Name of the Institution: osmania university report for the years: 2005-2006 Part A

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Name of the Institution: OSMANIA UNIVERSITY


Part A:

The plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the year towards quality enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the year.

The primary task of the IQAC was to monitor the progress made on the suggestions made by the various Committees appointed by the University to prepare status reports on the issues raised in the Peer Team Report 2001.

The recommendations of these Committees were thoroughly discussed at a number of IQAC meetings and an action plan, based on the suggestions given by the Committees, was prepared on all the issues raised in the Peer Team Report. The IQAC then requested the University to place the suggestions of the IQAC before the academic/administrative bodies of the university, wherever necessary, for initiating further action. The decisions taken at the appropriate bodies are being implemented for the sustenance and enhancement of quality.

Further, IQAC planned and organized a one-day Seminar on “Institutional Preparation for Re-Accreditation by NAAC” (on 21 June 2006) to bring about an awareness of the importance of the actual implementation of the programmes, and to minimize the differences of perception, if any, among its various constituents and thus prepare the institution for re-accreditation.

Part B:

1. Activities reflecting the goals and objectives of the institution:

The University has embarked on a series of initiatives during 2005-06:

a) University-Industry Hub: The University-Industry Hub, started in

2005-06, seeks to promote a healthy interface between the university and the industry for mutual benefit and advancement of knowledge. The Hub seeks to address the concerns of the industry by making available the expertise of the University faculty at one central facility on the campus.

The objectives of the Hub are:

 To generate skilled human resources who are market ready and can be ‘quick starters’ on obtaining employment in the industry

 To extend the intellectual capital, infrastructure and research support available in the University to the industry for promoting rapid economic and industrial growth

 To devise courses in emerging fields of knowledge in consultation with the industry

Some of the proposed activities of the Hub are:

 Resource Sharing

 Technology Incubation Centre

 Collaborative Research

 Development and Strengthening of Curriculum

 Upgrading the academic skills of industrial personnel

 Adjunct positions and establishment of Chairs

 Sabbatical leave for faculty to work in industrial scenario

 Student internship

 Student placements

The Hub would house the following:

 Office of the Director and Coordinators

 Office space for the collaborating industries and corporate houses

 Research Development and Consultancy Cell (RDCC)

 Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC)

 Technology-Business Incubator (TBI)

 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

 Centre for Qualitative Methods (CQM)

 e-class rooms

 Conference rooms

 Library

 Cafeteria

(b) Restructuring and introduction of new courses: The following aspects

have been addressed while designing/redesigning new courses:

- interdisciplinary approach

- credit based system

- introduction of need based modules

- encouraging cross disciplinary and cross faculty participation

- common instruction in all PG courses for common courses

- project work in industry

- guest faculty drawn from the industry

- global competitiveness

(c) E-learning: EMMRC, Osmania University, has produced more than 400

programmes. It has 600 videos, 150 audios and 300 CDs. This has given the necessary impetus to start an e-learning programme in tune with advances in Information and Communication Technologies.

Digitizing of Learning Resources: Digitization of manuscripts and rare books available in the Osmania University Library which was started last year is being continued.

(d) Research Support: The University promotes synergy between teaching and research, and encourages its faculty to undertake research and thus contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Several research projects have been started in the year 2006.

(e) The University has recently taken over the facilities of Indo-American Center for International Studies (formerly known as ASRC) to develop it into an Advanced Research center for Humanities and Social Sciences

(f) The University has initiated the process of establishing the Prof. C.R. Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Sciences.

  1. New academic programmes initiated (UG and PG):

(i) Regular:

(a) M. Sc. Geo-informatics—Department of Geography

(b) M. Sc. Forensic Science (Revived)—Department of Chemistry

(c) B. Tech. (Bio-technology)—Univ. College of Technology

(d) PG Diploma in Management & International Business

(e) P.G. Diploma in Medical Informatics

(f) P.G. Diploma in Hospital Billing

(g) P.G. Diploma in Health Insurance

(h) P.G. Diploma for Physician’s Assistant

(i) P.G. Course in Bio-Medical Electronics

(ii) Distance Education (under Center for Distance Education):

(a) M. Sc. Statistics

(b) PG Diploma in Bio-informatics

(c) PG Diploma in Computer Oriented Statistical Methods

(iii) UG Courses (under Center for Distance Education):

New combinations introduced in B.A.

(a) Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics

(b) Mathematics, Economics and Statistics

(c) Geography, English Literature and History

(d) Geography, English Literature and Public Administration

(e) Geography, English Literature and Sociology

3. Innovations in curricular design and transaction:

Innovative new courses have been started in the year 2006 with the main emphasis on interdisciplinary approach, credit based system, need based modules, encouraging cross disciplinary and cross faculty participation, common instruction in all PG courses for common courses, project work in industry.

