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1063 Covers: 1d Red rough paper on Sydney window-faced envelope with part Samoan censor cachet on front. Another (2) 1d rough papers, one with variety "rusted TR cnr" on separate pictorial "Shierlaw" fronts. 2d Orange perf OS (4) on separate OHMS cards or envelopes. 2d Red perf OS pr on Dept of Repatriation envelope & single on Tax Office card. 5d perf OS (2) on separate WA registered unclaimed covers. Fresh & clean, mostly VF. ACSC cat $960, plus another $200 for the rusted plate. (11). $200 $300

1064 KGV Prancing Horse essay. VF UN as made. Scarce. (P) $150 $250

1065 Single wmk specialised collection in springback album with ½d green (140), with shades, varieties inc "dot before 2" (ACSC 63(4)r) & "spot on Kings head" (63(6)d), ½d orange (30), 1d violet (150) inc shades from pale lilac to deep purple & ACSC listed flaws (14 cat $350), 1d green (90) inc "rough" papers & constant flaws (10 diff cat $200+). 1½d brown to chocolate colours (270) inc shades & varieties. 1½d green (120) inc coarse mesh paper (4 cat $1600) inc perf OS. 1½d red (350) with shades inc "intense deep scarlet red" (2, retail $400+ each) & scarlet-orange (4, ACSC cat $800), varieties inc "coarse mesh paper" & "halfpence" (2). 2d orange (120), 2d red (480) inc dry ink perf OS & shades ranging from pale to deep, wide range of varieties inc possible "cracked electros", 2d brown (24), 3d blue (60), 4d orange (90) inc "line through FOUR PENCE" (cat $175) & lemon-yellow shades (20) pale to deeper (cat $700), 4d violet (30) inc "thin FOUR PENCE" cat $400, 4d blue (30) & olive (30), 4½d violet (60), 5d brown (54) inc chestnut & yellow-brown colours, 1/4 (18). Throughout are official perfins with perf OS all vals from ½d green to 1/4 turquoise, & OS/NSW to 5d inc 2d brown, 4d olive & 4½ violet. Plus extra varieties/colours to 4d & selected numeral cancels or other pmks at the rear. Fresh & clean, massive collection with huge individual cat val/retail prices. Mostly F-VFU inc CTO from 1½d to 1/4. Conservative retail $12,000. Viewing highly recommended. (2400). (P) $1500 $2000

1066 Varieties: 4d Violet blk of 6 (now split) LR stamp with "spot on Kangaroo's foot" (ACSC 111(1)o var, cat $330). 4½d SM wmk perf 13½x12½ variety "retouched numerals in LVT" (pos 1R16) ACSC 120As cat $200. ½d Green electro 7 horiz pr, right stamp "retouch above LIA" (cat $60), 1½d green electro 17, blk of 3 with distinctive vert (coarse) mesh paper MLH, cat $1800. 2d Red single wmk (5) all with over-inking flaws in lower frames, plus another stamp with "broken O in TWO" variety ACSC 96(10)e cat $90. Also 1913 KGV 1d carmine to scarlet shades (9) inc blk of 4. Mostly F-VFM/MUH, total ACSC cat over $2700. (27). $400 $600


1067 1d Scarlet red (G17) variety "CNE PENNY" lightly cancelled with error clearly visible. Superb U. A scarce & popular variety! ACSC 71G(4)q cat $1500. 2014 Drury photo-cert. (P) $900 $1200

1068 1d Aniline scarlet smooth paper (G18) variety "rusted cliche" (pos 4/35). F-VF U. SG 21ca cat £450. ACSC 71I(2)k cat $750 (P) $250 $350

1069 1d Aniline scarlet smooth paper (G18) variety "rusted cliche" (pos 4/34). F-VF U. SG 21ca cat £450. ACSC 71I(2)j cat $750 (P) $250 $350

1070 1d Deep scarlet-aniline smooth paper (G19) variety "distorted ONE PENNY" (pos 8/13) W/C VF fresh MUH. ACSC 71J(4)k cat $300 for M, should be at least $600 MUH. 2015 Drury photo-cert. (P) $220 $300

1071 1d Crimson perf OS smooth paper (G23) variety "dry ink". VFM. Graphic example of this often misidentified printing variation. ACSC 71Nbbca $350 & vastly under-rated. 2003 Drury photo-cert. $220 $300

