Banking wizard by pankaj gautam

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  • Unleash: to set free (a dog) from a lead (‘patta’) (‘bandhan mukt kar dena’)

    Many might suffer if the center even now, does not step in to stop the insanity unleashed by the violent outfits.

    1. Fanatic; also fanatical: showing very great and often unreasoning keenness; esp in religious or political matters (fanatically- fanaticism) (‘kattar panthi’; únmaadi’; áti utsahi’)

    Right from the time when this outfit of Hindu fanatics announced its provocative plan to begin the construction of the temple inAyodhya, it was known that the trouble was brewing (úmarna’)

    1. Belligerent: having or showing anger and readiness to fight (belligerency) (‘ladaku’; ýodha’)

    2. Pious: showing and feeling deep respect for god and religion (‘dharmnishth’)

    3. Platitude: (derog) a statement that is true but not new, interesting or clever (‘tuchh baat’;’samanyokti’)

    BJP hopes that the VHP’S belligerence will consolidate the Hindu vote behind it, did nothing more than the mouth pious platitudes.

    1. Adhere: [hered to, -hering (to)] to stick firmly (to another or each other) (‘palan karna’; ‘samrthan karna’; ‘vafadar hona’)

    2. Reiterate: [rated, rating] to repeat several times (‘baar baar kehna’; ‘dohrana’)

    “the dignity of the court will be upheld by the quality of the judgments,” she re-iterated

    1. Abundant: more than enough (‘prachur’;’bahut saara’; abundantly- ádhik maatraa mein’)

    2. Thrive: to develop well and be healthy (‘panapna’; ‘’falna fulna’; ‘samridh hona’)

    3. Conflagration: a very large fire that destroys much property; especially building or forests. (ágnikaand’)

    The communal conflagration can spread like wild fire unless preventive arrests are immediately made and the government cracks down on the miscreants (‘badmaash; ‘paakhandi’) wherever they create touble

    1. Pioneer: one of the first settlers in a new or unknown land; a person who does something first and so prepares the way for others (pioneer is a reformist movement) (‘pratham basne wala’; áarambhik niwasi’; ‘marg prashast karna’)

    2. Sporadic: happening irregularly (çhith put’; sporadically-‘beech beech mein’)

    As the news of train burning spreads, sporadic violence breaks out in Ahmedabad and Anand)

    Polling took place amidst sporadic incidence of violence.

    1. Arson: the crime of setting fire to a property in order to cause destruction (áagjani’; áag lagana’; arsonis: áagjani karne wala’)

    More than 70 people were killed and several injured as Gujarat reported incidents of stabbing (çhaaku ghopna’), rioting (‘danga’), arson, looting (‘loot maar’) and police firing.

    1. Nishandehy: (reconstruction of events)

    2. Eliminate: to move or get rid of. (‘hatana’; ‘nikaalna’; ‘radd kar dena’)

    3. Altercation: a noisy disagreement; quarrel (‘jhagda’; ‘jharap’)

    In the vehicle too there was a minor altercation.

    1. Debonair: becoming rare (usually of men), cheerful and charming, but also polite and well dressed (ánugrah purna’; ‘vinamra aur achche kapde pahan-ne wala’)

    2. Colonnade: row of columns with equal space between them and often supporting a roof top, etc (‘stambhawali’)

    Qutub colonnade gets demolition (‘vidhwans’) notice

    1. Flaw: a small sign of damage that makes an object not perfect (‘truti’; ‘dosh’)

    Flaws in voter list worries candidates

    1. Enrage: [raged, -raging] to make very angry (‘gussa dilana’)

    2. Solemn: serious; of the grandest most formal kind (‘mahan’; ‘gambhir’; ‘pavitra’; áupcharik’)

    3. Confidant: [confidante] a person to whom one tells one’s secrets or with whom one talks about personal matters (‘vishwaspaatra’)

    4. Divulge: [-vulged, -vulging] to tell (what has been secret) (‘prakat karna’; ‘raaj khol dena’)

    On being contacted, singh refused to divulge the nature of his talks with Sonia

    1. Revert to: to go back to a (former condition, habit, subject of conversation, law (of property) to go back to (an owner) reversion (‘wapas aana’; ‘lautana’; ‘hatana’)

    She said she would revert to him after consulting her party colleagues.

    1. Quip: (to make) a clever and amusing remark (çhutkula’; çhaturaipurn uttar’)

    2. Impasse: a point where further movement is blocked (‘gatirodh’)

    3. Recede: [ceded; ceding] (of things) to move back or away; to slope backward (‘dhundhla parna’; ‘ghatna’; peeche hatna’)

    Hopes of an early end to the UP impasse receded further with Rajnath Singh conveying to the governor of his party’s decision to sit in the opposition.

