Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation

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de Nadaillac, Marquis 1900 Les Trepanations Préhistoriques. Revue des Questions Scientifiques de Louvain. TREPHINATION, PREHISTORIC, [ARME]
de Paiva-Boléo, J. 1974 [History of Tooth Extraction from Antiquity to Modern Times.]. [French]. Actualités Odont-Stomatologiques (Paris) (108):575-595. DENTAL EXTRACTION, HISTORY, [NDX-History of Dentistry-17-06-08275]
de Pancorbo, M. M., A. Castro, S. Alonso, I. Fernandez-Fernandez, C. Barbero, A. Garcia-Orad, N. Izaguirre, M. Iriondo, and C. de la Rua 1995 Genetic Typing with HUMTH01, HUMVWA31A and HUMFES/FPS Short Tandem Repeat Loci, D1S80 Variable Number Tandem Repeat Locus and HLA-DQ Alpha of Recent and from XII-XIII Centuries Spongy Bone. Electrophoresis 16(9):1612-1626. BONE, SPONGY BONE, GENETIC TYPING, HLA-DQ ANTIGENS, [NDX-PALEOPATHOLOGY-ON-LINE-ENTRY-MONTH-95-07-THRU-96-05]
de Rivero, M. 1857 Sur les Yeux des Momies Péruviennes. [Abstract]. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) 44:517. MUMMIES, PERU, ABSTRACT, [LSG2-Mummies]
de Rosemont 1916 Embaumement chez les Anciens. Revue Scientifique de la France et de l'Etranger 2:525-529. EMBALMING, ANCIENT, [LSG3-Embalming history]
De Rouffignac, C. 1985 Parasite Egg Survival and Identification from Hibernia Wharf, Southwark London Archaeologist 5:103-105. PARASITISM, PARASITE OVUM, HIBERNIA WHARF, SOUTHWARK, [CWHM-1986-130-#1484 & ARME]
De Rouffignac, C. 1987 Medieval Man and His Worms. Biologist (London) 34:187-190. PARASITISM, MEDIEVAL, [CWHM-1988-138-#1443]
de Saint-Périer, R. 1914 Lésions Osseues d'un Squelette d'Enfant Trouvé dans un Milieu Gallo-Romain. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 5(Série 6):31-36. BONE, LESION, GALLO-ROMAN, [LSG3-Bones prehistoric]
de Saint-Périer, R. 1925 Les Armes et les Blessures Préhistoriques. Progrès Médical (Paris) 40(Supplement, Illustrated):81-85. WOUND, WEAPON, PREHISTORIC, [LSG3-Surgery prehistoric & primitive]
de Sevelinges 1759 Observations sur les Effets de la Momie d'Egypte. Journal de Médecine, Chirurgie, Pharmacie, Etc 11:224-227. MUMMIES, EGYPT, [LSG1-Mummies]
De Silva, P. Ariyaratne, and Michael G. Gomez 1994 The History of Venereal Disease and Yaws (Parangi) in Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Genitourinary Medicine 70(5):349-354. TREPONEMATOSIS, YAWS (PARANGI), VENEREAL DISEASE, HISTORY, SRI LANKA (CEYLON), [JRNL]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M. 1981 Enema Scenes on Ancient Maya Pottery. Pharmacy International 2(October):217-219. ENEMA SCENE, MAYA POTTERY, [CWHM-1982-112-#0545]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M. 1981 South American Ritual Anadenanthera Enemas. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad 116:1187-1191. ENEMA, ANADENANTHERA, RITUAL, SOUTH AMERICA, [CWHM-1982-112-#0546]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M. 1983 A Multidisciplinary Overview of Intoxicating Enema Rituals in the Western Hemisphere. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 9:129-166. HALLUCINOGEN, ENEMA, INTOXICATING, RITUAL, WESTERN HEMISPHERE, [CWHM-1985-124-#0493]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M. 1985 A Multidisciplinary Overview of Intoxicating Snuff Rituals in the Western Hemisphere. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 13:3-49. HALLUCINOGEN, SNUFF, INTOXICATING, RITUAL, WESTERN HEMISPHERE, [CWHM-1985-125-#1918]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M. 1985 Ritual Enemas and Snuffs in the Americas. Latin America Studies 33. Dordrecht, Holland: Foris Publications. ENEMA, SNUFF, NEW WORLD, RITUAL USE, [LAT-AM-ANTIQ-1994-3:226 & MELVYL]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M. 1987 Supplementary Data in Ritual Enemas and Snuffs in the Western Hemisphere. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 19:327-331. HALLUCINOGEN, ENEMA, SNUFF, INTOXICATING, RITUAL, WESTERN HEMISPHERE, [CWHM-1988-135-#0575]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M. 1988 Rituels de Drogue sur la Poterie Maya à Berlin-Ouest. Organorama 2:8-14. DRUG, RITUAL, MAYA, SCENE ON POTTERY, [CWHM-1993-157-#0037]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M. 1993 An Introduction to Herbal Pharmacoepidemiology. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 38(2-3):197-208. PHARMACOLOGY, [CWHM-1993-158-#0052]
De Smet, Peter A. G. M., and N. M. Hellmuth 1986 A Multidisciplinary Approach to Ritual Enema Scenes on Ancient Maya Pottery. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 16:213-262. ENEMA, RITUAL, MAYA, SCENE ON POTTERY, [CWHM-1987-131-#0623]
de Stefano, G. F., and Roberto Macchiarelli 1979 Variétés: Traits Discontinus dans un Echantillon de Crânes d'Habitants de la Terre de Feu. [French with English Abstract]. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 83:105-108. SKULL, VARIATION, TERRA DEL FUEGO, [JRNL]
De Terra, Helmut 1937 The Siwaliks of India and Early Man. Early Man International Symposium. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Academy of Natural Science, pp. 257-268. PATHOLOGY, BIOLOGY, SIWALIKS, EARLY MAN, INDIA, [LSG4-Man paleobiology & paleopathology & CRAN]
De Terra, Helmut, Javier Romero, and T. Dale Stewart 1949 Tepexpan Man. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology, Number 11. New York: The Viking Fund, Inc. TEPEXPAN MAN, [BOOK & CRAN]
de Toni, G. 1972 [Origins, Significance and History of Circumcision in The Customs and Religion of Various Peoples. Why Rescue It from Oblivion?]. [Italian]. Minerva Pediatrica 24:1021-1039. CIRCUMCISION, HISTORY, [NDX-Circumcision history-14-05-04425]
de Vasto, Michael A. 1974 The Existence of Pre-Columbian Cretinism. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 41(3):475. CRETINISM, PRECOLUMBIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
de Vasto, Michael A. 1974 The Existence of Pre-Columbian Cretinism. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Paleopathology Symposium Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Amherst, Massachusetts, 11 April 1974, pp. 6-7. CRETINISM, PRECOLUMBIAN, ABSTRACT, [PPATHSYM74]
de Vasto, Michael A. 1976 New Evidence Concerning the Existence of Pre-Columbian Cretinism. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 44(1):174. CRETINISM, PRECOLUMBIAN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
de Vasto, Michael A. 1977 The Percentage of Calcium and Phosphorus in Human Bone as Diagnostic of Severe Hypothyroidism. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 1976 20:338-346. HYPOTHYROIDISM, PHOSPHORUS, CALCIUM, PERCENTAGE, DIAGNOSTIC, [JRNL]
de Villiers, Hertha, and M. L. Wilson 1982 Human Burials from Byneskranskop, Bredasdrop District, Cape Province, South Africa. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1984, 45:13.]. Annals of the South African Museum/Annales van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum 88(2):205-248. BURIAL, BYNESKRANSKOP, BREDASDROP DISTRICT, CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA, [JRNL]