1072 1d Bright brown-red smooth paper (G24) variety "secret mark". Superb U, cancel clear of variety. ACSC 71O(4)d cat $400. 2015 Drury photo cert. (P) $180 $250

1073 1d Brick -pale terracotta (G25), smooth paper, variety "Run N retouch". Neat "Matong NSW" cds. VFU. ACSC 71Q(4)sa cat $400. 2013 Drury photo cert. (P) $150 $250

1074 1d Pale terra-cotta perf OS, (G25) tied to 1918 OHMS Public Health Dept card by light Melbourne machine cancel. ACSC 71Qbb cat $950. Very rare on cover. 2014 Drury photo-cert. (P) $400 $600

1075 1d Brick -pale terracotta smooth paper (G25). W/C VFU. ACSC 71Q cat $250. 2015 Drury photo cert. (P) $100 $150

1076 1d Brick (pale terra-cotta) smooth paper (G25). Lightly cancelled with clear "Dee 26 1917" date. Superb U. ACSC 71Q cat $250. 2015 Drury photo cert. (P) $100 $150

1077 1d Brick (pale terra-cotta) smooth paper (G25), variety "extra frame at left". Superb U, tied to small piece by crisp "Auburn 28 DEC 17 Victoria" cds. ACSC 71Q cat $250. 2015 Drury photo-cert. (P) $150 $200

1078 1d Salmon smooth paper (G26) variety "Dot before 1". Lightly cancelled. F-VF U. ACSC 71R(3)m cat $100. 2015 Drury photo cert. (P) $40 $60

1079 1d SALMON EOSIN (G27). Superb U, very light pmk part "… Creek" cds. ACSC 71S cat $2500. 2013 Drury photo cert. (P) $1300 $1600

1080 1d Pink smooth paper (G28), wmk inverted. W/C FU. ACSC 71Ta cat $200. 2015 Drury photo-cert. (P) $80 $120

1081 1d Pink smooth paper (G28) variety "Ferns". W/C VF fresh UN. ACSC 71T(4)ia cat $750. 2015 Drury photo-cert. (P) $150 $200

1082 1d Carmine-red JBC Monogram smooth paper (G31) plate 3 blk of 6 (2x3), variety "deformed shading in oval over E of POSTAGE. 2 MLH, other 4 inc monogram & variety horiz pr F-VF MUH. ACSC 71Y(4),s ze cat $375 as hinged singles, unpriced MUH. (P) $250 $350

1083 1d Brown-red smooth paper (G32). Lightly cancelled. W/C VFU. ACSC 71W cat $150. 2015 Drury photo cert. (P) $80 $120

1084 1d Deep-red aniline rough paper (G61). Superb fresh left marginal MUH. ASC 72B cat $100. 2015 Drury photo cert. (P) $60 $80

1085 1d Pink rough paper (G66). FM, disturbed gum. ACSC 72G cat $750. 2015 Drury photo cert. (P) $150 $250

1086 1d Rose-pink perf OS rough paper (G67). Light machine cancel. F-VFU. ACSC 72Hbb cat $250. 2014 Drury photo cert. (P) $120 $180

1087 1d Rose-pink rough paper (G67). Superb U, 1918 "Ship Mail Room Melbourne" cds. ACSC 72H cat $175. 2014 Drury photo cert (P) $120 $150

1088 1d Rosine rough paper (G68) variety "extra right frame line". FU with WWI patriotic slogan cancel. ACSC 72I cat $150. 2013 Drury photo-cert. (P) $50 $80

1089 1d Rosine rough paper (G68). Lightly cancelled VFU. ACSC 72I cat $150. 2014 Drury photo cert. (P) $80 $120

1090 1d Rosine perf OS rough paper (G69) horiz pr, both stamps with extra frame lines at top & at right. Tied to paper fragment by light Melbourne cancel. Superb U. As pale a shade as we have seen. ACSC 72Ibb cat $150 as 2 non variety singles. 2015 Drury photo-cert. (P) $100 $150

1091 1d Deep rosine perf OS rough paper (G70) tied to OHMS Public Health Dept card by light 1923 Melbourne machine cancel. ACSC 72Jbb cat $1250. Very rare on cover. 2014 Drury photo-cert. (P) $400 $600

1092 1d Damson rough paper (G70½) pos 60 with S & M private perfin. FU. ACSC 72K cat $200 as normal much scarcer with perfin. 2015 Drury photo-cert. (P) $80 $120

