAN, [NEWMAN-MARGARET-INPUT]
MacFadyen, E. E., and M. M. Ferguson 1996 Pitcairne's Disease: An Historical Presentation of Oro-Facial Granulomatosis. Journal of Royal Society of Medicine 89(2):77-78. MEDICAL HISTORY, NEOPLASM, ORO-FACIAL GRANULOMATOSIS, PITCAIRNE'S DISEASE, [JRNL]
MacFarlane, Alan 1981 Death and the Demography Transition: A Note on English Evidence on Death 1500-1750. In: S. C. Humphreys, and Helen King, eds. Mortality and Immortality: The Anthropology and Archaeology of Death. Proceedings of a Meeting of the Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects, Institute of Archaeology, London University, June 1980. London: Academic Press, pp. 249-259. DEATH, DEMOGRAPHY, ENGLAND 1500-1750, [BOOK]
MacFarlane, N. 1989 Hospitals, Housing and Tuberculosis in Glasgow 1911-1951. Social History of Medicine 2(1):59-85. TUBERCULOSIS, HOSPITAL 1911-1951, GLASGOW, [BRITSECTNEWS-1990-9:05]
MacFarlane, W. V., and I. Rannie 1958 Gummatous Osteitis of the Skull. British Journal of Venereal Diseases 34:153-159. OSTEITIS, GUMMATOUS OSTEITIS, SKULL, [STEINBOCK-1976:165]
McGarrahan, Peggy 1991 The Violence in Female Circumcision. [See also Daniel Gordon, 1991.]. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 5(3):269-270. CIRCUMCISION, GENITAL OPERATION, FEMALE, EGYPT, SUDAN, [JRNL]
McGarth, R. 1991 Inuit Write About Illness: Standing on Thin Ice. Arctic Medical Research 50(1):30-36. DISEASE, ESKIMO, [CWHM-1991-151-#0521]
McGee, W. J. 1894 Primitive Trephining, Illustrated by the Muñiz Peruvian Collection. Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital 5(37):1-3. TREPHINATION, PERU, MUÑIZ PERUVIAN COLLECTION, [JRNL]
McGee, W. J. 1894 The Remains of Don Francisco Pizarro. [See also Patrick D. Horne, 1978, Paleopathology Newsletter, number 21, pp. 3-4.]. American Anthropologist 7(1):1-25. REMAINS, HUMAN, MUTILATION, TRAUMA, AUTOPSY, PIZARRO, LIMA, PERU, [JRNL]
McGhee, Robert 1994 Disease and the Development of Inuit Culture. [See Ernest S. Burch Jr., 1994; Yvon Csonka, 1994; Don E. Dumond, 1994; Hans Christian Gullφv, 1994; Susan Rowley, 1994; Peter Schledermann, 1994; Eric Alden Smith, 1994; Douglas R. Stenton, 1994; George W. Wenzel, 1994; William B. Workman, 1994; and Robert McGhee, 1994.]. Current Anthropology 35(5):565-594. DISEASE, INUIT CULTURE, DEVELOPMENT OF, [JRNL]
McGhee, Robert 1994 Reply to comments on "Disease and the Development of Inuit Culture." [See Ernest S. Burch Jr., 1994; Yvon Csonka, 1994; Don E. Dumond, 1994; Hans Christian Gullφv, 1994; Susan Rowley, 1994; Peter Schledermann, 1994; Eric Alden Smith, 1994; Douglas R. Stenton, 1994; George W. Wenzel, 1994; William B. Workman, 1994; and Robert McGhee, 1994.]. Current Anthropology 35(5):587-591. DISEASE, INUIT CULTURE, DEVELOPMENT OF, [JRNL]
McGibbon, W. P. 1912 Artificially Deformed Skulls with Special Reference to the Temporal Bone and Its Tympanic Portion. Laryngoscope 22:1165-1184. SKULL, DEFORMATION, ARTIFICAL, TEMPORAL BONE, [CITATION CONFIRMED BY USD LIBR 2-14-97, VOL WRONG IN INTNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1993-3:98]
McGlashan, C. F. 1991 History of the Donner Party: A Tragedy of the Sierra. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. CANNIBALISM, DONNER PARTY, [WEST-J-MED-1994-160:342 & MELVYL]
McGovern, Francis H. 1969 Thomas William Francis Gann--Mayan Explorer. [Doctors Afield]. New England Journal of Medicine 281(10):544-546. MAYAN EXPLORER, GANN; THOMAS WILLIAM FRANCIS, [JRNL]
McGovern-Wilson, Richard, and Carol Quinn 1996 Stable Isotope Analysis of Ten Individuals from Afetna, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. Journal of Archaeological Science 23(1):59-65. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, ISOTOPE ANALYSIS, MARIANA ISLANDS, [JRNL]
McGrath, Janet W. 1986 A Computer Simulation of the Occurrence of Tuberculosis in Prehistoric North America. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 69(2):238. TUBERCULOSIS, PREHISTORIC, NORTH AMERICA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
