Standardized toolkit for identification and quantification of mercury releases

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5.4.7Light sources with mercury description

  1. Mercury is used in small amounts per lamp in a number of different types of discharge lamps, with fluorescent tubes and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) as the most common examples (COWI, 2002). Approximately 95% of the mercury-containing lamps used in the USA are linear fluorescent light tubes (NESCAUM, 1998). The remainders are compact fluorescents or specialty lamps (such as metal halide, mercury vapour, high-pressure sodium, and neon lamps) which are produced for commercial or municipal use, such as street lighting (NJ MTF, 2002). Significant progress has been made by some producers to reduce the amount of mercury per lamp, with reductions of about a factor 10 achieved in newer mercury-lamps as compared to traditional types. Lamp types with high mercury content are, however, still reported to be on the market, and may be sold in large quantities as they are generally cheaper than low-mercury lamps. Non-mercury alternatives for these lamps, with similar energy saving qualities, are not yet available on the market, however, they are under development (COWI, 2002). Other light sources reported to contain mercury include: special lamps for photographic purposes, chemical analyses (atomic absorption spectrometry lamps), ultraviolet sterilisation, and back lights for flat-screens for computers (and likely for televisions).

  2. Elemental mercury is introduced into the tube when it is manufactured, and it acts as a multi-photon source, producing ultra-violet light when an electrical current is passed through the tube. Mercury in fluorescent lamps has essentially two different chemical compositions: vapour-phase elemental mercury and divalent mercury adsorbed on the phosphor powder, the metal lamp ends, or other components. The amount of mercury required in vapour form in the discharge to energize the lamp is 50 micrograms – about 0.5 to 2.5% of the total placed in the lamp when manufactured (Dunmire et al., 2003). Over time, the mercury in the tube reacts with phosphorus powder which coats the inside surface of the tube, and it loses its efficacy. Therefore, there must be enough initial elemental mercury in the lamp so that at least 50 micrograms is available in vapour form even at the end of the lamp’s rated life (typically 5 years of use for linear tubes in commercial service, and about the same for CFLs in residential use). At the end of lamp life, most of the mercury is in divalent form. According to Floyd et al., 2002 (citing NEMA, 2000) 99% of the mercury present in lamps when disposed is embedded in the tube coating powder.

  3. Historically, manufacturers added mercury in quantities sufficient to ensure an adequate supply of available mercury in the tube throughout its life span. Recent advances in the development of fluorescent tubes have allowed manufacturers to reduce the amount of mercury necessary to account for an adequate lifespan of the tube (Bleasby, 1998, as cited in Environment Canada, 1999). factors determining mercury releases and mercury outputs

  1. In North America (USA, Canada, and Mexico), mercury releases from improper fluorescent light tube disposal have declined substantially over the last decade as a result of recycling programs and changes in design technology (Environment Canada, 1999).

Table 5 125 Main releases and receiving media during the life-cycle of light sources with mercury

Phase of life cycle





General waste

Sector specific treatment/
















Notes: X - Release pathway expected to be predominant for the sub-category;
x - Additional release pathways to be considered, depending on specific source and national situation.

  1. Mercury emissions from fluorescent lamp manufacturing may occur during mercury handling operations and during lamp production. Handling operations that may result in mercury vapour emissions include mercury purification, mercury transfer, and parts repair. During lamp production, mercury may be emitted from the mercury injection operation and from broken lamps, spills, and waste material. (US EPA, 1997a).

  2. Since the mercury is contained is a sealed glass tube, it is not considered released during normal use. No release estimates were found. Lamps may break during use, but more likely the lamps break after they have been replaced, during temporary storage before they are properly disposed of. When these lamps break, elemental mercury, liquid mercury and phosphor powder with adsorbed mercury can be released. In addition, mercury can be released from small pieces of glass and other lamp components, which are contaminated with mercury if they are not properly managed (NJ MTF, 2002).