4. Inter-disciplinary programmes started:

The following new courses started in 2006 are of interdisciplinary nature with participation of different departments / industry/institutions

(1) M. Sc. Geo-informatics

(a) Participating Departments: Geology/Geo-physics + CSE

(2) M. Sc. Forensic Science

(a) Participating Departments: Chemistry + Physics + Botany + Zoology

(b) Other collaborating Institutions: Directorate of Forensic Science,

Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India

(3) B. Tech. (Bio-technology)

(b) Participating Departments : Botany + Zoology + Technology

(4) M. Phil. (Policy Studies)

(a) Participating Department: Political Science

(b) Other collaborating Institutions: College of Air War Fare

(5) PG Diplomas:

(a) P.G. Diploma in Medical Informatics

(b) P.G. Diploma in Hospital Billing

(c) P.G. Diploma in Health Insurance

(d) P.G. Diploma for Physician’s Assistant

(i) Participating Department: English, Computer Science

(ii) Other collaborating Institutions: Corporate Hospitals

5. Examination reforms implemented:

Some of the reforms implemented during the year are:

 Spot valuation was introduced for MBA & M.Com Courses on par with other UG and Professional Courses.

 Identity Cards were issued to all the evaluators at the Spot valuation Centre after proper verification.

 Identity Cards were issued to all the staff of the Examination Branch.

 Security arrangements were strengthened by deploying more security personnel at the proper points.

 With out valid Entry Pass, outsiders are not being allowed inside the Examination Branch.

 A system of issuing documents such as Degree Certificates under Tatkal Scheme was introduced whereby the students can obtain these documents on urgent basis.

 Introduction of (32) page stitched answer book with security features.

 To introduce foolproof software in Electronic Data Processing (EDP) system. As an initial measure Dr. S. Ramachandram, Dept of Computer Science & Engineering as Coordinator of EDP Section at the Examination Branch. He has already submitted a detailed proposal to generate computer based transcripts, hall tickets and other University Certificates. The work is in progress.

 The automation of Examination Branch is proposed to be taken up at a cost of Rs.35.00 lakhs.

 Results and marks of the candidates are placed on University web site.

 Olive data information pertaining to the qualified students of professional courses is also available on university web site so as to facilitate the embassies to check the genuineness of the documents.

 A separate software package is developed to collect college wise and course wise student’s information so that computerized hall tickets can be issued to the students so as to avoid impersonation cases it can also reduce a lot of manual work.

 It is proposed to automate the entry of marks by evaluators in award list to avoid human errors and also to reduce the delay in result processing.

 Bills and cheque section of the examination branch are brought under local net-working system

6. Candidates qualified: NET/SLET/GATE etc.: 117

7. Initiatives towards faculty development programme:

a) The Academic Staff College of the university conducted the following courses for the teachers as well as academic administrator

i) Orientation courses - 04

ii) Refresher courses - 13

iii) Orientation courses in value Education - 02

iv) Workshops for Principals - 02

v) Orientation course for Academic Administrators and Non-teaching Staff - 02


c) Career Advancement Programme

d) MOUs with national and international research organizations

(Detailed list is in point 11)

e) Research Development and Consultancy Cell facilitates consultancy, patent filing and IPR Protection of inventions.

g) Deputing teachers to conferences/symposia/workshops organized both at national and international levels

h) grant of sabbatical leave

8. Total number of seminars/workshops conducted: 120

9. Research projects:

a) Newly implemented: 114

b) Completed: 32

10. Patents generated, if any: 2 (Few more under process)

11. New collaborative research programmes:

The new collaborative programmes which are started during the year are :

(a) MoU with University of Birjand, Iran for bilateral academic cooperation in

Science & Engineering.

(b) MoU with University of Tehran, Iran. The details are being worked out.

(c) Russian delegation headed by Ambassador of Russian Federation have

visited OU for possible bilateral academic cooperation. He has also

promised to strengthen the Dept. of Russian at Arts College, OU by

providing latest equipment, books etc.

(d) A team from University of California, Davis, USA under the Chairmanship

of Dr. Larry N Vanderhoef, Chancellor, University of California visited

Osmania University to explore the possibility of multidisciplinary academic


(e) High level delegations from State of Queen’s Land, Australia, Universities

in England and Japan have visited University to explore possibilities of

academic cooperation.

(f) College of Air warfare (CAW) is collaborating with the Dept. of Political

Science for M. Phil in Higher Air Command Course.

(g) College of Engineering has entered into MOU with M/S TCS Ltd., Infosys,

ISRO and IIT Mumbai

(h) The University has recently taken over the facilities of Indo-American

Center for International Studies (formerly known as ASRC) to develop it

into an Advanced Research center for Humanities and Social Sciences

(i) The University has initiated the process of establishing the Prof. C.R. Rao

Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Sciences.

12. Research grants received from various agencies:

3,76,77,043 (Non-UGC)+2,10,46508 (UGC) +1,31,30,000(other)

13. Details of research scholars:

722 (Ph D) +473 (M Phil)

14. Citation index of faculty members and impact factor:

Impact factor of journals in which the university faculty publishes ranges from 0.5 to 10 with various citation indices for individual authors

15. Honors/Awards to the faculty:

  1. Prof. N. Gopi, Dean, Faculty of Arts, Osmania University has been selected for the prestigious Ugadi Puraskaram in Telugu Literature for this year by the Government of A.P.

