O’zbekiston respublikasi oliy va o’rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi mirzo ulug’bek nomidagi o’zbekiston milliy universiteti

XVI. Quyidagi so`z va iboralarni qo`llab qisqacha hikoya tuzing

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XVI. Quyidagi so`z va iboralarni qo`llab qisqacha hikoya tuzing:
to plant flowers, vegetables, gul, sabzavot va meva daraxtlarini

fruit-trees o`tqazmoq
to plant cabbage, carrots, karam, sabzi, rediskalarni o`stirmoq

to pick flowers gullarni termoq, yig`ishtirmoq
to dig holes, to dig potatoes kavlamoq, kartoshkalarni kovlab olmoq
to water flowers gullarga suv quymoq
a kitchen garden oshxona bog`i
an orchard mevazor bog`
to be in blossom gullamoq
to get everything ready for hamma narsani tayyorlamoq
Mustaqil ish uchun vazifalar
XVII. Quyidagi gaplarni tarjima qiling va to have fe`lining tarjimasiga ahamiyat bering:
1. Our scientists have numerous instruments and various labaratories for their research.

2. Our explorers have found many minerals in the North.

3. A group of young engineers has to go to this factory.

4. The students of our Institute have achieved important results in their experiments.

5. You have to follow the new achievements of science.

6. Everyboby in our country has to take part in social life.

XVIII. Quyidagi gaplarni lug`atdan foydalanib tarjima qiling va since so`zining har xil ma`nosiga e`tibor bering:
1. Since computing machines are very important we have to develop them.

2. I have not seen him since the days of our holidays.

3. Many years have passed since Mendeleev made his great discovery.

4. Since the results of their observations were very important we decided to study them immediately.

5. He left Moscow for Tashkent last year, since then he has worked there at one of the largest plants.


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