McGrath, Janet W. 1986 A Computer Simulation of the Spread of Tuberculosis in Prehistoric Populations of the Lower Illinois River Valley. [Dissertation, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 47(6):2219A, University Microfilms order number 8621833.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 60:16.]. DISSERTATION, TUBERCULOSIS, PREHISTORIC, LOWER ILLINOIS RIVER VALLEY, [PPNL-1987-60:16]
McGrath, Janet W. 1987 Comment on "The Evolution of Mycobacterial Disease in Human Populations: A Reevaluation." [See George A. Clark, Marc A. Kelley, John M. Grange, and M. Cassandra Hill, 1987.]. Current Anthropology 28(1):53-54. MYCOBACTERIAL DISEASE, [JRNL]
McGrath, Janet W. 1988 Multiple Stable States of Disease Occurrence: A Note on the Implications for Anthropological Study of Human Disease. American Anthropologist 90(2):323-334. DISEASE, OCCURRENCE, MULTIPLE STABLE STATES, [JRNL]
McGrath, Janet W. 1988 Social Networks of Disease Spread in the Lower Illinois Valley: A Simulation Approach. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1989, 66:14.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 77(4):483-496. COMPUTER SIMULATION, SOCIAL NETWORKS, DISEASE MODELING, [JRNL]
McGrath, Janet W. 1991 Biological Impact of Social Disruption Resulting from Epidemic Disease. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 84(4):407-419. DISEASE, EPIDEMIC DISEASE, DEMOGRAPHY, DEPOPULATION, [JRNL]
McGrath, Janet W. 1991 Disease in Populations in Transition: Anthropological and Epidemiological Perspectives. Edited by Alan C. Swedlund, and George J. Armelagos. 1990. New York; Westport, Connecticut; and London: Bergin & Garvey. [Review]. American Anthropologist 93(4):1028-1029. REVIEW OF, SWEDLUND; ALAN C. AND GEORGE J. ARMELAGOS, 1990, [JRNL]
McGrath, Janet W. 1992 Behavioral Change and the Evolution of Human Host-Pathogen Systems. In: Rebecca Huss-Ashmore, Joan Schall, and Mary Hediger, eds. Health and Lifestyle Change. MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology 9:13-22. HEALTH, LIFESTYLE, HUMAN HOST-PATHOGEN SYSTEM, EVOLUTION OF, [JRNL]
McGrath, Janet W. 1992 Comment on "The Osteological Paradox: Problems of Inferring Prehistoric Health from Skeletal Samples." [See James W. Wood, George R. Milner, Henry C. Harpending, and Kenneth M. Weiss, 1992.]. Current Anthropology 33(4):362-363. HEALTH, PREHISTORIC, OSTEOLOGICAL PARADOX, [JRNL]
McGrath, Janet W., and Timi L. Barone 1989 Pre-Columbian Tuberculosis: Reconciling Skeletal and Simulation Data. [Abstract]. In: Jane E. Buikstra, Mary Lucas Powell, and R. Ted Steinbock, conveners. Section 5: Symposium. Mycobacterial and Mycotic Diseases. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, San Diego, California, 4-5 April 1989, p. 15. TUBERCULOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
McGrath, Mary H. 1983 Scalping: The Savage and the Surgeon. Clinics in Plastic Surgery 10(4):679-688. SCALPING, [JRNL]
MacGregor, A. B. 1963 Increasing Caries Incidence and Changing Diet in Ghana. International Dental Journal 13(3):516-522. DENTAL CARIES, NUTRITION, GHANA, [JRNL]
MacGregor, I. 1972 The Pattern of Tooth Loss in a Selected Population of Nigerians. Archives of Oral Biology 17:1573-1582. DENTAL LOSS, NIGERIA, [ARME]
McGregor, J. C., and W. L. Wadlow 1951 A Trephined Indian Skull from Illinois? [Brief Communication]. American Anthropologist 53(1):148-152. TREPHINATION, ILLINOIS, [JRNL]
McGregor, M. 1981 Native Medicine in Southeast Alaska: Tsimshian, Tlingit, Haida. Alaska Medicine 23(6):65-69. MEDICINE, AMERICA, ESKIMO, [CWHM-1982-114-#0545]
McGrew, Robert N., and John B. Gregg 1971 Anomalous Fusion of the Malleus to the Tympanic Ring. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1979, 28:17.]. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology 80(1):138-140. EAR, MALLEUS, TYMPANIC RING, ANOMALOUS FUSION OF, [JRNL]
McGrew, W. C. 1984 Comment on "Hominid Dietary Selection Before Fire." [See Ann Brower Stahl, 1984.]. Current Anthropology 25(2):160. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, PRE-FIRE, HOMINID, [JRNL]
McGrew, W. C. 1994 Dead Men Do Tell Tales: The Strange and Fascinating Cases of a Forensic Anthropologist. New York: Doubleday. [Review]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 101(3):446-447. REVIEW OF, MAPLES; WILLIAM R., AND MICHAEL BROWNING, 1994 [JRNL]

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