  2. Prof. G. Satyanarayana, Principal, University College of Arts & Social Sciences has been elected as a Executive Member, Indian sociological Society.

  3. Prof. S. Venkateshwar, University College of Technology has been elected as President of IICHE.

  4. Prof. Sunayana Singh, Dept. of English has been selected for Faculty Enrichment Fellowship, 2006 by Shastri Indo-Canadian Centre, New Delhi.

  5. Prof. V. Kamalamma, Department of Kannada has been conferred with the Vijay Shree Award, 2005.

  6. Prof. P. Manikyamba, Dept. of Hindi has been honoured with Hindi Sahitya Samman, Prayog, 2006.

  7. Dr. D. Vasantha, Dept. of Linguistics has been honoured with One month residency in Bellagio, Italy, Rockefeller Foundation, USA, 2005.

  8. Dr. S.A. Majeed Bedar, Department of Urdu has been honoured by Chief Minister of AP for his contribution to Urdu Language and Literature, 2006, Govt. of A.P.

  9. Dr. Vijay Sri, Department of Sanskrit has been awarded for best literacy work by Bharatiya Mahila Samakhya.

  10. Dr. Baig Ehsaas, Department of Urdu has been appointed as Member of Advisory Board of ‘Taqleequi Adab’ and ‘Daryafath’ Research Journals of University of Modern Languages, Lahore, Pakistan, 2006

  11. Prof. L. Venkateshwar Rao, Department of Microbiology has been appointed Fellow of Biotech Research Society of India and also of AP Academy of Sciences.

  12. Prof. K. Somaiah, Dept. of Physics has been awarded Best Teacher by Govt. of A.P.

  13. Prof. K. Somaiah and Prof. K. Narasimha Reddy of Department of Physics have been selected as Fellow of AP Academy of Sciences.

  14. Prof. V.M. Pandharipande, Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering has been selected for International Educator 2005 (International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England)

  15. Prof. P. Rao, Dept. of Civil Engineering has been awarded Best Teacher by the Govt. of AP.

  16. Prof. A.D. Raj Kumar, Dept. of Electrical Engineering has been awarded Best Teacher by the Govt. of AP., 2005

  17. Prof. K.V. Achalapathi, Dept. of Commerce has been awarded Best Teacher by the Govt. of AP., 2005

  18. Dr. Reddya Naik, Dept. of Zoology has been selected for UGC Career Award.

  19. Dr. A. Ramulu, Dept. of Sanskrit has been honoured Vidya Marthanda by Bharatiya Sanskritika Nirmana Parishad, 2005

  20. Prof. G. Bhagyanarayana, Dept. of Botany has been awarded Prof. B.B. Mundkur Memorial Lecture by Indian Phytopathological society as well as Prof. Shome Memorial Lecture Award by Indian Mycological Society.

  21. Prof. K. Janardhan Reddy, Dept. of Botany has been selected as Fellow of AP academy of Sciences.

  22. Prof. G. Seetharama Rao, Dept. of Botany has been selected as Fellow of AP Academy of Sciences.

  23. Prof. Pratibha Devi, Dept. of Botany has been appointed as Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Plant Science, USA Acad. Journals, Inc., New York.

  24. Prof. P. Maruti Mohan, Dept. of Bio-chemistry has been selected as Fellow of AP Academy of Science.

  25. Prof. J. Shobhanaditya, Dept. of Bio-chemistry has been selected as INSA Visiting Scientist

  26. Dr. B. Sashidhar Rao, Dept. of Bio-chemistry has been selected as Consultant, FAO, WHO, UN.

  27. Prof. K. Rudrama Devi, Dept. of Zoology has been selected as Fellow of AP Academy of Science.

  28. Dr. Ravi Shankar Piska, Dept. of Zoology has been selected as Fellow of International Society of Ecological Communications.

  29. Prof. K. Ravichandra, Dept. of Psychology has been awarded Best Teacher by AP State Govt., Sept.2005

  30. Dr. Syed Salman Ahmed, Dept. of Psychology was awarded the Young Scientist Award at the 93rd Indian Science Congress 2006.

  31. Mr. Syed Khaleedullah Basheer of I year MA Arabic represented Osmania University in the Second World Hifz Competition held at Palestine.

  1. Mr. D.V. Phanikumar, a research scholar working in Radio Astronomy has received Young Scientist Award and presented his research paper in the International Conference “International Union of Radio Science (URSI)” held at Vignan Bhavan, New Delhi during 23-29 October 2005.

  2. Ms. Naga Amrutha and Ms. Rupasree Mukhopadhyay, students of University College of Science secured first prize for the best poster in International Symposium on “Frontiers in Genetics & Biotechnology – Retrospect and Prospect” held in January 2006.

  3. Ms. P. Sridevi, student of M.Sc. Genetics has been selected for the Commonwealth Fellowship in Italy by the Ministry of Human Resources, Govt. of India and the University Curin, Italy.

  4. Ms. Zainab of M.Com (Final) at the University College of Commerce & Business Management has been awarded the UGC Merit Scholarship for the year 2005-2006.

