Qxpiv May, 2007 By Shabbir Ahmed, M. D., Florida Chief Adviser and Editor: Hossein Kowsari, California Reviewed by: Abdullah Ali Bashoeb, Hijaz

Surah 75. Al-Qiyamah – The Resurrection

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Surah 75. Al-Qiyamah – The Resurrection

[Author’s Note] This is the 75th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 40 verses. The Book of God emphasizes the unwavering Law of Requital as the pivotal Reality in human lives and in the entire Universe. And that the Universe has been created with a definite Purpose.

Even an apparent atheist had to confess: “There is a coherent plan in the Universe, though I do not know what it's a plan for.” [British astronomer-author, Sir Fred Hoyle]

The Universe has been created to fulfill the Divine Plan the hallmarks of which, according to the Qur’an, appear to be:

1 - All actions have their logical consequences.
2 - All things must become what they are meant to be.
3 - The Almighty Creator will bring into being another Cosmos to replace the one we now see and understand in our limited capacity.
4 - The humans will be given new higher forms.
5 - The evolution of the human ‘self’ (or ‘soul’) will continue in the life Hereafter.
6 - The new Cosmos will be even more wondrous.
7 - The life to come will be magnificent beyond our current imagination for those who have tried to develop their ‘selves’. It will entail true
felicitous immortality with exponentially advanced capabilities. This is termed the Garden or the Paradise and explained in the Qur’an by way of allegories – allegories since the exact comprehension thereof is beyond our current level of understanding. And that is why the life of this world is a Divine Gift of opportunity, yet, in comparison, a ‘fleeting delight’.
8 – Those who fail to use their God-given potentials to grow their ‘selves’ will merely survive in a state of ‘neither living nor dying’. The Book of God calls that state as Hellfire. Once again, it has been described in allegories like other things that belong to the World of the Unseen.
9 – It is the Mercy of God that people will be accountable only for their endeavor, and not for the results they achieve. The individual capacities that God has given them will be duly considered in the Final Judgment. God does not task any person beyond his scope and beyond what He has given him. A sincere effort made in a noble cause is always rewarded even if it did not succeed, since it leaves its positive imprints on the ‘Self”.

Qiyamah literally means “Standing up or rising up”. Hence, in addition to the Final Resurrection, the Qur’an frequently uses the term to indicate people, nations, and mankind in general standing up on their feet - in terms of establishing the Divine Order or the Kingdom of God on earth. In the same sense it means a Benevolent Revolution.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

75:1 Nay! I call to witness the Day of Resurrection.

[You can see this in your daily lives in the Law of Cause and Effect, “As you sow so shall you reap”, the Law of Recompense. What goes around comes around. And, in how the dead earth comes to new life with rains. Also in your sleep-wake cycle where your consciousness is withdrawn during sleep and restored as you wake up. 6:60]

75:2 Nay, I call to witness the person who shows remorse after wrongdoing. [Notice the Law taking the first step instantly. 12:53]

75:3 Does the human being think that We will not assemble his bones? [36:78, 37:16. Life goes on with its essence, the ‘self’, surviving disintegration]

75:4 Yes indeed, We have the Power to restore his very finger tips.

75:5 But man is after subverting his own future.

75:6 (Yet) he asks, “When will this Day of Resurrection be?”

75:7 But when the sight is dazzled.

75:8 And the moon is darkened. [The banner of the Age of Ignorance bearing the moon logo goes down]

75:9 And the sun and the moon are brought together. [Persia and Arabia come under one Rule. Sun being the logo on the Persian banner]

75:10 On that Day man will wonder, "Where to flee!" [In this life and in the life to come. verses 7-10 could easily allude to the merging of the super power of the times, Persia with the newly enlightened Arabia in 642 CE, 10 years after the exalted Prophet's death]

75:11 But, nay! No height to mount above the turmoil!

75:12 Unto your Lord that Day is the resting place.

75:13 On the Day when man is apprised of all his acts of commission and omission. [All he has done and left undone. All deeds that advanced him and kept him behind]

75:14 Oh, but man is a telling witness against himself.

75:15 Even though he were to put forward all his excuses.