    1. Elicit: to get, draw out (facts, information, etc) (‘nikaalna’; ‘prapt karna)

    The governor had invited BJP leaders to elicit their view on government formation.

    1. Aftermath: the result or period following a bad event such as an accident, storm, war, etc (‘parinaam’)

    Riots rock (‘dahlana’; ‘hilana’) Gujarat in Godhra aftermath

    1. Berserk: mad with violent anger (‘bahut uttejit yaa krodhit’; ‘paagal’)

    Curfew in 26 towns as mobs goes berserk.

    1. Volatile: (of a person or his/her character) quickly changing and undependable; (of a liquid oil) easily changing into gas. (‘behne wala.; ‘vishphotak’; áisthir’; ‘vashpshil padarth’)

    They were more concerned with controlling the volatile situation.

    1. Rhetoric: the art of speaking or writing so as to persuade people effectively; (derog) speech or writing that sounds fine and important, but is really insincere or without meaning (rhetorically) (‘shabd-aadambar’)

    Have we become prisoners of our secular rhetoric?

    Mere rhetoric won’t do says angry residents

    1. Procure: [cured, -curing]: to obtain, esp by effort or careful attention; to provide (a woman) for someone else’s sexual satisfaction. (úplabdh karana’; ‘dalali karna’)

    2. Loathe: [loathed, loathing] to feel hatred or great dislike for (‘ghrina karna’; ‘nafrat karna’)

    3. Profound: more than deep; often appreciating having or showing thorough knowledge and deep understanding (profoundly) (‘paarangat’; ‘gahan’)

    4. Horrific: able to or meant to horrify, shock, etc. (‘rudra’; ‘romanchkaari’; ‘bhayawah’)

    5. Retort: (to make) a quick, usually angry or amusing answer (‘kathorta se pratyuttar dena’)

    6. Vanity: the quality of being too proud of one’s appearance, abilities, etc (‘dikhawa’; ‘ghamand’; ‘gumaan’)

    7. Antique: (a piece of furniture, jewellery, etc) that is old and therefore becoming rare and valuable (antiquity-the state of being very old) (‘prachin’; ‘puratan avasesh’)

    8. Carnage: the killing and wounding of many animals or esp people (‘hatya-kaand’; ‘rakhtpaat’)

    No let-up (‘dheela parna’; ‘kam hona’ stopping or lessening of activity) in Gujarat carnage

    1. Pelt: the skin of a dead animal, esp with the fur still on it; pelt [with]: to attack by throwing things at, pelt [down]: to fall heavily and continuously; its pelting (down); to run very fast (pelted)

    The mobs continued to riot, pelt stones, burn and loot undeterred (ádig’)

    1. Pivot: a fixed central point or pin on which something turns (‘kendra bindu’; ‘mahtwapurna vyakti’; pivotal- ‘pradhan’; ‘nirnayak)

    Modi said, investigations (‘jaach partaal’; ánusandhaan’) have revealed that the firing by the congressman played the pivotal role in inciting the mob” (‘bhir’)

    1. Amok: [run amok] to run wild and out of control; esp with a desire to kill people

    Hindu mobs were allowed to run amok elsewhere

    1. Congregate: [gated,-gating]: to gather together (íkkatha hona’; ékatrit hona’)

    Mobs are congregating and running amok

    1. Accomplish: to succeed in doing; finish successfully (‘pura karna’; ‘prapt karna’; ‘karyanwith karna’)

    2. Accomplice: a person who assist someone to do wrong (‘sah-apradhi’)

    3. Avert: to prevent from happening; avoid (‘taal dena’; ‘bacha lena’)

    4. Fall out: fighting; renouncing (‘jhagarna’; ‘tyag dena’)

    Delhi police on high alert to avoid fall out

    1. Bay: a horse whose color is reddish brown; a trees whose leaves may be used in cooking; a part of a building; built out part of a room; a part of the sea or of a large lake enclosed in the curve of a land; to keep someone or something some distance away

    The question is that what’s keeping Advani at bay?

    1. Slam: [mm] to shut loudly and violently; to push, move etc quickly and violently; (used in newspapers) to attack with word: (cops slammed for slow probe-(‘jaanch’); the act of a loud noise of a door closing violently.

