Revised power of prayers by Mustafa Hajji Ahmed Khaki

RADD-E-MAZAALIM (Compensation for zulm)

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RADD-E-MAZAALIM (Compensation for zulm)

Zulm (atrocity, tyranny, despotism, oppression, cruelty, violence) is the most hated thing by The All-Merciful Allaah (S.W.T.) He is Merciful, Compassionate and Kind, and so does He like His creatures to behave towards each other. All the mess and chaos seen around the world is the result of Zulm in one-way or the other. Peace and tranquility can never be achieved if there prevails Zulm. And the punishment in hereafter is very dreadful for this sin of Zulm. Allaah does not forgive the Zaalim because the sin has not been committed to Allaah, it is the matter of concern to others then Allaah (S.W.T.). The only way for forgiveness is to seek pardon from the person to whom Zulm was done.

If atall it is not possible to seek forgiveness from the person to whom Zulm was done (because of death, absence, or any other reasonable cause) then it is stated that the culprit should give a considerable amount in Sadaqa on behalf of the wronged ones and seek pardon from Allaah and beseech to Him that He may make the amendment by pleasing the wronged ones because all the might and power lies with Allaah (S.W.T.) only.

There are mentioned some A’amaal in the books that if we performed then they might be beneficial for the purpose. They are as follow:

  • Give Sadaqa on behalf of the person to whom you had done Zulm.

  • Do Istighfaar on his / her behalf.

  • Recite 12 times Surah-e-Ikhlaas and then recite this Duaa: Allaahumma Innee As’aluka Bismikal Maknoonil Makhzoonit-Twaahirit-Ttwuhril Mubaaraki Wa As’aluka Bismikal Adhweemi Wa Sultwaanikal Qadeemi Yaa Waahibal Atwaaya Yaa Mutliqal Usaara Yaa Faqqaaqar-Riqaabi Minan-Naari Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Wa Fukka Raqabatee Minan-Naari Wa Akhrijnee Minad-Dunyaa Aaminan Wa Adkhilnil Jannata Saaliman Waj’al Duaa’ee Awwalaha

Falaahan Wa Awsatwahoo Najaahan Wa Aakhirahoo Swalaahan Innaka Anta Allaamul Ghuyoob.

To Ward Off FEARS,

  • On everyday morning recite this Duaa, it wards off 70 types of problems: Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil Aalameen, Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Hamdan Katheeran Twayyiban Mubaarakan Feehi.

  • When you are faced with some thing you are fearful of, then to get rid of it: recite 2 rak’at Namaaz and then recite 70 times this Duaa beseeching Allaah for your need: Yaa Abswaran-Naadhireen Yaa Asma’as-Saami’een Wa yaa Asra’al Haasibeen Wa Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen.

  • When you feel or suspect a danger recite: Allaahu Rabbee Laa Ushriku Bihee Shay’an Tawakkaltu Alal Hayyil-Ladhee Laa Yamootu.

  • Jibraeel (A.S.) ascended from Allaah (S.W.T.) to Nabee Yoosuf (A.S.) when he was put in a deep well, he taught the following Duaa to come out from his problem.: Allaahumma Innee As’aluka Bi Anna Lakal Hamd Laa Ilaaha Antal Mannaanu Badee’us-Samaawaati Wal Ardh Dhul Jalaali Wal Ikraami An Tuswallee Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad Wa An Taj’ala Lee Mimmaa Anaa Feehi Farajan Wa Makhrajan.

  • Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said that when you fear something recite this Duaa: Allaahumma Innaka Laa Yakfee Minka Ahadun Wa Anta Takfee Min Kulli Ahadin Min Khalqika Fakfinee Kadhaa wa Kadhaa.

  • A Riwaayat from Imaam Muhammad Taqee (A.S.) says that one should have faith on this Duaa to solve problems and difficulties: Ya Man Yakfee Min Kulli Shay’in Walaa Yakfee Minhu Shay’un Ikfinee Maa Ahammanee.

  • To ward off and disperse fears from a tyrant ruler and to be safe from troubles recite this “Duaa-e-Ahli Bayt”: Yaa Qaa’inan Qabla Kulli Shay’in Wa Yaa Mukawwina Kulli Shay’in Wa Yaa Baaqiyan Ba’ada Kulli Shay’in Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad Waf’albee… (here beseech yout Haajat).