  3. The releases of mercury by disposal of the lamps depend of the disposal method. In many countries systems for collection of used mercury lamps for recycling exist. The collected lamps may be processed for recycling of the mercury-containing phosphorous powder for production of new lamps or the collected lamps may be processed for recovery of the mercury contained in powder. In some countries the collected powder may be disposed of on landfills without recovery of the mercury. During recycling, mercury may be released from the cutting/crushing of lamps or from the recovery of mercury from the powder. Lamps disposed of to landfills will to a large extent break by the disposal and the mercury vapour will be released immediately to the atmosphere. The major part of the mercury in the lamps is bound to the phosphorous powder and will only slowly be released. By incineration of lamps the majority of the mercury will evaporate and be captured by the pollution abatement controls or emitted to the atmosphere. of mercury inputs

Table 5 145 Overview of activity rate data and mercury input factor types needed to estimate releases from light sources with mercury

Life-cycle phase

Activity rate data needed

Mercury input factor


Total annual mercury consumption
for lamp production.
Number of mercury lamps produced per year,
by lamp type

(not relevant)

mg of mercury per lamp,

by lamp type


Number of mercury lamps supplied per year,
by lamp type

mg of mercury per lamp,
by lamp type


Number of mercury lamps supplied per year
(5-10 years ago), by lamp type

mg of mercury per lamp
(5-10 years ago), by lamp type

  1. The mercury content of the lamps by type is used as input factor for all life-cycle phases. Examples of mercury content in lamps are shown in Table 5 -146. In general the amount of mercury in fluorescent light tubes has been reduced in the western world, and today the mercury content of fluorescent tubes (double end) there range from 3 mg to 46 per tube.

  2. It has been reported by industry in the USA that the average mercury content of 4-feet lamps has been reduced from about 48 mg in 1985 to 42 mg in 1990, to 23 mg in 1994, and to 12 mg in 1999 (NEMA, as cited in NJ MTF, 2002). The majority of fluorescent lamps in service in the USA in recent years are T12 lamps (about 3.3 cm in diameter), which contain an average of 22 mg (NJ MTF, 2002). T8 lamps (about 2.2 cm diameter), which are designed to be more energy efficient, also contain less mercury (about 14 mg) (MTF, 2002). However, since 1995 the mercury content in these T12 and T8 lamps has been reduced due to the introduction of “low mercury” bulbs, with less than 10 mg mercury (NJ MTF, 2002). In Canada, the average mercury content in fluorescent lamps has fallen from 48.2 mg in 1985 to 27.0 mg in 1995, with an industry target to further reduce mercury content to 15.0 mg by 2000 (Environment Canada, 1999).

  3. In the European Union the average for fluorescent tubes has been reduced from 15 mg in 1997 to 10 in 2001 (Floyd et al., 2002). The average content of compact fluorescent tubes is reported to be 5 mg in both 1997 and 2001.
          1. i) Production

  1. In 1995 in the USA, 30 tons of mercury was purchased for the manufacture of electric lighting, including fluorescent, mercury vapour, metal halide, and high-pressure sodium lamps (Plachy, 1996, as cited in US EPA, 1997a). Lamps do not contain all of the mercury purchased for the manufacture; most of the mercury not retained in the lamps is returned to mercury recyclers for purification and reuse. However, a small amount of the mercury input is loss to the environment during the production process. In 1994, 15.7 metric tons of the 27 metric tons of mercury were actually contained in the lamps (NEMA 1996, as cited in US EPA, 1997a).

  2. In the European Union 5.9 tons mercury was used for production of mercury lamps, of this 4.0 tons was use for production of double end fluorescent tubes, the remaining part for production of other lamp types (Floyd et al., 2003).
          1. ii) Use

  1. Mercury releases by breakage of lamps before it is disposed of can be estimated from the national consumption of mercury lamps and the estimated fraction of the lamps that break before disposal. Consumption numbers of lamps may be obtained by direct contact to the main suppliers or from national trade statistics. See estimates on breakage rates below.
          1. iii) Disposal

  1. Mercury input to disposal is the mercury content in the light sources as supplied multiplied by the number of such items consumed a few years earlier (life-times of a few years, depending on type and use). This is important as mercury concentrations in the light sources may have changed in the past years in many countries. If no historical data are available, input data from current production can be used as an estimate for previous years. NJ MTF (2002) expects lamps discarded today to be about 5 years old (NJ MTF, 2002). Skårup et al. (2003) estimate the life span of fluorescent light sources at 8-10 years under Danish conditions.