1093 1d Lilac-rose rough paper (G70½). FM, sl disturbed gum. ACSC 72KA cat $1250. 2015 Drury photo-cert. $350 $450

1094 1d Damson perf OS rough paper (G70½). Bold 1919 "Melbourne" cds. FU. ACSC 72Kbb cat $500. 2014 Drury photo cert. (P) $150 $250

1095 1d Damson rough paper (G70½). Crisp 1918 "Broadford Victoria" cds. VFU. ACSC 72K cat $200. 2014 Drury photo cert. (P) $120 $150

1096 1d Plum perf OS/NSW rough paper (G71). Lightly cancelled VFU. ACSC 72Lbb(var) cat $600 for normal OS, state perfin much scarcer. 2014 Drury photo cert. (P) $200 $300

1097 1d Maroon perf OS, rough paper (G77). VF fresh UN. ACSC 72Rbb cat $750 as hinged M. 2015 Drury photo-cert. (P) $150 $250

1098 1d Carmine-(aniline) rough paper (G62) variety NO WATERMARK (marginal line only). Couple minor gum adhesions, o/w VF MUH. Very scarce variety. Retail $800. SG 47k(var) cat £6500. ACSC 72Cab (line only). 2015 Drury photo cert. (P) $350 $500

1099 1d Carmine-red Die I/II horiz pair (pos 55-56) from the original July 1914 printing, Die II "recumbent spur". VF fresh MUH. ACSC 71A(1)fa cat $500. 2015 Drury photo-cert. (P) $150 $200

1100 1d Carmine Die II smooth paper (G10). Superb fresh MLH with only barest trace of hinge mark. SG 21d cat £400. ACSC 71A(1)i cat $750, retail higher for such pristine condition. 2014 Drury photo-cert. $300 $400

1101 1d Salmon-red Die II smooth paper (G12). Lightly cancelled VFU. ACSC 71C(1)I cat $100. 2015 Drury photo-cert. (P) $50 $60

1102 1d Red Die I/II pr smooth paper. VF fresh MUH. SG 21c/d pr cat £410 as M singles, MUH pair should be at least £800+. ACSC 71(1)ia cat $1500, retail higher. (P) $400 $500

1103 1d Brownish carmine-rose Die II "substituted cliche (G30). F-VF fresh M, part gum. SG 21db cat £1700. ACSC 71V(2)ja cat $2500. 2015 Drury photo-cert. (P) $600 $800

1104 1d Rosine Die II, rough paper (G68), light cancel. VFU. SG 47j cat £170, ACSC 72I(1)i cat $325. 2013 Drury photo cert. (P) $130 $180

1105 1d Rosine Die I, II pr perf OS rough paper (G69). Left marginal stamp variety "extra frame" -small contemporary ink blot on right Die II stamp. VF fresh M. SG O54f cat £700 plus premium for pr. ACSC 72Ibb(1)ic cat $1200. 2015 Drury photo-cert. (P) $450 $600

1106 1d Damson Die II perf OS rough paper (G70½). Sl rounded LR cnr, o/w VF fresh MLH. SG O54f cat £700 as cheapest shade, ACSC 72Kbb(1)ib cat $3000. 2015 Drury photo cert. (P) $500 $700

1107 1d Plum Die II rough paper (G71), pmk partially obscuring Die II spur. VFU. ACSC 72L(1)I cat $1000. 2014 Drury photo cert. (P) $180 $250

1108 1d Carmine-red Die II rough paper (G73). F-VF M. SG 47i cat £450. ACSC 72P(1)I cat $750. 2014 Drury photo cert. (P) $300 $400

1109 1d Carmine-red Die II/I rough paper (G73) horiz pr, wmk INVERTED. Superb fresh M/MLH, reinforced perfs. SG 47iw cat £1150, ACSC 72Pa(1)ia cat $1550. An extremely rare multiple. 2013 Drury photo cert. (P) $800 $1200

1110 1d Carmine Die II substituted cliché rough paper (G73). Lightly cancelled well clear of varieties. Superb U. SG 47ia cat £75. ACSC 72P(2)ja cat $125. 2015 Drury photo-cert. (P) $80 $120

