Catalogue of the Additional Papers of bernard leach

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11349 [1953?] NOTES [for a speech or address?] by BL entitled " E

& W", consisting of headings which read very much like a poem.

11350 c. 1953 NOTES by BL on "The Mingei Kwan", possibly for a

11351 1954 NOTES made by BL for an international broadcast,

Nov 12 referring, inter alia, to his current visit to Japan from 1952 to the present, the understanding of two cultures, the Japanese inheritance of Tea and Zen, the craft movement in Japan, etc.
11352 1959 DRAFT SPEECH by BL on his opening the "Devon

Aug 25 Craftsman" exhibition. He takes as his headings: "What is the justification of hand-crafts in a machine age?"; "What is a good pot or a good artifact?"; "How can a hand craftsman live?; and "The future?". 1 file, ms; 3pp.

11353 1960 SPEECH NOTES by BL entitled:"Amsterdam

lecture", Nov 3 with headings ranging from "Rembrandt & V. Gogh", "50 years", "E & W in art",, "Contemporary Stoneware",, "Court Art & Country Crafts", "Beyond Individualism", to "Kenzan", "Tomimoto, Hamada, Yanagi", "Zen and Tea", "The Japanese Craft Movement", "My books" and "Questions"! On the dorse are further short notes concerning the Dartington Hall Conference (1952), Japanese aesthetics, etc.

113 54 1960 SCRIPT fragment of a BBC broadcast on "Ceramics,

Now the Best Art Buy", by BL. 1 file, typescript.

11355-11356 1963 "A SUMMARY of the Conference (with films) given

Nov 7 to the Staff of UNESCO on November 7th 1963 by

Shoji Hamada and Bernard Leach", in Paris; entitled: "Potter'sfsicJ Voices from East and West". 2 files - one in ms., and a shortened, amended file of typescript.




SPEECH NOTES by BL, "D.I. A. & Longton, S of A" [sic]. The speech was delivered in the presence of Robert Copeland [now Historical Adviser of Messrs. Spode Ltd], and BL cavils gently at some of his old impersonal adversaries - the Stoke pottery firms — "Bury hatchet: End enmity"! Draft and full draft.


1965 Nov24

SPEECH NOTES, or headings, by BL for "Harrow S

of A".


c. 1966

EXTENDED SPEECH by BL before "Your Imperial Highness, Mr. Matsukata, Ladies and Gentlemen". He welcomes the opportunity to speak to them in English, and goes on to hail the discovery of the so-called "first Kenzan" pots. There follows a fairly lengthy resume of the "four great decorators" (Hon - ami Koetsu, Sotatsu, Kenzan and Korin), and the significance and history of the Ogata descent; Kenzan and Korin were brothers, but whereas Korin became a designer of women's apparel for the Imperial Court, Kenzan (and BL says: "I am Kenzan's fan") "—turned his attention to the possibilities which he saw latent in the enamelled glazes on Ninsei's pots" [stoneware]. Thereafter, Kenzan's career in particular is followed - Kenzan the "—vasainja [sic], or hermit of pleasure", who clung to the old tradition of retreat into the mountains for contact with nature; Kenzan the Zen-pupil of Dokusho, himself a pupil of Ingen; and so the panegyric continues, culminating in BL's own master, the 6th. Kenzan - "(in succession and not in blood lineage)" - and a return to the discovery of the 1 st Kenzan pots. In all of this speech, the "capital" is Kyoto. BL concludes with the claim that Koetsu, Kenzan's great-uncle, was the world's first artist-craftsman,"—and that his next in line was Kenzan".

Not complete (24 pp, but final one missing); 1 file, typescript; virtually a very brief precis of Kenzan and his Tradition [publ 1966].


1967 March 18

DRAFT SPEECH by BL at the V & A Museum to the World Craft Council, on the moribund state of folk art; his own role as mesenger between East and West; Yanagi and Haniada; the Japanese Craft Movement as

the Buddhist equivalent of William Morris's in England, and as the successor to Gropius's Bauhaus; etc.


