Short resume: Dionyz Pogany received his Dipl. - Ing. (master) degree in solid state engineering from the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava in 1987. In 1994 he received a Ph.D. degree at INSA de Lyon, France. In 1994-95 he was a postdoc at France Telecom, CNET-Grenoble. Since 1995 he is with the Institute of Solid State Electronics, TU Vienna, Austria, where he leads a research team. Since 2003 he is an associate professor. He published on deep bulk and interface states in semiconductors, low frequency noise (RTS and 1/f), laser interferometry, thermal effects, in CMOS, BiCMOS, power, micro-mechanical and III-V devices. His current research interest is in ESD-phenomena, power devices, GaN LED and HEMT devices, failure analysis, device reliability and development of new optical methods for device characterisation. He is author or co-author of more than 150 scientific contributions to journals or conferences.
Vision of EUFANET’s future: - maybe can be enlarged for a characterisation of devices/IC chips by non-contact methods for thermal, lifetime, etc. study (i.e. before-damage study).