1111 1d Carmine-rose (G74) rough paper perf OS blk of 4 with varieties "sub-cliches Die II & I above "thin G" & "Y dot". F-VF M. SG unlisted as perf OS while normal SG 47ba + 47ia cat £3400+ as singles just for the 2 sub-cliches. ACSC 72P(2)ia, ja, k, l cat $4000+ as 4 singles, while 4 stamps in this configuration extremely rare. 2015 Drury photo-cert. (P) $3200 $4200

1112 1d Carmine-rose Die I/II pr rough paper (G74) perf OS, wmk inverted. F-VFM. SG O54ew unpriced as perf OS while normal SG 47hw & 47iw cat £1150+ as singles. ACSC 72Qa(1)ic cat $1000 (way too low). A very scarce & desirable multiple. 2014 Drury photo-cert. (P) $450 $600

1113 1d Brownish-red Die II (G75) perf OS/NSW rough paper. VF fresh MUH. SG O54e(var) normal OS cat £425 for M, should be at least double, £850 MUH, ACSC 72Q(1)f(var) cat $1250+ for normal, perf OS/NSW is rather rare on rough-papers. (P) $500 $800

1114 1d Red Brown Die II rough paper (G76). FU. ACSC 72O(1)I cat $250. 2015 Drury photo-cert. $120 $160

1115 1d Maroon Die II rough paper (G77). Lightly cancelled FU. ACSC 72R(1)I cat $300. 2015 Drury photo-cert. (P) $100 $150

1116 1d Red Die III wmk inverted (4). ACSC cat $150 ea = $600. Upright wmk (5) with 3 distinctive shades, ACSC cat $150 as cheapest. Odd minor flt, G-FU. Total cat $750. $120 $160

1117 1d Deep violet aniline. VFU. SG 57(var). ACSC 76G cat $300 (P) $50 $100

1118 1d Deep violet aniline. VFU. SG 57(var). ACSC 76G cat $300 (P) $50 $100

1119 1½d Brown perf T, variety "cracked electro through emu's leg". 1920 "Fingal" cds clear of variety. FU. ACSC 85(U)m cat $1000. (P) $300 $400

1120 1½d Green COARSE MESH paper (similar to the 1d red rough papers). VF MUH, lower marginal. SG 61a cat £375 for M, should be at least double, £750 MUH, ACSC 88Aa cat $1000. Cert can be arranged on request. (P) $350 $450

1121 1½d Scarlet coarse mesh paper with distinct vertical weave. VF fresh MUH. ACSC 89Aab cat $150. (P) $100 $150

1122 1½d Deep intense scarlet-red perf OS. A bold impression with Emus feathers, Kangaroos fur & Kings hair a solid mass of colour. An extremely scarce shade. VFU. A similar example realised $300+ in our sale 254. (P) $100 $150

1123 1½d Scarlet-orange perf OS. Lightly cancelled, part "Charters Towers" (QLD) cds. Superb U. ACSC 89J(OS) cat $200. (P) $100 $150

1124 1½d Red perf T variety coarse vertical mesh paper with virtually invisible wmk blending into the weave of the paper. Fluffy perfs & o/c hence used as a Govt perfin. Light cancel, FU. No wmk horiz mesh to compare. ACSC 89ab cat $100 (too low), plus premium for perf T. $50 $100

1125 1½d Red variety "moustache flaw", also cracked electro "E of Postage". W/C FU. ACSC 89(15)ia, cat $800. (P) $350 $450

1126 2d Orange variety "Cracked Electro" vertically through right side, early state with damage only visible in LR wattles & below Emu. VFU. ACSC 95(u)m cat $600. (P) $100 $200

1127 2d Orange variety "cracked electro" vertically through right side, only visible in right wattles & below Emu. Lightly cancelled well clear of crack. VFU. ACSC 95(u)m cat $600. (P) $150 $200

1128 2d Orange wmk INVERTED, perf OS. Fresh MUH. SG O71w cat £325 hinged, should be at least double, £650+ MUH. ACSC 95baa cat $750. Retail $800+. (P) $350 $500

1129 2d Orange perf OS, wmk INVERTED, semi-surfaced paper. F-VF MLH. SG O71w cat £325, ACSC 95G/a/ab cat $400. (P) $150 $200

1130 3d Blue Die IA, coarse mesh paper with typical fluffy perfs for this printing. W/C VFM. Unlisted paper for this value. ACSC 105c(var). (P) $100 $150