1969 Aug3

DRAFT of an introduction, or speech, by BL headed "EXPO 70" [sic]. "This year is one of exchange between East and West. Shall we understand each other better? Japan is host, we are the guests". He goes on to speak of the vision and perspicacity of the Japanese in recognising the true beauty of English medieval pottery, and of the perception of Buddhist truth that the British saw, in consequence,"—in what we formerly called rough, or clumsy pots". As Toynbee foretold, barriers to human understanding are breaking down.

e. Obituaries bv Bernard Leach



DRAFT OBITUARY by BL of Sam Haile, Pottery Adviser to the Rural Industries Bureau. "He had both power and originality and more than anyone, except his master Staite Murray, he brought into ceramics the influence of contemporary art". A moving tribute.


c. 1955?

AN APPRECIATION and critique of [W. Staite] Murray and his works, tantalisingly addressed to an unnamed "you". BL gives M. full credit for his work in stoneware,"— & he has produced beautiful & original work, but I believe that [it] is his less obtrusive pots which will be remembered longest —". In conclusion, he writes: "I can back my remarks about his character by example of his behaviour towards me & towards several of his students who subsequently worked here [St. Ives?]. They are not good reading"!


1960 Feb29

AN APPRECIATION by BL of Henry Varnum Poor, veteran American potter, describing a visit to his house. "I have felt that although he has had a reputation both as a potter & as an artist for so much longer than all the post war American potters that he has been left out of thought & reckoning by them &

that really he is a more humble & genuine artist than perhaps any of them". H.V.P. made a superb impression on BL, confirmed by a "magnificent English tea — (no damned tea-bags) —"!
113 66 1961 DRAFT of part of an obituary of Yanagi, by BL, with

some amendments.

11367 1962? "A TRIBUTE in memory of Kenneth Quick": in BL's

hand, but over the initials of both BL and JL. It is the former who gives the enviable epitaph -" —the life of the party, kind, willing, understanding & a good potter in his own right". KQ had worked at the Leach Pottery for 12 years, "—and we all loved him".

11368 c. 1963 NOTE by BL on the aftermath of Tomimoto's death,

when his mistress appropriated all his means, leaving T's wife and son, Sokichi, with nothing. T's best student was Kondo, who hated T's mistress; "T. [sic] considered that Kondo carried on his blue & white porcelain tradition". Probably unfinished.

11369 1966 DRAFT of a eulogy and appreciation of Reginald

Ernest George Turvey [ob. 1963], the "Reggie" Turvey of BL's days at the Slade School of Art in 1903 (when they first knew each other), who was BL's life-long friend. BL tells of the distant family relationship between them (unknown to both until many years later), the influence on their artistic development and education by Henry Tonks; Mark Tobey and Dartington Hall - Mark Tobey who introduced both of them to the Baha'i faith; Turvey's progression from landscapes to realistic (African) animal subjects to the abstract (largely under the influence of Tobey); Turvey's wife Frances (inevitably known as "Topsy"); their children; the modesty, honesty and integrity of Turvey, etc. 1 bundle, consisting of an introduction, and an extended appreciation with an unfortunate lacuna in the middle (pp. 1-8 and 12-17, present, with a further sheaf of notes). Probably written on the occasion of a commemorative or retrospective exhibition. Ifile.

11370 1968 PAPERS relating to an obituary by BL of Francine del

Jan Pierre: "How quick-minded she was; vivid, sensitive, courageous, generous, certain, and so very French. —I cannot believe she is no longer in her workshop in Rue Bonaparte, surrounded by her friends and students and the twenty six kinds of French cheese with which she welcomed Hamada and myself in 1963". Francine del Pierre was a descendant of the Rabutin-Chantal family which produced Mme. de Sevigne. Draft, amendments, etc, in typescript and ms. 1 file.

11371 post-1968 DRAFT OBITUARY by BL of Margaret Pilkington,

of the Red Rose Guild. He describes her: "What a self-giving woman [!] Her outlook covered both the free and applied arts and she herself produced water colours of merit. How devoted she was to arts and crafts and to kindnesses towards the craftsmen themselves [!]" Also mentioned are Ethel Mairet, Marianne Straub, Phyllis Baron and Dorothy Larcher. 1 file, typescript; 2pp.

