Study possible approaches to the use of adaptive control of motion vector precision.
Consider non-normative approaches and encoder optimization aspects relating to evaluation of adaptive motion precision.
Analyze the coding efficiency and complexity implications of such techniques.
Coordinate with RCE on adaptive motion precision.
J. Xu, , X. Li (co-chairs)
High bit-rate & bit-depth operating points (AHG18)
Study the accuracy needed for internal processing elements to support bit depths up to 16-bits per sample.
Study relationship to lossless coding capability.
Verify rate-distortion optimization behaviour for high bit rates and high bit depths.
Study entropy coding operation and throughput at high bit rates and high bit depths and potential needs for associated design modification, particularly including consideration of worst-case conditions.
Identify test sequences (in coordination with AHG16) and test conditions for testing high bit rate and high bit depth coding behaviour.
Prepare software implementation for technical investigation of new features intended for high bit rates and high bit depths.
Study coding performance at high bit-rate and high bit depth operating points and investigate the benefit over existing standards.
K. Sharman (chair), R. Joshi, H.-Y. Kim (vice chairs)
Verification test preparation and testing (AHG19)
Generate and collect candidate HEVC and AVC encoded bitstreams for HEVC verification testing.
Identify and coordinate arrangements toward the preparation of test sites for subjective testing.
Perform the subjective testing as described in JCTVC-P1011.
Analyze the test results and begin drafting of the report of the subjective testing.
T. K. Tan, V. Baroncini (co chairs), M. Karczewicz, M. Mrak, W. Wan, J. Wen (vice chairs)