De Vito, Carol, and Shelley R. Saunders 1990 A Discriminant Function Analysis of Deciduous Teeth to Determine Sex. Journal of Forensic Sciences 35(4):845-858. SEX ASSESSMENT, DENTITION, DECIDUOUS, [JRNL]
De Vries, Andre 1977 History of Gout. Including Comments from an Illustrious Timeless Gathering. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 76A:1-12. GOUT, HISTORY, [NDX-Gout history-18-10-07709]
De Vries, Andre, and Abraham Weinberger 1975 King Asa's Presumed Gout: Twentieth Century A.D. Discussion of Ninth Century B.C. Biblical Patient. New York State Journal of Medicine 75(3):452-455. GOUT, KING ASA, NINTH CENTURY, BIBLE, [JRNL]
De Vries, Jan 1984 European Urbanization, 1500-1800. London: Methuen. DEMOGRAPHY, URBANIZATION, EUROPE 1500-1800, [MASCA-1992-9:041 & MELVYL]
De Vries, R. R. P. 1978 The Epidemic at Voorzorg. [Dutch]. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 122:1851-1853. TYPHUS, VOORZORG 1845, [CWHM-1980-103-#1919]
Deagan, Kathleen A. 1984 Their Number Become Thinned: Native American Population Dynamics in Eastern North America. By Henry F. Dobyns. 1983. Knoxville, Tennessee: The University of Tennessee Press. [Review]. Historical Quarterly 63:212-215. REVIEW OF, DOBYNS; H. F., 1983, [FLORIDA-ANTHROPOL-1990-43:11 & MELVYL]
Deagan, Kathleen A. 1990 Accommodation and Resistance. In: David Hurst Thomas, ed. Columbian Consequences. Volume 2. Archaeological and Historical Perspectives on the Spanish Borderlands East. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 297-314. COLUMBIAN CONSEQUENCE, SPANISH BORDERLAND, ACCOMMODATION, RESISTANCE, [ANN-REV-ANTHROPOL-1993-22:289]
Dean, G. 1975 The Curse of the Pharaohs. World Medicine 10(18):17-21. HISTOPLASMOSIS, EGYPT, [CWHM-1975-087-#0655]
Dean, Geoffrey 1968 Royal Malady. [Letter]. British Medical Journal 1(5589):443. MEDICAL HISTORY, PORPHYRIA, GEORGE III, LETTER, [JRNL

Dean, Geoffrey 1968 Royal Malady. [Letter]. British Medical Journal 2(5599):243-244. MEDICAL HISTORY, PORPHYRIA, GEORGE III, LETTER, [JRNL

Dean, Glenna 1993 Use of Pollen Concentrations in Coprolite Analysis: An Archaeobotanical Viewpoint with a Comment to Reinhard, et al. (1991). Journal of Ethnobiology 13(1):102-114. COPROLITE, POLLEN, [CWHM-1994-160-#0027]
Dean, H. Trendley 1934 Classification of Mottled Enamel Diagnosis. Journal of the American Dental Association 21(8):1421-1426 DENTAL ENAMEL DEFECT, MOTTLING, DIAGNOSIS, CLASSIFICATION, [JRNL]
Dean, Jeffrey S., Robert C. Euler, George J. Gumerman, Fred Plog, Richard H. Hevly, and Thor N. V. Karlstrom 1985 Human Behavior, Demography, and Paleoenvironment on the Colorado Plateaus. American Antiquity 50(3):537-554. DEMOGRAPHY, COLORADO, [JRNL]
Dean, M. C. 1985 The Eruption Pattern of Permanent Incisors and First Permanent Molars in Australopithecus (Paranthropus) robustus. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 67(3):251-257. DENTAL ERUPTION, HOMINID, [JRNL]
Dean, M. C., and A. D. Beynon 1991 Tooth Crown Heights, Tooth Wear, Sexual Dimorphism and Jaw Growth in Hominoids. Zeitschrift fuer Morphologie und Anthropologie 78(3):425-440. DENTITION, HOMINOID, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1991-29:163]
Dean, M. C., A. D. Beynon, D. J. Reid, and D. K. Whittaker 1993 A Longitudinal Study of Tooth Growth in a Single Individual Based on Long- and Short-Period Incremental Markings in Dentine and Enamel. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 3:249-264. DENTITION, TOOTH GROWTH, LONGITUDINAL STUDY, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1995-5:357]