11372 1970 MEMOIR of Tomimoto Kenkichi (ob. 1963) by BL,

in July which he traces his 60 years of friendship with his co- pupil of the Vlth Kenzan. A moving tribute to, and keen appreciation of, the works of his old friend "Tomi". 1 file, typescript.

113 73 post-1971 A MEMOIR of Kawai Kanjiro by BL, headed "BL's

copy, Kyoto". Much of Kawai, as poet, philosopher and potter, emerges from this moving tribute. 1 file; typescript.

f Reviews, etc, by Bernard Leach
11374-11377 1923 UNPUBLISHED REVIEW, etc, by BL, of a ms.

entitled "Black Hawthorn", undertaken for Stanley Unwin, of Messrs. George Allen & Unwin Ltd (whose letter requesting the review, suggested by a schoolfellow, Harold S. Curwen, is annexed). The item includes, the review, in BL's hand, signed (carbon

copy); BL's copy reply to S.U's letter; and a sheaf of

notes in BL's hand, chapter by chapter.

[Note: S.U.'s letter refers to the author of "Black

Hawthorn" as "Mrs Munthe"; elsewhere the author is

named as A.E.Grantham.

4 items.
11378 [post-1936] DRAFT INTRODUCTION by BL and in his hand, to

"Kemp's book", in which he supports her theses entirely. His description of Dorothy Kemp is an indication of his esteem for her: "The author is a woman of perception, persistence and rare character. She is a potter in her own right as well as being an able and experienced teacher of history. For many years she has spent a part of her vacations with me at Darlington Hall, or at St. Ives, making pots, and making them well" - thus she is a teacher who can practise what she preaches. The art schools get their usual Leach broadside for turning out teachers with only "—a smattering of pottery along with half a dozen other crafts", with the result that they never get to grips with one properly. BL feels that this book is a corrective. Ifile: ms.
11379 post-1963 INTRODUCTION by BL to a book on Hamada by

Susan Peterson, in which he gives some of his own impressions of Hamada and his work: "Through Susan Peterson's eyes I have been able once again to watch the movement of those hands in the making of a pot, the flicker of his brush decorating its surface, the thoughtful organizing of the day, the week, the month, the year, of his many activities - all with unfailing good temper and warmth of speech which makes him acceptable to all". Much is in this introduction, of S.P's insight into the way of Tea: Hamada did not aim specifically to make Tea bowls — after all, the early Japanese masters of Tea admired what were only rice-bowls to the Koreans who made them; "Strangely enough the Koreans do not drink Tea"! Many references to Mrs Hamada and to Atsuya. 1 file, typescript; 3pp.

11380 n.d. PART DRAFT of a review [for the Asahi Press?] of

a book entitled This is Japan, in BL's hand. 1 file; ms.

g. General Notes by Bernard Leach
11381 c. 1915 FRAGMENTARY "Notes on the life of Lafcadio

Heam" by BL, under the pencilled title (different hand) " FOR BL's PRELUDE" [sic]. Only leaves 1-6 and 10-13 are present, and the conclusion is missing. Random in nature; deal with details of LH's life, the Hindu Trinity, Shinto ceremonies and customs, the Japanese "soul-stream", Swedenborg's ideals of marriage, etc. Condition poor; several sheets gnawed by vermin.

11382 1916 NOTES by BL in an exercise-book marked

Jan "PEKING", on the influence of China on ceramics,

furniture, philosophy, ancestor-worship, etc.
11383 1921 NOTEBOOK of BL's impressions (in diary form) on

Oct his visit to London for his first show [at the

Artificers' Guild]. He is deeply moved by a service in Westminster Abbey, less moved by Westminster Cathedral, although thoroughly approving of Eric Gill's Stations of the Cross; at the Tate he marvels at Maestrovic and the works of Augustus John, Henry Lamb and Spencer ("true but not yet in full flower"), but castigates others. He arranges his show, has "Lunch & a very good talk with Bergen at the Beguinot, Soho", supper at a Chinese restaurant, "— then the Grand Guignol at the Little Theatre" where he was sated with "Horror & humor [sic]. —Stark realism on awful subjects. Here I see a new and malignant poison taking root - may it not prove like that in German art. These rather war worn intellectuals seem so jaded that only this can given them the opportunity of pretending to be unshockable. —I see it as a menace".



