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Born: March 9,1966

Address: Ezeru 61a-17, Daugavpils, LV-5421, Latvija

tel: 9 765196

PhD, February 2003


MA in English Philology, June 1996


diploma of philologist, teacher of English, June 1990



docent, dept.of Latvian Literature and Culture
Since 2003 vice-dean of Faculty of Humanities, Daugavpils University

June 2003 lecturer, dpt. of Latvian Literature and Culture


August 1996 assistant, dpt. of Latvian Literature and Culture

HONORS: Curriculum Development Competition grant, Curriculum Resource

Centre, CEU, Budapest, August 2001- July 2002

Doctoral Support grant, CEU Program of Gender and Culture,

Budapest, Hungary, January-June, 1999

CIMO grant, Christina Institute for Women’s Studies, the University

of Helsinki, Finland, March-April 1998


International research conference “The Flesh Made Text: Bodies, Theories, Cultures in the Post-Millenial Era” Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 2003, May 14.-18.

Presentation: “The Representation of the Female Body in Latvian Writing of the 1990s.”
International research conference “Aktuālas problēmas literatūras zinātnē”, Liepāja, 2003, February 28

Presentation: “Künstlerroman iezīmes Mārgaretas Atvudas romānā “Kaķacs”.”

International research conference “Emigration and culture”, Daugavpils, 2002, November 14.-15.

Presentation: “Sievišķais nomadisms G.Repšes romānā Sarkans.

International research conference “Re-thinking Culture and Literature: Transnational and Comparative Spaces”, Rīga, 2002, November 1.-3..

Presentation: “Autobiographical Novels by Women in Latvian Literature of 1990s.”

Liepāja 8th conference “Aktuālas problēmas literatūras zinātnē”, 2002, February 22.

Presentation: “Sievišķās būtības meklējumos: ginēze Mārgaretas Atvudas un Gundegas Repšes rakstībā.”

Daugavpils University XII Research Conference, Daugavpils, 24-25 January, 2002.

Presentation: “Phantasmagoria of Violence in Gundega Repse’s Writing.”

International seminar “Gender Aspect of Contemporary Drama”, St.Petersburg, 7-9 December 2001.

Presentation: “The Heroines of Aspazija’s Drama as Imaginary Projections of the ‘New Womanhood’ in Latvian Cultural Context of Early 1900s.”

International conference “Cultural Studies Between Politics and Ethics”, Bath Spa University College, July 6-8, 2001.

Presentation: “Dissenting Voices: Women’s Autobiographical Writing in Post-Soviet Latvia of 1990s”.

International conference “Memory in Historico-cultural Context”, Daugavpils, May 10-11, 2001.

Presentation: “The Problem of Autobiographical Modality in Vizma Belsevica’s Trilogy”.

Baltic-Nordic conference “Being in Text: Woman as Discourse in Modern Literature and the Humanities”, Riga, April 6-8, 2001.

Presentation: “Searching for the Lost Language: Daughter’s Melancholical Testimonial in Vizma Belsevica and Margita Gutmane’s Autobiographical Writing”.

Workshop “Rethinking Post 1945 History: Women and War in Central Europe”, Budapest, 30June-2July 2000.

Presentation: “Experiences of War and Occupation in Latvian Women’s Memory Writing of 1990s.”

Winter School “Cultural Studies in Transforming Societies: Theory and Practice”, Minsk, January 31-February 13, 2000.

Presentation: “Rethinking the Soviet Occupation Period in Latvian Women’s Memory Writing.”

DPU X Research conference “Humanities on the Threshold of 3rd Millenium”, January 27-28, 2000.

Presentation: “Topography of Memories in Women’s Autobiographies of 1990s.”

Fourth Regional Seminar on Gender and Culture “Women in Literature and the Arts - Ten Years After the Changes”, 1999-2000, Central European University, Budapest.

Presentation: “Anna Brigadere and the Construction of Woman in Her Autobiographical Novel “Dievs. Daba. Darbs.” (“God. Nature. Labour.”)”

Past As Prologue? European Transformation and Integration after 1989, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., October 15-16 1999.

Paper: “Daughter of the Deported Father: Reconstructing Soviet Occupation in Latvian Women’s Memory Writing of 1990s.”

Writing Women’s History and History of Gender in Countries in Transition, European Humanities University, Belarus, September 30-October 2 1999.

Paper: “Reconstructing Soviet Occupation in Latvian Women’s Memory Writing.”

Baltic Students’ and Young Researchers’ Conference in Women’s and Gender Studies,

the University of Latvia, September 17-19 1999.

Paper: “Latvia Before World War II: Sites of Memories in Latvian Women’s Memory Writing of 1990s.”
Femina Baltica Baltic-Nordic-Russian Summer School ’99 in Feminist/Gender Studies,

Latvia, August 24-29 1999.

Lecture: “Feminism in Relation to Psychoanalysis.”
Cultural Transformations and Civil Society: Reflecting on a Decade of Change, Jagiellonian University, Poland, May 13-16 1999.