  5. Osmania University takes pride in mentioning that the Ace Air Rifle shooter and Winner of Four Gold Medals at the recently held 18th Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, Mr. Gagan Narang is its distinguished alumni.

16. Internal resources generated:

Rs. 41,40,745 (Research & Consultancy) + Rs 1, 00,000,00 (Self-Finance Fees)

17. Details of departments getting SAP, COSIST (ASSIST)/DST, FIST, etc.

41 Departments (of the total 52) are receiving special assistance from various national agencies

UGC-DRS : 7 (History, Psychology, Sociology, Biochemistry,

Mathematics, Zoology, Commerce)

UGC-DSA : 6 (Communication & Journalism, Botany, Genetics,

Geography, Physics, Geophysics

UGC-CAS : 2 (Linguistics, Astronomy)

UGC-COSIST : 1 (Mathematics)

UGC-ASIHSS : 4 (Economics, Political Science, Linguistics,

Communication & Journalism)

UGC-ASIST : 2 (Geography, Zoology)

DST- FIST : 12 (Astronomy, Applied Geochemistry, Geography, Biochemistry, Botany, Chemistry, Genetics, Geophysics, Geology, Physics, Statistics, Zoology)

MHRD-TEQIP: 7 (Bio-Medical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Technology)

18. Community services:

Numbers of extension activities are taken up by the various wings of the university such as the departments of Psychology, Law, English, and Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, Institute of Genetics and Hospital for Genetic Diseases, National Service Scheme etc. The following are some of these activities:

 Adoption of villages and slums

 Water harvesting pits

 Check dams

 AIDS/HIV awareness camps

 Pulse polio immunization programs

 Literacy programs

 Blood donation camps

 Tree plantations

 NSS Special camps

 NSS mega camps

 Some of the teachers are actively associated with CETSAM – Capacity Enhancement of Teachers in Science and Mathematics a program funded by Ratan Tata trust and supported by Government of AP for the school teachers of Mahboob Nagar district.

19. Teachers and officers newly recruited:

163 teaching posts are sanctioned by Govt. of AP and recruitment process is in progress

20. Teaching–Non-teaching staff ratio:

1: 3.30 (763 Teaching and 2595 Non- Teaching Staff)

21. Improvements in the library services:

The university has embarked upon modernization of Main Library under UGC INFLIBNET and INFONET Programme and Universal Digital Library Project (under auspices of Carnegie-Mellon University, USA and Govt. of India through an MoU). So far 30,000 books have been digitized.

Digitization of rare manuscripts with the collaboration of Juma al Majid

Center for culture and Heritage, Dubai

The university library is kept open from 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. (except on three national holidays and three important festival days) on all working days, and from 10.00 a.m. to 4.30 on holidays. During examination days it is open from 9.00 AM to 11.00 PM.

22. New books/journals subscribed and their value:

Please see the annexure IV

23. Courses in which student assessment of teachers is introduced

and the action taken on student feedback:

Student assessment of teachers is introduced in all courses, and suitable action—such as teacher training, and updating of knowledge—is taken up on regular basis.

24. Unit cost of education:

Rs.64, 942 (including salaries); Rs 6,510 (excluding salaries)

25. Computerization of administration and the process of

admissions and Examination results, issue of certificates:

 Manual tabulation was dispensed with and in its place computerized tabulation for all the courses was introduced.

 Results and marks of the candidates are placed on the University Website.

 Olive data information pertaining to the qualified students of professional courses is also available on our University website so as to facilitate the embassies etc. to check genuineness of the documents.

 It is proposed to take up the results processing by developing in-house system from this year onwards.

 A separate software package was developed to collect college-wise and course-wise student information so that computerized hall-ticket can be issued to the students so as to avoid impersonation cases. It can also reduce a lot of manual work.

 It is also proposed to automate the entry of marks by evaluators in award lists to avoid human errors and also to reduce the delay in result processing.

 Bills and cheque Sections of the Examination Branch were brought under local networking system.

Entrance examinations and admissions into all postgraduate courses are computerized by the Directorate of PG Admissions.

Many of the Administrative Activities are computerized (e.g. Salaries etc.)

Introduction of single identity card for students to be used at college, library and hostel

26. Increase in the infrastructural facilities:

The University, as a part of computerization of the entire administration, has developed the following packages.

 Colleges information system

 Pay roll system for both Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff

 Online Examination Results with marks for UG/PG/Entrance Results, admission list

 Online archival retrieval system

 Intranet services

 Provident Fund Accounting Systems

 Group Savings Linked Insurance Scheme for OU Employees

Under the Digitalization of Libraries Programme, the State Government and IIIT, Madhapur, Hyderabad has identified OU Library and established a Mega Scanning Centre. This Centre has successfully become operational catering to the needs of faculty, research scholars and students.

Library Automation has been initiated at OU Main Library. We are planning to connect all libraries of all Campus and Constituent Colleges through Intranet for retrieval of information on books available at these colleges.

