Tribunale di milano

it must be taken for granted that the kidnapped person has been taken on the

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it must be taken for granted that the kidnapped person has been taken on the

17th of February 2003 at Aviano base by a high number of US citizens.

According to a logical sequence which follows the chronological happening of the facts, the

enquiries (included those which brought to the identification of several kidnappers) were

immediately rebuilt according to the moment of the kidnapping and to the transportation of the

kidnapped person to Aviano, before describing what follows:

1 – the individuation of the airplane used for the violent and illegal transportation of Abu Omar

to Egypt;

2 – the assurance of the possibility that the kidnapped Abu Omar would have been clandestinely

taken inside the base of Aviano without informing the Italian authorities;

3 – the individuation of the accomplice or accomplices (obviously the accomplices must have been

much more than one) of the kidnappers inside the Aviano base.

We will be talking of the above in Paragraph “N” of the present document, even if we have to

anticipate that the relative enquiries, even though generated by the declarations of ELBADRY

Mohamed Reda, have taken this specific direction only after the Milan Digos had made sure that

some users of mobile phones, present in the area of the kidnapping, immediately headed on the

highway to Aviano, where they arrived between 4.30pm and 5pm of the 17th of February 2003,


and that those same mobile phones, all along the way, have repeatedly called a number of mobile

phone located in Aviano base, a number of the US Consulate in Milan, and a mobile phone

number used by the responsible of the CIA in Milan, apart from various phones in Virginia

(USA), location of the CIA headquarters.



The proofs obtained from the analysis of the cd of the cell traffic, which means the traffic relative to

mobile phones that would be transiting by the radiobase cells in the area of the kidnapping – via

Guerzoni – on the 17th of February 2003 between 11am and 1pm, were relevant and decisive.

Talking about the “radiobase cells”, we should mention that each company controls its own cells,

and that the territorial extension of each one of those, as you can see in the graphic below, states

that they should stand at a few hundreds meters distance one from another, (at least in the area

we are interested in), which makes the next points we will discuss extremely significant.

The witness Rezk Merfat, had indeed declared that she noted a van parked on the sideway, and next

to it, against the wall, there was a man looking middle eastern: Abu Omar. According to the

witness, seemingly Abu Omar had his documents checked by one of the kidnappers, who was

talking on a mobile phone.

For that reason, the Milan Digos requested the information relative to the mobile phone traffic in

that specific area.

In the following map, we have put in evidence in yellow, the road on which Abu Omar was walking:

from his home in via Conte Verde 18 till via Guerzoni, where he was stopped that morning of the

17th of February 2003. In this same graphic, we have also put in evidence, all the radiobase cells of

the area: TIM, VODAFONE, and WIND’s.

After the analysis of traffic of the cells, obtained with a decree of the Public Prosecutor, the Digos

of Milan noted that a group of SIM cards operating simultaneously on the spot of the kidnapping


and connected with each other, which utilisation by unknown users, according to the following

analytic valuation, seemed abnormal and needed a deeper investigation.

We must specify that the analysis of the traffic of the phones related to the cell has been effectuated

by Milan Digos – who demonstrated, apart from rare professional skills, a capacity of using

modern investigating instruments through a software that allows, on a specific basis of research,

the analysis of thousands of data, a necessary thing in this case. To reduce the research field in a

first phase, they first selected all the mobile phones that, in that moment (11/1) of the 17th of

February 2003, were connected with each other and with both via Butti’s cells, which were the

nearest to the place of the kidnapping (see map). So, it has been possible to individualize 11

mobile phones on this spot, those listed in the first part of the following tab.1. Near via Butti,

other 6 mobile phones which were in contact with the previous 11, were individualized.

The traffic between all those users seemed suspect for the following reasons:

- the users of the above mobile phones, or most of them, calling from the same cell, and

situated at a little distance one from the other, had called each other a certain number of

times, for very short conversations, for a total of 62 phone calls.

- The frequency of those calls got more intense when Abu Omar disappeared.