NOTES and jottings by BL on the parlous state of the crafts at the close of the war years. 1 file; ms.

11385-11386 1952

Sept - Oct

NOTES in BL's hand on two sheets, both headed "Black Mountain": they are either written musings on BL's part, or drafts for incorporation into a book [A Potter in Japan?]. "We hate juke boxes, American ties and bread & chattering middle aged women who take up hobby potting"; "I am torn between "jiriki" & "tariki" "; "Oya Sama (non athropomorphic God) contains "Jiriki"". The second sheet has a heading "Integration", and certain page references.



NOTES by BL for an intended work: "The Potter's Way E & W; A Symposium between Hamada, Kawai, Leach & Yanagi", subtitled: "Hamada, Kawai, Leach on Pottery, Edited by Yanagi". A notebook with notes on specific chapters (e.g., "Ch. II Clay shapes", "Chapter 5 Decoration", etc), and on many technical matters (processes, brushwork, ceramic chemistry, glazes, pigments, the ills and faults which can afflict pots, lists of Japanese potteries "before tea" [sic], general notes and musings, etc). Interspersed are superb lightning sketches and drawings. Note: much of this material was later incorporated into A Potter in Japan [I960].


CRITIQUE in BL's hand of the "Takumi" shop, particularly in relation to his own wares during his exhibition there; sloppy delivery of orders; reneging on the so-called "sole" agent, Betty Willis; "high proportion of bad crafts"; amateurish lay-out; etc.


1954 Nov

A FAREWELL note from BL to Japan at the conclusion of his visit - a note both valedictory and apologetic, BL at his formidable best!



PENCILLED diary-notes by BL, recording a visit with Yanagi to Mr. Okada (of the Heiando brush-making firm) who was a great formative influence in Hamada's life, but who is now stricken with cancer. Much about

ink-stones, ink itself, and the superiority of Japanese brushes. BL disgresses with pleasure on a meeting with an American soldier (who recognizes him by name): inexplicably, this man likes Japan and its art and its beauty, but admits that few of his compatriots feel the same - "they come prepared to dislike it". BL enthuses further in a poem about the natural beauty around him. Later, he discusses with Mr. Yuasa, President of the Doshisha University, the problem of the younger generation in Japan which did not participate in the Second World War; the degradation of Japan after the war; and the self-deception which had led to the defeat. BL also talks with Hanagi, the actor, about the "Lost generation".
11391 [1958] NOTES in BL's hand (on an envelope addressed to

BL post -Dec 7 at St. Ives, by Hamada in Mashiko), presumably for a letter, an article or an interview. Mentions of J[anet?], Yfanagi], Kawai, his own Mitsukoshi show, Atsuya, his book, colour reproductions, etc.

11392 1963 NOTES by BL for "Unesco lecture —Paris", which

Nov 7 are headed: "Hamada film: Leach Film. BL talk for

both. The contemp. stoneware movement", and giving a resume of the French involvement in the craft pottery movement. This is on the dorse of an official invitation to a meeting with "—[les] plus grands artistes ceramistes du monde" [Hamada and BL].
11393 1964 NOTES by BL for the International Art Society

lecture June 2 at International House [Japan].

11394 1964 IMPRESSIONS (vividly expressed) by BL of an

express train - journey from Toyama to Tokyo via Nagoya, culminating in his contemplation of Fujiyama -"A phantom Fuji haunts the sky, I cannot write. It stands alone. Incomparable, hooded with snow, isolate beauty. For years I could not see it nakedly, actually I was bored, too many second rate poets & painters had smothered it with adulation". In a second episode BL describes a meeting (along with Hamada) with the Nagoya Mingei Society, at which Hamada dealt gently but firmly and convincingly with a young journalist

suspicious of 'Mingei. 1 file, ms.
11395 n.d. "SUNDRY NOTES (talks with Mizuo)" in BL's

pre-1971 hand: an important file of thoughts and jottings (some

in extenso) on Yanagi; some anecdotes. 1 file in ms.
11396 1971 ACCOUNT by BL of his departure from Osaka