  • Immam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said that Imaam Zaynul Aabideen (A.S.)used to say that when I recite this Duaa then I don’t care even if all the human beings and gennies gather to harm me, they can’t do any harm to me. The Duaa Is: Bismillaahi Wa Billaahi Wa Minal-Laahi Wa Ilal-Laahi Fee Sabeelil-Laahi Wa Alaa Millati Rasoolullaahi Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihee Allaahumma Ilayka Aslamtu Nafsee Wa Ilayka Wajjahtu Wajhee Wa Ilayka Alja’atu Dhwahree Wa Ilayka Fawwadhtu Amree, Allaahumah Fadhnee Bi Hifdhil Eemaani Min Bayni Yadayya Wa Min Khalfee Wa An Yameeni Wa An Shimaalee Wa Min Fawqee Wa Min Tahtee Wamaa Qibalee Wadfa’a Annee Bi Hawlika Wa Quwwatika Fa Innahoo Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Bika.

  • Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said that if anyone recites this Duaa he/she shall not experience any discomfort due to fear in the mind: Bismillaahi Wa Billaahi Wa Tawaqqaltu Alallaahi Innahoo Manyatawaqqalu Alallaahi Fahuwa Hasbuhoo Innallaaha Baalighu Amrihee Qad Ja’alallaahu Likulli Shay’in Qadraa. Allaahummaj’alnee Fee Kanafika Wa fee Jawaarika Waj’alnee Fee Amaanika Wafee Man’ik.

  • For Hadees-e-Nafas (waswaas) recite: Tawaqqaltu Alal Hayyil-Ladhee Laa Yamootu Wal-Hamdu Lillaahil-Ladhee Lam Yattakhidh Waladan Wa Lam Yakun Lahoo Shareekun Fil Mulki Wa Lam Yakunlahoo Waliyyun Mindh-Dhulli Wa Kabbirho Takbeera.

  • To be free from worries and for peace of mind, recite this Duaa after Namaaz-e-Shab: Sub’haanallaahil Adhweemi Wa Bi Hamdihee, Astaghfirullaah Wa As’aluhoo Min Fadhlihi.

  • Reciting Surah-e-Jumuah relieves one from worries and fears.

To Be Free From

  1. When a problem has already come down on you, Imaam Zaynul Aabideen said that perform Wudhoo and pray 2 or 4 rak’at Namaaz and then recite the following Duaa: Yaa Mawzi’i Kulli Shakwaa Wa Yaa Saami’a Kulli Najwaa Wa Yaa Shaahida Kulli Mala’in Wa Yaa Aalima Kulli Khafiyyatin Wa Yaa Daafi’a Maa Yashaau Min Baliyyatin Yaa Khaleela Ibraaheem Wa Yaa Najiyya Moosa Wa Yaa Mustwafiya Muhammadin Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihee Ad’ooka Duaa’a Manish Taddat Faaqatuhoo Wa Qallat Heelatuhoo Wa Dhwa’ufat Quwwatuhoo Duaa’al Ghareebil Ghareeqil Mudhtwarril Ladhee Laa Yajidoo Li Kashfi Maa Huwa Feehi Illaa Anta Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen.

  2. Cry for help through Imaam-e-Zamaana A.F. One of the ways to call him (A.S.) is to recite this Duaa sincerely: Yaa Swaahibuz-Zamaan Aghithnee Yaa Swaahibuz-Zamaan Adriqnee Fee Sabeelillaah.

  3. Nabee Yunoos got out of trouble when he (A.S.) recited this Duaa: Laa Ilaaha Illaa Anta Sub’hanaka Innee Kuntu Minaz-Dhwaalimeen.

  4. This is a Duaa by Nabee Jirjees (A.S.): Bismillaahil-Ladhee Yuswallee Inda Swidqihee, Kidhbul Fajarati Wa Siharus-Siharati.

  5. Recite 1000 times Laa Ilaaha Illaalllaah. Nabee Nooh (A.S.) recited this to calm down the violent currents of the storms. Laa Ilaaha Illallaah Alfa Marratin Yaa Rabbi Aslihanee.

  6. To get out from a problem perform Sijda-e-Shukr and in it recite the Duaa, which Jibraeel (A.S.) brought for Nabee Yoosuf (A.S.) [It is stated else where in this booklet].

