O’zbekiston respublikasi oliy va o’rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi mirzo ulug’bek nomidagi o’zbekiston milliy universiteti

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The Future Indefinite Tense

Bo’lishli shakli

So’roq shakli

Bo’lishsiz shakli

I (we) shall work.

Shall I (we) work?

I (we) shall not work.

You(he,she,it, they) will work.

Will you (he, she, it, they) work?

You(he,she,it, they) will not work.

Shall va will ning qisqacha shakli -'ll

I shall - I'll; He will He'll

Shall not Shan't ['Ja:nt]

Will not Won't [wount].

The Future Indefinite Tense asosan tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in two days (weeks, months, next, week (year) iboralari bilan ishlatiladi.
I shall translate this story tomorrow

Men bu hikoyani ertaga tarjima qilaman

He will visit his friend nextweek

U do’stinikiga keyingi haftada boradi.

The Future Indefinite Tense ishlatilgan gapdagi kesimning so’roq formasida shall yoki will yordamchi fe’l egadan avval qo’yiladi, javob qisqa bo’ladi.

Bo’lishsiz gapda yordamchi fe’ldan keyin not yuklamasi ishlatiladi.

Will you go to the library with me tomorrow?

Siz ertaga men bilan kutubxo naga borasizmi?

Yes, I shall.


Mike will not go to the library tomorrow.

Mayk ertaga kutubxonaga bormaydi

The Future Indefinite Tense ishlatilgan shart ergash gap when, if, after, before, as soon as, till, untill, unless, provided bog’lovchilar bilan bosh gapga bog’lanadi. Ingliz tilida shart ergash gapning kesimi hozirgi zamonda, bosh gap kesimi kelasi zamonda ishlatiladi.

If I have time I'll come to your place. Agar mening vaqtim bo’lsa, men siznikiga boraman

When you come to my place we shall solve the problem together.

Siz menikiga kelganingizda, masalani birgalikda yechamiz

III O’qing The Future Indefinite Tense ishlatilishiga ahamiyat bering:

— Will you be here tomorrow?

—Yes, I shall. I'll be here.

—Will Mary come, too?

—Yes, she will. She'll come, too.

— Will John be in class tomorrow?

— No, he won't He must be at the doctor's. He won't be here.
IV. Gaplarni o’qing, so’zlovchiga iltimos, maslahat, taklif bilan murojaat qilishni unutmang:

— Will you help me?

—Yes, I'll be glad to help you.

—Will you come to my place?

—Yes, I'll be glad to come, thank you.

—Will you have lunch with me tomorrow?

— I'm sorry. I'll be busy tomorrow.

— Will you meet me at the station?

—Yes, I'll be glad to, I’ll meet you at 10 o’clock.
V. The Future Indefinite Tense shart e’rgash gapda ishlatilganini ko’rsating:

1. If 1 see him tomorrow I shall ask him about it.

2. If the weather is fine tomorrow we shall go to the country.

3. He won't finish his work in time unless he works hard.

4. I'll give you the book on condition (that) you return it the next week.

5. If she is here she is probably working in the library.

6. If I see him, I shall tell him about it.

1. Agar men uni ertaga ko’rsam, undan u to’g’risida so’rayman.

2. Agar ertaga havo yaxshi bo’lsa, biz qishloqqa boramiz.

3. Agar u qattiq ishlamasa, o’z ishini vaqtida tugata olmaydi.

4. Men sizga kitobni keyingi haftada berish sharti bilan beraman.

5. Agar u shu erda bo’lsa, kutub-xonada ishlayotgan bo’lishi mumkin.

6. Agar uni ko’rsam, men unga u to’g’risida aytaman.


Quyidagi so’zlarni o’qing va e’sda saqlang:






qasr, saroy







show (showed, shown)



chegaradan tashqari

later on

keyinroq, kechroq


hodisa, tasodif



State Concert Hall

Davlat kontsert zali



Text A

VII. Matnni o’qing va chet davlatlardan kelgan sayyohlar uchun Toshkent haqida hikoya tuzing.

Next Monday a group of college teachers from abroad will come to our city. They will go on a tour over the Republic. During the first week of their stay in Uzbekistan they'll visit Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva and then return to Tashkent.

They'll begin their tour of our republic with a visit to the Park named by A. Navoi and a look round Tashkent historic museums. Later they'll visit National University of Uzbekistan and a lot of other places of interest. They'll visit Kukeldash Mosque-an architertural monument of the 18 century.

On their first night in Tashkent the guests will see a ballet on the stage of the Navoi Theatre. Those who wish will also have a chance to go to the circus or attend concerts at the State Concert Hall.

On Sunday morning the group will leave for Samarkand.
VIII. Savollarga to’liq javob bering:

1. When will the group of college teachers come to our city?

2. What cities will they visit during their tour? 3. What places of

interest will they visit in Tashkent? 4. Why is autumn a good time for visiting our Republic? 5. Who will meet the tourists? 6. Where will the group stay? 7. When will the group leave?

IX. Ikkitadan bo’lib ishlash uchun dialog

A: Siz qachon uyga ketasiz?

A: I shall leave tomorrow morning.

A: Siz samalyotda uchasizmi yoki poezdda ketasizmi?

A: I prefer to go by plane.

A: It will take me only two hours to get home

A: Unday bo’lsa xayr. Ota-onangizga salom ayting.

A: Good-buy and thanks for all.

B: When will you leave for home?

B. Ertaga ertalab ketaman.

B. Will you go by plane or by train?
B: Sayyorada uchishni afzal ko’raman.

B: Uyga yetib olishimga faqat ikki soat kerak.

B. Good-bye then, Remember me to your parents.

B: Xayr. Hammasi uchun rahmat.

