Study of the linguistic characteristics of the tales of famous storytellers

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Famous storytellers and their creative features

The practical value of the work. The information brought into forth in the work are very useful for students who study in English language and literature departments. Moreover, the analyses given in the work are practical for students and learners’ improvement of English.
The structure of the work. Hereby work consists of introduction, a main part with 3 parts, conclusion and the list of the used literature

1.1. Description of famous fairy tales
In order to determine the characteristics of the genre of literary tales it is necessary to figure out how it differs from the folk tale, which is considered the ancestor of it. As a genre of literary fairy tale has as similar to a folk tale features and distinctive from its predecessor folklore characteristic of only it.
Before we proceed to the determination of similarities and differences between the folk and literary tale, it is necessary to trace the history of the genre. First, we define what a tale as a genre is. We will try to define what is meant by the term "tale".
In the scientific literature, the tale is determined mostly as a kind of folk prose, found among different peoples and is divided, in turn, into genres. Analysis of existing definitions shows that they, along with fictional events underscore the oral nature of the tale as fiction. For example, the domestic literary online encyclopedia treats the concept of fairy tales as follows: "The Tale (it. Märchen, Eng. Tale, French. Conte, Italian. Fiaba, Serb. And Horw. Pripovijetka, Bulg. приказка, Czech. Pohadka, Pol. bajka, Belor. andukr. казка, байка, in Russian to the XVII century. баснь, байка )–is a story, performing at the early stages of development in pre-class society of production and religious functions, that is, representing one type of myth; in the later stages occurred as a genre of oral literature, having a content unusual in the everyday sense of the event (a fantastic, wonderful, or everyday) and featuring a special compositional and stylistic construction. In the dynamics of social forms and social consciousness changes and the term "fairy tale." It is worth noting that if you follow this logic, all copyright tales here do not fall. One of the definitions adopted in Europe belongs to the genre of fairy J. Bolte and Polivka G. (Bolte, Polivka, 1913-1932). According to him, the tale is a story based on the poetic imagination, especially the magical world that this story is not related to the conditions of real life, which in all walks of life listen with pleasure, even if they find it incredible or unreliable. In this view, formulated three features: poetry, fiction, entertainment. But it does not take into account, for example, the social significance of the tale as a cultural element, educational and psychological potential. 1
Another V.G. Belinsky at the time focused on the sign of a fictional: a storyteller, he said, "not only chasing credibility and naturalness, but also as if delivered himself of an indispensable duty to intentionally disrupt and distort them to absurdity" (Belinsky, 1954). K.S.Aksakov wrote fiction that affects the content of fairy tales, and the image scene in them, and the characters of the actors, and thus the most characteristic - focus on conscious fiction. A.N.Afanasiev, in contrast, argued that the tale - not an empty fold, it does not deliberately composed of lies, deliberate evasion of the real world.
Academician Yu.Sokolov said that under the folk tales in the broadest sense of the word refers to an oral-poetic narrative fiction, adventure-novelistic and domestic nature. However, he points out: "No matter how typical for her fairy tale characters and objects are alive and quickening media fabulous action, yet the most important and characteristic of the fairy tale as a genre is the action itself. For a wonderful tale of these actions define a magical-adventure tale character wonderful as a special narrative genre "(Sokolov, 1941).
Another great explorer, A.I.Nikiforov suggested the following definition: "Tales - is oral histories, prevailing among the people for the purpose of entertainment, with unusual content in the everyday sense of the event (fantastic, wonderful, or everyday) and different special compositional and stylistic construction" (Nikiforov, 1930) . With that, here also displayed beyond the genre of literary heritage of fairy tales, classifying signs actually similar to the positions of other scholars: fiction and entertainment purposes only. However, the nature of fiction specified.
Furthermore, it seems fruitful addition "special compositional and stylistic construct", but it is not decrypted. Fun and entertaining considered hallmarks of well-known fairy tales and folklore brothers Sokolov: "The term we use here the tale in the broadest sense - to them we mean any oral story, told audiences in order entertaining" (B. Sokolov, Sokolov Yu). V.P.Anikin, agreeing with the thesis of fiction as a characteristic of fairy tales, stresses that this is not its main feature and adds to the criterion of aesthetic pleasure "special, carried out with the help of the disclosure of the real-life" (Anikin, 1977).
The opinion of T.G.Leonova is reflected in the following statement: "A tale is an epic, mostly prose work with the installation of fiction, a work of a fantastic story, shareware fantastic imagery, plot-resistant composite structure and listener-oriented form of narration" (Leonov, 1982). In this determination, first, "not fit" many types of stories, because no means are epic (e.g. domestic or novelistic). Secondly, in a number of tales the story can not be defined as fantastic as it is rare, exclusive, funny stories (stories about thieves, fools, judges, etc.). Third, plot-compositional stability varies in different types of stories. Finally, a listener-oriented narrative form is not unique to the tales, but also songs, epics, etc.
The lack of consensus among researchers suggests the desirability to continue to explore the concept of fairy tales to develop a more specific definition, which characterizes its essence. To do this, first of all, to consider genre features. Since a single scientific classification is still there, genres or groups of tales researchers identify differently. 2