- All the TIM SIM cards have been sold/activated between the month of November 2002 and

January 2003, “bonificate”, and stopped one year later. Same happened to the

VODAFONE SIM card ( The expression “bonificate” should ring an alarm bell, because it

means there is a Codice Fiscale, the owner of SIM card’s, associated to more then ten other

phones. After noting this fact, the TIM, who considers as “suspect” a person that uses more

then ten different phones, should block the utilisation of the card. But in fact, the computer

only cancels the personal data, while the SIM card keeps on working regularly allowing the

user to charge his credit and produce/receive phone communications. The procedure to

block the card, is only a theory (as per relation produced by Digos, Assistant Marco

Sabatino dated 3rd March 2005). It is very unusual for TIM to act in this way.

- Some of the cards were without nominee, some were registered under obvious fake names

(often to identical names: 6 to Timofte Mihai, Rumanian citizen which has nothing to do

with the facts and 3 to Riva Beniamino snc), and anyway, for almost all of them, it was not

possible to individuate immediately the real user. The only exception is represented, as we

see, by the Vodafone card registered at the name of the US citizen Adler Monica Courtney,

existing and identified, but we will talk about her further.

Following, a graphic that illustrates the contacts between the different phones we have stated, that

helps understanding the close links that relate the users of those phones. Among the 17 different

phones, 11 of them, n°19 and in yellow in the graphic, have called through the cell of Via Butti

which covers the area around via Guerzoni, and proves that they all were on the spot on the 17th of

February 2003.


Not all the phones which were present on the spot are listed. There must have necessarily been

another phone belonging to the same operative group, TIM card 3392191934 registered under the

fictitious name of the Chinese citizen Zheng Lihuai, (we will talk about him further), but it has not

been put in evidence in the graphic in the first phase of the enquiry.

Following to the above considerations, authorized by Milan GIP, we have obtained the general

traffic of all the above mobile phones, which we have reported in Tab. 1 stating beside each

number, his owner and the period of activity of each.


Tab. 1



Registered under the name of: Date/hour

Beginning of traffic Date/hour

End of traffic

1 3336364075 RIVA BENIAMINO E C. SNC 06/12/2002 – 22:23:14 17/02/2003 - 19:38:45

2 3337642102 TIMOFTE MIHAI, nato il

21/09/1973 in ROMANIA 30/12/2002 – 10:03:13 21/02/2003 - 15:44:50

3 3387079723 TIMOFTE MIHAI, nato il

21/09/1973 in ROMANIA 09/11/2002 – 21:41:25 23/02/2003 - 03:47:08

4 3388952825 TIMOFTE MIHAI, nato il

21/09/1973 in ROMANIA 08/01/2003 – 19:05:11 23/02/2003 - 11:22:08

5 3338579242 TIMOFTE MIHAI, nato il

21/09/1973 in ROMANIA 23/09/2002 – 23:17:20 20/02/2003 - 15:51:25

6 3338577471 KOLAZE & GHELON SRL 21/12/2002 – 13:28:38 22/02/2003 - 15:43:08

7 335436970 DE LUCCI DAVIDE, nato il

16/05/1964 a BARI 14/01/2003 – 17:07:25 20/02/2003 - 15:15:46

8 3386567958



25/12/1981 in PERU'

08/08/2002 – 01:01:44 18/02/2003 - 11:50:44

9 3389383879


18/01/1926 a Mandello Del Lario


16/01/2003 – 11:34:54 17/02/2003 - 14:48:00

10 3398675142 LODI DONATELLA, nata il

07/04/1968 a CENTO (FE) 11/01/2003 – 17:13:43 20/02/2003 - 15:51:25

11 3343101143 No registration name 28/10/2002 – 20:46:51 18/02/2003 - 11:10:50

12 3343099527 RIVA BENIAMINO E C. SNC

13 3343176579 DISCOVERY SRL 22/01/2003 – 22:07:39 17/02/2003 - 19:29:40

14 3343211730 RIVA BENIAMINO E C. SNC 06/12/2002 – 22:14:20 18/02/2003 - 10:53:04

15 3397946739 TIMOFTE MIHAI, nato il

21/09/1973 in ROMANIA 08/01/2003 – 18:38:00 23/02/2003 - 03:47:08

16 3398581994 TIMOFTE MIHAI, nato il

21/09/1973 in ROMANIA 28/12/2002 – 15:02:41 17/02/2003 - 18:50:45


nata il 02/02/1973 in USA 11/01/2003 – 13:57:01 18/02/2003 - 17:50:50

As mentioned before the phones from number 1 to 11 were physically on the spot of the kidnapping, and

used the three radiobase cells that we put in evidence in the map, the phones from number 12 to 17 were

in the surroundings, about 1 km distance, and in contact with the other eleven even in the moments

previous to the action.