Dean, M. C., and A. E. Scandrett 1995 Rates of Dentine Mineralization in Permanent Human Teeth. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(4):349-358. DENTITION, PERMANENT, TETRACYCLINE, DENTINE MINERALIZATION RATE, [JRNL]
Dean, M. C., C. B. Stringer, and T. G. Bromage 1986 Age at Death of the Neanderthal Child from Devil's Tower, Gibraltar and the Implications for Studies of General Growth and Development in Neanderthals. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1986, 56:14.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 70(3):301-309. DENTITION, AGE ASSESSMENT, CHILD, GIBRALTAR, NEANDERTAL, [JRNL]
Dean, Valerie L. [See also O'Loughlin, Valerie Dean.] 1993 Induced Changes in Sinus and Meningeal Vessel Patterns Due to Artificial Cranial Deformation. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 16:79. SKULL, DEFORMATION, CHANGE, SINUS, MENINGEAL VESSEL, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dean, Valerie L. [See also O'Loughlin, Valerie Dean.] 1994 Comparative Endocranial Effects of Craniosynostosis and Artificial Cranial Deformation. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 18:77. SKULL, DEFORMATION, CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS, ENDOCRANIAL EFFECT, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Dean, Valerie L. [See also O'Loughlin, Valerie Dean.] 1995 Effects of Cultural Cranial Deformation and Craniosynostosis on Cranial Venous Sinus and Middle Meningeal Vessel Pattern Expression. [Dissertation, Indiana University, Bloomington]. [For abstract, see Dissertation Abstracts International, 56(7):2751-A, University Microfilms order number #DA9539949.]. [For abbreviated abstract, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1996, 95:18.]. DISSERTATION, SKULL, DEFORMATION, CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS, SINUS, MENINGEAL VESSEL PATTERN, [PPNL-1996-95:18]
Dean, Valerie L. [See also O'Loughlin, Valerie Dean.] 1995 Sinus and Meningeal Vessel Pattern Changes Induced by Artificial Cranial Deformation: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5(1):1-14. SKULL, DEFORMATION, SINUS; VENOUS, VESSEL; MENINGEAL, [JRNL]
Dean, Valerie L. [See also O'Loughlin, Valerie Dean.] 1996 Effects of Cultural Cranial Deformation on the Expression of Cranial Venous Sinus Patterns. [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:94. SKULL, DEFORMATION, SINUS PATTERN, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Deas, V. J. 1992 Ante-Mortem Tooth Loss and Dental Health at Poundbury Camp, Dorchester, Dorset. [Dissertation, Kings College, University of London]. DISSERTATION, DENTITION, POUNDBURY CAMP, DORCHESTER, DORSET, ENGLAND, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1995-22:669]
Debeaux, P. 1973 Hemotypological Study of Ancient Remains. Lyon: Colloque de Paléopathologie, September 1973. [Summary by R. Perrot]. Paleopathology Newsletter 6:9. REMAINS, HUMAN, HEMOTYPOLOGY, ANCIENT, SUMMARY, [JRNL]
Debets, G. F. 1955 Paleoanthropological Find in Kostenki. Sovetskaya Ethografiya 1:43-53. PALEOANTHROPOLOGY, KOSTENKI, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:070]
Debets, G. F. 1955 Skeletons in the Epipaleolithic (Mesolithic) Cemetery at Voloschkoyo. Sovetskaya Ethografiya 3:62-73. CEMETERY, MESOLITHIC, VOLOSCHKOYO, [COHEN&GJARM-1984:070]
DeBlecourt, J. J., A. Polman, and T. DeBlecourt-Meindersman 1961 Hereditary Factors in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 20:215-223. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, HEREDITY, [STEINBOCK-1976:312]
