Solutions for Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome There's something in this report for everyone

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Perhaps old paint sets, art supplies, jewelry, doing pottery lead figure stuff like that so those are some of the things I would recommend you look for around your house and then try to eliminate, or if you're in a job that has any type of exposure to that then limit that exposure, get out of that job, the best way to get let out your system is to do chemical and heavy metal cleansing on a regular basis and that's one of the reasons I'm so big again on cleansing.

Definitely with the water again, coming back to water, purifying the water. The next endocrine disrupting chemical which is a poison is arsenic. Arsenic contamination of food and water is absolutely rampant. Arsenic affects hormones usually in the glutocordicoid system which is what controls how your body processes carbohydrates and sugars. When this process is disrupted it's going to cause weight gain, could cause weight loss, suppress your immune system make you more susceptible to diabetes osteoporosis and even high blood pressure. I definitely noticed and the pharmaceutical companies have noticed a massive spike in high blood pressure osteoporosis diabetes weight gain all these things, all this is directly related to hormone disruptors and other chemical disruptors and toxins that people are exposed to on a regular basis. The biggest exposure point for arsenic is the water tap water, air soil and pesticides so again drinking clean water going organic clean food cleanin up the water in your house you take a shower in and also cleaning the air in your house as well you know a good air purification system, I use the remy units which produce ionize Hydro peroxides doesn't really matter some air cleaners are better than others but you definitely want to clean the air constantly in your home.

Next endocrine disrupting metal is actually mercury, now most people don't know that mercury really damages the endocrine system, it's contaminated a massive portion of the seafood supply and new warnings just came out the other day concerning it's danger for pregnant women because of it's effects on fetal brain development. So mercury binds to hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle and ovulation. This hormone interferes, whenever you have mercury interference it's damaging to the pancreas's ability to produce insulin and can also lead to diabetes. That's just the hormonal issues, that's not the many of the other problems that mercury causes within the system, and mercury's containing in vaccines, flu shots, all your dental amalgams, mercury's been linked hypothyroidism thyroid damage, autoimmune thyroiditis and impairs the T4 to T3 conversion which are two thyroid hormones. Mercury sources like I said that you need worry about is in water, there's actually Mercury pollution coming over in the air from China now so it's getting in our soil, so it's one of those things where you just need to avoid it as much as possible by drinking purified water again reducing the amount of seafood, especially the bigger the fish is the higher level of mercury it's going to contain obviously, so if you go to Global Healing Center and type in mercury in the search bar we had a all the levels of all the fishes there so it'd be a good idea to read more about that learn about how you can avoid mercury more often, if you do have dental mercury amalgams highly highly recommend you little biological dentist and get those removed because you're going to constantly be releasing mercury into your brain and .

The next thing to talk about is DDT. DDT is not around as much as it was early on but DDT is still a huge problem, it's a pesticide and it has damaging and feminizing effects. Here's a shocking study that I want to read to you in the 1950s two Syracuse biologists showed that DDT stoped roosters from developing into normal adult roosters. DDT was injected into rooster chicks, they didn't get sick or die but they grew to resemble hens, their growth was stunted and they had testicles 18% of normal size, so basically the DDT effectively castrated the roosters and that is just a chemical that was sprayed everywhere, I've seen some of the commercials from back in the day in the 50s where they were spraying clouds of DDT over the children saying it's safe, just spraying pesticides on you everything is okay, so researchers at UC Davis found that injecting seagul eggs with DDE which is a breakdown product of DDT and another chemical a pesticide that binds to estrogen receptors caused the gulls reproductive tract to become female, even the male testicles contained female cells and the male gulls exposed to higher doses of the pesticidecombination even developed the egg laying tunnel the ovaduct that only the female gulls have.These pesticides and herbicides if you trace them back were developed by the Nazis for chemical warfare during World War two. After the war American scientists used the same chemistry to create pesticides and herbicides which are still used today. According to the USGS more than 88,000 tons of glyphosate from Monsanto were used in the United States in 2007, that was up 11,000 tons in 1992 and now two billion tons of pesticides are used annually in the United States, two billion tons of endocrine disrupting chemicals are being sprayed on our farmland throughout the United States and its increasing and increasing and increasing because these plants are developing immunity to, these herbicides the plants and weeds are developing immunity, so they keep having to spray more and more on there. 2009 Spanish research found that without a doubt the glyphosate based herbicides are toxic and endocrine disruptors, human organophosphate exposure hurts brain development and fertility, lowers testosterone and thyroid hormone levels. Here's more, in 1985 it was known that organophosphate exposure decreased testosterone levels, why if it was known scientifically in 1985 that organophosphate exposure decreased testosterone levels and toxic why these companies were still allowed to spray billions of tons on all of our plants, that's because of the money and the inside workings of the lobbyist with the oil gas and the chemical industry, the pharmaceutical companies and everything just works together. Organophosphate have been linked to lowered IQ levels and increased rates of a ADHD rates in children. American Association of Poison Control Centers estimate that over 100,000 poisonings annually in America are due to pesticides.So why are they a problem, pesticides mimic estrogen.