E. 1) Analysis of the traffic of the 17 mobile phones that were present, at the time of the

kidnapping, on the spot or in the surroundings. General data and valuations.

The analysis of the phone traffic produced by the above mentioned phones has given, since the

beginning, elements confirming the theory that the users of these phones were actually the operative

group that materially effectuated the kidnapping of the Egyptian Nasr Osama Mustafa Hassan @

Abu Omar, allowing at the same time to focus the investigative attention on the milieu of the cd

American intelligence”.

Elements that are perfectly coherent with the reconstruction of the action, given by declarations,

specially those of the Egyptian Elbadry Mohamed Reda who gave us details of the kidnapping in

Italy, having been called from Egypt by Abu Omar, who had just been liberated after one year in


At this point, we shall examine few technical/investigative details, that directed the verifications

towards a precise hypothesis:

- all the phones we put in evidence in the above tab. have had a short life, only few months.

They started doing or receiving calls between the months of November 2002 and January

2003 – except n°5 (activated September 23, 2002), n°8 (activated August 8, 2002) and n°11

(activated October 28, 2002) – and they all stopped their activity between the 17th and the

23rd of February 2003 (the days that followed immediately Abu Omar’s disappearance) ,

this period of time comprehend the preparatory and executive phases of the criminal event.

This explains also the use of phone cards registered under fake names, in order not to

permit the immediate individuation of the user;

- Controlling the calls issued from those phones, we noted that there were contacts with

American phones in Virginia, contacts with the American Consulate in Milan, and some

phones were registered under the names of American citizens, which traffic relative to that

precise period was obtained.

- Four among the utilities present on the spot of the facts or in the nearby (3343101143,

3343176579, 3343211730, 3397946739, N°11,13,14 AND 15), after moving from via

Guerzoni in Milan or from some other nearby street, have been connected with the cells

situated on the highway Milan-Aviano, and after a period of time, which would be

necessary to do this trip (about 5 hours), they all started connecting to cells situated in the

surroundings of the Military base USAF in Aviano. This technical detail, goes hand in hand

with the circumstances described by the witness Elbadry Mohamed Reda, who declared

that Abu Omar told him on the phone that he has been transported to an American Military

Base situated at about 5 hours distance from the place of the kidnapping, and that it could

be Aviano. We must add, that during the investigations, other 9 numbers of mobile phones

were individualized, included the four the mentioned above. Some of them are registered

under the name of American citizens that went from Milan to Aviano in the hours

following the kidnapping.

- One of the four phones mentioned above, that went to Aviano (n°13 3343176579) called

three times a mobile phone 3356122879 registered under the name: 31 Contracting

Squadron (Base USAF-Aviano) whose user we already mentioned and we will mention after,

between 2.44pm and 4.32pm of the 17th of Feb 2003. We deduce that they called to

communicate the arrival of the vehicles to the base of Aviano. This phone was given and

was used, at the moment of the facts, by the Ten. Col. Joseph L. III Romano, of the 31

SFS (Security Forces Squadron) Usaf, the American person responsible for the Security


of the Airport of Aviano, who controls the access to the airport. Col. Romano, after the

facts, was transferred to the Pentagon 31P in Washington DC, where he presently works.

- One of the phones (n°15 – 3397946739) present in Via Guerzoni at the moment of the facts,

once arrived to Aviano, headed straight back to Milan.

- Another phone (n°11 – 3343101143) left Aviano early the following day.