The University has established web servers, mail servers, data base servers in the Administrative Building, Registrar’s Office and exclusive servers each at Prof. G. Ram Reddy Centre for Distance Education and OU Exam Branch. In addition to this we have procured 1 Mbps bandwidth for internet connection through Private ISP using ADSL Modems and LAN extenders. We have brought all the Constituent Colleges, District PG Centers under the network of the University through E1 channelised system. Apart from this we have procured 2 Mbps bandwidth through ERNET under UGC Info net scheme through which the University is in receipt of e-journals which are highly useful for the faculty, research scholars and students in various disciplines.

A new block providing accommodation for about 250 students is added in women’s hostel

A 24*7 central student facility is coming up with the following facilities:

1. Digital library

2. e-class rooms

3. computer labs

4. Language labs

5. central placement cell

6. conference room

7. Auditorium

8. students stores and cafeteria.

Construction of separate building to house Academic Audit Cell, College Development Cell and Affiliation wing of Academic branch.

27. Technology up-gradation:

The APSCHE has come up with the idea of connecting all the universities in the State of Andhra Pradesh under APSUCN in connection with the online admissions, video conferencing, etc. In this direction the APSCHE has instructed all the universities to establish Centre for Online admissions in order to take up the admission process from July 2006. The Osmania University has initiated steps in this regard and the site for online admissions is ready with the required infrastructure.

 Training administrative staff in the use of ICT

 Special cell created for computerized administration and Examination Branch

 Using modern technology as a tool

o Online access to employee data

o Digitization of records

o Under TEQIP the university college of Engineering has created the following facilities and teacher learning practices:

i. central computing center/instrumentation center

ii. e-class room for every department

iii. Learning resource center with 15 multimedia computer

28. Computer and internet access and training to teachers and


The University has decided to enhance the internet bandwidth connectivity from the present 1 Mbps, procured from private ISP, to 4/8 Mbps and in the process has identified M/s. BSNL, Hyderabad for the purpose. The University is also contemplating to lay optic fiber networking connecting the entire campus.

The university has excellent computational and connectivity facility backed by Internet connectivity of 512 kbps through RF link, and 2Mbps ERNET network.

Inter-departmental connectivity is provided through ADSL

Amrita Viswa Vidyalaya, Coimbatore under joint Indo-US education program with the support from ISRO and TIFAC(DST) has been networked with University college of Engineering, OU

University college of Engineering has been adopted as remote center for distance education programs offered under C-DEEP by IIT Mumbai

29. Financial aid to students:

Students who have received the financial aid during last year.

10,000 approximately

(All SC/ST and BC students, whose income is below the ceiling, get A.P. Govt. Scholarships).

30. Activities and support from the Alumni Association:

Osmania University Alumni Association functions at various levels. Alumni Associations are involved in various academic and welfare activities. Members of the Association get together and interact regularly to identify and felicitate outstanding Alumnus.

All the department and college level Alumni Associations are very active. Several scholarships/ awards are instituted by Alumni Associations at college level. The Associations also make liberal financial contributions to help the students in need of financial support.

On 29.4.2006 an Alumni Association Meet was held at PGRRCDE Auditorium. Sri Jaipal Reddy, Minister for Information, Govt. of India was a Chief Guest and the function was presided over by Prof. Mohd. Suleman Siddiqui, Vice-Chancellor, Osmania University. Many members of the alumni association have attended the meet.

Recently Vice-Chancellor and Special Officer, OU Alumni Association were invited by OU Alumni who are also members of Telugu Association of North America (TANA) to participate in the TANA meet. Many new members have joined the OU Alumni Association as a result of this visit.

Alumni of 87 years old Osmania University have distinguished themselves at the national and international levels. They have spread far and wide globally and done their Alma Mater proud by excelling themselves as academicians, administrators, scientists, scholars, entrepreneurs and technocrats. Several of them have reached heights of excellence in their respective fields and are significantly contributing to the socio-economic development of the nation and world at large.

The focus is on

  • Broad basing the membership

  • Increasing the paid membership

  • Strengthening the resources and organizational framework

  • Increasing the Awareness and impact of the Alumni Association through well planned activities / approaches.

  • Involving More Alumni and Students (Prospective alumni) in the activities of the Association.

  • Creating a virtual Alumni Association through web based initiatives

31. Activities and support from the Parent-Teacher Association:

Regular interaction between parents and teachers does take place in almost all departments and colleges for specific purposes based on academic and administrative needs.

32. Health services:

The following facilities are available in the university:

1. Health Centre: (i) ECG, (ii) Ambulance

2. Pathology Laboratory: (i) Semi auto analyzer (Photometer 4010); (ii) Microscope; (iii) Elisa Reader; (iv) Colorimeter; (v) Photoelectric Colorimeter; (vi) Centrifuge haemotocrist

3. Public Health & Sanitation: (i) Fogging Machines; (ii) DDT Sprayer; (iii) Power Tiller.

4. Physiotherapy Unit: (i) Iltra therm unit; (ii) Infrared stand; (iii) Ultraviolet stand; (iv) Cycle with speedo meter; (v) Infraphil lamp; (vi) Writ friction machine; (vii) L. Traction (GAD GA) machine; (viii) Stimulator machine; (ix) Ultrasonic machine; (x) Elbow exercise board; (xi) Elbow exercise board (skate); (xii) Vibrator (Electric); (xiii) S.W.D. 250 watts; (xiv) S.W.D. 400 watts machine; (xv) Stimulation machine; (xvi) Ultrasonic machine; (xvii) Jogger; (xviii) Stepper.

