'O Junaideeb, this is the manner in which the people of the Fire lie down.' (Ibn Majah)
*It is blameworthy for one to sleep on a roof that has no walls. The Prophet () said:
'Whoever spends the night on the roof of a house that dose not have a wall [or fence or anything that prevents a person from falling] then he is 'free' from the protection of Allah.' (Bukhari) *It is praiseworthy for one not to sleep after Fajr prayer. The Messenger of Allah () said:
Meaning: O Allah bless my Ummah when they get up in the morning. *The Prophet () would sleep during the first portion of the night and would wake up during the last third and perform prayer.
*Mu'adth b. Jabal () narrated that the Prophet () said:
'No Muslim sleeps while having said the Dhikr of Allah and is in a state of purity, and then gets up during the night, and asks Allah for the good of this world and the Hereafter, except that Allah will give him what he has asked for.' (Abu Dawood)
Guidelines in Relation to Dreams *A true dream is a portion of Prophethood. The Prophet () said: