Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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Cechová, L., and S. Titlbachová 1978 [Tooth Status in the Population of Prague from the 10th to the 12th Century.]. [Czech with English Abstract]. Ceskoslovenska Stomatologie 78(3):214-217. DENTAL HEALTH, TENTH TO TWELFTH CENTURY, PRAGUE, [NDX-Tooth Diseases occurrence-20-14-11314]
Cechová, L., S. Titlbachová, and V. Picko. 1972 Etat de la Denture des Slaves Provenant de Libice et Datant du IXe Siècle à la Moitie du XIe Siècle. [The Dentition of Slavs Living in Libice from the 9th to the Middle of the 11th Century.]. [French with English Abstract]. Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie 15(3-4):217-231. DENTITION, NINTH TO ELEVENTH CENTURY, LIBICE, SLAVIC, [NDX-Paleodontology-14-07-07344 & METRESS-1974:024 & M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Cechová, L., S. Titlbachová, and Z. Titlbach 1974 [Lower Wisdom Tooth and Its Complications in the Past.]. [Czech with English Abstract]. Ceskoslovenska Stomatologie 74(4):305-308. DENTITION, MOLAR, THIRD LOWER, LOWER WISDOM TEETH, [NDX-Paleodontology-16-07-04862]
Cederquist, Robert, and Albert A. Dahlberg 1979 Age Changes in Facial Morphology of an Alaskan Eskimo Population. OSSA 6:39-68. FACE, AGE CHANGE, FUNCTIONAL ADAPTATION, CEPHALOMETRY, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Cejka, J., M. Frydrych, E. Kaprálová, and Eugen Strouhal 1978 Chemicky Vyzkum Staroegyptskych Mumií z Ceskoslovenskych Sbírek. [Chemical Analysis of Ancient Egyptian Mummies from a Czechoslovak Collection.]. [Czech.]. Casopis Národního Muzea, Odd. Prírodovedny 143(3/4):81-83. MUMMIES, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, CHEMICAL RESEARCH, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Cejka, J., M. Fydrych, E. Kapralová, et al. 1976 Contribution to the Chemical Research on Egyptian Mummies. Zeitschrift fuer Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde (Leipzig) 103:128-139. MUMMIES, EGYPT, CHEMICAL RESEARCH, [ZIMM]
Cejka, J., E. Kaprálová, Z. Urbanec, and Eugen Strouhal 1978 Contribution to the Physico-Chemical Research on Ancient Egyptian Materials. Zagreb: ICOM, Comm Conservation, 5th Triennial Meeting, Report 78(1-6), pp. 1-10. RESEARCH MATERIAL, ANCIENT, EGYPT, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Cekus, G. 1991 Anthropologic Investigation of the Avar Period Necropolis from the Stara Moravica Site. [Serbo-Croatian with English Abstract]. Rad Vojvodanskih Muzeja 33:85-105. REMAINS, SKELETAL, CEMETERY, AVAR PERIOD, STARA MORAVICA SITE, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32(2):145]
Celli, Angelo 1933 The History of Malaria in the Roman Campagna from Ancient times. London: John Bale, Sons and Danielsson, Ltd. MALARIA, ITALY, HISTORY, [J-PALEOPATHOL-1995-1:39 & MELVYL]
Centerwall, W. R. 1968 A Recent Experience with Measles in a "Virgin Soil" Population. Pan American Health Organization, Science Publication Number 165. MEASLES, VIRGIN SOIL POPULATION, [BOOK]
Cepeda Cárdenas, Gerardo, and Raúl Martín Arana 1968 Hueso Grabado del Centro de México. Boletín del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 31:38-41. FEMUR, ENGRAVED, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Cerny, J. 1945 The Will of Naunaknte and the Related Documents. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 31:29. MUMMIES, EGYPT, NAUNAKNTE'S WILL AND RELATED DOCUMENTS, [CRAN]
Cerny, M. 1983 Calva with Several Traces After Injury. In: Anonymous. Vedecké Zasedáni o Paleopatologii 30-31 Brezna 1982. [Scientific Meeting on Paleopathology, 30-31 March 1982.]. [Czech with English Abstract]. Casopis Národního Muzea 152(3):142-145. SKULL, INJURY, [PPNL-1984-45:19]