5. This apart, Unani and Homeo health facilities are also provided on the Campus.

6. New blocks are being added to the existing health center building to provide Homoeo, Unani and Ayurveda medical facilities under one roof along with allopath.

33. Performance in sports activities:

Many students of our university participated and won laurels in National and inter university tournaments and sports meets. They participated in the following events: Tennis, archery, rowing, cycling, weight lifting, chess, shuttle badminton, judo, cricket and riffle shooting.


1. Ms. Mrudula, Athletics Asian Championship in Athletics

2. Ms. Poonam Reddy Tennis WTA & Other International

Competition in Tennis

3. Mr. Ishwaraya Cycling Asian Championship in Cycling

4. Mr. Parameshwari Net Ball Asian Championship in Net Ball

5. Mr. Rishipal S. Singh Chess Asian Championship in Chess



Mr. Y. Rajesh, Mr. Mudit Kumar Chaturvedi, Mr. C. Parasuram, Mr.Praveen Singh, Mr. Sai Charan Singh,


Mr. M. Hanumanth Reddy Gold Medal


Ms. G. Sangeetha, Ms. K. Keerthana, Ms. A. Aparna Lakshmi, Ms. Diana David, Ms. D. Santoshi, Ms. Gayathri Shah, Ms. Gouher Sultana, Ms.Y.Sravanthi, Ms. S.K. Sravanthi Raj, Ms. B. Anitha, Ms. B. Saritha, Ms.N.Aruna Mudiraj, Ms. Nutan Jyoti Rath, Ms. Y. Rajni, Ms.Sanam Vasudev


Mr. PLK Pavan, Mr. J. Vishnu Vardhan, Mr. PC Vignesh, Mr.V. Vignesh


Mr. S. Rishpal Singh, Mr.M. Vinay Kumar, Mr. K. Nikhilesh Kumar, Mr.K.Aditya Kumar, Mr.Ch. Mahesh Babu, Mr.K. Uday Kumar


Mr.K. Ramesh Kumar, Mr. M. Sreekanth, Mr.D. Sukesh, Mr.V.Madhusudhan Reddy, Mr. Nowgari Ramesh, Mr.G.Swaroop Reddy, Mr. BH Saiuday, Mr. SK Gouse Ahamed, Mr.J. Srinaiah, Mr. B. Mohan


(WOMEN) Ms. B.Srujana Vijaya Laxmi



Mr. K.Krishna Kriti, Mr. Samie Khan, Mr. N.N. Kishore, Mr. Vishal

Mr. Manas Reddy,


Mr. Bhaskar Reddy

34. Incentives to outstanding sportspersons:

The university has a unique and innovative scheme of encouraging outstanding sportsmen who bring laurels to the university, State and the Country. Meritorious sports persons are given Cash Awards every year for their achievements. For players who have secured places in the All India Inter-varsity Tournaments the following are the Cash Awards.

 1st Place holder (Winner) Rs. 4,000/- each

 2nd Place holder (Runner-up) Rs. 2,500/- each

 3rd Place holder Rs. 1,500/- each

The Coaches and Managers who are part of the meritorious teams are also honored with Cash Awards. Besides, the teams securing overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in the Inter-Collegiate Tournaments of Osmania University are awarded incentives in both Men and Women Section separately as follows:

 1st Place Rs. 10,000/-

 2nd Place Rs. 8,000/-

 3rd Place Rs. 5,000/-

The university also encourages players who have the unique distinction of representing the Country abroad by giving them matching grant for their travel.

Apart from the Cash Award Incentives, the players are eligible to seek admission under sports quota in respective courses. They are provided with sports kit and cash awards by the respective colleges. Proficient players are also eligible for fee waiver in certain colleges.

The following sports infrastrucral facilities are being improved:

 Renovation of swimming pool

 Provision of wooden flooring for indoor stadium

 Upgradation of the existing cricket ground and stadium with the help of BCCI to organize state/National tournaments.

35. Student achievements and awards:

Some of the achievements and awards of the students during the year 2006


1. Dr. Syed Salman Ahmed, Dept. of Psychology was awarded the Young Scientist Award at the 93rd Indian Science Congress 2006.

2. Dr. T. Govardhan Reddy and Dr. K.V. Rao have been awarded with Young Scientist Award, 2006

3. Mr. K. Prabhakar has been awarded with Young Scientist Award

4. Mr. Syed Khaleedullah Basheer of I year MA Arabic represented Osmania

University in the Second World Hifz Competition held at Palestine.

5. Mr. D.V. Phanikumar, a research scholar working in Radio Astronomy has

received Young Scientist Award and presented his research paper in the

International Conference “International Union of Radio Science (URSI)”

held at Vignan Bhavan, New Delhi during 23-29 October 2005.