Paper: “Revisiting Boundaries: Fictionalized and Documentary Memories of the Soviet Occupation in Latvian Women’s Writing.”

Baltic-Nordic Conference on Women’s Studies and Gender Research: Mapping the Situation, Latvia, October 16-17 1998.

Paper: “Daughter’s Figure in the Contemporary Latvian Literature.”

NorFa Nordic-Baltic Research Course “Gender and Multiculturalism”, Latvia, June 6-13 1998.
History of English and American Literature;

Poetics of Shakespeare’s Plays;

Absurd Poetics in 20th Century Literature;

Postmodernism in American Literature;

Southern Tradition in American Literature;

Recent Literary Theories;

Problems of Text Interpretation;

Gender and Culture: Introduction

Feminist Literary Theory.
LANGUAGES: Fluent in English, Russian, Latvian; profficient in German
Zaudētās valodas meklējumos: klusuma ģenealoģija Margitas Gūtmanes un Vizmas Belševicas autobiogrāfiskajā rakstībā. // Feministica lettica 3. Red. A. Cimdiņa. – Latvijas Universitāte: Rīga, 2003, 347 lpp. – 184.-199.lpp.
Sievišķā būtības meklējumos: ginēze Mārgaretas Atvudas romānā Iznirstot. // Aktuālas problēmas literatūras zinātnē. Rakstu krājums 8. Red. D.Bula, I.Daukste-Silasproģe u.c. – Liepāja, 2003, 356 lpp. – 201.-218.lpp.
Autobiogrāfiskā žanra specifika latviešu sieviešu autobiogrāfiskajā rakstībā 90.gados. // Literatūra un kultūra: process, mijiedarbība, problēmas. Zinātnisko rakstu krājums IV. Red. V.Ķikāns, S.Gaižūns u.c. – Saule: Daugavpils Universitāte, 2002, 264 lpp. – 118.-128.lpp.
Pēcpadomju autobiogrāfiskās tradīcijas aizsākums Anitas Liepas romānos Ekshumācija un Kumeļa gadi. // Turpat. – 129.-139.lpp.
Sievišķais kā robeža Gundegas Repšes Ēnu apokrifā. Turpat. – 139.-150.lpp.
Paratekstuālo parametru nozīme autobiogrāfiskās modalitātes veidojumā Vizmas Belševicas Billes triloģijā. // Atmiņa kultūrvēsturiskā kontekstā: starptautiskas konferences materiāli. 1.sēj. Red. V.Ķikāns. – Saule: Daugavpils Universitāte, 2002, 119 lpp. – 56.-62.lpp.
Rakstniece un literārais kanons: Anna Brigadere. // Feministica lettica 2. Red. A. Cimdiņa. – Latvijas Universitāte: Rīga, 2001. – 22.-37. lpp.
Feministiskā literatūrteorija: ieskats tās vēsturē un problemātikā. // Par agru? Par vēlu? Feministiskās idejas, konteksti, pieejas. Red. I. Novikova. – LU Dzimtes studiju centrs: Rīga, 2001. – 93.-107. lpp.
Vājprātīgā vēstījuma mitoloģiskā struktūra V. Folknera romānā “Troksnis un niknums”. // Latv.lit.un kult.kat. Zin.rakstu izdevums. - DPU: Saule, 1995. - 25.-30.lpp.
Jānis Akuraters un modernisma meklējumi. // Latviešu lit.un kult. katedra. Zin. rakstu izdevums II. - DPU: Saule, 1998. - 33.-41.lpp.
Reprezentācijas problēma no feministiskās literatūrteorijas viedokļa. // Turpat. - 28.-32. lpp.
Meitas figūra A.Nesaules atmiņu stāstā Sieviete dzintarā. // Literatūra un kultūra: process, mijiedarbība, problēmas. Zinātnisku rakstu krājums III. – DPU Saule: Daugavpils, 2001, pp. 134-141.
Revisiting Boundaries: Fictionalized and Documentary Memories of the Soviet Occupation in Latvian Women’s Writing. In: Mosaics of Change: The First Decade of Life in the New Eastern Europe. Eds. Susan C.Pearce, Eugenia Sojka. University of Gdansk: Gdansk, Poland, 2000.
The Figure of Daughter in Contemporary Latvian Women’s Fiction. In: Conference Proceedings: Women’s Studies and Gender Research in the Baltic and Nordic Countries: Mapping the Situation ’98. ed. I.Novikova. Dzimtes studiju centrs: Riga, 1999, p. 135-138.
Contributed entries for the dictionary of feminist terms (in Serbian): Dr.Zorica Mrševič Rečnik osnovnih feminističkih pojmova. IP “Žarko Albulj”: Beograd, 1999.
Реконструкция Второй мировой войны в латвийской женской мемуаристике 1990-х гг. In: Гендерные истории Восточной Европы. Ред. Елена Гапова, Альмира Усманова, Андреа Пето. Издательство Европейского гуманитарного университета, Минск, 2002г.

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