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From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Wed May 9, 2001 3:56am

Subject: ECT
The reason electric shock treatments help relieves depression is because they trigger seizures, which are intense detoxification crises. During the seizure there is a release of excess noradrenaline, which has the same action as antidepressants. BUT they also damage the brain, permanently destroy some memories, and since there is no redirecting of the anger, they don't heal fully or permanently. Much better to use the RST.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Wed May 9, 2001 5:36am

Subject: How long for recovery
I know that every person is different but I am now noticing symptoms regularly and when I do I redirect anger. I notice a big antidepressant effect and after a while go into the mild depression effect. So I believe I am now doing things right. Also the depression that follows the anger release is getting less and less.
An average if a person continues re-directing anger everyday in this way, what are the average kind of recovery times that it takes a person? P.
Good for you, and that the depression following a detox crisis is less is a good sign. You may notice that you begin to cry more often. I would suggest you use the Questionnaire in the Welcome message as a guide to how long recovery takes for you. You can find it in the Archives/Messages.
Of course everyone is different and I have no averages. For people who have already changed to diets of mostly, or all, raw food, there is sometimes a dramatic recovery from depression in a few weeks to a couple of months. And this might occur for people who have not changed their diets. I have no way of knowing since I don't question those who have recovered about the timing. See the Endorsements and Testimonials on my web site. Some of them mention how long...
There is not likely to be a sudden point at which you say, "A ha, I am now normal!" Even when the depression is gone, you may have some future detox crises, ie symptoms both of anxiety and depression. And if you do not keep using the RST, especially when your anger is primarily about the current interaction, you will have more symptoms. Also, the addiction to people, i.e. codependency, and any overlying addictions will only slowly subside. So even when the depression is gone, you may still have cravings for a good year or more.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Wed May 9, 2001 1:56pm

Subject: Headaches
I notice now that I'm starting to get headaches and mood swings. Are these actually nervous symptoms them self or are they the result of re-directing anger? P

Headaches are not really nervous symptoms but a part of the detox crises. A good sign, means toxins are flowing out, probably endogenous and exogenous. Mood swings may intensify for a while, and then will be less intense and less often.



From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Wed May 9, 2001 3:52pm

Subject: Re: Headaches
I thought nervous symptoms are the start of a detox crisis. Isn't that the same thing in regard to the headaches? P
Yes, nervous symptoms are detox crises, and you are right that the headache is a part of the detox crisis, but the headache probably comes on later during the detox crisis. So you don't always have to redirect at this time. A detox crisis can be the sum of many minor detox crises, and it's not cut and dried when and where and for how long they last. Sometimes I say 'get out of my head' when I have a mild headache, just like you might say 'ouch' when something hits you and you feel pain. This might help the detox along.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Thu May 10, 2001 2:37am

Subject: Excitatory nervous symtpoms
There are ten to one-hundred billion neurons in the brain in various stages of detoxification and each neuron has a rest period after a detoxification crisis. A detoxification crisis is actually the sum of many smaller crises going on in many areas of the brain. The idea is to redirect anger when they are at maximum intensity. It is not essential that you redirect during every detoxification crisis. You will get new opportunities each day.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Fri May 11, 2001 9:10am