Cerreto, Richard 1986 Pathological Conditions and Non-Metric Variations in the Human Skeletal Sample from CA-LAN-43. Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly 22(3):49-62. PATHOLOGY, VARIATION, [JRNL]
Cerreto, Richard, contributor 1991 Human Skeletal Remains. In: Laura Lee Mitchell. Coyote Canyon Cave, an Inner Coastal Rockshelter Excavation of CA-ORA-236. Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly, Volume 27, Numbers 2 and 3, Section 4, pp. 77-80. REMAINS, HUMAN, COYOTE CANYON CAVE, [JRNL]
Cervenka, Jaroslav 1984 African Mask With Cleft Lip and Palate. Cleft Palate Journal 21(1):38-40. CLEFT LIP, CLEFT PALATE, MASK, AFRICA, [JRNL]
Cervenka, Jaroslav, and Burton L. Shapiro 1970 Cleft Uvula in Chippewa Indians: Prevalence and Genetics. Human Biology 42(1):47-52. UVULA, CLEFT UVULA, AMERICA, INDIAN, CHIPPEWA, [JRNL]
Cerveny, J. 1973 The Oldest Presentation of Cleft Lip in Czechoslovakia. Acta Chirurgiae Plasticae 15:195-198. CLEFT LIP, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, [NDX-Medicine in Art-15-06-07112]
Cesnys, G. 1991 The Neolithic and Bronze Age Man in South-East Baltic Area. 1. An Inventory of Recent and Old Craniological Materials from an Univariate Viewpoint. HOMO 42(1):1-20. SKULL, NEOLITHIC, BRONZE AGE, BALTIC, [JRNL]
Cesnys, G. 1993 Paleodemography, Anthropology and Population Genetics of the Plinkaigalis Population. [Lithuanian with English Abstract]. Lietuvos Archeologija 10:182-196,213-218. ANTHROPOLOGY, DEMOGRAPHY, POPULATION GENETICS, PLINKAIGALIS POPULATION, LITHUANIA, [ANTHROPOL-INDEX-1994-32(2):150]
Chabert, L. 1938 Quelques Remarques sur l'Appareil Masticateur des Neanderthaliens. Journal de Médecine de Bordeaux et du Sud-Ouest 115:81-89. MASTICATION, NEANDERTAL, [ARME]
Chadwick, J., and W. N. Mann 1950 The Medical Works of Hippocrates. Oxford: Blackwell. HIPPOCRATES, MEDICINE, [CRAN]
Chagas, Carlos 1920 American Trypanosomiasis, the Acute Form. Rio de Janeiro. TRYPANOSOMIASIS, AMERICAN TRYPANOSOMIASIS, [MELVYL]
Chakrabarty, A., and S. Dastidar 1989 Correlation Between Occurrence of Leprosy and Fossil Fuels: Role of Fossil Fuel Bacteria in the Origin and Global Epidemiology of Leprosy. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 27:483-496. LEPROSY, ORIGIN, EPIDEMIOLOGY, FOSSIL FUEL BACTERIA, [ROBERTS-&-MANCHESTER-ARCHAEOL-OF-DIS-1995:206]
Chakraborty, Ranajit, P. Smouse, and James V. Neel 1988 Population Amalgamation and Genetic Variation: Observations on Artificially Agglomerated Tribal Population of Central and South America. American Journal of Human Genetics 43:709-725. GENETICS, DNA, SOUTH AMERICA, CENTRAL AMERICA, [MYRES-JOEL-BYU-/801-375-6521-INPUT-OF-JANUARY-1997]
Chakraborty, Ranajit, and Emöke J. E. Szathmáry, eds. 1985 Diseases of Complex Etiology in Small Populations: Ethnic Differences and Research Approaches. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, Volume 194. New York: Alan R. Liss. [See review by Robert S. Corruccini, 1987.]. DISEASE, ETIOLOGY, SMALL POPULATION, [American Anthropol-89(2):499]
Chala H., J. I. 1940-1941 Apuntes para la Historia de la Profilaxis de la Lepra. Revista de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá) 9:565-573. LEPROSY, PROPHYLAXIS, HISTORY, [LSG4-Leprosy history & folklore]
Chalian, W. 1940 An Essay on the History of Lockjaw. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 8(2):171-201. JAW, LOCKJAW, TRISMUS, TETANUS, HISTORY, [ARME]
Chalmers, J., and K. C. Ho 1970 Geographical Variations in Senile Osteoporosis. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 52-B(4):667-675. OSTEOPOROSIS, SENILE, GEOGRAPHY, [JRNL]
