So it begins

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Change of Scenery

Published Date : January 12, 2001

Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow

So I’m in Glasgow.  By myself.  Yes!!  It is no nice to be away on my own and away from the drama.  I have two full days to myself.  Heaven!

I caught the train over from Edinburgh after work and checked in to the YHA.  I did a little bit of exploring tonight and managed to get myself lost a couple of times.  I’m impressed with this city so far.

After wandering down Sauchiehall Street, I decided to treat myself to a movie and saw Cast Away.  What a long film!  It was definitely a good one though.  I may end up back at the cinema again tomorrow because they’re having a sneak preview of Vertical Limit.  I’m not expecting anything remotely realistic on the mountaineering details, but it looks like it will be action packed.

Tomorrow, more exploring.  For tonight, blessed sleep.

Recharging the Batteries

Published Date : January 13, 2001

A beautiful Glaswegian sunset

Well, it’s official: Glasgow is a nice city!  It didn’t hurt that it was an absolutely glorious day either.  Really cold, but absolutely brilliant.  So what did I see today?

I visited the Gallery of Modern Art, George Square, Glasgow Cathedral, St Mungo Religious Life & Art Museum, St Enoch Centre, Princes Square and more street performers than I’ve ever seen in my entire life.  It was quite a day!  The people have been amazing as well.  I started the morning at George Square.  With no plan yet for the day, I sat down on a bench and pulled out a map.  No less than 5 people stopped to ask if I was lost and offered suggestions of things to see and do.  Incredible!

I also bought a couple of souvenirs and presents for my family.  There are a couple more places I want to visit tomorrow, then it’s back to Edinburgh.

This trip was just what I needed – a nice break from everything and everyone.


Published Date : January 18, 2001

The road trip is happening this weekend!  We leave tomorrow night. Yes!!  There are about 11-12 people going, half from Royal Mail, so we’re going to be taking 2-3 cars.  I can’t wait!

I’ve picked up another temp job, working at Lloyd’s TSB with Ken and Bronwyn.  We’re just sorting files and it’s only for the week, but it’s nice to be working with friends again.  We rarely work a full day either.  The manager usually takes us to lunch at the pub across the street and we tend not come back in the afternoon.  Bonus!

Road Trip!

Published Date : January 22, 2001

Rob Roy’s grave

The road trip was definitely a success!  We all had a great time and got to most of the places we wanted to see.  From Royal Mail, there was Ken, Cliff, Mark, Louise, Leah and Sarah.  In total there were 10 of us in two vehicles, Leah’s VW van and a rental sedan.

We spent Friday night just outside of Comrie at Braincroft Bunkhouse where we stayed up late chatting.  The bunkhouse was rustic, but comfortable.  We woke up Saturday morning to beautiful clear skies and a dusting of snow. Perfect conditions.  We had arrived after dark the night before so it was our first opportunity to see the area.

Our first stop was the Melville Monument, a 72 foot tall obelisk on the peak of Dunmore.  It was cold, steep and slippery, but it was worth the trek for the gorgeous views.  The clouds had started to roll in by the time we reached the top, but it was still a wonderful view of rolling hills and misty valleys.  There’s something about Scotland that just transports me back in time and has me imagining what life was like here a couple hundred years ago.

Sunset over Ben Nevis

Next on the agenda was a swing south-east to Balquhidder to see Rob Roy’s grave before stopping in Glencoe for lunch.  From there our group split into two.  The VW headed south for Oban, while the car swung north to Fort William.

Ken, Mark, Cliff and I were all keen to see Ben Nevis, especially since we had been talking about climbing it in the near future.  Driving first along Loch Leven before heading north along the shores of Loch Linne, we arrived in Fort William just in time for sunset.  Pausing to watch the last of the light reflecting off Ben Nevis we all agreed that it had been worth the extra effort.

Lady Glassary Wood

Picking up some snacks for the trip south, we arrived in Oban well after dark.  Meeting up with the rest of the group at the Oban YHA, we had another late night of drinking and talking.

Sunday morning was cloudy, cool and damp.  Our first stop was Kilmartin Castle before swinging east to the standing stones in Lady Glassary Wood.  There’s something compelling about these types of sites.  There’s definitely the mystery of who placed the stones and why, but there also seems to be a sort of energy to standing stone sites.  Our final stop of the trip was Inverary Castle before making the scenic drive back to Edinburgh.

It was a great weekend.  I only wish it could have been longer.

Time Marches On

Published Date : February 1, 2001

It was Bronwyn’s farewell party tonight.  While it was a great night out, I’m going to be sad to see her go.  Sarah is also leaving next week and Riad is going the week after.  Mark is also moving on in March.  The rest of the group from Royal Mail is planning on sticking around until late spring/early summer so I’m sure I’ll still be seeing some of them around.

I’ve been making plans myself.  Now that they’ve gotten used to the idea that I’m not going to be going to school in fall, my parents are much more supportive of my travel plans.  I was originally planning on going home as scheduled in May, but my dad thinks I’m better off staying over here.  I can earn more money here than I can in Canada, especially with the exchange rate on the currency.  I’ve found a multi-stop one way ticket to Auckland that I’m seriously considering.  It stops over in Toronto and Vancouver.

Now that staying here longer is a realistic option, I’ll have to start considering where I want to go next after the lease on our flat in Edinburgh is up.  Another live-in job would probably be best for saving money.  Maybe in southern England or Wales.  Decisions, decision.

As far as expenses go, I’ve paid for the mountaineering course in Keswick in two weeks.  I’m really looking forward to that!  Only problem is that I’m back to zero on the bank account balance.

I’ve looked into a two-week trip to Ireland and found that will cost me about £400.  That’s do-able I think.

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