O’zbekiston respublikasi oliy va o’rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi mirzo ulug’bek nomidagi o’zbekiston milliy universiteti

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long – uzun

big – katta

pretty – yoqimli

longer – uzunroq

bigger – kattaroq

prettier - yoqimliroq

(the) longest – eng uzun

(the) biggest – eng katta

(the) prettiest – eng yoqimli

Ko`p bo`g`inli sifatlarning qiyosiy yoki orttirma darajalari sifat oldiga more (qiyosiy darajada) yoki the most (orttirma darajada) so`zlari yordamida yasaladi:

wonderful – ajoyib; more wonderful – ajoyibroq;

the most wonderful – (eng) juda ajoyib;

Ayrim sifat va ravish darajalari boshqa o`zakdan yasaladi:

Oddiy daraja

Qiyosiy daraja

Orttirma daraja

good – yaxshi

bad – yomon

many – ko`p

much - ko`p

little – kichik

better – yaxshiroq

worse – yomonroq
more – ko`proq

less – kichikroq

the best – eng yaxshi

the worst – eng yomon
the most – eng ko`p

the least – eng kichik

Sifatlarning formalari as…as o`zbek tilida xuddi shundek, not so…as (shundek emas), than ko`ra… -roq deb beriladi.

This book is as interesting as Bu kitob xuddi anovi kitobdek

that one qiziq

She is not so clever as her U qiz akasidek aqlli emas

V. Sifat va ravish darajalari qoidasiga amal qilib, nuqtalar o`rnini to`ldiring:

  1. London is (large) city in Europe and the fourth (large) city in the world.

  2. One of the (fine) streets of London is Regent Street. We can find the (big) London shops there.

  3. The Neva is (wide and deep) than the Maskva River.

  4. The climate of England is mich (mild - yumshoq) than that of the East European part of Russia.

  5. Which is the (short) way there? First go right (to`g`ri), then turn left. There is no (short) way than this one.

  6. This coat is (warm) than the old one.

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