Chamberlain, Andrew T. 1996 Bog Bodies: New Discoveries and New Perspectives. Edited by R. C. Turner, and R. G. Scaife. 1995. London: British Museum Press. [Review]. Journal of Archaeological Science 23(5):799-800. REVIEW OF, TURNER; R. C., AND R. G. SCAIFE, EDS., 1995, [JRNL]
Chamberlain, Andrew T., S. Rogers, and C. A. Romanowski 1992 Osteochondroma in a British Neolithic Skeleton. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 47(1):51-53. NEOPLASM, OSTEOCHONDROMA, NEOLITHIC, BRITAIN, [CWHM-1992-155-#0236 & WIEN-KW]
Chamberlain, Andrew T., and Sevi Triantaphyllou 1996 An Obstetric Fatality from Northern Greece. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Durham, North Carolina, 9-10 April 1996, p. 17. TIBIA, FIBULA, HEALED FRACTURE, SPINE, SPINAL DISTORTION, OBSTETRIC DIFFICULTY, POSTER, [JRNL]
Chamberlain, E. Burnham, and Robert B. Taft 1938 Ancient Arthritis. Radiology 30(6):761-762. ARTHRITIS, MASTODON, [JRNL]
Chamberlain, W. Edward, N. E. Wayson, and L. H. Garland 1931 The Bone and Joint Changes of Leprosy: A Roentgenologic Study. Radiology 17(5):930-939. LEPROSY, BONE, ARTICULATION, JOINT, RADIOLOGY, [JRNL]
Chame, Marcia 1988 Estudo Comparativo das Fezes e Coprólitos nao Humanos da Regiao Arqueológica de Sao Raimundo Nonato-Sudeste do Piauí. [Thesis, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Nacional Museum, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]. DISSERTATION, COPROLITE, BRAZIL, [PPNL-1989-68:11]
Chame, Marcia, Adauto José Gonçalves de Araújo, and Luiz Fernando Ferreira 1984 Premières Observations sur la Faune de la Serra da Capivara Sud-Est du Piaui-Brésil. Recueil II, Etudes Américanistes Interdisciplinaires, Amérique du Sud 4:33-40. FAUNAL, OBSERVATION, [ARAUJO-NPT]
Chame, Marcia, Luiz Fernando Ferreira, Adauto José Gonçalves de Araújo, and Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri 1989 Testing the Color Parameter of Coprolite Rehydration Solution. Paleopathology Newsletter 68:9-11. COPROLITE, REHYDRATION, [JRNL]
Chame, Marcia, Luiz Fernando Ferreira, Adauto José Gonçalves de Araújo, and Ulisses E. C. Confalonieri 1991 Experimental Paleoparasitology: An Approach to the Diagnosis of Animal Coprolites. Paleopathology Newsletter 76:7-9. COPROLITE, ANIMAL, PARASITISM, DIAGNOSIS, [JRNL]
Chamla, Marie-Claude 1966 Les Restes Osseux Humains du Cemetère Méroïtique d'Aksha (Rép du Sudan). Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 9(Série 9):285-297. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MEROITIC, AKSHA, SUDAN, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:141]
Chamla, Marie-Claude 1967 Aksha III. La Population du Cimetière Méroïtique. Etude Anthropologique. Paris: Firmin Didot. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MEROITIC, AKSHA, SUDAN, [BROTHWELL-&-CHIARELLI-1973:141]
Chamla, Marie-Claude 1969 Le Carie Dentaire chez les Hommes Préhistoriques d'Afrique du Nord: Epipaléolithique et Néolithique. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 73:545-578. DENTAL CARIES, AFRICA, [BHM-15:479]
Chamla, Marie-Claude 1980 Etude des Variations Métriques des Couronnes Dentaires des Nort-Africains, de l'Epipaleolithique à l'Epoque Actuelle. [French with English Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 84(2):254-271. DENTITION, VARIATION, NORTH AFRICA, [JRNL]
Chamla, Marie-Claude 1981-1982 The Biocultural Basis of Health: Expanding Views of Medical Anthropology. [Les Bases Bioculturelles de la Santé: Aspects Elargis de l'Anthropologie Médicale.]. By: L. G. Moore, P. W. Van Ardsdale, J. E. Glittenberg, and R. A. Aldrich. 1980. St. Louis, London: C. V. Mosby Cy. [Review]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 85:342. REVIEW OF, MOORE; L. G., P. W. VAN ARDSDALE, J. E. GLITTENBERG, AND R. A. ALDRICH, 1980, [JRNL]