DeBoer, Warren 1985 Comment on "Demographic Estimates in Archaeology: Contributions from Ethnoarchaeology on Mesoamerican Peasants." [See Charles C. Kolb, 1985.]. Current Anthropology 26(5):591-592. DEMOGRAPHY, ARCHAEOLOGY, ETHNOARCHAEOLOGY, MESOAMERICA, [JRNL]
Debruyn, John R. 1990 Journal of a Plague Year: Arthur Helps, Stephen Spring-Rice, John Simon and the Health Fund for London, 1853-54. Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 148(2):217-223. PLAGUE, LONDON, [CWHM-1993-158-#0345]
Dechaume, M. 1938 Lesions Buccales, Dentaires et Maxillaires dans les Maladies Professionnelles. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles: Hygiène et Toxicologie Industrielles 1:200-220. LESION, DENTAL, BUCCAL, [ISCAN-1989:157]
Decio, F. Carlo 1900 La Peste in Milano, nell'Anno 1451. [The Plague at Milan in the Year 1451.]. Milan. PLAGUE, HISTORY, MILAN, 1451, [NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:270]
Decker, F. H., and M. G. Bohrod 1939 Medullary Artefacts in Prehistoric Bones. American Journal of Roentgenology 42:374-375. BONE, MEDULLARY ARTIFACT, PREHISTORIC, [QCIM-1939-26:0386 & ARME]
Decker, J. F. 1989 Scurvy at York: A Dread Affliction Lingered at the Bay. Beaver (Winnepeg) 69(1):42-48. SCURVY, YORK, [CWHM-1989-141-#2012]
Decker, Kenneth W. 1986 Isotopic and Chemical Reconstruction of Diet and Its Biological and Social Dimensions at Grasshopper Pueblo, Arizona. Paper Presented at the 51st Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, Louisiana. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, GRASSHOPPER PUEBLO, [ISCAN-1989:257]
Decker, Kenneth W., and Larry L. Tieszen 1989 Isotopic Reconstruction of Mesa Verde Diet from Basketmaker III to Pueblo III. Kiva 55(1):33-46. NUTRITION, BASKETMAKER III TO PUEBLO III, MESA VERDE, [JRNL]
Decorse, D. J. 1905 Le Tatouage, les Mutilations Ethniques et la Parure chez les Populations du Soudan. L'Anthropologie (Paris) 16:129. MUTILATION, ETHNIC, [ARME]
Dededind, A. 1896 A Novel Use for Röntgen Rays. British Journal of Photography 43:131. RADIOLOGY, NOVEL USE, [Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Vol 35 B (1979), No 1-4]
Deegan, M., and S. Rubin 1988 Written in Bones: Palaeopathology and Anglo-Saxon Medicine. Archaeology Today 9(1):40-45. MEDICINE, ANGLO-SAXON, [CWHM-1989-140-#0083]
Deelder, A. M., R. L. Miller, N. de Jonge, and F. W. Krijer 1990 Detection of Schistosome Antigen in Mummies. [Letter]. Lancet (London) 335(8691):724-725. MUMMIES, SCHISTOSOME ANTIGEN, LETTER, [JRNL]
Deeley, Thomas J. 1983 A Brief History of Cancer. Clinical Radiology 34(6):597-608. NEOPLASM, CANCER, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Deeley, W. S. 1976 Diet Caused Early Man's Dental Ills. Dental Student 54(8):102-104. DENTAL DISEASE, DIET, ANCIENT, MAN, [BHM-15:479 & ARME]
Deeley, W. S. 1976 Greeks, Romans Applied Science to Knowledge of the Oral Cavity. Dental Student 54(9):38-40. DENTISTRY, GREEK, ROMAN, [CWHM-1981-108-#0437]
Deetz, James, and Edwin N. Dethlefsen 1971 Some Social Aspects of New England Colonial Mortuary Art. In: James A. Brown, ed. Approaches to the Social Dimensions of Mortuary Practices. American Antiquity 36(3, Part 2):30-38. MORTUARY PRACTICE, [JRNL]
Deetz, James, and Edwin N. Dethlefsen 1971 Some Social Aspects of New England Colonial Mortuary Art. In: James A. Brown, ed. Approaches to the Social Dimensions of Mortuary Practices. Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology 25:30-38. MORTUARY PRACTICE, [JRNL]