6. Ms. Naga Amrutha and Ms. Rupasree Mukhopadhyay, students of

University College of Science secured first prize for the best poster in

International Symposium on “Frontiers in Genetics & Biotechnology –

Retrospect and Prospect” held in January 2006.

7. Ms. P. Sridevi, student of M.Sc. Genetics has been selected for the

Commonwealth Fellowship in Italy by the Ministry of Human Resources,

Govt. of India and the University Curin, Italy.

8. Ms. Zainab of M.Com (Final) at the Univ. College of Commerce & Business

Management has been awarded the UGC Merit Scholarship for the year 2005-06.

9. Mr. Aziz, Arabic, UCW has been honoured with Tameer-e-Millat Award


10. Ms.Y.Annapurna of LL.M. has won Fifth Prize, National Youth Parliament

Competition for University, 2005

11. Mr. Ashwin Kumar has won State Best Cadet (NCC) 2005-06

12. Mr. Mudit Kumar Chaturvedi has won 2 Gold and 3 Silver Medals in Inter-

varsity Canoeing and Kayaking.

13. Osmania University takes pride in mentioning that the Ace Air Rifle shooter

and Winner of Four Gold Medals at the recently held 18th Commonwealth

Games in Melbourne, Mr. Gagan Narang is its distinguished alumins.

36. Activities of the Guidance and Counseling unit:

Student Advisory Council

All colleges/Departments have Student Advisory Councils with a faculty member heading it as a Student Advisor. The Student Advisory Council will consist of some nominated student-members representing all the classes. The student-members are nominated on the basis of their merit in their respective classes.

The Student Advisor will help students starting from the initial problems at the time of their entry to the career planning in due course. The Advisory Council offers help to students on a variety of issues and practical problems related to academic, administrative, disciplinary, personal, social or emotional. All the members of the Council shall work under a code of confidentiality. The counseling will be either at individual or group level on issues such as stress management, confidence building, creative expression, and many more as required from time to time. The council also arranges for workshops, presentations and some interactive sessions to help the students with job hunting procedures and provide more information about the opportunities. The council will arrange for the smooth flow of information from and to the administration and the department. The council shall also be responsible and work for the maintenance of cordial and harmonious relationship between the staff and students in the department/college.

Lady Counselor

Woman-faculty members are entrusted with the counseling responsibility for girl students at any time during the college hours. At least one counselor faculty will be available in the office to guide the students through the problems, if any. Counseling for girl students provides an opportunity to talk to some experienced and friendly lady faculty about some of their issues that crop up during their stay in the college campus. The counselor allows them to focus on difficulties which may be interfering with their personal and academic development. It can also help them in understanding the situation and deal with their emotions and feelings. Counseling can also help them to manage and cope better with their problem and work towards possible solutions. Counseling is going to be offered in confidential manner. The girl students are advised to contact the counselor faculty members for further information and help.

All the colleges/Departments are provided with grievance boxes where the students can drop their grievances if any. The student’s councilors shall monitor and attend to these grievances on weekly basis.

Quality Monitoring cell:

A Quality Monitoring Cell (QMC) has been established for the first time from this academic year 2005-2006 at all the colleges with one Coordinator and two members in order to monitor the quality aspects in the college and to coordinate with IQAC from time to time at the university level

The university encourages constant interaction between the faculty and the students in both formal and the informal modes. The faculty regularly counsels the students about their academic improvements and career opportunities.

The “Employment and Guidance Bureau” of the university advises the students about careers to pursue. It also arranges meetings with entrepreneurs to explore placement opportunities for students. There are also Placement Officers in almost all the colleges.

37. Placement services provided to students:

The University Employment Guidance Bureau registers students and sends the same to the A.P. Government Employment Exchange. Professional Colleges also have placement officers who counsel the students and arrange for their placement in Corporate Organizations. Many of the final year students from Engineering College, College of Commerce & Business Management and other Departments and Constituent Colleges are successfully placed. The placement data for the year 2006 is summarized below:


Name of the College

Number of students recruited


University College of Engineering



University College of Science



University College of Commerce and Business Management



University College of Technology



Nizam College



Postgraduate College of Science


38. Development programmes for non-teaching staff:

Non-teaching staff are being given 50% fee concession for doing PGDCA Course.

Non-teaching staff is being trained at the Academic Staff College in the use of computers, academic and administrative and financial matters on regular basis.

Group medical insurance is provided on individual payment of premium.

Based on the approval given by EC University has implemented Revised Gratuity and Pay Scales.

University has promoted its administrative staff under various categories:

 Under administrative officers—Deputy/Assistant Registrars

 Under technical staff—Foremen, Instructor, Welder, Mechanic-II, Lab attenders, Binders, Computer operators

 Under Class IV—Daffedar, Head malis, Head cooks, Head watchmen, Head kamatis

University has taken up the appointments on compassionate grounds for the dependents of deceased employees of the University. 95 appointments are made in three different phases.

