Jihun Cha
Injae Lee
Young-kwon Lim
Han-Kyu Lee
Jinwoo Hong
Response to the call for technologies for MPEG RUIF
Kyungmo Park Giovanni Gordara Cyril Concolato Jean Le Feuvre Jean-Claude Dufourd
Proposal based on W3C widget. Accepted for working draft.
Based on ongoing W3C recommendation
Widely accepted widget format
Agnostic to scene representation format
Mandating to use “zip” for “packaging” format
Extensibility for MPEG media types
Extensibility for multiple transport
Extensibility for non-Web domains
Widget representation format
Manifest (configuration file)
metadata, localization (language), icon
one scene description and associated resources
an optional additional scene description and associated resources
description about communication capabilities
Widget packaging format
ISO Base Media File Format for media centric widgets
Supporting unpackaged delivery
Guidelines for streaming and broadcast environments
Widget Manager
Concept of entity managing widgets
Normative Behavior
Widget Packaging Formats
Widget Representation Format (manifest)
Widget Localization
Widget Life Cycle Handling
Widget Communication Handling
Widget Individual Rendering
Widget Life Cycle
Loading of widget
Parsing widget
Showing something except simplified or full version of scene representation
Independent Activation/Deactivation of full or simplified version
Independent Show/Hide of full or simplified version
Dynamic binding/unbinding of external communication entities
Widget Communications
external communication entity
identified by type
described by “interface”
GPAC based implementation
Widget representation based on BIFS with SVG icons
Pushing widget to different devices (uPnP & DLNA)
Communication between devices (different representation)
What is the status of widget in W3C? WD. Three CRs are targeting June. packaging and configuration, digital signature (informative in MPEG), and APIs and Events.
What is the relationship between W3C widget and MPEG UIF? W3C widget is subset of MPEG UIF.
Do we need to mandate to use “zip”? Yes, to be compliant to “W3C widget package format”
Can we have multiple icons? No. But you can have multiple “localized” representation including icons.
Can we use different languages for simplified version? Yes. But it would be better to use same language for synchronization and so on.
How do we find “entry point” for unpackaged format In that case, manifest will be used as an entry point.
Is it mandatory to list all external communication required by the widget in the manifest? It is not clear because it is under draft. We could make it mandatory in MPEG.
Proposal to use LASeR for UI Framework. Accepted to incoporate