June 19 (writing large and scrawled) en route for Tokyo and

London. Glowing tributes to friends at the Daimaru (above all, Mr. Kokindo), the Ichino family, "dear Mihoko Okamura", Hamada Atsuya, Kim Schueffian, "Mrs. Ishida (Tomimoto)", etc. He has left "hundreds" of extempore brush-paintings all over Japan - only the day before writing he executed about 20 - "Perhaps half a dozen had some life" - to be given as gifts. The Osaka Daimaru has paid all the bills for accommodation, transport and entertainment, and his 3 exhibitions should realise about £7,000. Unfortunately, he has not been able to finish even Volume 1 of "the Yanagi book". Probably unfinished.
h. Drawings by Bernard Leach
11397 1914 INK SKETCH by BL of Kame Chan, (head only).
11398 1915 DRAWING of a flower by David [Leach], aged 4

Sept 26 years, annotated in ms. by BL.

1399 c. 1915 DRAWINGS [by David Leach?]

1 bundle.

11400 1916 PEN-DRAWINGS by BL of a "Brick well".

Feb (Japanese?).



"DAVID'S pattern" [of a picture, or lantern?], entitled byBL.



ORIGINAL PEN-DRAWING "Bright night", by BL. Mounted and titled as above, as no. "187". Additions in Japanese.



PENCIL-SKETCH of a stream, by BL, inscribed on dorse in another hand "Karuizawa after rain". Mounted.


1918/19 or 1948/49

SKETCH-BOOK (Japanese; double sheets) with one or two splendid sketches of flowers and pots, and several plans and elevations of buildings.



SIGNED PROOF of an engraving by BL of David Leach.




1934 May 31

ROUGH SKETCH by BL of [Matsumoto] Sono as a baby.
DESCRIPTION of the arrival of Kawai, Yanagi, Hamada and BL at Hamada's house at Mashiko, in BL's hand, with a rough sketch of rice-fields.


c. 1935

DRAWINGS AND SKETCHES by BL: "The chalk edge" (an English scene); a plant (cow-parsley ?); a Korean dish in "ochre porcelain", a brush pot with details; a Persian dish or charger entitled "Kurashiki Art Gallery 15.2.35"; vase sketches (2); "My earliest etching & first reproduction in Japan i.e. 1909" of a sailing ship at wharf; and a sketch from life, of a European woman wearing a flat hat. 9 in all.



WOODCUT of BL by ? Mitchell.



[c. 1961?]

STYLISED pen sketch of a hare by BL (initials). Endorsed: "Red Indian pattern. Grand Canyon" by BL,

and in another hand: "Copied from an Indian rock




SKETCH-BOOK of BL during his 1964 visit to Japan (and Okinawa, in particular). The date 11 April 1964 figures more than once. 44 pages of original sketches -pots, details, landscapes, motifs, etc. Some pages devoted to notes, thoughts, musings, speech-notes, drafts of poems, dramatic and poetic description of a train-journey, the events of 12 July 1964, orders for pottery, etc. A very important and significant document.



INDEX to drawings and to pot drawings for a BL work (either The Unkown Craftsman , or Drawings, Verse and Belief?). Ifile, typescript.


Various dates

COPY ILLUSTRATIONS by BL of pots (a duplicate series) of oriental classical form. Only 2 single copies present - one with a typical BL sketch for a plate accompanied by philosophical jottings (mainly to do with the Baha'i faith), and the other with sketches by BL and a list of names including: M. Fieldhouse, Forbes Dennis, Phyllis Bottome, B. Gompertz, Eleanor Goldschmidt, Louis & Gwyn Hanssen, Sir Kenneth Clarke, "Ambassador Ohno", Priaulx Rainier, B[arbara?] Robertson, Rosemary Wren, and many others. 1 bundle.


Various dates

POT, THE, etc, drawings and sketches (photocopies)

By BL.

43 items.






SMALL INK SKETCHES by BL (initialled) of Japanese figures.



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