75:16 (Whenever you recite the Qur’an) do not recite in haste stirring your tongue. [20:114]

75:17 Indeed, it is up to Us to gather it (in your heart) and the reading of it. [He will bless whatever effort we put into learning it]

75:18 Thus, when We read it, follow the reading. [Although these verses are addressed to the exalted Prophet, every believer can sense as if the Qur’an is talking to him/her]

75:19 Then, behold! It is for Us to explain it. [The Qur’an is its own best commentary. It explains itself]

75:20 Nay, but you love instant results.

75:21 And give little thought to the long term. [Aakhirah = Hereafter = Life to come = Future = Long term = What follows = Subsequent = Enduring. Tomorrow is today’s Aakhirah]

75:22 Some faces that Day will beam with happiness.

75:23 Looking up to their Lord.

75:24 And some faces on that Day will be despondent.

75:25 Expecting a back breaking calamity.

75:26 Nay, when the last breaths come up to the throat.

75:27 And those around cry, "Is there any charmer?"

75:28 But he knows that this is the parting.

75:29 And it is pang upon pang.

75:30 That day the drive is to your Lord.

75:31 For he neither stood by the Truth, nor did he follow it. [Sall = To follow, like the runners-up horse closely follows the winner, Saabiq = To closely follow the Commands of God]

75:32 Rather, he used to deny and turn away.

75:33 And then used to walk back to his folk and his ways gleefully.

75:34 This is the most befitting for you - now this is the most befitting.

75:35 Again! This is the most befitting for you - now this is the most befitting. [The impending requital befits the behavior]

75:36 Does man think He will be left alone like a broken musical string?

75:37 Was he not gametes that moved to join?

75:38 Then he became a zygote. And He shaped and fashioned him in due proportion.

75:39 And He has made of humans pairs, male and female.

75:40 Is not He, then, Able to bring the dead to life?

Surah 76. Ad-Dahr – The Time

[Author’s Note] This is the 76th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 31 verses. This Surah tells us about our creation and evolution, lays down the purpose of our life and clearly shows us the way toward a Destination of Bliss. Many verses herein apply to both lives. Be kind to His creation and God will be Kind to you.

This Surah has also been called “Al-Insan” by later historians. That, in my opinion, is a needless use of questionable traditions. There are a few other Surahs that have been given dual names as pointed out in QXP (The Qur’an As It Explains Itself).

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

76:1 Has there not passed over man an era when he was not even worth mentioning?

76:2 Indeed, it is We who have created the human being from marked out cells, male and female gametes, that joined. Then We passed him through subtle changes. And then We made him a being endowed with hearing and sight.

76:3 Surely, We it is Who have shown him the Way, whether he be grateful or ungrateful.

76:4 Indeed, for those who deny the Truth we have readied chains and shackles and a blazing flame. [Chains and shackles of conjecture, blind following and superstition, and the fire of confusion and regret are the logical consequences of relegating the Truth. 7:157]

76:5 Indeed, the truly virtuous will drink from a cup sweetened with nectar of flowers. [Kaafoor = Camphor = Cool temperament = Nectar from the calyx of grape as it flowers = Sweet and fragrant drink of Divine Bliss]

76:6 A spring whereof the servants of God drink – it is they who make it flow in abundance. [The true servants of God achieve His blessings of Guidance and all that is good, and share them with fellow human beings]

76:7 They fulfill their vows and pledges and fear (and therefore, guard against) the times when chaos and corruption might sweep the society.

76:8 And they feed, for the love of nobility, the indigent, the orphan and the captive.

[They help establish the System where the first ones to receive the provisions of God are the ones who are needy, who have lost their jobs, whose lives have stalled, the widows, the orphans, the ones who feel left alone in the society, the captives and those who are stranded on earth for any reason]

76:9 (They do all this selflessly) saying, "We provide for you for the sake of God alone. We want no return from you, not even a word of thanks.

76:10 Indeed, we stand in awe of our Lord to ward off the times when the society might become a picture of frown and distress."

76:11 Hence, God wards off from them the chaos of those times, and showers on them inner splendor and delight. [Yaum = Day = Stage = Times = Era = Eventuality = The Resurrection Day]

76:12 And for their steadfastness He rewards them with a Garden of Bliss and garments of silk (granting honor).

76:13 Relaxing therein on beautiful furnishings, they neither find a hot sun nor chill.

76:14 Pleasant shades close upon them and clusters of fruits reach them low.

76:15 And they are served with goblets of silver and cups of crystal.

76:16 Silver trays shining as crystal - all this design they have determined (with their good deeds).

76:17 And delicious invigorating drinks they shall be given. (43:71, 76:5, 83:27. Camphor: an allegory for cool relaxation, and ginger: warmth and action)

76:18 From therein a spring named Salsabeel. The water thereof seeks its own way to them. [88:12. Salsabeel = The stream that finds its way to them]

76:19 And their children, immortal, playing around, lovely as pearls when you see them.

76:20 And whenever you look around there you see Bliss and a Magnificent Kingdom.

76:21 Upon them will be garments of green silk with gold embroidery, and they will be honored with bracelets of silver. And their Lord will give them pure refreshing drinks.

76:22 Behold! All this is your reward since your effort has found a befitting Acceptance.

76:23 Most certainly, it is We! Yes, We Who have revealed unto you the Qur’an, a special Revelation from Us. [I tend to agree with Muhammad Asad that this verse addresses the sincere student of the Qur’an as well]

76:24 Therefore, hold on to your Lord’s Command unwaveringly. And do not heed any sinner or unbeliever. [Aathim = ‘Sinner’ from Ithm = One who depletes individual or communal energy]

76:25 Raise the Name of your Lord morning and evening. [Zikr = Remembrance = Commemoration = Raise = Celebrate = Magnify = Give eminence = Taking to heart = Keeping in mind]

76:26 Adore Him even at night and strive to establish His Glory on earth through long nights (as you do morning and evening).

76:27 Indeed, these people love only the instant gains and as a result leave behind a yesterday laden (with transgressions and wasted opportunities of doing good).

76:28 (Who gave them the mind and body to behave the way they choose?) We it is Who have created them, and strengthened their frame. And if We Will, We can replace them entirely with other nations. [Nations that will use their human potentials better. 70:41]

76:29 This is an Advisory that whoever wants, may choose a way to his Lord.

76:30 Yet, you cannot will it unless you align your will with the Will of God. For, certainly, God is Knower, Wise. [Guidance can only be achieved according to Divine Laws 4:88]

76:31 He admits into His Grace everyone who wills to be admitted. But, for those who wrong their ‘selves’, He has prepared an awful doom. [Zulm = Wrongdoing = Being unjust to others or to one’s own ‘self’ = Oppression = Relegation of Truth = Displacing something from its rightful place = Violation of human rights = Transgression]

Surah 77. Al-Mursalaat – The messages Sent Forth

[Author’s Note] This is the 77th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 50 brief verses. This Surah captivates the heart with sheer eloquence, yet without compromising the Majesty and Power of the Divine Word.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

77:1 Witness stand these messages (to the sublime Truth), sent forth one after another.

77:2 As they gain strength like a tempest.

77:3 And spread (the Truth) far and wide.

77:4 While distinguishing the Right from Wrong with a clear distinction.

77:5 In order to deliver the Reminder (into the hearts).

77:6 Whether one erases his faults or sees the danger signs. [‘Uzr = Excuse = Justification = Good news = Reasoning = Attempt to get rid of one’s shortcomings. Nuzr = Warning = Posting danger signs]

77:7 Indeed, all that you are promised in this Writ will come to pass.

77:8 So when the stars lose their luster. [The small groups of opponents fade away]

77:9 And when the sky is rent asunder. [Every high tyrant is decimated]

77:10 And when the mountains are blown away as dust. [The great ones who enslave the weak float around like flakes of wool. 20:105, 56:5]

77:11 And when all messengers are summoned at the time appointed. [The unanimity of the Message of all messengers will become evident] (Guidance can only be achieved according to Divine Laws 4:88)

77:12 For what Day is the term delayed?

77:13 For the Day of decision!

77:14 And what will enlighten you what that Day of decision is?

77:15 Anguish on that Day for those who deny the Truth in practice! [Kizb = Lie = Belie = Deny the Truth in practical dealings = Deny by action. Kufr = Frank denial in word and action]

77:16 Did We not annihilate the former generations?

77:17 Then We made them followed by later generations.

77:18 Thus do We always deal with the guilty.

77:19 Anguish on that Day for those who deny the Truth in practice!

77:20 Did We not create you from a humble fluid? [How, then, you forget your common origin and being humble to one another?]

77:21 Which We then kept in a safe place. [23:13]

77:22 For a term appointed.

77:23 Thus We have determined (all things). How excellent is Our determining! [Appointing due measure of all things]

77:24 Anguish on that Day for those who deny the Truth in practice!

77:25 Have We not made the earth a vessel -

77:26 Both for the living and the dead? [The cycle of life and death goes on right here. 3:27, 6:95, 10:31, 30:19]

77:27 And placed therein firm lofty mountains (serving as water reservoirs), and given you fresh water to drink.

77:28 Anguish on that Day for those who deny the Truth in practice!

77:29 Walk unto what you used to belie.

77:30 Walk unto the threefold shadow.

77:31 Giving neither cooling shade nor shelter from the Flame.

77:32 Indeed, it throws up sparks huge as castles.

77:33 Moving like the caravans of bright yellow camels.

77:34 Anguish on that Day for those who deny the Truth in practice!

77:35 This is a Day when they are not able to speak.

77:36 Nor will they be allowed to make excuses.

77:37 Anguish on that Day for those who deny the Truth in practice!

77:38 This is the Day of decision. We have brought you and the generations of old together.

77:39 If you have a scheme, go ahead and scheme.

77:40 Anguish on that Day for those who deny the Truth.

77:41 Indeed, the righteous are amid shades and springs.

77:42 And fruit as they desire.

77:43 Enjoy, eat and drink. Welcome for what you have accomplished!

77:44 Indeed, thus do We reward the doers of good to others.

77:45 Anguish on that Day for those who deny the Truth in practice!

77:46 Indeed, you guilty ones! Enjoy and take your ease for a little while.

77:47 Anguish on that Day for those who deny the Truth in practice!

77:48 And now when they are told, “Bow down!” - they do not bow down. [They do not submit to Divine Commands]

77:49 Anguish on that Day for those who deny the Truth in practice!

77:50 In what Hadith, after this, will they believe?

Surah 78. An-Naba – The News

[Author’s Note] This is the 78th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 40 verses. An-Naba means The News. The News given here is that of a Divine Revolution in this world and on the Resurrection Day. The timing of each has been well-appointed but known to God alone.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

78:1 What are they asking about?

78:2 About the Great News!

78:3 On which they disagree.

78:4 Nay, they will soon come to know.

78:5 Nay, again, they will soon come to know.

[Man will learn with time that the current Universe is not Eternal and that after the Apocalypse a new Cosmos will be brought into being]

78:6 Did We not make the earth a cradle for you?

78:7 And the mountains as pegs?

78:8 And We have created you in pairs.

78:9 And We have made sleep so that you can rest.

78:10 And We have made the night as a cloak.

78:11 And made the day, life. [Ma’aash = Economy = Subsistence = All activities of life = The state of living]

78:12 And We have built above you seven Cosmic Systems.

78:13 And We have placed a Dazzling Lamp.

78:14 And We send down from the rainy clouds abundant water.

78:15 Thereby to bring forth grain and plant.

78:16 And gardens of dense foliage.

78:17 Certainly, the Day of decision is a thing appointed.

78:18 A Day when the Trumpet is blown and you come in throngs.

78:19 When the gates of the sky are flung open. [Mankind learn about the high space]

78:20 And the ‘great ones’ lose power as if they were mirage. [20:105, 56:5, 77:10, 81:3]

78:21 Indeed, Hell lurks in ambush.

78:22 A home for the transgressors.

78:23 They will abide in it for ages. [Hell is not forever. God’s Grace comes to rescue the dwellers of the Hellfire 6:128, 11:107, 40:12. The abode of Paradise is Eternal]

78:24 Therein they taste not coolness of comfort nor drink of satisfaction.

78:25 Only burning anguish and ice-cold darkness. [38:37]

78:26 A befitting requital.

78:27 For, behold, they never hoped to be held accountable.

78:28 And they called Our messages false with an adamant denial.

78:29 But We place on Record everything.

78:30 So, now, taste nothing but increasing punishment.

78:31 Indeed, there is supreme fulfillment for those who chose to live upright.

78:32 Beautiful gardens and vineyards.

78:33 And splendid companions, well-matched. [56:37]

78:34 And a cup of delight overflowing.

78:35 They shall hear no senseless talk, nor falsification therein.

78:36 reward from your Lord, a generous gift.

78:37 Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is in between them, the Beneficent. None has the power to lecture Him.

78:38 On the Day when the Divine Energy and the Universal forces stand forth in ranks, none will speak but he whom the Beneficent allows and say only what is right.

78:39 That Day will be the Moment of Truth. So whoever wills, let him take the path that leads toward his Sustainer.

