Several related issues were discussed in three joint meetings (Monday at 1600, Wednesday 1630 and Thursday 1400) with MPEG Requirements and VCEG participation as well as members of JCT-VC and JCT-3V. See also the Requirements, JCT-VC, and JCT-3V reports for more detailed results on these discussions. The discussion included the following:
SCC CfP: The CfP was issued (as VCEG-AW90 and WG 11 N 14175) and the subsequent technical work was planned to take place in the JCT-VC.
3D HEVC: It was concluded that, in terms of its compression performance, the combined compression of video texture and depth in the 3D-HEVC draft is mature enough to embark on its official standardization. A PDAM ballot was issued, and finalization is expected for mid 2015.
HEVC defect report (WG 11 resolution issued)
4:4:4 and profiles and levels for HEVC range extensions (see the JCT-VC report)
SHVC with non-HEVC base layer (so-called "hybrid" scalability)
The following documents were considered in this context, as well as other documents listed in the JCT-VC and JCT-3V reports. Proposal of interlace coding tools for HEVC [G.Barroux, K.Kazui, A.Nakagawa(Fujitsu)] On functionality and performance requirements of 3D-HEVC [M. M. Hannuksela (Nokia)] Status report on the SCC CfP preparation [H. Yu, K. McCann, R. Cohen, P. Amon] Revised draft requirements and use cases for interlace coding tools under consideration [Yasser Syed, Arianne Hinds]