Subject: 6. FAQ
6. Frequently Asked Questions
Questions are best be answered by reading all the articles on:
and printing out and referring to the pamphlet, The Biology of Emotions
Q What is a detox crisis?
A When anger is suppressed toxic amounts of endogenous neurochemicals accumulate in neurons in the brain. The neurons periodically eject these toxins during detox crises, which manifest as excitatory nervous symptoms. See the list in the section Self-help measures for recovery in The biology of Emotions article. And see the section Toxicosis in The toxic mind article.
Q What is redirecting?
A Redirecting is consciously directing anger during a detox crisis mentally, and if possible physically, toward past abusers, not in person, but for example by pounding on a bed while thinking of past abusers.
Q How do I know when to redirect?
A Redirect at the first sign of an excitatory nervous symptom until you relax.
Q What if I can't remember anyone who ever abused me in childhood?
A Write an account of your relationships with early caretakers, and you will recognize many people who caused you to suppress anger.
Q But I love my parents and am grateful to them.
A You are not getting angry at their souls but at their sickness, at the memory of their emotional neglect. They too were innocent children who had to suppress their justifiable anger. When you have released all your anger you will have forgiveness, love, and gratitude for them.
Q Do I have to relive the traumatic experience of childhood abuse.
A No, and don't try to do this. The abuse is not what damaged you, but the suppression of justifiable anger when you were abused or emotionally neglected.
Q What about people who abuse me now?
A When people abuse you now you are likely to over-react because your anger, which may now be rage, is a mix of anger that was suppressed in childhood and your anger at the current abuser. Mentally redirect anger using the self-help measures to your parents or early caretakers. Then if appropriate, calmly confront the person, by saying something like, "I was uncomfortable with......" If you over-react anyway, and feel guilty, recognize the guilt as anger turned inward and do some redirecting.
Q I was raised to believe that anger was bad. How can you say that all anger is justifiable and healthy?
A If you look at any newborn child who cries out in anger for care, you will see that it is part of the fight or flight reaction, a God given gift for survival.
Q What is the difference between anger and rage?
A Rage is the release of toxic amounts of neurochemicals that store repressed anger.
Q What is misdirected anger?
A When neural pathways that store memories of early relationships are clogged up with the excess neurochemicals that store anger, the anger released during a detox crisis is likely to be diverted though the Wrong Neurons, so to speak. See the illustration in The Biology of Emotions article. This means we may misdirect anger toward someone who is innocent or partially innocent or inward toward ourselves as guilt or even suicidal thought. This is an unconscious process, but now that we understand the need to redirect, we can consciously direct the anger to past abusers, and in doing so help to clear the clogged neuralpathways. See the section Vicarious Detoxification Crises in The toxic mind paper.
Q Who besides our parents are past abusers.
A All persons who acted similarly toward us in attempts to suppress our justifiable anger. See the list in The biology of emotions article.
Q I am on antidepressants, will this interfere with my recovery.
A Follow your medical doctors advice about all medications. Give him/her a copy of The toxic mind article and ask him to help you withdraw. P>
Q I am on prescribed sedatives, will this interfere with my recovery.
A Follow your medical doctors advice about all medications. You will probably crave these until you are post flood. Then ask your doctor to help you withdraw. Withdrawal from sedatives can be dangerous and should always be done under medical supervision. If you use alcohol or food to calm yourself, do some redirecting before you turn to these. If you use them anyway and feel guilty, do some more redirecting.
Q What is codependency and why do you call it our primary addiction?
A Codependent relationships are formed unconsciously with parent substitutes for the purpose of setting a stage to re-enact the childhood relationships and get the anger out. The behavior of these parental substitutes is stimulatory and triggers detox crises. Other addictions to food, alcohol, drugs, and psychologically stimulatory activities such as sex, shopping, gambling, etc. also trigger detox crises. These addictions will linger until the toxicosis is gone. See the section Addictions in The toxic mind article.
Q I have been diagnosed with a specific psychiatric disorders. Will this self help cure my illness.
A Yes, all the symptoms of the various disorders are detox crises. They differ only because the toxicosis may be more intense in certain areas of the brain that control certain functions, for example in areas that control motor activity in persons with Parkinson's disease. See the section Unity of Disease in The toxic mind article.
Q Why are my mood swings getting worse, and I sometimes over-react.
A During a detox crisis you are releasing neurochemicals that have a strong antidepressant effect and you may feel a manicky kind of high. You are also releasing sedative type neurochemicals that will then have a depressant effect and may cause prolonged heavy sleep. You may over-react and misdirect anger at partners. If you have an abusive partner, find a safe place to do the redirecting. If your partner is supportive explain that you may misdirect anger for a while, but that this will clear up in time.
Q Why do I have nightmares?
A Nightmares are intense detox crises, and opportunities to do some redirecting when you awaken.
Q What about psychosomatic illness?
A 'Psychosomatic' is a misnomer, 'neurogenic' is more accurate. Your thinking does not cause peripheral symptoms. During the detoxification process in the brain there is periodic over- and under-stimulation of the pituitary and other control organs. This causes a number of problems, such as hypothyroidism, and these problems, unless there is irreversible organic damage, will clear up in time. See the section Psychosomatic disorders in The toxic mind article.
Q What about diet
A Gradually change your diet to mostly raw foods, whole fruits and vegetables, and don't over cook meats. Avoid stimulants, processed foods, sugar, dairy, bread and cooked grains. When you are post flood your body is likely to react to toxic foods and you may have acute, but minor reactions to toxins, both from food and the environment.
Q Should I make an effort to socialize and get a new job.
A Focus on your recovery and hold off until you are post flood before making major changes in your life.
Q What does it mean to be post flood?
A Post flood is not a sudden point of cure, but an arbitrary point chosen as a goal, when about 95% of the repressed anger is gone, and mood swings are minimal.
Q How long will it take before I am post flood and fully recovered from emotional disorders and addictions.
A You can become post flood in a few weeks to a few months. This depends on your situation and how much effort you are able to put into using the self-help and on whether you have already begun to speed up the detoxification process in other therapies or by dietary changes. There is what I call the 'muddy basin' period after becoming post flood, which can last a good year or more, or perhaps will linger indefinitely. During this time your anger when triggered in current interactions will have less and less to do with the past and more to do with the current interaction. When it is mostly about the current interaction it is very important not to stuff it, but to recognize and release it. Otherwise you may re-experience symptoms. Continue to use the self-help measures and calmly confront in current interactions if you feel it is appropriate.

