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MARINE & OTHER INVERTEBRATES (Animal Life in Action Series) DVD: 23 min, grades 5-8: Did you know that there are far more invertebrates – animals with no backbones – than there are vertebrates? The lack of a backbone is the one thing that all invertebrates have in common. Other than that, invertebrates are more different than they are alike. They look very different, live in many different environments, get their oxygen in different ways, move differently, feed differently and reproduce differently. Examine this eclectic group of creatures, from the basic sponge to the diverse mollusks. In a hands-on investigation, students will test which environmental factors worms respond to, while a visit to a jellyfish laboratory at the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium delves into the mysterious life cycle of these slimy invertebrates.

  • MARINE MAMMALS (Bill Nye Series): 30 min, grades 4-8: Marine mammals may look like big fish, but Bill Nye the Science Guy explains how they're more like humans. Listen closely to hear mammals communicate underwater, and find out how our "relatives at sea" have found ways to live in oceans all around the world. This live-action, fast-paced program also features comedy, music videos, interviews with real scientists and hands-on experiments to make the concepts presented understandable and fun.

  • MONTEREY BAY AQUARIUM: 30 min, grades 3-8: Undersea communities are remarkable as any on earth lie hidden beneath the waters of Monterey Bay. Go behind the scenes at the internationally acclaimed aquarium and bring this mysterious world to light.

  • MR. WHISKERS WILL PAINT YOU A REALISTIC OUTDOOR PICTURE: 6 lessons on one tape, grades K-6: Let this prairie mole and his old Uncle Thaddeus unveil to your youth group a most entertaining and educational outdoor picture. Lessons include:

    1. Helping Our Wildlife Friends (13 min)

    2. Birds of Nebraska: Part 1: Songbirds (20 min)

    3. Birds of Nebraska: Part 2: Raptors & Shorebirds (24 min)

    4. Birds of Nebraska Part 3: Game Birds (25 min)

    5. Fish of Nebraska (14 min)

    6. Mammals of Nebraska (16 min)

  • THE NEW ZOOS: 60 min, grades 4-8: Visit zoos around the country that are working to improve the lives of their animals. To restore wild animal populations, zoo keepers are studying each animal’s native habitats, diet and behavior so they can anticipate the animals’ needs.

  • OCEAN LIFE (Bill Nye Series): 30 min, grades 4-8: Bill Nye the Science Guy explores the ocean's food chain. In this episode, Bill goes underwater to talk about ocean ecosystems and the importance of small organisms such as coral, plankton and kelp.

  • OCEAN LIFE: 30 min: Nature series, educational favorite.

  • OCEANS ALIVE I: 20-5 min lessons, grades 4-8: Series which supports teaching of themes in science as illustrated by marine animals filmed on location in oceans around the world. Demonstrates how they relate to other living things, including humans, and shows how they are classified. Ecosystems are defined, energy flow is described, and the series empowers students to act responsibly toward ecosystems. Programs focus on predations, symbiosis, defense, food chain, camouflage, and habitat. Lessons include:

    1. Oceans Alive! Introduction

    2. Predation

    3. Cnidarians

    4. Living Rock

    5. The Coral Jungle

    6. Life Together

    7. The clownfish and the anemone

    8. Protection By Deception

    9. Camouflage

    10. Armed And Dangerous

    11. Proifera

    12. Crustacean

    13. Echinoderms

    14. What Is A Fish

    15. Fish Senses

    16. Sharks And Rays

    17. Respiration

    18. Undersea Eyes

    19. The Deep Blue Sea

    20. Reproduction

    • OCEANS ALIVE II: 20- 5 min lessons, grades 4-8: Series of programs designed to support the teaching of themes in science as illustrated by marine animals filmed on location in oceans around the world. In life science, the series defines the characteristics of living things, shows how they function, grow and interact, demonstrates how they relate to other living things, including humans, and shows how they are classified. Ecosystems are defined, energy flow is described and the series empowers students to act responsibly toward ecosystems. Part II of Oceans Alive focuses on marine mammals, terrestrial habitat, ocean environments, and marine invertebrates. Lessons include:

      1. Introduction to Oceans Alive II

      2. Marine Mammals I

      3. Dolphins

      4. Sea Birds

      5. Salt Marsh

      6. Food Web

      7. Plankton

      8. Mollusks

      9. Sand Country

      10. Homes

      11. Islands Under the Sea

      12. Slugs

      13. Tunicates

      14. Amazing Rays

      15. The Cleaning Station

      16. The Deep Ocean

      17. Colors & Patterns

      18. Tides

      19. Water, Water, Everywhere

      20. People & the Sea

    • PARAMECIA & OTHER PROTISTS DVD: 9 min, grades 5-10: Introduces paramecia as examples of the ciliate phylum, unicellular organisms in the Protist kingdom that are found in all environments. Live-action photography captures the various ways these single-celled organisms move, reproduce and feed, and observes that unicellular Protists are far more numerous than the multicellular ones. Includes rotifers, daphnia, euplotes, cyrptomonas, stentors, vorticellae, amoebae, euglenas, and brown and green algae as well as trypanosomes and plasmodia that feed on humans and cause disease.

    • PENGUINS (Disney’s Animal World Series): 16 min, grades K-2: Learning about animals is fun when favorite Disney characters lead the way! Stunning live-action wildlife clips of animals in their natural habitats are combined with heart-warming footage from Disney’s animated classics to introduce youngsters to the world of animals. How can penguins, who waddle cumbersomely on land, be such fast and agile swimmers? What purpose does their distinctive coloring serve? Stunning footage shows penguins throughout their life cycle, and Disney’s winsome animated penguins illustrate behavior characteristic of their real-life counterparts.

    • PENGUINS AND SEALS AND SEA LIONS (Disney’s Animal World Series) DVD: 2- 16 min lessons, grades K-3: Learning about animals is fun when favorite Disney characters lead the way! Stunning live-action wildlife clips of animals in their natural habitats are combined with heart-warming footage from Disney’s animated classics to introduce youngsters to the world of animals.

      1. Penguins: How can penguins, who waddle cumbersomely on land, be such fast and agile swimmers? What purpose does their distinctive coloring serve? Stunning footage shows penguins throughout their life cycle, and Disney’s winsome animated penguins illustrate behavior characteristic of their real-life counterparts.

      2. Seals & Sea Lions: Watch these slippery creatures use their paddle-like flippers as they navigate water, rocks, and shore to eat and to survive. Enjoy gorgeous nature footage, complemented by the spirited antics of animated seals from Disney’s Mickey and the Seal and The Jungle Book.

    • POLAR PROWL (Really Wild Animals Series) DVD: 45 min, grades Pre K-4: Get ready for chills and thrills at the ends of the Earth with playful penguins, slippery seals, and hungry humpback whales. Pal around with a polar bear and her cuddly cubs, toothy walruses, and killer whales that rule in the cool.

    • PONDS & LAKES (What’s It like Where You Live? Series): Take a road trip to Shaw Arboretum, where they investigate a pond. Test for temperature and dissolved oxygen level and collect pond critters for examination. Study the relationship between their data and the life in the pond. Learn about the water cycle and contact a school near the shores of Lake Michigan to find out how a lake is different from a pond.

    • POPULATIONS (Bill Nye Series): 30 min, grades 4-8: Bill Nye the Science Guy examines populations of different animals, from flocks of chickens to prides of lions and gaggles of geese. Bill explores how these living groups compete for food, homes and space.

    • PROTECTING OUR ENDANGERED SPECIES: video & resource guide, grades 4-8: The underlying question of the program is: How can human beings find the balance between the desire to improve life (through land development and industrial activity) and the need to protect and maintain plant & animal wildlife for future generations? Children talk about habitats, what endangered species are, why animals become extinct and how they would feel if their favorite animal disappeared from the Earth.

    • RAINFOREST VOICES: 48 min, grades 3-8: Exquisite footage of the lush Costa Rican rainforest captures close-up views of hummingbirds, scarlet macaws, toucans, poison dart frogs, and howler monkeys.


      1. Amazing North America: 45 min: From the frozen Arctic to the southern swamplands, kids will meet the amazing animals that make North America a continent full of surprises. Watch polar bears and white wolves struggling for survival on the icy tundra; alligators patrolling swampy waters of the Okefenoke; and ground squirrels battling rattlesnakes in the wild, wild West.