- Two of the numbers present in the surroundings of Via Guerzoni on the 17th of February

2003, (3386567958 and 3388952825 n° 8 and 4), have contacted during the month of

January 2003, each one only one, a number registered under the name of the US Consulate

in Milan, as follows:






- 3388952825 - 0229035338 - 01.23.2003


- 0.00.24

- 3386567958 - 0229035388 - 01.31.2003

3.41.27 PM

- 0.00.45

- Those same numbers (3386567958 and 3388952825) have contacted, between January and

February 2003, the Vodaphone number 3480614737 registered under the name of the

American citizen Suddath Barbara, identified as Barbara Patricia Suddath born in Kansas

City (USA), d.o.b. 8/12/1956. The documents shown to Vodaphone, state that the foreigner

person is part of the staff of the American Diplomatic Representatives in Italy , working as a

Technician and Administrative in the US Embassy in Rome. When she bought the SIM card,

she gave as personal address: USA Consulate in Milan, Via Principe Amedeo, 2,

- The user of the Vodaphone Card registered under the name of Suddath Barbara, has been

identified as Robert Lady Seldon born in Honduras, d.o.b. 5.2.1954, who was at the period

of the facts, the CIA responsible in Milan. The number had contacts with the SIM Cards

3388952825, 3338579242 and 3386567958, which were all present in Via Guerzoni and

around at the moment of the kidnapping.

- That same Vodaphone phone has been contacted three times, in February 2003, by another

phone of the group (3338579242, n°5),

- One of the cell phones contacted during the months of January and February, four

American numbers in the State of Virginia (two of those were contacted 4 times the day of

the disappearance of Nasr Osama Mostafa Hassan @ Abu Omar, after 6 pm):

0017033392919 – 0017036092915 – 0017036093952 – 0017037291152, which had

contacts only with the number 3338579242 (registered under the name of Timofte Mihai,

n°5), and the user was present on the spot and at the moment of the kidnapping;

- As a result of the complete analysis of the traffic of all the telephones (over 40), some of

them registered under the name of American citizens, we can deduce that the users of those

phones, or at least a great number of them, were also present on the way that Abu Omar

usually took from his house to the mosque of Viale Jenner in the days preceding the facts,

technical detail that confirms the direct participation of those persons to the planning of the

criminal act, with evident preparatory activity for the location and the observation of the

movements of the victim.


As anticipated, the complete analysis of the traffic generated by those phones, apart from

confirming the relations existing between the users, has also put in evidence normal contacts with

other cellular phones, some of them registered under the name of American citizens. We have asked

to issue a decree to control their telephonic traffic.

After a complete control, we have noted several contacts with hotels in Milan and other towns in

North Italy, with Car Rental Agencies, with Airlines Companies.

And so, following to those indications, the Judicial Police followed four directions:

1. telephones controls (contacts between different numbers, identification of IMEI codes of

each of the used phones and eventually other cards used on the same phones, movements

of the users of the phones (available through the study of the Radiobase).

2. Controls in Milan and other towns’ hotels that have been contacted by the users of those

mentioned phones.

3. Controls of the Car Rental Agencies that have been contacted by the phones related to

our enquiry.

4. Controls with the society of the Highway (Telepass or Viacard) to be able to identify the

eventual vehicles used for the action and the following moves during the 17th of February

2003, specially on the road from Milan to Aviano.

The information resulting from such controls has allowed us, at last, to identity several American

citizens about whom we will talk in the present document, who are those who took part, under

different roles, to the planning and the execution of the kidnapping of the Egyptian Abu Omar.

In some cases, we have been able, with a reasonable margin of sureness, to attribute to each one

the phone card he was using on the spot of the facts (Via Guerzoni); those persons have then had an

operational part in the action.

E. 2) Phone controls – 17 cards

All contacts between the phones resulting from the enquiries, dates of activation and suspension,

details of registration, identification of the real users and verification of their presence in

important areas for the enquiry, are stated in TABLE 2, which will be the argument of the

following paragraph M. Following you can find the details of the telephonic traffic relative to the

17 phones indicated in TABLE 1. For details regarding the phone cards, please consult the report

dated 19th February 2005 made by Sovr. Germano Canil and V. Sovr D’Urso, enclosed to the Digos

report dated 24th February 2005.

To make the comprehension of the controls easier, we will start immediately examining the general

traffic of the phone n°17, only SIM card of VODAFONE that was immediately individuated (
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