X. Qo’yidagi gaplarni so’roq va bo’lishsiz gaplarga aylantiring:

1. We shall leave our capital next week. 2. My friend will show you the library of our University tomorrow. 3. A lot of foreign students will study at our University this year. 4. This work will be difficult for the second-year students.5.You will have time to show us the new scientific equi pment. 6. The visitors who came yesterday will go to see the Biby Khanum Moslem tomorrow.
XI. Fe’llarni tegishli zamonda qo’llang:
1. Our plant... this beautifil building for the workers two years ago (to build). 2. This young engineer... the practical work of our students next year (to head — rahbarlik qilmoq). 3. Every year this poet... to Siberia (to go), he... this part of the country very much (to like). 4. More than 300 rivers... into lake Baikal (to flow).
Text B

XII. Matnni diqqat bilan o’qing va dam olish kuningiz qanday o’tganligi haqida gapirib bering:


Sunday is a day when I don't hurry anywhere. It's my day off. I can do anything I like after my week's work. On my days off I wake up later than usual. As soon as I wake up, I jump of bed and switch on (yoqmov) the radio. I like music. I like to do my morning exercises to the music. I open the window to air (shamolatmoq) the room and do my morning exercises with my window open. Then I go to the bathroom (yuvinish ). There I clean my teeth, shave (soqol olmoq) and have a warm shower (dush). It doesn't take me long to get ready for breakfast. After breakfast I tidy up the room and wash the dishes.

On my day off I often go to visit my friends or sometimes I prefer to go to the country. Today, for instance (masalan) I want to go to the country as the weather is wonderful.

I am fond of sports. So in summer on my days off I go for a swim (suzmoq.) in a river or in a lake. In winter I go skiing or skating (chang’ida yoki konkida uchmoq).

In the evenings I often go to the cinema or to the theatre. On the way home I usually exchange opinions (fikr almashmoq.) with my friends on the play or on the film.
XIII. Qo’yidag’i savollarga to’liq javob bering:
1. Which day of the week do you like best?

2. Which days of the week don't you like at all. (umuman).

3. What time do you usually get up on Sundays?

4. Why do you switch on the radio?

5. When do you usually have your shower?

6. Do you like to tidy up (yig’ishtirmoq) the room?

7. When do you tidy up your room?

8. How much time does it take you to tidy up the room?

9. In what way do you usually spend your days off?

10. Do you like to go to museums?

11. What museum made the best impression (kuchli ta’surot qoldirmoq.) on you?

12. Do you often spend your days off in the country?

13. What are the best places around Tashkent?

14. Are you fond of sports?

15. What are your favorite (sevimli) sports?

16. How do you usually spend the evenings on your days off?

17. Which do you like best, to go to the cinema or to the theatre?

18. How did you spend your last day off?

19. What are your plans for your next day off?
XIV Dialogni rollar bo’yicha o’qing va yodlang:
A. What are you going to do on Sunday?

B. I'm going to read an English novel.

A. Aren't you going to the theatre?

B. Probably in the evening.

A. Do you often go to the theatre?

B. Every now and then.

A. What kind of shows do you like?

B. Musical comedies.

XV. Quyidagi so’z va iboralarni ishlatib qisqa hikoya tuzing:
M a v z u l a r:1. How I spent my last day off.

2. What do you plan to do on your next day off?

A day off (a week-day) — dam olish kuni (ish kuni)

On a week-day (on a day off) — ish kunida (dam olish kunida)

To be in a hurry somewhere — biror joyga shoshilmoq

To wake up (to get up) — uyqudan uyg’onmoq (turmoq)

As soon as — bilanoq

To jump out of bed — karavotdan sakrab turmoq

To switch on the radio (the wireless) — radioni yoqmok,

To switch off the radio — radioni o’chirmoq ,

To do morning exercises — ertalabki mashqlarni bajarmoq

To clean the teeth with — tishlarni tozalamoq,

Tooth powder and toothbrush — tish poroshogi va tish cho’tkasi

To wash with soap — sovun bilan yuvmoq

To dry oneself with a towel — sochiq bilan quritmoq

To shave — qirinmoq, soqol olmoq

To comb — sochni taramoq

To get ready for (to be ready) — tayyor bo’lmoq

To air the room — xonani shamollatmoq

To make the bed — karavotni (o’rinni) to’g’rilamoq

To tidy up the room (to do the room) — xonani yig’ishtirmoq
Mustaqil ish uchun vazifalar
XVI. Quyidagi so’zlarga re - prefiksini qo’shing va o’zbek ti liga tarjima qiling:

equip, build, place, measure, make, set.

XVII. Qavs ichida berilgan fe’llarni The Future Indefinite Tense da qo’llang:
1. Tom ...... very busy tomorrow especially in the afternoon (be).

2. What time ... the girls ... shopping? (do).

3. I... not... a plane, I...... by train (take, go).

4. What kind of transport... you ... (use).

5. We haven't got enough paper. When ... she ... any? (buy).

6. ...you ... Samarkand next summer? Yes, we ... ... Samarkand and

Bukhara as well (visit).
XVIII. Qavs ichida berilgan so’zlardan foydalanib so’roq gaplar tuzing:
1. We shall do it by all means (who). 2.1 shall be at home at 10 o'clock (what time). 3. About twenty members of this group will come to Tashkent next week (how many). 4. Ann will be very glad to see you because she loves you (why). 5. I shall work hard at my English in summer (when).
XIX. Ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling
1. Ellik kilogramm. 2. Uch yuzta avtomobil. 3. Oltmish bir gramm. 4. Ikki million tonna. 5. Yuzlab qutilar. 6. Mingta kitob. 7. Ikki yuz sakson bir dollar. 8. Uch ming so’m.

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