      2. Awesome Animal Builders: 45 min: There’s no place like home, especially one you build yourself! Come see the construction sites where beavers, bears, and birds build their amazing animal abodes using their own “built in” tools.

      3. Deep Sea Dive DVD & VHS: 45 min: Dive into fun and explore the world’s oceans from surface to seafloor. Come face to face with great whales, friendly dolphins, scary sharks, and all the ocean’s amazing treasures.

      4. Dinosaurs & Other Creature Features: 47 min: Travel back to the days of raging raptors and the terrifying Tyrannosaurus Rex, when dinosaurs ruled the earth! Plus, see some of the world’s creepiest creatures such as spiders, ants, dung beetles, and more.

      5. Farmyard Friends: 45 min: This farmyard safari proves that tame animals have really rowdy relatives in the wild. A farmyard family reunion includes everything from horses and cows to warthogs and zebras!

      6. Polar Prowl: 45 min: Get ready for chills and thrills at the ends of the Earth with playful penguins, slippery seals, and hungry humpback whales. Pal around with a polar bear and her cuddly cubs, toothy walruses, and killer whales that rule in the cool.

      7. Swinging Safari: 44 min: Come along on a wild African safari and experience the amazing ways that animals like cheetahs, crocodiles, rhinos and elephants survive. Experience life in a lion pride, what it’s like to be a chimp, and much more.

      8. Totally Tropical Rainforest DVD & VHS: 40 min: Take a totally tropical trip to the rain forest and meet spotted jaguars, colorful poison-arrow frogs, slow-moving sloths, and loud-mouthed howler monkeys – all captured by the world’s finest filmmakers in the wildest place in the world.

      9. Wonders Down Under: 45 min: Travel to the land “down under” and learn why the animals of Australia are so darn unusual! From leaping kangaroos to paddling platypuses to cuddly kolas, kids won’t believe the amazing variety of animals that make this island world their home.

    • REALM OF THE ALLIGATOR: 59 min, grades 5-12: Thousands of alligators inhabit the watery wilderness of Okenfenokee swamp. Supreme ruler of the peat swamp, 47 min, grades Pre K-4: Travel back to the days of raging raptors and the terrifying Tyrannosaurus Rex, when dinosaurs ruled the earth! Plus, see some of the world’s creepiest creatures such as spiders, ants, dung beetles, and more 47 min, grades Pre K-4: Travel back to the days of raging raptors and the terrifying Tyrannosaurus Rex, when dinosaurs ruled the earth! Plus, see some of the world’s creepiest creatures such as spiders, ants, dung beetles, and more the alligator, is more than cold-blooded and at night red-eyed. This detailed portrait reveals it as a skilled communicator and even a conscientious parent.

    • REFLECTIONS ON ELEPHANTS: 59 min, grades 5-12: Award-winning filmmakers, Dereck and Beverly Joubert, take an unprecedented look at African elephant society. Their cooperation, their memory and their communication in this special focuses on the behavior that makes elephants unique and precious.

    • REPTILES (Animal Life in Action Series) DVD & VHS: 23 min, grades 5-8: The remarkable reptiles, with their fangs, claws and scales, are often portrayed in movies as monstrous creatures trying to take over the world! Actually, these descendants of the dinosaurs are among the most well-adapted groups in the animal world, and they play an important role in keeping our environment in balance. Study the unique characteristics and habits of snakes, lizards, crocodiles, alligators and turtles, and learn how they protect themselves and capture their prey. A fascinating investigation shows kids how chameleons use camouflage by examining how they blend in with bark or leaves. Visit with a herpetologist – a scientist who studies reptiles – and closely examine how snakes’ fangs are “milked” of their poison.

    • REPTILES (Bill Nye Series): 30 min, grades 4-8: Unlike humans, reptiles do not maintain a constant body temperature all day; they are cold-blooded. Reptiles have scaly skin and no hair. Reptiles have special ways of living in many different places on Earth.

    • REPTILES AND INSECTS, LEAPIN’ LIZARDS (Bill Nye Series): 30 min, grades 4-8: Join Bill Nye, Science Guy as he slithers through another mind-stimulating adventure. Go up close and personal with turtles, lizards, snakes and other members of the reptile family. Then, buss over to the insect world as Bill explores swarms of bees, beetles, crickets and more.