  7. Call Allaah (S.W.T.) with sincere heart and recite this abundantly: Yaa Fattaahu, Yaa Daleelal Mutahayyireen.

  8. Recite 14 Tasbeeh Salawaat and dedicate it to Ma’soomeen (A.S.)

  9. Recite Ziyaarat-e-Aashoora, Ziyaarat-e-Jaamia, and Namaaz-e-Shab.

  10. Imaam Ja’afar Saadiq (A.S.) said that to come clear of promlems and trouble perform this A’mal: Make Ghusl, then pray 2 rak’at Namaaz, then recite this Duaa: Yaa Faarijal Hammi Wa Yaa Kaashifal Ghammi Yaa Rahmaanad-Dunya Wal Aakhirati Wa Rahimhuma Farrij Hammi Wakshif Ghammi Yaa Allaahul-Waahidus-Swamadul-Ladhee Lam Yalid Walam Yoolad Walam Ya Kunlahoo Kufuwan Ahad I’aswimnee Wa Twahhirnee Wadh’hab Bi Baliyyatee.” Then recite Aayatul Kursee and S. Maoodhatayn. (S.Falak& S.Naas)

  11. To ward off difficulties recite 100 times this Duaa in Sajdah: “Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyoomu Yaa Laa-Ilaha Illa Anta Bi-Rahmatika Astagheethu Fakfinee Maa Ahammanee Walaa Takilnee Ilaa Nafsee.

  12. The following Dua was given to Imaam Ali (A.S.) by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) for remaining safe from troubles: Yaa Imaad Man Laa Imaad Lahoo, Wa Yaa Dhukhra Man Laa Dhukhra Lahoo, Wa Yaa Sanada Man Laa Sanada Lahoo, Wa Yaa Hirza Man Laa Hirza Lahoo, Wa Yaa Ghiyaatha Man La Ghiyaatha Lahoo, Yaa Kareemal Afwi, Wa Yaa Hasanal Balaai, Wa Yaa Adhweemar-Rajaai, Wa Yaa Izaa-Dh-Dhu’afaai, Wa Yaa Munkidhal Gharqaa, Wa Yaa Munjiyal Halkaa, Yaa Muhsinu, Yaa Mujmilu, Yaa Mun’imu, Yaa Mufdhilu, Antal-Ladhee Sajada Laka Sawaadul-Layli, Wa Noorun-Nahaari, Wa Zaw’ul Qamari, Wa Shu’aaush-Shamsi, Wa Dawiyyul Maa’i, Wa Hafeefush-Shajari, Yaa Allaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Allaahu, Anta Wahdaka Laa Shareeka Laka. Allaahummaf-Albee…>.Haajat.

  13. A tradition from the Holy Prophet (S.A.)W.S. says that anyone who recites the following Duaa every morning and evening shall be kept safe from all tribulations either from humans or gennies. Allaah (S.W.T.) will send four Angels for him who shall protect him all the time: Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem. Bismillahi Khayril Asmaai, Bismillaahi Rabbil Ardhi Wassamaai, Bismillaahil-Ladhee Laa Yadhurru Ma’asmihi Sammun Walaa Daa’un, Bismillaahi Asbahtu Wa Alallaahi Tawaqqaltu, Bismillaahi Alaa Qalbee Wa Nafsee, Bismillaahi Alaa Deenee Wa Aqlee, Bimillaahi Alaa Ahlee Wa Maalee, Bismillaahi Alaa Maa A’atwaani Rabbee, Bismillaahil-ladhee Laa Yadhurru Ma’asmihi Shay’un Fil Ardhi Walaa Fis-Samaai, Wahuas Samee’ul Aleem. Alaahu Allaahu Rabbee Laa Ushriku Bihi Shay’un, Alaahu Akbaru Allaahu Akbaru, Wa A’azz Wa Ajallu Mimmaa Akhaafu Wa Ahdharu Azza Jaaruka Wa Jalla Thanaa’uka, Wa Laa Ilaaha Ghayruka. Allaahummaa Innee Aoodhu Bika Min Sharri Nafsee Wa Min Sharri Kulli Sultwaanin Shadeedin Wa Min Sharri Kuli Shaytwaanin Mareedin Wa Min Sharri Kulli Jabbaarin Aneedin Wa Min Sharri Qadhaa’is-Soo’i, Wa Min Kulli Daabbatin Anta Aakhidhun Bi Naaswiyatiha, Innaka Alaa Swiraatum’Mustaqeem, Wa Anta Alaa Kulli Shay’in Hafeedh, Inna Waliyyiyal-laahu-ladhee Nazzalal Kitaaba Wa Huwa Yatawallas-Swaaliheen, Fa’in Tawallaw Fa Qul Hasbiyallaahu Laa Ilaaha Illaa Huwa Alayhi Tawaqqaltu Wa Huwa Rabbul Arshil Adhweem.

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