    2. Maneuver: [vred, vring] to (cause to) perform one or more ; to move skillfully to a position; (a set of) planned moves of an army or of warships; a skillful move or clever trick (‘paitrenbaazi’; ‘kaushal’; ‘tikram’)

    3. Nap: a short sleep, esp during the day; catch some one napping- to find, or take advantage of, someone off-guard or not doing his/her duty (‘jhapki lena’; ‘bhawishyawani karna’; ‘faayda uthana’)

    In a classic maneuver, which caught corporate India napping the Reliance group took the market by surprise by announcing the move to merge the RIL and the RPL.

    1. Cox: a person who guides and controls a rowing boat esp in races (‘navik’)

    2. Louse up: to deal unsuccessfully with; mess up (‘bigad dena’)

    3. Lousy: very bad; useless; etc (‘bahut kharab’)

    It was lousy running on the part of Alan Donald in that exciting Semi final

    1. Muster: to gather or collect (ékatrit hona’; íkkatha hona’)

    2. Apprehend: to seize (a person who breaks the law) ; arrest (‘giraftaar karna’; ‘pakarna’)

    Two people were apprehended on the spot and another 69 held later

    1. Affiliate: to joint or connect (‘sambandh’; ‘saakha’)

    2. Suburb: an outer area of a town or city (úpnagar’; ‘sahar ke samipwarti aabadi kshetra’)

    3. Proximity: nearness (‘nikat-ta’)

    4. Incriminate: to cause (someone) to serve guilty of a crime or fault (incrimination) (ábhiyog lagana’; ‘fasana’)

    5. Corroborate: to support (an opinion, belief, idea, etc) by frsh information or proof. (‘pusht karna’)

    Police have both circumstantial and corroborative evidence.

    1. Partisan: a strong supporter of a party, group, plan, etc, a member of an armed group that fight in secret against an enemy that has conquered its country) (‘samarthak’; ‘himayti’; partisanship : ‘pakshpaat’; ‘tarafdaari’)

    A partisan police and the politics of hate add fuel to the Gujarat fire.

    1. In conjunction with: in combination wit; together with; along with.

    The situation in Gujarat has to be seen in conjunction with the Ayodhya issue.

    1. Shrill: (of a sound) high and sounding sharp; piercing (‘tikha’; ‘karnbhedi’)

    Vishwa Hindu Parishad has been making shrill noises about the commencement (‘shuru karna’) of construction from March 15, 2002.

    1. Way-lay: to stop (a person from going somewhere) for a special purpose. (‘ghaat lagana’; ‘rrasta rokna’)

    The duo way laid a man who was coming from Sahibabad on his bicycle

    1. Soothe: to make less angry or anxious, comfort or calm; a nice cup of tea will soothe your nerves. Soothing words; to make less painful; soothing medicine (soothingly)(‘shanwana dena’; ‘shant karna’; áaram pahuchaana’)

    2. Predicament: a difficult or unpleasant state of affairs in which one must make a difficult choice (‘durdasha’; ‘dasha’)

    3. Cryptic: hidden; secret; mysterious (cryptically) (‘gupt’; ‘rahshyamay’)

    Modi replied cryptically: “All the guilty will be brought to books”)

    1. Allegiance: loyalty; faith, dutiful support to a leader, country, idea etc. (‘nishtha’; ‘raahbhakti’)

    2. Vernacular: (using) the native spoken language of a country or area. (‘deshi bhasha’)

    A mob even attacked the office of a prominent vernacular newspaper in Ahmedabad town on Thursday.

    1. Doldrums: [in the doldrums] in the sad state of mind. (‘mandi’; údaasi’)

    2. Dole: to give (esp) money or food in small quantities to people in need. (‘bekari anudan’; ‘berojgaari bhatta’; ‘khairat’)

    Arrangements cost more than the dole.

    1. Whimsical: fanciful, with strange ideas (‘sanki’; ‘manmauji’)

    2. Parochial: (of the mind one’s interests, opinion, etc) limited, narrow (parochially) (‘simit’)

    3. Buoy: to keep floating (‘tairtay rehna’; ‘tairta hua rakhna’)

    4. Denounce: to speak or write against (‘doshropan karna’; ‘bhartsna karna’)

    He denounced the Vajpayee regime as being “worse than the rule of demon king Ravana)

    1. Blatant: shameless; offensively; noticeable (‘khullam khulla’; ‘mukhar’)

    2. Gag: a piece of cloth; etc put over or into the mouth to prevent the person from talking or shouting; a joke or funny story; to prevent from speaking by putting a gag into the mouth of. (‘bolne ki azaadi par pratibandh’; ‘muh band karna’)

    3. Decry: to speak ill of; say bad things about. (‘ninda’)

    Several journalists decried the blatant attempt to gag the media; as was recently witnessed in Gujarat.

