O’zbekiston respublikasi oliy va o’rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi mirzo ulug’bek nomidagi o’zbekiston milliy universiteti

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V. So`zlarni o`qing va ularni yodlang.
basin - suv havzasi

flow - oqmoq

to conduct - boshqarmoq

to feed - boqmoq, ovqatlantirmoq

amount - miqtorni tashkil etmoq

lethal - o`ldiradigan

filtration - tozalamoq

humidity - zaxlik, xo`llik

extend - uzaytirmoq, cho`zmoq

absolutely - tamoman

man-made - odam qo`li bilan yaratilgan

fertile - serhosil

desert - sahro

swamp - botqoq

to appear - paydo bo`lmoq

fertiliser - o`g`it, mineral o`g`it

yield - hosil, unum

glacier - muzlik

cause - sabab, asos, ish

consequence - oqibat, natija

salinated - tuzli

cotton-growing - paxta etishtirish

dangerous - xavfli

decisive - hal qiluvchi

search - qidiruv
VI. Matnni diqqat bilan o`qing va savollarga javob bering:

The last expedition to the basin of two great rivers of our Republic the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya has conducted analyses of these rivers and a number of canals. The water from the cotton fields flows into the canals which feed these two great rivers. Because of the large amount of chemical products and other kinds of pollution the water in the rivers has made a lethal effection on their flora and fauna.

In one section of the Amu-Bukhara canal the highhumidity zone extends from one to two kilometres into the desert.

On its way the canal iosts half of the water, if not more. The expedition has made its analysis in autumn when the water level is lowest. It is higher in summer, when the water flows faster, resulting in an even greater filtration. Swamps and lakes have just appeared that are absolutely useless to man.

All these man-made basins have raised the ground water and fertile lands become salinated. And now the lands in the cotton-growing regions are so polluted with chemicals and all kinds of fertilisers that they can yield nothing,

A large group of writers, journalists and scientists have studied various areas of the basins of the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya right from the glaciers in the Pamirs. They looked into the causes and consequances of the dangerous ecological situation in the Aral Sea basin.

The members of the expedition have analysed the results and came to the conclusion that this tragedy demands quick and decisive measures. The scientists of different fields are busy now with searching trie way from this situation.

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