39. Healthy practices of the institution:

 Students Advisory Councils, Lady Counselors are appointed

 Student Grievance Boxes are provided and are being monitored.

 Quality Monitoring Cells (QMC) are created to liaison with IQAC and colleges

 Student Feed Back regarding Teacher Evaluation academic and administrative matters is collected and analyzed

 Introduction of single identity card for students to be used at college, library and hostel

 Strict adherence to academic schedule

 Focused programs through centers of excellence

 Opportunities to acquire soft skills

 Ensure uniform and objective evaluation of the students

 Introduction of Semester pattern in UG courses in autonomous colleges

 Value addition by offering diploma courses to PG students

 Establishment of Foreign Relations Office to co-ordinate collaborative activities with foreign countries

 Collective responsibility in decision making is facilitated through regular meeting of the functionaries with Vice Chancellor

 Integrated system of team briefing and exchange of views

 Archiving of Records and automation of office

 Training of Non-teaching staff

 Emphasis on internal generation of funds through establishment of Research Development and Consultancy Cell (RDCC)

 utilization of real estate, advertising boards, leasing play fields, swimming pool, leasing of land to TDC, herbal garden, minimizing expenditure, better management of hostels, outsourcing of services, rationalization of expenditure, introduction of self-financing courses and self-financing ‘seats’, cost effective delivery of education, energy audit

 Youth Welfare Officer works for all round welfare (Academic or otherwise) of the students

 SC/ST Cell helps the students of this category

 Every Department of the University conducts Departmental Conference for the teachers of constituent and affiliated colleges to describe the academic policies of the department

 Students Seminars are conducted every week in respective departments on selected topics of the subject

 Library facilities are available for the students appearing in competitive examinations

 Osmania Journal of English Studies is revived.

40. Linkages developed with National/International, academic/Research bodies (Annexure-VI):

The university has established linkages with national and international academic and research organizations. The following is the summary of the linkages developed in 2006:

(a) MoU with University of Birjand, Iran for bilateral academic cooperation in

Science & Engineering.

(b) MoU with University of Tehran, Iran. The details are being worked out.

(c) Russian delegation headed by Ambassador of Russian Federation have

visited OU for possible bilateral academic cooperation. He has also

promised to strengthen the Dept. of Russian at Arts College, OU by

providing latest equipment, books etc.

(d) A team from University of California, Davis, USA under the Chairmanship

of Dr. Larry N Vanderhoef, Chancellor, University of California visited

Osmania University to explore the possibility of multidisciplinary academic


(e) High level delegations from State of Queen’s Land, Australia, Universities

in England and Japan have visited University to explore possibilities of

academic cooperation

(f) A unique “learn while you earn” B.Com (computers) course is being offered

for Genpact employees

(g) Three batches of Satyam group IT professionals were made ‘Pharma Literate’

(h) An agreement of co-operation between Tata Consultancy Services and College of Engineering, OU has been finalized for offering a Software Engineering course of TCS initial learning programme.

(i) An MoU was signed between College of Engineering and Infosys Ltd., for the propose of enriching the technical education process and jointly working for enhancing the quality of equation under the initiative of ‘Campus Connect programme’ of Infosys Ltd.

(j) Center for Plant Molecular Biology, OU has entered a MoU with Swarna Bharati Consortium to develop transgenic cotton which is pest resistant.

(k) Tally Solutions have joined hands with Department of Commerce for facilitation technology based learning and advancement of knowledge.

41. Any other relevant information the institution wishes to add:

Osmania University has established a “University-Industry Hub”. The hub would augur dynamic interactions with local industries such as those involved in information technology, biotechnology and bulk drug manufacture.

University has started a number of Diploma Courses in Health Care and allied services.

University College of Engineering, OU is one of the seven colleges in the country identified for conferring the status of IIT. An amount of Rs. 7 Crores is released and another Rs. 11 crores will be released shortly.

Part C:

Detail the plans of the institution for the next year

Future Plans:

1. As the year 2006 is identified by NAAC as the year of student participation in quality Assurance University through IQAC is planning to organize workshops/seminars at all the campus and constituent colleges of the university. It is contemplated to provide a platform to all students representatives and councilors to air their view on academic and administrative aspects of colleges/university and to invite suggestions for quality furtherance in colleges/university

2. The University contemplates to undertake the following activities on priority basis

  • Examinations reforms

  • Modernization of the University Press

  • Distance Education Centers abroad

  • Exclusive hostel for international students

  • Decentralization of hostel administration

  • Decentralization of Building Division

  • Decentralization of Security system

  • Improvement of the ambience of colleges and hostels

  • Construction of separate building to house Academic Audit Cell, College Development Cell and Affiliation wing of Academic branch

3. To complete a 24X7 central student facility that is coming up with the following


 Digital library

 e-class rooms

 Computer labs

 Language labs

 Central placement cell

 Conference room

 Auditorium

 Students stores and cafeteria.

4. To speed up and complete the Digitization of Manuscripts of Osmania

University Library

5. To motivate and gear up all the concerned in the preparation of RAR

6. To create three cell at the university level for redressal of Grievances of students,

NGO’s and teachers respectively
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