    • SEA WORLD (Field Trip Series): 25 min, grades 2-6: We see whales, but now we can touch them and see how they are trained and how intelligent they are. Learn about exploration of the seas.

    • SECRET OF THE POND (Life Habitat Series): 12 min, grades 2-5: A group of children visit a pond, where they discover a number of interesting and unique life forms, and one of the oldest secrets of the world—the food chain. They investigate the plant and animal life in the pond.

    • SEE HOW THEY GROW: SEA ANIMALS: 30 min, grades K-4: See how an underwater wonderland becomes the cradle of life for a fast growing little ray, pipefish, cuttlefish, and hermit crab. Narrated by the baby animals themselves, it’s an irresistible look at young lives on the grow!

    • SERENGETI DIARY: 59 min, grades 5-12: Accompany wildlife photographer, Baron Hugo van Lawick on a journey in and around Serengeti National Park. An amazing array of African animals lives in the vast ecosystem. View the Serengeti through the eyes of a Masai elder, a bush pilot, and a wildlife biologist.

    • SHARKS: 13 min, grades 1-4: Gail Gibbons introduces viewers to the world of sharks. Several of the 350 known species highlighted with facts about sharks, as well as advice on how to react if encountering a shark while in the water.

    • SHARKS (Disney’s Animal World Series): 16 min, grades K-2: Learning about animals is fun when favorite Disney characters lead the way! Stunning live-action wildlife clips of animals in their natural habitats are combined with heart-warming footage from Disney’s animated classics to introduce youngsters to the world of animals. There are nearly four hundred different kinds of sharks, some of which have 5 rows of teeth and can eat a seal in one gulp! Explore the lives of these swift, menacing swimmers in their undersea world, while enjoying exciting clips from The Little Mermaid, Mickey and the Seal, and Tail Spin.

    • THE SIX KINGDOM CLASSIFICATION PART I: DVD, 17 min; Explains the rationale for the modern six kingdom classification. Gives a brief history of classification, then presents organisms of the Animal Kingdom; the Plant Kingdom; and the Fungi Kingdom.

    • THE SIX KINGDOM CLASSIFICATION PART II: DVD, 19 min; Explains the rationale for the modern six kingdom classifications. Illustrates the characteristics of each kingdom, then presents the Protista Kingdom; Eukaryotic Cells; Prokaryotic Cells; Eubacteria Kingdom; Archaebacteria Kingdom. Discusses domains.

    • SNAKES AND FROGS & TOADS (Disney’s Animal World Series) DVD: 2- 16 min lessons, grades K-3: Learning about animals is fun when favorite Disney characters lead the way! Stunning live-action wildlife clips of animals in their natural habitats are combined with heart-warming footage from Disney’s animated classics to introduce youngsters to the world of animals.

      1. Snakes: See these fast-moving, slithering creatures in their natural habitat, and learn the truth about their hypnotic eyes and their lightning-quick tongues. Some of Disney’s celebrated snakes -- from The Jungle Book, Tarzan, and The Lion King’s Timon & Pumba -- reflect the incredible, and sometimes fearsome, characteristics of these legless reptiles.

      2. Frogs & Toads: Frogs & toads – are they different? How are they able to breathe and drink through their skin? Must they stay wet to survive? These spry amphibians will delight students, both in real life and in their sprightly antics from Bambi, Sword in the Stone, and The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad.

    • STORY OF THE WOODLAND STREAM (Life Habitat Series): 15 min, grades 2-5: Children investigate the plant and animal life in the stream habitat. They learn about the water cycle and erosion.

    • SWINGING SAFARI (Really Wild Animals Series) DVD: 44 min, grades Pre K-4: Come along on a wild African safari and experience the amazing ways that animals like cheetahs, crocodiles, rhinos and elephants survive. Experience life in a lion pride, what it’s like to be a chimp, and much more.

    • TEMPERATE OCEANS (What’s It like Where You Live? Series): 34 min, grades 4-8: Investigate several a biotic factors of marine ecosystems. Concentrating on currents and salinity, “El Nino”, and how ocean temperatures affect climate. Certain organisms have adapted to life in the shallow waters and others to deep, dark sea. Learn about adaptations on a trip along the Pacific coast as well as organisms on display in aquariums.