Chandler, David L. 1981 Health and Slavery in Colonial Columbia. New York: Arno Press. SLAVERY, HEALTH, COLUMBIA, COLONIAL PERIOD, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:251]
Chandler, R. F. 1983 Vindication of Maritime Indian Herbal Remedies. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 9:323-327. MEDICINE, REMEDY, HERBAL, MARITIME, AMERICA, INDIAN [CWHM-1985-124-#0046]
Chandler, R. F., et al. 1979 Herbal Remedies of the Maritime Indians. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 1:49-68. HERBAL REMEDY, MARITIME INDIAN, [CWHM-1979-101-#0022]
Chandra, R. K., ed. 1985 Trace Elements in Nutrition of Children. New York: Raven Press. NUTRITION, CHILD, TRACE ELEMENT, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:046]
Chandra, S., and V. M. Desai 1970 Relationship of Betel Chewing and Dental Caries. Journal of the Indian Dental Association 42:269-276. DENTAL CARIES, BETEL, [HANSON-NPT-1:047]
Chaney, Ralph W. 1935 The Food of 'Peking Man.' Carnegie Institution of Washington, New Service Bulletin 3:199-202. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, PEKING MAN, [FOOD-IN-ANTIQ-1969:194]
Chang, K. C. 1962 New Evidence of Fossil Man in China. Science 136:749-760. FOSSIL, MAN, CHINA, [NDX-Anthropology-03-02-00204]
Chang, K. C., ed. 1968 Settlement Archaeology. Palo Alto, California: National Press Books. ARCHAEOLOGY, SETTLEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY, [AJPA-1994-93:296]
Chang, T. J., M. B. Werd, and C. Hovelsen 1995 Metallic Implants Used in Foot Surgery. Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 12(3):457-474. FOOT, SURGERY, METAL IMPLANT; 1500-1995, [CWHM-1996-169:#0612]
Chanmugam, P. K., F. L. W. Jayawardena 1954 Skeletal Remains from Tirukketiswaram. Ceylon Journal of Science 5:65-68. REMAINS, SKELETAL, TIRUKKETISWARAM, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1980-09:423]
Chantre 1883 Déformations Artificielles du Crâne au Caucase. Bulletin de la Société d'Anthropologie de Lyon 2:174-176. SKULL, DEFORMATION, [LSG2-Cranium, abnormal & deformed]
Chapel, Thomas A., Amir H. Mehregan, and Theodore A. Reyman 1981 Histologic Findings in Mummified Skin. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 4(1):27-30. MUMMIES, SKIN, HISTOLOGY, [JRNL]
Chapelain-Jaures, E. 1920 La Pathologic dans l'Egypte Ancienne d'Après les Momies et les Manifestations Realistes de l'Art Egyptien. [Thèse de Doctorat en Médecine, Paris]. DISSERTATION, MUMMIES, EGYPT, PATHOLOGY, ART, [ARME]
Chapin, A. 1850 Remarks on the Venereal Disease at the Sandwich Islands. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 42:89-93. VENEREAL DISEASE, SANDWICH ISLANDS, [LSG1-Syphilis, history & statistics]
Chapin, Charles V. 1902 The End of the Filth Theory of Disease. Popular Science Monthly 60(January 1902):234-239. DISEASE, FILTH THEORY OF DISEASE, END OF, [JRNL]
Chapin, R., and C. Mills 1942 Dental Caries in the Panama Canal Zone. Pediatrics 21:55-60. DENTAL CARIES, PANAMA, [ARME]
Chaplin, James H. 1966 Discussion and criticism of "Tool Use and Crowded Teeth in Australopithecinae." [See A. Oppenheimer, 1964.]. Current Anthropology 7(3):357. DENTITION, TOOL USE, AUSTRALOPITHECINE, [JRNL]
