Plenary meeting. Debates and conclusions(conferenceroom130)
Cunoaşterea impactului operei lui Dimitrie Cantemir în contextul european de confluenţă dintre Occident şi Orient, dintre iluminism şi (post-)modernism
Evidenţierea relaţiilor lui Dimitrie Cantemir cu personalităţile culturale ale timpului său
Anticiparea perspectivei temporale a Europei post-moderne prin opera lui Dimitrie Cantemir şi a altor reprezentanţi ai epocii sale (valori etice şi morale, religioase, socio-culturale, politice şi diplomatice)
Valorificarea inovaţiilor şi diseminarea bunelor practici rezultate din cercetarea operei lui Dimitrie Cantemir, precum şi a altor aspecte inedite legate de epoca sa din perspectiva inter- şi transdisciplinarităţii
Dimitrie Cantemir's work impact in the European confluence context between East and West, between Enlightenment and(post-)Modernity
Highlighting Dimitrie Cantemir's relations with the cultural personalities of his time
Revealing Dimitrie Cantemir's contribution to the modernization of the Romanian society in terms of education, spirituality, sociology, culture, politics and diplomacy
Anticipating the temporal perspective of post-modern Europe through Dimitrie Cantemir’s and other representatives’ works of his epoch (a focus on ethical and moral, religious, socio-cultural, political and diplomatic values)
Highlighting innovations and Disseminating best practice in Dimitrie Cantemir's work and other new aspects of his time, through an inter- and transdisciplinary approach