International organisation for standardisation organisation internationale de normalisation

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Output documents

The following documents were agreed to be produced or endorsed as outputs of the meeting. Names recorded below indicate those responsible for document production. Meeting Report of 17th JCT-VC Meeting [G. J. Sullivan, J.-R. Ohm] [2014-06-20] (near next meeting) valid – not re-issued: JCTVC-H1001 HEVC software guidelines [K. Sühring, D. Flynn, F. Bossen, (software coordinators)]

(Remains valid, although from a prior meeting.) High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Test Model 15 (HM 15) Encoder Description [K. McCann (primary), B. Bross, W.-J. Han, I. K. Kim, K. Sugimoto, G. J. Sullivan] [2014-06-20] (near next meeting) High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Edition 1 Defect Report Draft 4 [Y.-K. Wang, G. J. Sullivan, B. Bross] [2014-05-30] HEVC Conformance Draft 7 [T. Suzuki, W. Wan, G. J. Sullivan] (WG 11 N 14426 Preliminary draft of ISO/IEC FDIS) [2014-05-16] HEVC Range Extensions Draft Text 7 [D. Flynn, M. Naccari, K. Sharman, C. Rosewarne, J. Sole, G. Sullivan, T. Suzuki] (WG 11 N 14414, ISO/IEC FDIS) [2014-05-30] valid – not reissued: JCTVC-P1006 Common test conditions and software reference configurations for HEVC range extensions [D. Flynn, C. Rosewarne, K. Sharman] SHVC Test Model 6 (SHM 6) [J. Chen, J. Boyce, Y. Ye, M. M. Hannuksela] (WG 11 N 14419) [2014-06-06] SHVC Draft Text 6 [J. Chen, J. Boyce, Y. Ye, M. M. Hannuksela, G. J. Sullivan, Y.-K. Wang] (WG 11 N 14416 ISO/IEC Study of DAM3) [2014-06-06] Common SHM test conditions and software reference configurations [V. Seregin, Y. He] [2014-05-02] (1 week after software)

Update to include updated anchor results and config files and include colour gamut scalability tests. valid – not updated JCTVC-O1010 Guidelines for conformance test bitstream preparation [T. Suzuki, W. Wan] Report on HEVC compression performance verification test (WG 11 N 14420) [T. K. Tan, M. Mrak, V. Baroncini, N. Ramzan] [2014-04-25] Range extensions conformance draft 1 (WG 11 N 14427) [T. Suzuki, K. Kazui (Editors)] [2014-05-30] HEVC Range Extensions Test Model 7 Encoder Description [M. Naccari, C. Rosewarne, K. Sharman, G. Sullivan] (WG 11 N 14418) [2014-06-06] valid – not re-issued: JCTVC-L1100 Common HM test conditions and software reference configurations [F. Bossen]

(Remains valid, although from a prior meeting.)

Note that regardless of preliminary CE plans established earlier in the meeting were not considered binding on final CE plans as reviewed in closing plenary. Screen content coding test model 1 (SCM 1) (WG 11 N 14421) [R. Joshi, J. Xu, R. Cohen, S. Liu, Z. Ma, Y. Ye] [2014-04-25] Common conditions for screen content coding tests [H. Yu, R. Cohen, K. Rapaka, J. Xu] [2014-05-02] HEVC Scalable Extensions Core Experiment SCE1: Colour Gamut and Bit Depth Scalability [A. Duenas, P. Andrivon, E. Alshina, Y. Ye, K. Ugur, X. Li (CE coordinators)] [2014-04-25] (three weeks)

3 weeks for finalization of CE description. Some details of planned test to be worked out to provide a more precise defintion of the experiment.

To test normative and non-normative alternatives.

JCTVC-Q1101 was reviewed in non-final form in closing plenary. A three week finalization period was authorized for the plan document. HEVC Screen Content Core Experiment 1 (SCCE1): Intra block copy [J. Sole, S. Liu (CE coordinators)] [2014-04-18] (two weeks)

JCTVC-Q1121 was reviewed in non-final form in closing plenary. A two week finalization period was authorized for the plan document. HEVC Screen Content Core Experiment 2 (SCCE2): Line-based intra copy [C.-C. Chen, X. Xu, L. Zhang (CE coordinators)] [2014-04-18] (two weeks)

JCTVC-Q1122 was reviewed in non-final form in closing plenary. A two week finalization period was authorized for the plan document. HEVC Screen Content Core Experiment 3 (SCCE3): Palette mode [Y.-W. Huang, P. Onno, R. Joshi, R. Cohen, X. Xiu, Z. Ma (CE coordinators)] [2014-04-18] (two weeks)

JCTVC-Q1123 was reviewed in non-final form in closing plenary. A two week finalization period was authorized for the plan document. HEVC Screen Content Core Experiment 4 (SCCE4): String matching for sample coding [Y. Chen, J. Xu (CE coordinators)] [2014-04-18] (two weeks)

JCTVC-Q1124 was reviewed in non-final form in closing plenary. A two week finalization period was authorized for the plan document. HEVC Screen Content Core Experiment 5 (SCCE5): Inter-component prediction and adaptive colour transform [X. Xiu, J. Chen (CE coordinators)] [2014-04-18] (two weeks)

JCTVC-Q1125 was reviewed in non-final form in closing plenary. A two week finalization period was authorized for the plan document.

  1. Future meeting plans, expressions of thanks, and closing of the meeting

Future meeting plans were established according to the following guidelines:

  • Meeting under ITU-T SG 16 auspices when it meets (starting meetings on the Monday or Tuesday of the first week and closing it on the Tuesday or Wednesday of the second week of the SG 16 meeting), and

  • Otherwise meeting under ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 auspices when it meets (starting meetings on the Wednesday or Thursday prior to such meetings and closing it on the last day of the WG 11 meeting).

Some specific future meeting plans were established as follows:

  • 30 June (3:45 p.m.) – 9 July 2014 under ITU-T auspices in Sapporo, JP.

  • 17–24 Oct. 2014 under WG 11 auspices in Strasbourg, FR.

  • 10–18 Feb. 2015 under ITU-T auspices in Geneva, CH.

  • 18–26 June 2015 under WG 11 auspices in Warsaw, PL.

The agreed document deadline for the 18th JCT-VC meeting is 20 June. Plans for scheduling of agenda items within that meeting TBA.

UPC, UPM and Kenzler Conference Management were thanked for the excellent hosting of the 17th meeting of the JCT-VC.

The JCT-VC meeting was closed at approximately 12:30 hours on Fri. 4 Apr. 2014.

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