Critical review of behaviour change techniques applied in intervention studies to improve cooking skills and food skills among adults

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By identifying and highlighting these BCTs and critiquing inter- vention designs, this paper offers a robust and standardized cooking and food skills intervention design template for future


studies in this area. These findings should facilitate the replica- tion and adoption of effective BCTs into future cooking and food skills interventions to maximize intervention efficacy, with positive impacts on diet quality.


The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest. LM, LH, MS, MR, MD, MC, and MS were involved in the conception of the review; MR, DS, and FL conducted the majority of literature searches; DS, FL, and LH conducted the analysis of the data; LH and DS drafted the manuscript and FL, MR, MC, AMC, EM, MR, MS, and MD edited. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution made by Susan Michie (University College London) for help- ing with the interpretation and application of the CALO-RE taxonomy.


This material is based upon work supported by safefood, The Food Safety Promotion Board, under Grant No. 11/2013.


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