    1. Quandary: a feeling of not knowing what to do. (‘duvidha’; ásmanjas’; úljhan’)

    Delhi government is in quandary on when the budget and vote of account should be tabled in Delhi assembly

    1. Sigh: to let out a deep breath slowly and with a sound expressing tiredness, sadness, etc (‘tarsna’; ‘gahri ssas lena’; áah bharna’)

    2. Errant: old use or lit mistaken (‘bewafa’; ‘gumrah’)

    3. George:- Punish entire errant village

    4. Nemesis: lit just and esp unavoidable punishment (ábhishaap’; ‘dand jis-se bacha na jaa sake)

    5. Violate: (ullanghan)

    6. Caliber: the quality of something or someone; the size of a bullet (çhamta’; ‘manshik shakti’)

    7. Etch: to draw (a picture) by cutting lines on a metal plate with a needle and acid so that one can print from the plate (‘nakkasi karna’)

    8. Stellar: concerning the stars (‘shaandar’) an stellar performance

    9. Tread: top walk or step (çhaal’; çhalne ka dhang’)

    10. Porous: allowing liquid to pass through slowly (çhote chedo wala’; çhidrit’)

    11. Incontinence: unable to control the water in the bladder so that it is passed from the body when one does not wish to pass it; low control on daily routine, impatience (‘nitya karm par niyantranhinta’; ásayanm’)

    Female incontinence is a disease both widespread and hidden

    1. Bolster: a long round pillow; to give necessary support and encouragement (to a person or his/her feelings or beliefs) (‘sahara dena’)

    Congress or RLD can only help bolster numbers- the SP’S 146 and the BJP’S 88 but they cannot provide them with sufficient strength to form the government.

    1. Intransigent: (of people and their acts) showing strong ideas which cannot be changed by other’s wishes (‘kattar’; ‘hathi’)

    2. Hibernate: (of animals) to be or go into a sleep like state during the winter-hibernation (‘shitnidra karna’; ‘sushti me jaara bitana’)

    The BJP leader is expected to come out of political hibernation on March 9.

    1. Streamline: to form into a smooth shape which moves easily through water or air (‘saral evam kargar bana dena’)

    2. Wick: a piece of twisted thread in a candle which burns as the wax melts; a piece of material in an oil lamp which draws up oil while burning (‘patti’; ‘diye ki batti’)

    3. Surveillance: a close watch kept on someone, esp someone believed to have criminal intentions (‘nigrani’)

    4. Dispensation: permission to disobey a general rule or break a promise (‘vitran’; ‘visheshanumati’)

    5. Hurtle: to move or rush with a great speed (‘teji se aana’; ‘tar tar aana’)

    6. Dyed in the wool: (often derog) impossible to change (as to the stated or known quality)(‘pakka’; ‘ranjit’)

    There was a time when one believed that the BJP at the centre would not hurtle off in one extreme direction or another because of the inclusion of dyed in the wool secular political parties in the ruling coalition.

    1. Spouse : a husband or wife (‘jeevan saathi’)

    2. Retribution: deserved punishment (‘pratikaar’; káthor dand’)

    Gujarat had chosen the path of violent ‘retribution’ just because no one in “the entire political class’ had condemned the Godhra Massacre.

    1. Harangue: (to attack or try tom persuade with); a long often loud and scolding punishment. (‘prabhavshaali bhasan’; úgra bhasan’)

    Chandra Babu Naidu and Mamta Banerjee (whose harangues against communalism could be heard once upon a time)

    1. Spout: to throw or come out in a forceful stream; to pour out in a stream of words (‘dhara’’phuhare ki bhaati’)

    2. Homily: [lies] sermon; (derog) a long talk; giving one advice on how to behave (‘dharm updesh’; úpdesh’)

    3. Inert: lacking the power or will to move. (áksham’)

    It is not enough to be in government at the centre, spout homilies about secularism and then remain inert when it comes to driving home the message during NDA meetings.

    1. Credence: acceptance as true; belief (‘ssakh’; ‘vishwasniyata’)

    2. Bandwagon: [jump on the bandwagon] to do or say something just because a lot of other people are doing or saying it.

    3. Spoils: things taken without payment, as by an army or by thieves (‘loot’; ‘fayda’; ‘munafa’;’kharab kar ena’; ‘bigar dena’)

    If the allies of the BJP are unable to perform this basic task, then it could lend credence to the view that they had jumped on to the NDA bandewagon only to share the spoils of power.

    1. Obnoxious: unpleasant, nasty (ápriya’; ‘ghrinit’; ‘thesh pahuchaane wala)

    2. Corps: a trained army group with special duties (‘sena ki paltan’)

    3. Corpses: a dead body esp of a person (‘laash’; ‘shav’)

    4. Reek: a strong unpleasant smell (‘durgandh’)

    5. Sanctimonious: (derog) making a show of being religious; pretending to be holy; sanctimonious behavior(sanctimoniously) (‘paakhandi’; ‘dikhawati taur par naitik’)

    6. Deride: to laugh at or make fun of (úphas karna’)

    7. Derision: the act of deriding (úphaas’; ‘thitholi’)

    8. Stealth: the action of acting secretly or unseen (‘gopniyata’)

    9. Devious: not going in the straightest or most direct way. (‘dhurt’; ‘tedha medha’)

    10. Quash: to officially effuse to accept; suppress (‘daman karna’; kuchal dena’; ‘radd karna’; amanya ghoshit karna’)

    The petition (árji’; ýaachika’) before the court prayed for quashing the appointment orders issued by the management

    1. Austere: lacking comfort; hard; self controlled; serious (‘saada’; ‘sakht’; aadambarhin’; ‘sayami)

    The affluent life styles of contemporary politicians are in sharp contrast to the austere ways of living of the freedom fighters

    1. Mitigate: to lessen the seriousness of (wrong or harmful action); mitigating circumstances = condition that lessens the seriousness of a crime. (‘gambhirta kam karna’)

    2. Endeavour: to try (‘prayatna’; ‘prayas’)

    Everyone should endeavor to mitigate the miseries of the poor.

    1. Repent: to be sorry for (wrong doing )(‘pachtana’; ‘paschataap karna) antonym= unrepentant.

    Arundhati unrepentant for what she said

    1. Climb down: to admit that one has been wrong, has made a mistake, etc; esp in order to make a difficult state of affairs easier [backdown] (ápni galti man-na’; ‘bhool sweekar’)

    2. Subdue: to gain control of; conquer (‘vash me lana’; ‘kuchal dena’)

    3. Subdued: gentle, reduced in strength of light, sound, etc, un-naturally quiet in behavior (‘mand’; ‘bujha hua’; ‘niyantrit’)

    4. Demeanor: behavior towards others (‘vyavhaar’)

    Singhal’s subdued demeanor was in sharp contrast to the aggressive postures adopted by the VHP leaders.

    1. Reincarnate: to cause to return to life in a new body, after death. (‘punarjanm’)

    I believe I will be reincarnated as a snake.

    1. Mull over: to think over; consider for a time (‘gahrai se vichaar karna’)

    Roy said she spent the night in prison mulling whether she should pay the 2000 fine or serve the three month sentence (‘sajaa’) instead.

    1. e/indorse: to write, esp one’s name on the back of (esp a cheque); to write a note on (a driving license) to say that the driver has broken the law; to express approval or support of (opinions, actions, etc)- endorsement (‘samarthan’; ‘vigyapan’; ‘prishthankan’)

    Bahujan samaj party leaders Mayawati and Kanshi Ram on Thursday endorsed the Uttar Pradesh Governor’s recommendation of president’s rule in the state. They however refused to divulge the party’s future plans in “government formation”

    1. Timorous: afraid; nervous (timorously) (‘bhaybheet’; ‘dara hua’)

    It must not be assumed that judges are timorous or completely intolerant or apprehensive of any criticism.

    1. Boot out: to send away rudely and sometimes with force; esp to dismiss from a job (‘dhakke maar kar bahar nikal dena’ ‘padchyut kar dena’)

    It is learnt that many of the nda allies have demanded to boot out the Gujarat chief minister.

    1. Incompetence: lack of ability and skill resulting in useless work (‘kshmata ka abhav’)

    2. Pander to: (derog) to provide something that satisfies (the law as undesirable wishes of) (‘sahayta karna’)

    He was pandering to his constituency

    1. Avenge: (on , upon) lit to get satisfaction for (a wrong) done to (someone) by punishing those who did it ((‘badla lena’; ‘pratisodhi’)

    He became an avenging angel of hate and retribution.

    1. Despicable: that deserves to be despised (despise= to regard as worthless, low, bad, etc; dislike very much) (‘ghrina karna’; ‘tiraskaar karna)

    He looks like just another despicable criminal.

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