  2. Examples of mercury content in light sources by type and region (for data) are presented in Table 5 -146 below.

Table 5 146 Examples of mercury content in light sources in mg mercury per item, by type and origin of data

Type of light source

Mercury content in light source
(mg Hg/item)

Country/region for data


Fluorescent tubes (double end)

15 (1997)
10 (2002)

European Union

Floyd et al., 2002



Yanin, 2004



DiFrancesco and Shinn, 2002



Environment Canada, 2003a



Lowest content on the marked, based on information from manufactures

Compact fluorescent lamp (CFL single end)


European Union

Floyd et al., 2002



Environment Canada, 2003a



Yanin, 2004

High pressure mercury vapour


European Union

Floyd et al., 2002

High pressure discharge lamps



Yanin, 2004

High-pressure sodium lamps


European Union

Floyd et al., 2002



Yanin, 2004

UV light for tanning



Maag et al. 1996



Yanin, 2004

Metal halide lamps


European Union

Floyd et al., 2002



Yanin, 2004 of mercury in releases and wastes/residues

          1. i) Production

  1. Based on data for 1994 in USA, a total of 27 metric tons of mercury were purchased for the manufacture of lamps at 4 facilities. About 15.7 metric tons of this mercury was contained in the product lamps. Most of the remaining mercury was returned to recyclers. One production facility reported emissions of 0.21 tons for 1994, and the total emissions in 1994 for all 4 facilities during production were estimated to be 0.4 tons mercury (US EPA, 1997a). Emissions in 1995 were probably quite similar in magnitude (about 0.4 tons).

  2. No add-on controls have been identified for these production facilities. However, methods to maintain low mercury levels are employed and include containment, air ventilation, temperature control, and isolation. Mercury releases may occur during handling operations such as mercury purification, mercury transfer, and repair of various parts. During the production process, mercury may be emitted from injection operation and from broken lamps, accidental spills, and from various waste materials (US EPA, 1997a).
          1. ii) Use

  1. Floyd et al. (2002) estimate that 5% of the lamps break before they are disposed of. Based on the information that 99% of the mercury present in lamps is embedded in the tube coating, they estimate that as a maximum 5% of the mercury in the broken lamps is released to the atmosphere while the remaining 95%, present in the phosphorous powder, is collected and disposed of with municipal solid waste.

  2. US EPA (1997c) discusses different estimates of overall atmospheric emissions rates from broken lamps. The estimates range from about 1.2-6.8 % of total mercury content and US EPA assume a central estimate of 3% of total mercury. The question of migration of mercury from the phosphorus powder is also discussed. Studies has demonstrated that for the uncovered broken lamp, emissions over a 20-day period totalled 1.28 mg out of the estimated total lamp content of 42 mg, or about 3% of the total mercury content of the lamp.

  3. Barr (2001) assumes that 5% of the mercury supplied with lamps is emitted to the air from breakage by the users.
          1. iii) Disposal

  1. The fate of the mercury used in lamps is dependent on many factors, especially the disposal methods of the country. For example, in the USA, it is estimated that 13-15% of disposed lamps are recycled or disposed of as hazardous waste, and 85 to 87% are disposed in regular municipal solid waste (MSW) (NEMA, 2000 and US EPA, 1997a, as cited in NJMTF, 2002). In the early 1990s, only about 2% of lamps were recycled in the USA (US EPA, 1994). However, since that time, the percent recycled has probably increased significantly in the USA.

  2. The US inventory of mercury releases estimates, based on a model from 1993, that 8% of the total mercury content of waste lamps is releases to the atmosphere from lamps breakage by transport of the waste. The estimate is based on the assumption that all lamps break by collection and transport of the waste.

  3. Floyd et al. (2002) estimate correspondingly that 6% of the mercury in lamps disposed of to landfills will be emitted when the lamps break. In the European Union 75% of the lamps disposed with solid waste is landfilled, while the remaining 25% is incineration.

  4. For lamps that are recycled in effective, closed loop systems, most of the mercury is captured. Very little is expected to be released directly to the environment during the recycling process.

  5. About 700 million lamps were discarded in the USA in 1999. Since these lamps were about 5 years old, and probably contained an average of about 20 mg mercury, one can estimate that roughly 14 metric tons of mercury were discarded in the USA in 1999. Barr (2001) has estimated that about 26 - 42% of this mercury is emitted to air, and that the remainder ends up on land (Barr, 2001). NJMTF estimates that 15 - 45% of the mercury in disposed lamps goes to air.