78:40 Indeed, We have warned you of the suffering near at hand - The Day when humans clearly see what their hands have sent ahead - And when the denier of Truth will say, “Oh, would that I were mere dust!" [69:27]

Surah 79. An-Nazi’aat – Those Who Dive

[Author’s Note] The is the 79th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 46 verses. "Nazi’aat" indicates the noble group who join hands in freeing people from mental and physical bondage. Organized movements change the fate of a nation.

History is replete with oppression of the masses at the hands of three groups:

1 – Political tyrants, autocrats, monarchs, dictators, kings and tribal leaders.

2 – Hoarders of wealth, the rich elite, the greedy feudal lords, accumulators of illicit money, those who thrive on the toil of others.
3 – Religious leaders, priesthood, clergy of any religion including the mystic.

Almost invariably, these three exploitative forces work in concert and support each other. The best example given in the Qur’an is that of Pharaoh, Korah and Hamaan.

With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

79:1 Consider those who dive to bring up. [Pearls from the ocean, people from repression]

79:2 And move steadily in jubilation, releasing (the oppressed from bondage).

79:3 And working hard, swimming in strides.

79:4 And then together racing to progress.

79:5 And thus taking charge of their matters.

79:6 The Day when the violent quake causes commotion.

79:7 To be followed by the jolter. [The oppressors are shaken up again and again]

79:8 Some hearts throb on that Day.

79:9 Their eyes subdued.

79:10 They say, “What! Are we indeed to be restored to our former state -

79:11 Even after we have become crumbling bones?"

[These two verses can also be understood pertaining to this life. Former state and crumbling bones: As they were before getting rich on others’ labor]

79:12 And they add, “In that case, then, it would be a great loss of investment!”

79:13 But finally, it is a single swift call.

79:14 And, indeed, they will be fully awakened to the Truth!

79:15 Has the story of Moses reached you? [Such a Revolution occurred in his times. 20:9-98]

79:16 When his Lord called him in the Sacred Valley of Revelation. [18:60-64, 20:12]

79:17 "Go to Pharaoh. Indeed, he has crossed all bounds of decency."

79:18 And ask him, "Are you willing to reform?” [Zaku = Grow in goodness = Develop the ‘self’ = Get rid of evil behavior = Attain purity = Improve in conduct = Prime the ‘self’ for actualization]

79:19 Then I will guide you to your Lord so that you will have some idea of His awesome Glory."

79:20 And then he presented to him the tremendous evidence of the Truth. [20:23]

79:21 But he denied and haughtily rejected.

79:22 Then he turned away briskly.

79:23 Then gathered (his chiefs) and called (his people).

79:24 And proclaimed, "I am your Lord, the Highest!"

79:25 So God took him to task, and made him an example for the later generations and the ones who soon followed.

79:26 Indeed, herein is indeed a lesson for him who fears (violating the Law).

79:27 What! Are you the more difficult to create or is the heaven that He built?

79:28 He raised high its canopy, and shaped it perfect.

79:29 And He made dark its night and its splendor He brings out.

79:30 And after that He made the earth shoot out from the Cosmic Nebula and made it spread out egg-shaped. [Dhahaha entails all the meanings rendered 21:30, 41:11]

79:31 And produced from it its own water and pasture.

79:32 And the mountains He firmly fixed.

79:33 A means of livelihood for you and your cattle.

79:34 And so, when there comes the Great Event,

79:35 On that Day man will remember all that he has ever done. [53:39, 56:63-73]

79:36 And the Insurmountable Barrier will stand before him to see. [‘Jaheem’ = Insurmountable Barrier. He failed to prime his ‘self’ for continued progress. 29:54, 39:48, 82:16]

79:37 Then, the one who rebelled against the Divine Laws,

79:38 And fell for instant gratifications, [Hayat-id-duniya = Life of this world = Short term = Instant gains = Disregard of the life to come]

79:39 Then the Blazing Fire will be his home.

79:40 But the one who feared standing before his Sustainer and restrained his selfish desire,

79:41 Indeed, the Paradise will be his home.

79:42 They ask you of the Hour, “When will it come to pass?”

79:43 Why? What do you have to tell them about it? [7:187, 33:63, 42:17]

79:44 Unto your Lord is the final end of it. [53:42]

79:45 You are but a warner unto him who stands in awe of it.

79:46 On the Day when they see it, it will be as if they had lived no longer than an evening or its morning.

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