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Wed May 16, 2001 9:42am

Subject: Characteristics of Codependency
Characteristics of Codependency that the RST will change.

I assume responsibility for other's feelings and behaviors.

I feel overly responsible for other's feelings and behaviors.
I have difficulty in identifying feelings -- Am I Angry? Lonely? Sad? Happy? Joyful?
I have difficulty expressing feelings -- I am feeling ... Happy, Sad, Hurt, Joyful.
I tend to fear and/or worry how others may respond to my feelings.
I have difficulty in forming and/or maintaining close relationships.
I am afraid of being hurt and/or rejected by others.
I am perfectionistic and place too many expectations on myself and others.
I have difficulty making decisions.
I tend to minimize, alter or even deny the truth about how I feel.
Other people's actions and attitudes tend to determine how I respond/react.
I tend to put other people's wants and needs first.
My fear of other's feelings (anger) determines what I say and do.
I question or ignore my own values to connect with significant others. I value other's opinions more than my own.
My self-esteem is bolstered by outer/other influences. I tend to judge everything I do,
I do not believe that being vulnerable and asking for help is both OKAY and NORMAL.
I do not know that it is OKAY to talk about problems outside the family; or that feelings just are -- and it is better to share them than to deny, minimize or justify them.
I tend to put other people's wants and needs before my own.
I am steadfastly loyal -- even when the loyalty is unjustified -- and personally harmful.
I have to be "needed" in order to have a relationship with others.
My good feelings about who I am stem from being liked by you
My good feelings about who I am stem from receiving approval from you
My mental attention focuses on solving your problems/relieving your pain
My self-esteem is bolstered by solving your problems
My own hobbies/interests are put to one side.
I am not aware of how you feel. I am aware of how you feel
I am not aware of what I want - I ask what you want. I am not aware - I assume
My fear of rejection determines what I say or do
I use giving as a way of feeling safe in our relationship
My social circle diminishes as I involve myself with you
I put my values aside in order to connect with you
I value your opinion and way of doing things more than my own
The quality of my life is in relation to the quality of yours

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Sat May 19, 2001 6:39am

Subject: Back pain gone
> Ellie,
> > I had been convinced that I had a "bad back" for 14 years. I even had back surgery to correct the problem. Last year coincident with dealing with anger toward past abusers I experienced the pains again (sciatica pain, tingling and numbness in legs and feet.) I was at the point of desperation, until I read a copy of Sarno's "The Mindbody Prescription." In short he says that back pain, and many other pain syndromes are caused by repressed emotions (mostly anger) and not structural defects. He claims that the pain is caused by the unconscious minds effort to divert attention from these emerging emotions (detox crisis?) by causing body pain. He postulates that this is accomplished by the autonomic nervous system selectively depriving tissue (muscles, nerves, tendons) of oxygen. His treatment program is simple in concept. When the pain comes, take the mind off the pain, and focus on what is making you angry. It is also important to scoff at the doctors and their clinical structural diagnosis. In retrospect this sounds a lot like RST. To make a long story short, I am no longer haunted by back pain (or shoulder, knee, wrist), although I have occasional symptoms by focusing on the anger. One thing I am sure of is that he is correct in his assertion that pain is not caused by structural "defects." He provides some anecdotal evidence on the oxygen debt theory. In any case his contribution to pain management is significant. Any thoughts on the mechanism that may be at work here? D
Dear D,

So good to hear your back pain is going away. I don't think it's only ONE factor, ie depriving tissue of oxygen or that the solution is to only to focus on what is causing the anger, unless you then redirecting the anger, which helps to clears out the toxicosis. I like that he says get mad at doctors, this too helps the detox.