  6. Skårup et al. (2003) estimate the life span of fluorescent light sources at 8-10 years under Danish conditions.

  7. The long-term emission from the landfilled phosphorus powder is in general poorly understood, but this source likely contribute to observed mercury emissions from landfills (see section 5.9). factors and output distribution factors

  1. Based on the so far compiled examples given above, the following preliminary default input and output distribution factors are suggested for use in cases where source specific data are not available. It is emphasized that the default factors suggested in this Toolkit are based on a limited data base, and as such, they should be considered subject to revisions as the data base grows.
          1. a) Default mercury input factors

Table 5 147 Preliminary default mercury input factors, by type of light source

Type of light source

Mercury content in light source, mg Hg/item (min - max)

Fluorescent tubes (double end)

10 - 40

Compact fluorescent lamp (CFL single end)

5 - 15

High pressure mercury vapour


High-pressure sodium lamps

10 - 30

UV light for tanning

5 - 25

Metal halide lamps


          1. b) Default mercury output distribution factors

  1. No output distribution factors were defined for light source production due to lack of data.

  2. As only very small amounts of mercury is emitted to the atmosphere from lamp breakage at the users, while most the mercury in broken lamps are discarded with wastes, no separate default output distribution factors are defined for the use phase.

  3. For the disposal, outputs are extremely dependent on the actual waste management practices in each of the sectors where mercury thermometers are used, and the default factor given below are simplifications meant to raise the signal that substantial mercury outputs may follow each of the noted pathways. Quantifications of the actual waste streams in each of the sectors in the country will give a more relevant picture of the mercury outputs from this products group. If no such specific quantitative data are available, the distribution factors given in the table below can be used.

  4. Note that the table only distributes outputs on direct releases to the environment and the two waste categories mentioned. The final destiny of mercury in wastes depends highly on the national/regional waste treatment scenario and the emission reduction designs involved. See descriptions of these issues in the sections covering general waste incineration (5.8) and landfills/deposition (5.9).

  5. Note also that in the default mercury output distribution factors mentioned here, informal dumping or incineration of waste is quantified as direct releases to air, land and water, as relevant. Beware of double-counting, if estimates of mercury releases are also made separately for informal dumping or incineration of waste.

Table 5 148 Preliminary default mercury output distribution factors for production, consumption and disposal of light sources

Phase in life cycle

Default output distribution factors, share of Hg input 2*




General waste

Sector specific treatment/
disposal *1

Use and disposal (depending on actual waste management status in country):

No or very limited separate lamps collection. All or most general is waste collected and handled in a publicly controlled manner



No or very limited separate lamps collection. Missing or informal collection and handling of general waste is widespread *3




Separate lamps collection with high collection rates. All or most general is waste collected and handled in a publicly controlled manner




Notes: *1 Recycling of light powder containing mercury for new lamps, or recycling of the mercury;
*2 Mercury inputs to use and disposal are the amounts of mercury in the lamp types, combined with
disposed amounts of the respective lamp types. If annual supply data for 5-10 years earlier (for the
same lamp types) are available, they can be used as approximations for disposed amounts;
*3 The distribution between air, land and general waste here is artificial, and is meant only to raise a
signal that significant mercury releases may follow these pathways in countries with widespread
informal waste handling such as diffuse dumping and informal waste incineration. Such waste
handling is considered here as direct releases to the environment.
          1. c) Links to other mercury sources estimation

  1. The estimated mercury outputs to separately collected waste and general household waste from this sub-category contributes to the mercury inputs to landfills/deposits (section 5.9) and household waste incineration (section 5.8). specific main data

  1. The most important source specific data would in this case be:

  • Consumption of mercury-containing lamps, including imports;

  • National or regional trends in mercury concentrations in the various lamp types;

  • Estimated share of the supplied lamps that break during use; and

  • Setup end efficiency of waste management systems.

  1. Mercury-containing light sources are mainly produced in relatively few, larger production plants, and a point source approach to mercury release estimates from production is therefore recommended, where possible.

  2. See also advice on data gathering in section 4.4.5.

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