    • THOSE WONDERFUL DOGS: 59 min, grades 5-12: Travel around the world to celebrate the relationship human beings and working dogs have long enjoyed. It shows in New Zealand, dogs herd sheep across mountainous terrain: in the United States, a disabled student learns independence with the help of a canine companion; in Alaska, Susan Butcher and her sled dogs endure a grueling cross-country race; and in Mexico, rescue dogs hurry to locate victims of an earthquake.

    • TOTALLY TROPICAL RAIN FOREST (Really Wild Animals Series) DVD & VHS: 40 min, grades Pre k-4: Take a totally tropical trip to the rain forest and meet spotted jaguars, colorful poison-arrow frogs, slow-moving sloths, and loud-mouthed howler monkeys – all captured by the world’s finest filmmakers in the wildest place in the world.

    • TROPICAL OCEANS (What’s It like Where You Live? Series): 34 min, grades 4-8: Explore the largest coral reef in North America found in Central America. Find many interesting creatures as they dive below the waves and examine life in and around the reefs, as well as the mangrove caves. Learn about several symbiotic relationships found in these warm waters.

    • TROPICAL RAINFOREST: 40 min, grades 3-8: Features the birds and primates of the forest canopy and the insects of the forest floor. Also shows the adventures of researchers challenged to understand the forests even as they disappear. From close up to tree top views, the film lets the audience experiences the forest on its own terms to better understand and appreciate the treasures of this environment.

    • UP CLOSE & NATURAL: 15- 15 min lessons, grades 1-4: Designed to develop awareness and sensitivity to the world around the young child. Students are encourages to sharpen skills in observation, description, and classification. Lessons include:

      1. Introduction

      2. Animals Without Backbones

      3. Insects

      4. Fish

      5. Toads, Frogs and Salamanders

      6. Turtles

      7. Snakes

      8. Birds

      9. Mammals

      10. Winter at Squam Lake

      11. In the Forest

      12. The Pond

      13. Marsh and Swamp

      14. Out in the Fields

      15. Outside Your Door

    • WETLANDS (What’s It like Where You Live? Series): 30 min, grades 4-8: Learn about the crucial role wetlands play as a stopping place for migrating birds. Discover that wetlands- marshes, swamps and bogs- are natural water filters. Rendezvous with kids living near the Florida Everglades, paddle through a swamp in southern Missouri and explore a gigantic marsh in Central America. A flight over Alaska surveys bogs from the air.

    • WETLANDS (Bill Nye Series): 30 min, grades 4-8: Shows how swamps, bogs and marshes help control floods, naturally filter water and provide a good home to a lot of living things, especially wildlife.

    • WHALES (Disney’s Animal World Series): 16 min, grades K-2: Learning about animals is fun when favorite Disney characters lead the way! Stunning live-action wildlife clips of animals in their natural habitats are combined with heart-warming footage from Disney’s animated classics to introduce youngsters to the world of animals. Wild whale tales abound, as you’ll see in several madcap moments from Disney’s Pinocchio and The Lion King’s Timon & Pumba. Students will learn amazing facts about whales- how they navigate great distances and why they have blowholes – in fascinating underwater footage of these huge marine mammals.

    • WHALES & SHARKS (Disney’s Animal World Series) DVD: 2- 16 min lessons, grades K-3: Learning about animals is fun when favorite Disney characters lead the way! Stunning live-action wildlife clips of animals in their natural habitats are combined with heart-warming footage from Disney’s animated classics to introduce youngsters to the world of animals.

      1. Whales: Wild whale tales abound, as you’ll see in several madcap moments from Disney’s Pinocchio and The Lion King’s Timon & Pumba. Students will learn amazing facts about whales- how they navigate great distances and why they have blowholes – in fascinating underwater footage of these huge marine mammals.

      2. Sharks: There are nearly four hundred different kinds of sharks, some of which have 5 rows of teeth and can eat a seal in one gulp! Explore the lives of these swift, menacing swimmers in their undersea world, while enjoying exciting clips from The Little Mermaid, Mickey and the Seal, and Tail Spin.

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