Deevey, E. S. 1969 Specific Diversity in Fossil Assemblages. Brookhaven Symposia in Biology 22:224. FOSSIL, DIVERSITY, ASSEMBLAGES, [ARME]
Defleur, Alban, Olivier Dutour, Hélène Valladas, and Bernard Vandermeersch 1993 Cannibals Among the Neanderthals? [Letter]. Nature (London) 362(6417):214. CANNIBALISM, NEANDERTAL, LETTER, [JRNL]
Defoe, Daniel 1754 The History of the Great Plague in London, in the Year 1665. Containing, Observations and Memorials of the Most Remarkable Occurrences, both Public and Private, that Happened During that Dreadful Period. London: F. and J. Noble. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, 1665, [MELVYL & NOHL-JOHANNES-1924:270]
Defoe, Daniel 1800 The History of the Plague in London, in 1665. Philadelphia: Printed by B. & J. Johnson, Number 147 High-Street. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, 1665, [MELVYL]
Defoe, Daniel 1800? Pathetic History of the Plague in London, in the Year 1665: Whereof Three Thousand Died in One Night, and an Hundred Thousand Taken Sick. [Eight Lines of Verse.]. Charlestown, Massachusetts: Printed and sold by J. White, Charlestown. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, 1665, [MELVYL]
Defoe, Daniel 1803 A Pathetic History of the Plague in London in the Year 1665. To Which Is Here Added, an Account of the Surprising Revivals of Religion in a Number of Towns in the New-England States, and also in Nova-Scotia.... Worcester, Massachusetts: Daniel Greenleaf. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, 1665, [MELVYL]
Defoe, Daniel 1819 The History of the Great Plague in London, in the Year 1665: Containing Observations and Memorials of the Most Remarkable Occurrences, Both Public and Private, That Happened During That Dreadful Period. London: Printed by H. Teape for John Offor. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, 1665, [MELVYL]
Defoe, Daniel 1824 An Abridgment of The History of the Great Plague in London, in the Year 1665. By a Citizen, Who Lived the Whole Time in London. Together with an Account of the Fire in 1666; from the Memoirs of Evelyn. A New Edition. London: C. and J. Rivington. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, 1665, [MELVYL]
Defoe, Daniel 1832 The History of the Great Plague in London in the Year 1665, Containing Observations and Memorials of the Most Remarkable Occurrences, Both Public and Private, During That Dreadful Period. A New Edition. London: Renshaw and Rush. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, 1665, [MELVYL]
Defoe, Daniel 1857 The History of the Plague of London: Together with, Religious Courtship. New York: Derby & Jackson. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, [MELVYL]
Defoe, Daniel 1889 History of the Plague in London, 1665. With preface by Sir Walter Scott. London: G. Bell. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, 1665, [MELVYL]
Defoe, Daniel 1894 History of the Plague in London. New York, Cincinnati, etc.: American Book Co. PLAGUE, HISTORY, LONDON, [MELVYL]
Deftos, L. J. 1990 Calcitonin. In: M. J. Favus, ed. Primer on Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism. Kelleysville, California: American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, pp. 53-55. CALCITONIN, [SANDFORD-MARY-K-1993:047]
Degens, Egon T., Stanley W. Watson, and Charles C. Remsen 1970 Fossil Membranes and Cell Wall Fragments from a 7000-Year-Old Black Sea Sediment. Science 168(3936):1207-1208. CELL, WALL FRAGMENT, FOSSIL, MEMBRANE, [JRNL]
Degerbol, M. 1964 Outline of History of Human Race. Nordisk Medicin 71:604. HISTORY, HUMAN RACE, [ARME]