As you clear out the toxicosis, the body can do all that it needs to do to help tissues heal, not just bring oxygen, but many other physiological mechanisms are restored so that the cells function better.
Usually pain is caused by chemicals, exogenous toxins from food or endogenous waste products of metabolism. eg. when you are having detox crises (of emotions which are stored as toxic amounts of endogenous toxins or food detox ie exogenous toxins from food) these toxins travel through the blood stream and impinge on pain nerve endings, so you can have pain during symptoms (which are detox crises) of emotional or physical disease( emotional disease is physical). Anyway, this is why you feel pain when you are sick, headaches, joint pain. etc. But you can ALSO have damage to joints in your back from structural problems, where cartilage is gone, bones can rub and you can have sciatica from structural problems. So it's not cut and dried and always due to repressed anger.
When I was detoxing some emotions or food toxins, I would sometimes have pain in areas of my body that are structurally damaged, like my lower back and lungs where I had a lung tumor. Even now when I'm exposed to toxic fumes, my lungs will hurt in that area.
Also now that I eat Instinctively I have fewer toxins in my body to add to any pain caused by structural damage. I had severe sciatia and no longer. I also eat some raw shrimp which provide nutrients to help rebuild cartilage.
You might read the sci paper to get more of an idea of what happens during the detox of repressed anger.
The RST clears out the autonomic nervous system, and the sympathetic system, in particular, is better able to detoxify on a daily basis, so this means fewer toxins (endogenous and exogenous) and less pain.


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Mon May 21, 2001 3:51am

Subject: 13. What to Eat Revised
13. What to Eat
I am not a nutritionist and can only offer you my personal experience. For me an ideal diet is natural food, Garden of Eden style. Foods that taste delicious in their natural state are what our bodies need, and our bodies let us know what is not needed. Much of the toxicosis in our bodies is from foods we ate that contained non-nutrients or from the environment, and most of us will get sick, i.e. have periodic detox crises, like colds, diarrhea, skin eruptions, etc. as our bodies try to get rid of these toxins. When post flood you are likely to react to non-nutrients, stimulants, and junk food with mild detox crises.
I would suggest searching the Archives/Messages and Internet for raw food and Instinctive Eating. Look for Severen Schaeffer's book, Instinctive Nutrition, and Zephyr's book, Eating Instinctively on Earth. There are links to these in my long version of the RST. Another good book is We Want to Live, by Aajonus Vonderplanitz.
I eat Instinctively, i.e. only raw food in its natural, whole, unmixed state, what is delicious tasting is what my body needs and what is not, I do not eat. I do not recommend vegetarian, even though I did it as a transition. It is highly lacking in B12 and other essential nutrients, and long term is not healthy. I transitioned from SAD to Instinctive eating two years, ie, VERY slowly, because our bodies are so toxic from standard American diet (SAD) that germs can have a ball. While I believe the theory that they actually help clean us out--toxicosis is the disease--they are usually blamed for disease. The symptoms of course are detox events that help us heal, and it is best not to try and suppress these symptoms. The first time I had Sushi I was mildly sick with diarrhea, but now my immune system so healthy even though I'm sure I swallow lots of bacteria, I never get sick. I used the Fit for Life diet briefly, then did a 15 day water fast, which I DO NOT recommend, was vegetarian for about a year, and then began Instinctive Eating.
What I eat is any kind of fruits and veggies, preferably organic, that taste good in their whole natural state. I also eat raw animal food, the fattier the better, lots of Sushi grade fish, like Artic Char (a wild Salmon-avoid farm raised) and tuna and raw eggs, especially the yolks. Most of us are deficient in fat, which is especially needed for healthy neural transmission, and raw animal fat is healthy. The cautions about fat have come from the carcinogenic effects of cooked fat. If you venture into raw animal food fatty fish is a good start. There are lots of Sushi restaurants. The first time I ate raw Sushi I got sick, but it was mild and I knew it was a necessary detox crisis. I only eat raw beef, from pastured, ie. grass fed animals. Try these sites for sources:
In the USA: Canada: (British Columbia, phone: 250 653 9122). In Europe: (Germany, phone: 0 800 999 888 1)
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for recommending this diet, especially if you go into it too soon.
The important thing is to get rid of cooked grains, bread, cereals, pasta, dairy, beans, processed sugar (try substituting dates or other dried fruit) and avoid as much processed and cooked food as possible. Try to do some redirecting when you crave these, but you are going to continue to crave these long into the muddy basin period, and should never feel guilty if you eat them. Get mad at your parents whose fault it is you are a food addict.
Since you may not be ready to eat raw meat, you might try rare beef, lots raw fruits and vegetables. Your body is likely to let you know if you combine foods that are not compatible. The diet in Fit for Life, by Marilyn and Harvey Diamond might be a good transition, although I think they include cooked grains, which is not a good idea. But they understand about the detoxification process, and their books are well worth reading.

See the links at the end of the long version on:
On the following link there are groups for Raw-Food, also Paleofood, which is a popular diet, although I think suggests too much cooked meat.
If you can transition to a healthier diet while using the RST, it will speed your recovery.

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