Chaplin, Raymond E. 1971 The Study of Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites. London: Seminar Press. [See review by Guy Gibbon, 1974.]. BONE, ANIMAL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE, [ARME]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1963 Incidence of Arthritis in a Prehistoric Middle Mississippian Indian Population. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1975, 10:16.]. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1962 72:59-62. ARTHRITIS, MISSISSIPPIAN, INDIAN, [PPNL 1975-10:16 & ARME]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1964 The Incidence and Age Distribution of Osteoarthritis in a Number of Prehistoric American Indian Populations. [Thesis, University of Indiana]. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [ARME]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1964 The Incidence and Age Distribution of Osteoarthritis in an Archaic American Indian Population. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1975, 10:16.]. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1963 73:64-66. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1965 Comparison of Osteoarthritis in Three Aboriginal Populations. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1975, 10:16.]. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1964 74:84-86. ARTHRITIS, OSTEOARTHRITIS, ABORIGINAL, POPULATION, [JRNL]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1968 Osteophytosis in the Vertebral Column in a Number of Aboriginal American Indian Populations. [Dissertation, Indiana University, Bloomington]. DISSERTATION, SPINE, OSTEOPHYTOSIS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1969 Incidencia de la Artritis en Una Población Indigena Prehistórica de la Cultura Misisipiana Media. In: Mesa Redonda de Ciencias Prehistóricas y Anthropológicas, Primer Tomo. Lima, Peru: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Peru. Instituto Riva-Aguero. Seminario de Anthropologia. ARTHRITIS, PREHISTORIC, MIDDLE MISSISSIPPIAN, [ARME]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1970 Vertebral Osteophytosis in the Populations of Tlatilco and Tlatelolco, Mexico. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 33(1):127. OSTEOPHYTOSIS, VERTEBRAL, MEXICO, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1972 Geographical Survey of the Incidence of Osteophytosis in Indian Populations of Aboriginal America. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1975, 10:16.]. Proceedings of the 38th International Congress of Americanists (Stuttgart-Munich, 1968) 4:375-381. OSTEOPHYTOSIS, GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1972 Vertebral Osteophytosis in Prehistoric Populations of Central and Southern Mexico. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1975, 10:16.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 36(1):31-37. OSTEOPHYTOSIS, VERTEBRAL, PREHISTORIC, MEXICO, [JRNL]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1973 Osteophytosis in Prehistoric Brazilian Populations. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1975, 10:16.]. MAN (London) 8(1):93-99. OSTEOPHYTOSIS, PREHISTORIC, BRAZIL, [JRNL]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1976 Dental Paleopathology at Tapera, Florianoposil, Brazil. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 44(1):170. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, BRAZIL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Chapman, Florence Hantschke 1977 Dental Paleopathology at Florinapolis, Brazil. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1978, 21:18.]. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 1976 20:347-349. DENTAL PATHOLOGY, BRAZIL, [JRNL]
Chapman, J. S. 1977 The Atypical Mycobacteria and Human Mycobacteriosis. New York: Plenum Press. MYCOBACTERIA, MYCOBACTERIOSIS, ATYPICAL, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:212]
