Evidence indicates that residents in care facilities and group homes are not always afforded respect and recognition of their right to privacy and confidentiality, particularly with regard to physical privacy.413 (See also Article 23) Intrusion by staff into a resident’s room without consent is not uncommon. Staff within facilities are not properly trained in how to handle the private and confidential information of people with disability they have contact with.
Case Study
In a Queensland care facility, a staff member is alleged to have discussed the disease of a particular resident to parents of another resident to incite prejudice. The parents vehemently complained about the resident being within the same facility as their child. The person was subsequently moved to another facility. It is thought the staff member did not want the additional responsibility of caring for the person, and breached that individual’s right to privacy in order to have them moved. This indicates that some staff in residential care facilities do not understand their obligations with respect to privacy.