Annual event to bring together leaders from academia, government, and different industries to advance the science and application of geospatial technologies
Topic: Space Time Modeling and Analysis
Esri releases ArcGIS 10
Esri revises their logo and beginning on March 19th, encourages employee pronunciation of the company name as “ezree” launched launched
Focused on finding and sharing GIS content, organizing geographic information into groups, and building communities
Olivier Beauchesne (Science-Metrix) publishes a map of scientific collaboration
Olivier Beauchesne (Science-Metrix) publishes a map of scientific collaboration
Used data from scientific journal aggregators like Elsevier’s Scopus and Thomson Reuter’s Web of Science
Scientific collaboration between scientists in cities were geocoded and used the Great Circle algorithm to trace the lines of collaboration between cities
The brightness of the lines is a function of the logarithm of the number of collaborations between a pair of cities and the logarithm of the distance between those same two cities