Chapman, John 1982 Foreword. In: Srboljub Zivanovic. Ancient Diseases: The Elements of Palaeopathology. With a Foreword by John Chapman. Translated by Lovett F. Edwards. New York: Pica Press, pp. xvi-xx. DISEASE, ANCIENT, [BOOK]
Chapman, Michael 1980 Infanticide and Fertility Among Eskimos: A Computer Simulation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 53(2):317-327. INFANTICIDE, FEMALE, FERTILITY, LACTATION, COMPUTER SIMULATION, ESKIMO, [JRNL]
Chapman, Robert 1981 The Emergence of Formal Disposal Areas and the "Problem" of the Megalithic Tombs in Prehistoric Europe. In: Robert Chapman, Ian Kinnes, and Klavs Randsborg, eds. The Archaeology of Death. London: Cambridge University Press, pp. 71-81. TOMB, MEGALITHIC, EUROPE, [HANSON-NPT-2:063]
Chapman, Robert 1987 Mortuary Practices: Society, Theory Building and Archaeology. In: A. Boddington, A. N. Garland, and Robert C. Janaway, eds. Death, Decay and Reconstruction: Approaches to Archaeology and Forensic Science. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, pp. 198-213. ARCHAEOLOGY, FORENSICS, MORTUARY PRACTICE, [BOOK]
Chapman, Robert, Ian Kinnes, and Klavs Randsborg, eds. 1981 The Archaeology of Death. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. DEATH, ARCHAEOLOGY OF, [HANSON-NPT-2:063 & STATUS & HEALTH ...:211 & COHEN&GJARM-1984:231 & ARME & MELVYL]
Chapman, Robert, and Klavs Randsborg 1981 Approaches to the Archaeology of Death. In: Robert Chapman, Ian Kinnes, and Klavs Randsborg, eds. The Archaeology of Death. London: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-24. DEATH, ARCHAEOLOGY, APPROACH, [HANSON-NPT-2:063]
Chappel, H. G. 1927 Jaws and Teeth of Ancient Hawaiians. Memoirs of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum 9(3):249-268. DENTITION, ANCIENT, HAWAII, [METRESS-1974:049 & ARME]
Chapple, Eliot D. 1977 Biocultural Adaptation in Prehistoric America: An Anthropological Biologist's Perspective. In: Robert L. Blakely, ed. Biocultural Adaptation in Prehistoric America. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, pp. 131-141. BIOCULTURAL ADAPTATION, PREHISTORIC, AMERICA, [BOOK]
Charatan, Fred 1994 Peruvian Mummy Shows that TB Preceded Columbus. [Letter]. British Medical Journal 308(6932):808. MUMMIES, PERU, TUBERCULOSIS, PRECOLUMBIAN, LETTER, [JRNL]
Charcot, and Richer 1889 Les Difformes et les Malades dans l'Art. DEFORMITY, ART, [ARME]
Charcot, Jean-Martin 1993 On Arthropathies of Cerebral or Spinal Origin. [Classical Article]. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 296:4-7. ARTHROPATHY, CEREBRAL OR SPINAL ORIGIN, CLASSICAL ARTICLE, [JRNL]
Charles, Douglas K. 1992 Woodland Demographic and Social Dynamics in the American Midwest: Analysis of a Burial Mound Survey. World Archaeology 24(2):175-197. DEMOGRAPHY, BURIAL MOUND SURVEY, WOODLAND, MIDWEST, AMERICA, INDIAN [JRNL]
Charles, Douglas K., and Jane E. Buikstra 1983 Archaic Mortuary Sites in the Central Mississippi Drainage: Distribution, Structure, and Behavioral Implications. In: James L. Phillips, and James A. Brown, eds. Archaic Hunters and Gatherers in the American Midwest. New York: Academic Press, pp. 117-145. MORTUARY SITE, MISSISSIPPI DRAINAGE, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:140 & MELVYL]
Charles, Douglas K., Jane E. Buikstra, and Lyle Konigsberg 1983 Terminal Archaic and Early Woodland Mortuary Practices in the Lower Illinois River Valley: The Behavioral Implications. Northwestern University Archaeological Program Scientific Papers. MORTUARY PRACTICE, WOODLAND, ARCHAIC, ILLINOIS, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:231 [NOTE: This is probably a dupe.]]