1131 4d Orange buff variety "Line through FOUR PENCE". Fresh MLH. SG 22e cat £325. ACSC 110F(2)r cat $700. Retail $625. (P) $250 $350

1132 4d Pale bright lemon (lemon-yellow shade). Superb fresh MLH, perfect centering. SG 22b, ACSC 110C cat $250+, retail much higher for such a premium example. (P) $170 $250

1133 4d Lemon-yellow. W/C VF fresh MLH. SG 22b cat £80. ACSC 110C cat $250. 2015 Drury photo-cert. $160 $200

1134 4d Violet perf OS variety "dot between A&L of Australia". VF MLH. BSAP plated (1L25). ACSC 111b cat $200 as normal. (P) $100 $150

1135 4d Olive coarse mesh paper (similar to 1d red rough paper). W/C VF MLH. ACSC 114A(var) unlisted paper for this value. (P) $200 $300

1136 4½d Violet coarse mesh paper (similar to 1d red rough paper). Fresh MUH. Unlisted paper this value. ACSC 118a(var). (P) $350 $500

1137 5d Brown wmk INVERTED comb perf 14. F-VF fresh MLH. SG 23bw cat £650, ACSC 123c/a cat $1000, retail similar. (P) $200 $400

1138 5d Bright chestnut rough paper perf OS lightly cancelled. Superb U. SG O60 cat £180. ACSC 124 cat $250. (P) $120 $160

1139 1/4 Greenish blue Mullett imprint pr. FM. SG 66(var), ACSC 128Bza cat $2100 (blk of 4 cat $3500). (P) $500 $800

1140 1/4 Turquoise-blue perf OS. VF fresh MUH. SG O75 cat £110 for hinged & MUH should be at least £220+. ACSC 128Aba cat $375, retail similar. (P) $150 $200

1141 1/4 Turquoise perf OS, Harrison imprint pr with 2 line imprint (cut close at base as usual). F-VF M. SG O75(var), ACSC 128baz cat $5100 ($8500 for normal blk of 4). OS imprints are much rarer than non-OS, & worth considerably more. (P) $600 $1000

1142 1914 set ½d emerald, ½d yellow (cyprus) green, 1d red, 4d orange, 4d lemon & (superb MLH) 5d brown. F-VFM/MLH. SG 20c, 21c, 22b, 22d, 23b cat £200. ACSC cat $460. (6). (P) $180 $240

1143 1918-23 Issues: ½d orange to 1/4 turquoise with ½d, 1d violet, 1½d black-brown, brown, red-brown & green, 2d orange & red, 4d violet & blue, 1/4. F-VF MUH. SG 56-66 cat £220 for M, should be at least double, £440 MUH. ACSC cat $1065. (11). (P) $300 $400

1144 1918-23 Issues: ½d orange to 1/4 turquoise with ½d, 1d violet, 1½d black- brown, brown & red-brown, 1½d green, 2d red, 4d violet & blue, & 1/4. VF M/MLH. SG 56-66 cat £220. ACSC cat $460 (11) (P) $130 $170

1145 1924 Issues: 1d sage-green, 1½d red (2) inc HALE PENCE" variety (SG 77b), 2d red-brown, 3d blue, 4d olive-green & 4½d violet. LM wmk 1d green, No wmk 1d & 1½d. F-VF fresh MUH. SG 76/84 cat £160 for M, should be at least double, £320 MUH. (10). $150 $200

1146 1924 Issues: 1d sage-green, 1½d red (2) inc "HALEPENCE" variety, 2d red-brown, 2d bright red-brown, 3d violet-blue, 3d ultramarine, 4d olive-yellow, 4d olive-green, 4½d violet, 4½d reddish violet, LM wmk 1d green, No wmk 1d & 1½d. F-VF M. SG 76/84 cat £287. ACSC cat $380. (14). $150 $200


1147 ½d Green upper marginal horiz pr with DOUBLE perfs, the vertical perfs coinciding. Stamps MUH, suntanned gum, 1 gum crease. SG 48(var), ACSC 65b cat $400+ (P) $120 $200

1148 ½d Bluish-green electro 5 lower marginal gutter no imprint blk of 30 with cracked electro advanced state from UL wattles to Kangaroo's shoulder (pos 5L/46). Upper gutter pr fresh MLH, other 28 inc plate crack superb MUH. ACSC 65A(5)ha(var) cat $600 as hinged singles, MUH positional blk should be at least double, $1200. (30). (P) $500 $600