What is a tale? At first glance it may seem that this question is completely idle, everyone knows it. Such views were expressed even in science. Finnish scientist X. Honti writes: "A unilateral determination of the well-known concepts is strictly speaking, superfluous, everyone knows what a fairy tale, and may instinctively distinguish it from the so-called related genres - folk tales, legends and anecdotes».3Without the definition and nature of fairy tales, some authors treated the general guidelines on capital folklore. It may be noted that Veselovsky, whose works make up a tale about how, never gave his definition of a fairy tale. This does not mean that these scientists was not his understanding of fairy tales. It they had, but not recorded in any precise definition. Nevertheless, we can not rely on instinct, as suggested by Honti, we need to express their views as accurately as possible. Unable to recognize tales everything that is placed in the collection of fairy tales. On the fabulous diversity of the material and the fact that "the notion of a fairy tale has now become very extensive," pointed out by Pypin in his review of the collection Afanasyev.
The peoples of the world, more precisely, the European nations, as a rule, does not refer to this type of folk poetry, using it to determine the variety of words. There are only two European languages, which have created a special word for this concept. There are the Russian and the German.
In the Russian, the word "tale" is relatively late. In the modern sense, it does not appear before the XVII century. Ancient and medieval Rus’ did not know him. But this does not mean that there were no tales. This means that the tale originally stood for some other word. We can assume that this word is the "Fables", which corresponds to the verb "bayat" and the noun "Bahar". For example, Kirill of Turov, the preacher of the XII century, listing ordeal in the next world for the sins man in the fifteenth ordeal mentions those sinners who "believe in the meeting, in sneeze, climb in and bird Gry, enchantment, and a hedgehog fable bayut and harps gudut." In another word the XII century ("Златоструй") as described by the wealthy retreat to sleep "Взълежащюжеему и немогущюуснутидроузиемунозегладеть... инiигудуть, инiибають и кощюнять”.4 Such figures of speech as "full of fables something affects" or "old wives' fables, and likes to fool", given by V.I .Dahl in his "Dictionary", indicate that living in modern speech under another fable fairy tale can be understood. To 'tale' the word "баснь" is available in the Ukrainian and the Polish. So ancient Russia did not know the word "tale"; served as the corresponding word "fable".
The word "tale" originally had an entirely different meaning than with present notion. It means that we say or write the word, a valid document. For example, in the writings of A. Bolotov read: "They (peasants), being satisfied, filed at the same time generally with me sweetheart tale." 5In an oral daily use "select tale" once corresponded to our "take readings." In "Dead Souls" by Nikolai Gogol "Revision lists" it called by the established audit documented lists of peasants belonging to the landlord. But the "fairy tale" could mean both. In Turgenev in his story "Burmistr" says: "delimited, sir, all thy mercy. The day before yesterday signed a fairy tale."6 
The root of the term, -каз- with different prefixes acquires a different meaning, but the basic meaning of the root- some form of communication: to say, to indicate to punish and so. D. The Serbian "казати" - 'speak' Czech 'казати' - 'show '. 
So, until the XVII century in the Russian language the word "tale" meant something significant, written or oral testimony or evidence, legally binding. In the XVII century, as seen another, though contrary to the above meaning of the word "tale". The decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1649 states: "Many chelovetsy unreasonable believe in a dream, and in the meeting, and climb, and bird Gry, and guessing riddles, and fairy tale affects fiction."7 
It is remarkable that the word "fairy tale" is in the same context as that of Cyril of Turov "Fables" (bird Gry, climb, etc.), Clearly demonstrating that the word "fable" with "fairy tale." Here the word "fairy tale" refers to the very fact that we understand it now.
What conclusions can be drawn from the above? You can display two signs tale attached to this word:
1) it recognizes the tale narrative genres (баять- 'They say talk');
2) it is considered to be a fairy tale fiction. (The decree Alexei Mikhailovich - "fairy tale fiction.") In the Ukrainian language, along with the word "байка" has the word "казка." Both represent not only the story, but a fiction, unworthy of trust.
How could it happen that the word got an opposite sense, it is difficult to say. Apparently, those "fairy tale", those readings that were taken during proceedings or transactions, and so on. E., Were usually so unreliable, so full of lies, that the word "fairy tale", originally meant 'authentic instrument', was synonymous with lies, fabrications, something completely unreliable.
As we have said, only in the Russian and the German languages it develops specific terms for fairy tales. In the German, the word denoted tale Märchen. Mär root means 'news', 'news', -chen - diminutive suffix. Märchen - 'a little interesting story' (a word common to the XIII century and gradually consolidated in the sense of 'fairy tale'). 8
The ancient Greeks identified the tale word 'myth'. There is no special word for fairy tales.
The Latin word "tale" is transmitted through the fabula. But the word is also not specific to a fairy tale, it has many different meanings: conversation, gossip, subject, and so on. D. (Wed. our "story" - 'story, the subject of the narrative'), as well as the story, including tales and fables. To 'fable' it passed in the German language. In the German Fabel is 'басня', and the verb fabulieren is ''рассказывать с привиранием''.
We will not dwell on how the concept of "fairy tale" is expressed in a variety of languages. This is done with great skill by Volte. It dwells only in three languages: the Italian, the French and the English. In the Italian “tale” indicated by the words fiaba, favola, which obviously comes from the Latin fabula, or words conto, racconto and others. -cont- is root itself means 'Account' (Wed. our -chit - "read"). In the French, the word more often used conte, which means 'story', raconter - 'tell'. For added accuracy contepopulaire ('folk tale'), conte de fées ('a story about fairies', which, in fact, is only suitable for fairy tales), or récit, or légende. The same is in English.
The tale called short tale, which means' the story at all, any story. "So, Dickens called his novel “A Tale of Two Cities” - "The Tale of Two Cities".?? Modeled on the the French say: fairy-tale 'Fein tale'. Specifically designated by the word fairy tales nursery-tale (nurse - 'nanny'). Also used the word story, legend. 9

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