Charles, Douglas K., Jane E. Buikstra, and Lyle Konigsberg 1986 Behavioral Implications of Terminal Archaic and Early Woodland Mortuary Practices in the Lower Illinois Valley. In: K. B. Farnsworth, and T. E. Emerson, eds. Early Woodland Archaeology. Center for American Archaeology, Kampsville Seminars in Archaeology, Number 2. Kampsville, Illinois: Center for American Archaeology Press, pp. 458-474. MORTUARY PRACTICE, WOODLAND, ARCHAIC, ILLINOIS, [HANSON-NPT-2:063]
Charles, Douglas K., Keith Condon, James M. Cheverud, and Jane E. Buikstra 1986 Cementum Annulation and Age Determination in Homo sapiens. I. Tooth Variability and Observer Error. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 71(3):311-320. DENTITION, CEMENTUM ANNULATION, OBSERVER ERROR, TOOTH VARIABILITY, AGE ASSESSMENT, [JRNL]
Charles, Douglas K., Keith Condon, James M. Cheverud, and Jane E. Buikstra 1989 Estimating Age at Death from Growth Layer Groups in Cementum. In: Mehmet Yasar Iscan, ed. Age Markers in the Human Skeleton. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 277-301. AGE ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, CEMENTUM GROWTH LAYER GROUPS, [SAUNDERS-&-KATZENBERG-1992:219 & MELVYL]
Charles, Douglas K., Steven R. Leigh, and Jane E. Buikstra, eds. 1988 The Archaic and Woodland Cemeteries at the Elizabeth Site in the Lower Illinois Valley. Kampsville, Illinois: Center for American Archeology, Kampsville Archeological Center, Volume 7. CEMETERY, ARCHAIC AND WOODLAND, ELIZABETH SITE, LOWER ILLINOIS VALLEY, [MELVYL]
Charles, R. P. 1952 Les Sépultures Préhistoriques de Terevaine près de La Ciotat (Bouches-du-Rhône). Cahiers Ligures de Préhistoire et d'Archéologie 1:29-61. SEPULCHER, PREHISTORIC, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:095]
Charles, R. P. 1959 Observations sur les Restes Humaines du Dolmen des Caïres, Commune de Laissac (Aveyron). Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française 56:119-120. REMAINS, HUMAN, OBSERVATION, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:095]
Charlier, Christine 1980 Observations Paléopathologiques sur une Population Viking d'Allemagne du Nord: Schleswig, 11E-13E Siècles. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Third European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Caen, France, 26-28 September 1980, p. C5. PATHOLOGY, ELEVENTH TO THIRTEENTH CENTURY, VIKING, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Charlier, Christine 1986 Evidence of Rheumatic Affection in the Upper Paleolithic Human Remains of Nazlet Khater Upper Egypt. Clinical Rheumatology 5(2):294. REMAINS, HUMAN, RHEUMATISM, UPPER PALEOLITHIC, EGYPT, NAZLET KHATER, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Charlier, Christine 1993 The Upper Palaeolithic Man of Nazlet Khater (Upper Egypt): Dysraphic and Arthritic Lesions. [Poster]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto, Ontario, 13-14 April 1993, p. 19. SKULL, DYSRAPHISM, CONGENITAL HERNIATION, SPINE, SCOLIOSIS, ARTHRITIS, NAZLET MAN, HOMO SAPIENS, POSTER, [JRNL]
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