So now moving to you shortly are GMO foods because about 88% of the corn and 94% of the soy is now genetically modified and this is where we get a lot of our food and that's why it's a good idea to switch to organic. While we're talking about organic produce, GMO foods exacerbate hormone problems by attacking the largest endocrine organ the intestines and this is why GMO's are such a problem because corn and soy and canola oil cottonseed oil and a lot of the things that these foods are made with can cause health issues because our bodies don't process genetically modified foods the same as non-GMO foods. In 2012 a study that suggested that sex hormones are vulnerable to GMO and Roundup treatments. Corn is in everything we eat and almost all corn is GMO and it's doused with glyphosate which is round up, everybody's heard and everybody has around I'm sure you probably have Roundup in your garage somewhere that you spray on all the weeds, so you know, the more people that use it and how we get around is everybody needs to stop buying and supporting these main companies that are messing everybody up and they spray their yard with all this Roundup and they spray and the children run out in the yard and play then get all these endocrine disrupting chemicals. Of course we're told that only insects are affected by this BT toxin, this BT toxin actually blows the stomach up of insects that eat is actually a programed into the corn, mostly corn but other GMO plants so when the insects eat it it blows up their stomach and works as an insecticide but it actually now has been found harmful to the human digestive tract and is what causes leaky syndrome.

So the G.I. tract is your largest endocrine organ so if you disrupt the G.I. tract you're actually going to have disruption from allowing these estrogens not to be broken down properly and these perforations in the gut to allow all these endocrine disrupting chemicals to pass directly into the bloodstream, so it's very important to try to avoid any genetically modified foods look on the label, buy organic, again educate yourself, throw out any Roundup or any herbicides that you might have around your house that's how you are going to avoid these things.

Cosmetics is a huge huge problem because the cosmetics industry has almost 0 oversight and is hugely at fault for these hormone disrupting products, perfumes colognes basically 99% of the fragrances used in cosmetics are synthetic chemicals produced from a benzene ring or a phenyl group. You have to be a chemist but these rings when you have a benzyl group or a phenyl group fit into estrogen receptors. So cosmetics have a ton of xenoestrogen chemicals and these xenoestrogen chemicals mimic estrogen, they're fat-soluble which you know estrogen is absorbed in fat and the problem is all these cosmetics are absorbed through your skin they stimulate the estrogen receptors in the breasts and cause fibrocystic breast disease and can even cause cancer. In fact 2008 study showed, it was called 'Are lipsticks changing your cup size?' and basically showed that the lipstick even has endocrine disrupting chemicals that can change your cup size. Sunscreens, makeup, the thing that concerns me a lot how many parents who want to protect their kids slather them up with all this sunscreen anytime they go outside and it's a major problem, it's been shown now that sunscreen has endocrine disruptors in it and actually initiates skin cancer. In one test a chemical common in sunscreen was mixed with olive oil and applied to rat skin, it doubled the uterine growth. Who would have ever thought that sunscreen was going disrupt hormones in children and adults. So I would recommend, like we talked about earlier, go through all your cosmetics, everything you slather on your skin and make sure that you switch to organic or natural sources, and I mean, I know people that apply sunscreen to their kids twice a day every single day, even the things that we talk about today, if you were to make one change a week, you're still going to be making progress, switching over to natural organic things instead of toxic things.