Deiber, A. 1904 Clément d'Alexandrie et l'Egypte. Mémoires Publiés par les Membres de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire. Cairo: Imprimerie de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Volume 10. MEMOIRS, CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:075]
Deichgräber, K. 1971 [The Greek Physicians' Graciosity.]. [German]. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 96:841-845. PHYSICIAN, PATIENT, HISTORY, [NDX-Physician Patient history-12-02-07390]
Deines, H. von 1956 Mutter der Menschen. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin Inst Orientforsch Mitteilungen 4:27:39. PALEOPATHOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:075]
Deines, H. von 1959 Grundriss der Medizin der Alten Ägypter. Volume 6. Wörterbuch der Ägyptischen Drogennamen. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. [See review by J. Leclant, 1963.]. MEDICINE, EGYPT, ANCIENT, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:076]
Deines, H. von, and W. Westendorf 1961 Grundriss der Medizin der Alten Ägypter. Volume 7, Part 1. Wörterbuch der Medizinischen Texte. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. [See review by J. Leclant, 1963.]. MEDICINE, EGYPT, ANCIENT, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:076]
Deines, H. von, and W. Westendorf 1962 Grundriss der Medizin der Alten Ägypter. Volume 7, Part 2. Wörterbuch der Medizinischen Texte. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. [See review by J. Leclant, 1963.]. MEDICINE, EGYPT, ANCIENT, [X-RAY ATLAS R MUM:076]
Deitrick, L. 1980 The Occurrence and Interpretation of Trauma at the Larson Site, 39WW2, Walworth County, South Dakota. [Thesis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville]. TRAUMA, LARSON SITE, SOUTH DAKOTA, [DRY BONES:215]
DeJarnette, D. L., and S. B. Wimberly 1941 The Bessemer Site: Excavation of Three Mounds and Surrounding Village Areas Near Bessemer, Alabama. Geological Survey of Alabama, Museum Paper 17. ARCHAEOLOGY, BESSEMER SITE, [STATUS & HEALTH ...:213]
Dekeyser, L. 1912 Quelques Considérations sur les Léproseries Belges du Moyen Age. Journal Médical de Bruxelles 17:187;201;235. LEPROSY, MIDDLE AGES, [LSG3-Leprosy history & statistics]
Dekin, Albert A., Jr. 1984 Retrospect and Prospect: Archaeology. In: The Frozen Family from the Utqiagvik Site, Barrow, Alaska: Papers from a Symposium. Arctic Anthropology 21(1):149-151. MUMMIES, ALASKA, FROZEN FAMILY, UTQIAGVIK SITE, ARCHAEOLOGY, [JRNL]
Dekin, Albert A., Jr. 1987 Sealed in Time: Ice Entombed an Eskimo Family for Five Centuries. National Geographic 171(6):824-836. MUMMIES, ALASKA, FROZEN FAMILY, UTQIAGVIK SITE, [JRNL]
Del Guerra, Giorgio 1970 I Primi Documenti Quattrocenteschi sulla Sifilide e le Lezioni Pisane di Luca Ghini, Secolo XVI. Pisa: Giardini. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [MELVYL]
del Portillo 1911 Período Prehistórico en la Historia de la Sífilis. Revista Española de Dermatología y Sifiliografía 13:121-128. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, PRECOLUMBIAN, [LSG2-Syphilis, prehistoric or pre-Columbian]
Del Pozo, E. C. 1964 [The Next Spanish Edition of the Aztec Herbarium by Martin de la Cruz and Juan Badiano.]. [Spanish]. Gaceta Médica de México 94:231-233. HERBARIUM, AZTEC, [NDX-History of Medicine 16th century-05-03-01861]
Del Pozzo, Giovanna, and John Guardiola 1989 Mummy DNA Fragment Identified. [Letter]. Nature (London) 339(6224):431-432. MUMMIES, DNA, LETTER, [JRNL]
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