1149 1d Carmine pink Cooke printing (G101) variety "extra frame line at left" Light gum aging in UR cnr. W/C FM. SG 49 cat £250. ACSC 73A cat $500. 2015 Drury photo-cert. (P) $130 $170

1150 1d Carmine-pink (G101). VFU. SG 49 cat £140. ACSC 73A cat $275. 2003 Drury photo-cert. (P) $120 $180

1151 1d Carmine-pink Cooke printing (G10) light "Dennington FE 27 18 VIC" cds. Superb U. SG 49 cat £140. ACSC 73A cat $275. 2015 Drury photo-cert. (P) $150 $200

1152 1d Carmine-rose (G104) perf OS/NSW. FU. SG O62(var), ACSC 74Ab(var) cat $150+. (P) $50 $100

1153 1d Deep carmine-aniline (G108) crisp Aug 1920 Melbourne cds. A very scarce shade. F-VFU. SG 50b cat £275. ACSC 74E cat $600. 2015 Drury photo-cert. $300 $400

1154 1d Deep carmine-rose perf OS/NSW. VF fresh M. SG O62(var), ACSC 74Bb(var) cat $300 for normal OS, much scarcer as OS NSW (P) $50 $100

1155 1d carmine-rose perf OS fresh MUH. Rough perfs & centring, hence Official perfin for stamps unacceptable for normal public use. SG O63 cat £200 M & should be at least double, £400 MUH. ACSC 74Ab cat $400, retail similar. (P) $100 $150

1156 Collection on leaves with ½d green (90) inc pale to deep shades & varieties inc "dry ink" perf OS & "thin fraction" in pr with normal. 1d red (100+) inc Cooke printings (2, one with 1918 date), official perfins (14), private perfins (6) & varieties or flaws inc dot before 1, N-Y joined, tilted crown-top, distorted left frame, run N retouched. 1d green (28) inc perf OS (6). 1½d black-brown (60) & 1½d red-brown (140) unchecked for "micro cracked electros". Private perfins (90+) with ½d green (27), 1d green (11), 1½d black-brown (12) & 1½d red-brown (42). All fresh & clean, mostly G-F/VF U. SG cat £3680. ACSC $6770 plus premium for OS/NSW, T & private perfins. (510). (P) $1000 $1300


1157 1d Green perf OS. Tiny adhesions on gum, o/w fresh MUH. SG O86 cat £85. ACSC 79ba cat $125, retail higher. (P) $50 $75

1158 1d Green perf OS. Superb fresh MUH. SG O86 cat £85 M & should be double, £170 MUH. ACSC 79ba cat $175, retail higher! (P) $80 $120


1159 1½d Red horiz pr, right stamp strong DOUBLE (kiss) print, most noticeable in "Postage", "Three Pence" & lower frame lines. Left unit also shows double impression in the LR quadrant, most noticeable along the base. Also clear diag line stretching across both from LL to UR. Fresh MUH. ACSC 91Bc(var) cat $300+. Spectacular variety (P) $100 $200

1160 3d Blue Die Ia wmk inverted, perf OS. VFU, part Melbourne cds. SG O93w cat £90+, ACSC 106aa cat $150. (P) $60 $90

1161 4d Olive UL cnr single. Fresh MUH. SG 91 cat £50 for M, should be at least double, £100 MUH, ACSC 115 cat $300, Retail $275. (P) $100 $150

1162 1/4 Greenish blue Mullett imprint pair, sl selvedge tone. VF MLH. ACSC 129z cat $3500 for blk of 4. (P) $500 $700


1163 1½d Golden-scarlet large part Plate IV sheet of 100 (missing vert columns 11 & 12) with ACSC listed varieties "broken right frame at top corrected" (L1), "type B re-entry & duplicated shading behind Kangaroo" (L47), "corrections to type B re-entries" (L53), "type B correction to broken crown top" (R27), "ST of Postage join corrected" (R55) & large part Ash N/N imprint. Very minor perf separation in places. Stamps mostly VF MUH. ACSC 91I, as singles cat $3000, plus premium for the varieties. $400 $600

1164 1/4 Turquoise, variety "thick 1 at right". VF fresh MUH. SG 104(var). ACSC 130n cat $1600+ MUH. (P) $500 $700

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