Another endocrine disrupting product that most people don't even know about is laundry detergent. When detergents in general breakdown they release alkylphenols. Alkylphenols have infiltrated the water supply and they been shown to create hermaphrodite fish. In 2004 fish that were half male and half female were discovered below the sewage treatment plants in Denver and in Boulder Colorado and eventually people drink this water so, lookout for dry cleaning, when you drycleaner your clothes make sure you go to a natural drycleaner because when you put those close on you sweat, your skin absorbs some of those chemicals in. Look at your laundry detergent, what are you sing to wash your kids' and your families' clothes with? Switch to an organic all-natural laundry detergent.

So estrogens, some of the other things, unfortunately synthetic hormones from medications are also being found in the drinking water, every time a woman on the pill goes to the bathroom minute ammounts of hormones end of going to the water supply. So again make sure that you are drinking clean water. A natural endocrine disruptor is soy, we touched on it with the GMOs but soy is a big time product that I recommend everybody avoid, and soy is in everything these days, look at the label you'll see soy lechithin, soy proteins, soy this, soy that. First of all most of the soy is GMO, secondly soy contains phytoestrogens. Now fermented soy is going to be a lot safer for you to eat, but we already have estrogen dominance, and so my recommendation is to not increase the amount of estrogen in your body but to decrease it, so one ofthe things I recommend highly is that you avoid soy and the phytoestrogens in soy.

Some of the other food things that you might not know about that might have endocrine disrupting things is gluten. Gluten is something that I have studied for a long time and I must admit I was eating wheat and always felt rundown and low-energy but gluten has been shown to affect the thyroid, and it's not just people that are gluten intolerant, it's everybody. Anyone who has thyroid disorders, and it might not be labeled as gluten intolerant, is gluten intolerant. As a matter of fact gluten has a molecular structure that closely resembles the thyroid gland and when its' proteins pass through your gut and into your bloodstream, your immune system tags it for destruction. It doesn't matter if you have a gluten insensitivity or not, the fact is every single person on the planet is allergic to gluten because your immune system will tag it as a toxin no matter what. Because the protein is so similar to the thyroid, the thyroid gets attacked too, and the immune system's response to gluten in the body can last up to six months each time you consume it. Now that is a fact that I found that I did not know and is incredibly startling to me and that's why I do not eat any gluten. You eat gluten and then your immune system can be depressed for up to six months each time you consume gluten. So gluten is an endocrine disruptor, avoid gluten, it's absolutely vital to completely eliminate gluten from your diet. You don't have to do it right now all of a sudden, it's kind of hard to go gluten free, type in online 'how to go gluten free', and there's lots of sources out there.

The next source is fluoride which was identified as an endocrine disruptor in a 2006 report that stated that fluoride effects normal endocrine function or response, although not in the sense of mimicking a natural hormone. So really it affects the thyroid the pancreas the pineal gland and parathyroid and most of your fluoride exposure is going to come through water sources, so again to eliminate fluoride as an endocrine disruptor drink purified water.

Aluminum is also an endocrine disruptor and that's in the chemtrails that you see overhead that there's high levels of aluminum falling if you don't kknow what chemtrails are it's proven the government has, it's documented it's not a conspiracy, yes they're spraying high levels of aluminum nanoparticles all over the United States and all over the world in an attempt to 'cool the earth' and through global warming, so aluminum cans aluminum deodorants, what you want to do is limit your sources of aluminum.

The next toxic endocrine disruptor is aspartame. If anyone out there is drinking diet drinks or diet sodas anything that's sugar-free, make sure it doesn't have aspartame in it. There were studies done at the University in South Africa that shows that aspartame is a potent neurotoxin, it's been shown to be an endocrine disruptor, University of Barcelona showed that aspartame is transformed into formaldehyde in the bodies of living specimens and formaldehyde is also a toxic endocrine disruptor, aspartame is also found in water supplies, so highly recommend you limit all aspartame.

Parabens are preservatives used in deodorants, makeup, body lotions, moisturizers, cosmetic products. Look for parabens, and if you have parabens in your product that's an endocrine disruptor, again go to natural sources instead. Triclosan it's a germ killing ingredient in soaps, deodorants, even toothpaste. As a matter of fact Minnesota just banned triclosan which is great it's going to be the first state, and again it's going to be in water supplies so look at all the soaps which you're using, all the handheld soaps and stuff like that. Also if you're viewing prescription medications online, we talked about it, you want to look online ingredients in a prescription medication phthalates are in a lot of drug coatings a lot of the psychotropic drugs, antidepressants, and antianxiety medications those have endocrine disrupting chemicals in them.

Alcohol can make your endocrine system behave in a sloppy way just like someone who's had too many drinks, alcohol affects blood sugar levels, reproductive function, calcium metabolism, it can interfere with the testes and ovaries, can result in hormone deficiencies, sexual dysfunction and alcohol can even result in infertility. Alcohol's been shown to be toxic to the testes, reduces testosterone levels in men here's a study normal healthy men who received alcohol for four weeks had their testosterone levels decline after only five days, and the levels continue to fall throughout the study period.

So if you're trying to balance your hormones naturally, these are the things which you are going to want to avoid and I'm going to post these notes under this video on the Global Healing Center site so you can look through all my notes and have references to the studies. I know this is getting long but I wanted to cover all these things because there are so many different topics on hormone balancing and so many people are looking out there 'how do I balance my hormones?' You balance your hormones by avoiding hormone disrupting chemicals. So for premenopausal women for example alcohol contributes to irregular menstrual cycles, menstrual cycles without ovulation, early menopause and increase risk of spontaneous abortions. Postmenopausal women who drink have higher estradiol levels than those who don't alcohol can increase the conversion of testosterone into estradiol. Bottom line alcohol is not good if you're trying to balance your hormones or trying to get pregnant. Another thing I'd like to focus on is stress. stress is important, it's important to minimize your stress, skipping meals, overexercising, underexercising, bad sleep, processed foods, refined sugars, all the chemicals and toxins that we talk about, when you're stressed, there's stress and distress, we're talking about distress where you're out of balance, stress affects the stress hormones mainly cortisol. Cortisol interferes with your balance of hormones and neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are the chemicals that regulate mood, your emotions and cognitive function. Without hormone balance we don't have neurotransmitter balance, if you don't have neurotransmitter balance we're just in a reactive responsive survival mode, that means you're not in control, your fight or flight a sympathetic state and that's not the way to live, we want to be in the parasympathetic state. Stress has been shown to decrease progesterone levels and make your body think more estrogen is there. That's because progesterone is the precursor form which all other hormones are created including adrenal hormones. So a stressful situation increases production of corticosteroids to defend against the stress but if you're constantly stressed your body can't produce enough progesterone and that would lead to adrenal exhaustion, that's why a lot of people right now are suffering with adrenal fatigue, they're constantly fatigued.

So just to recap the pesticides in food and water, toxic metals, industrial chemicals, poisoning cosmetic products, phthalates, BPA, might sound like a lot but it's really about avoiding and learning how to read the labels and avoid all these things. So now I'm going to go over some natural solutions these are some things you can do, it's not a bad idea to get a baseline of where your hormones are, working with a natural practitioner, someone who specializes in endocrine balancing, stuff like that who can take some blood urine and saliva tests to measure hormones as a baseline, but I can tell you that will happen is as soon as you get your tests and you hormone levels back, if you avoid all these things and you continue to clean your body then most likely those tests are going to be more close to normal every time you go in, instead of that individual putting you on hormone replacement therapy. Always look at what is the natural way to balance hormones. Hormone balancing is really a fountain of youth if you think about it, it's important for women and men you talk about hormones and most think it's just for women but more and more men are having hormone problems and they just don't realize it, so it's very important to balance them out and the solution number one out of everything else is to cleanse your body, cleanse your body, cleanse your body. Internal body cleansing is the most effective way to encourage normal hormone balancing, and for fertility for that matter, we had a fertility program all we would do we had people come in saying 'I couldn't get pregnant' they were spending $250,000 on IVF, different types of fertility programs everything, I said okay let's clean your body let's go through an intestinal cleanse, a couple liver and gallbladder cleanses, a heavy metal cleanse, parasite cleranse, we didn't even get into parasites but parasites can extract and go to the bathroom in your body, and what they extract is different types of phenols formaldehyde and endocrine disrupting chemicals, so parasite cleansing, kidney cleansing, all that and we just had them go through a round of cleansing and then sure enough within two or three months their body is so clean and they're avoiding all the endocrine disrupting chemicals that they got pregnant and they had a healthy baby and so that's what I recommend, everybody do this before they get pregnant but anyone who is having thyroid any type of symptoms, endocrine disrupting chemicals, hormonal imbalance, have to clean clean clean and one of the big things is cleaning the liver, because over half of all the T4 is converted to T3 in the liver. that's a thyroid hormone. If that conversion is obstructed or compromised, hormones are going to be out of sync. For that matter most estrogen is metabolized in the liver and if it's not metabolized it just lingers and causes problems so that's why it's so important to have your liver functioning correctly and your GI tract, which is the largest endocrine organ, and hormones are secreted by the stomach, pancras, small intestine, that's why the GI tract needs to be healthy. If you're not having two bowel movements a day, if you're not able to eliminate properly and you have constipation or gas or bloating or any type of GI issues, it can cause estrogen and leaky gut that to be reabsorbed into the blood and all these phytoestrogen and all these endocrine disrupting chemicals, so that's why I recommend keeping your intestines clean on a regular basis using oxypowder a couple times a week just keeping everything cleaned, using some good probiotics, primaldefense ultra, the lateral flora, but that's what I use. Then, solution number two is regular chemical and toxic metal cleansing and that's getting rid of any mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum. You have to continually clean the chemicals out of your body, if they're coming in you have to get rid of them. I use Zeotrex for that you can use whatever you want, but these are the solutions.

Solution number three is to increase your exercise because naturally with exercise when you sweat, well actually weight training by itself increases adrenal hormones and beta receptors in gut fat, and when you rest and recover, all that is therapeutic. Chiropractic, massage, meditation, sauna, far infrared saunas another way to eliminate that toxic metals and chemicals. So increasing your exercise and your bodywork, allowing your body to become natural and unstressed, acupuncture also to work on rebalancing your hormones through bodywork. Solution number four is decrease your stress, that's something that's part of everybody's life and you can be stressed out just by sitting under fluorescent lighting, the way I deal with stress is meditation. Besides that, one of the best ways that I feel that reduces and calms a stressful situation is meditation, besides that studies showed a meditation dramatically boost DHEA levels and stress lowers melatonin, when you're stressed you're going to have lower melatonin levels and people who meditate are able to maintain healthy levels melatonin by reducing the stress and restoring balance and they sleep better also, so deep meditation has been shown to dramatically boost levels of human growth hormone also and serotonin. Cortisol is one of the hormones you want the less amounts of and meditation has been proven to significantly decrease levels of cortisol, so I recommend starting off with about nine minutes twice a day meditation, some techniques and the breathing techniques you can go online and look at different meditation techniques online but started nine minutes twice a day and then move up as much.

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