National academy of microbiologist, india

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Academy of Microbiological Sciences


Fellows of Academy of Microbiological Sciences (FAMSc)
Rules for Election of Academy Fellows


  1. Fellows will be identified on the basis of their excellence in any of the areas of basic or applied microbiology, as the main purpose of Academy is to recognize and support excellence in microbiological research, teaching, technology development and innovations. Outstanding achievements and sustained significant contributions to microbiological sciences are the main determining criteria.

  2. The elected person will be called as Fellow of Academy of Microbiological Sciences (FAMSc); and will be entitled to use the title - FAMSc .

  3. The total number of the Fellows of the Academy elected in a year at any given time shall not exceed seven.

  4. Person elected as Fellow shall be presented a citation, duly signed by the Executive Secretary and the Chairman of the Academy, normally during G.B. meeting of the Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI).

  5. Nomination of an unsuccessful candidate may be sent afresh up to a period of three consecutive years including the first nomination. Thus, an applicant will be on roster for three consecutive years and his/her biodata will be updated every year.

  6. Nominations of fellows are to be made in six scientific sections:

Section I General Microbiology including diversity 1 Fellowship

Section II Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 2 Fellowships

Section III Industrial Microbiology 1 Fellowship

Section IV Africultural and Dairy Microbiology 1 Fellowship

Section V Medical & Veterinary Microbiology 1 Fellowship

Section VI Environmental Microbiology 1 Fellowship

  1. These rules and regulations will be effective from the year of Registration and tentatively

w.e.f. 01.04.2018.

Eligibility Criteria :

  1. The objectives of the fellowship award is to recognize distinguished academicians who have made outstanding contributions to research, teaching, technology development, and/or transfer including publications in any of the basic or applied areas of microbiology with respect to Industry, Agriculture, Dairy, Fisheries, Food and Nutrition, Bioenergy, Environment, Medicine and Health, Molecular, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Sciences.

  2. All members of AMI having standing of five years as life member are eligible for nominations as Fellows.

  3. Under exceptional circumstances, an outstanding microbiologist in any International research organization/reputed foreign university can be considered for the election as Fellow, even if he/she is not member of the Academy. However, at the time of election, he/she has to be enrolled as life member of AMI. The number of such fellow could be decided by the Executive Council (E.C.), AMSc and shall not exceed two in a year.

  4. A member to be considered as FAMSc should normally have a doctoral degree (Ph. D) and must have a minimum of 15 years of research/teaching/technology development experience in Microbiology.

  5. Each eligible nomination will be retained and considered for three consecutive years, or till elected, which ever is earlier. Unsuccessful candidates may be nominated after a gap of three years. 


  1. The nomination for a Fellow should be proposed and seconded by either a Fellow of AMSc or Life member of AMI for last ten years.

  2. A life member of AMI or a FAMSc can propose upto five nomination in a year.

  3. Nomination should be made in the prescribed proforma which may be downloaded from the AMI website.

  4. The nominee should complete all columns of the prescribed proforma and sign the acceptance declaration in the proforma.

  5. Nomination duly proposed and completed in all respects should reach Executive Secretary, AMSc by the last date notified in the circular i.e. 1st July of every year.

Selection and Election of Fellows:

  • The Executive Council (E.C.) of AMSc will constitute six Sectional Committees, each consisting of a panel of three expert members including the Convenor. The tenure of the expert members will be for a period of three years. One third of the members will retire every year and their expertise may be sought again after a period of two years. Each member of Sectional Committees should be either a distinguished academician or FAMSc or Senior Life Member of AMI, who has made outstanding contributions in any of the areas of microbiology. Any member who has nominated a candidate for fellowship will not be a member of the Sectional committee.

  • The Convener will send a soft copy of the eligible nominations to other Members of concerned Sectional Committee and seek their recommendations in accordance with the marking guidelines developed by AMSc.

  • The Convenors of the Sectional Committees will meet and compile the recommendations.

  • Recommendations duly compiled by the Conveners will be placed in E.C. meeting, which will ratify the recommendations of the experts. If any member of E.C. points out any serious allegation of fraud or perjury with proof against any of the selected nominee, the E.C. will decide about the case.

  • The list of Fellows approved by E.C. will be circulated among Fellows of Academy for voting. A minimum of 70 percent positive opinions will form the final criterion for the selection. This list will be scrutinized by the Apex Committee for Fellowships appointed by the Patron and chairman, AMSc.

  • The recommendations of the E.C. / Apex Committee Committee for Fellowships will be put up to the G.B. for approval by majority of votes. The elected nominee will be awarded the Fellowship.

  • The decision of G.B. will be final and subject to no judicial review.

Conferring of the Fellowship:

  • The final recommendation of the E.C. regarding the election of a nominee as a Fellow of AMSc will be communicated by the Executive Secretary, who will also invite the candidate to the Annual Meeting of AMI for conferment of the fellowship. If any fellow is not able to manage the traveling from his/her own resources, for attending the Award Function during the annual meeting, Academy would be able to provide AC Fare (Two Tier) for the journey.

In a Special Session of the Annual Meeting of AMI, the elected Fellows will be conferred the Fellowships, along with a citation and memento bearing the AMSc-Emblem. The recipient of fellowship will deliver a review of his/her significant achievements.
Right and privileges of FAMSc:

  • The fellow will be entitled to use FAMSc after his/her name as a short title. The title FAMSc once conferred will remain for the lifetime of the member. However, if any fellow of AMSc is found to be involved in any unlawful activity, perjury or any other act prejudicial to the interest of AMSc, the E.C., AMSc will take up the issue and will decide about dismissal/derecognition of fellowship/Membership. The recommendation of the E.C., AMSc will be reported to G.B. of the AMI for approval. However, the E.C. must produce full account of charges along with proofs, which must have been verified by an independent inquiry Committee, consisting of at least three eminent members, of which one should be a non-member of AMI.

  • Fellows of the Academy will continue to have all the rights and privileges of Member of Academy.

  • Those members who are life members of AMI and are selected as founder FAMSc, will not be be required to pay any subscription to the Academy if they so desire but shall continue to have the privileges that they earlier possessed by virtue of their holding AMI office positions.

  • Fellows of the Academy will have the privilege of nominating AMI life members for election of the Fellow of AMSc.

Fellows who have retired from active service may be exempted from paying registration fee while attending Annual Conferences of AMI, but he/she will have to intimate the Executive Secretary, AMSc in advance. The amount of Annual or Life Time fee for elected Fellow will be fixed by the E.C., AMSc with the approval of the G.B., AMI.
Emeritus Membership:

  • A fellow with good academic standing, after his/her retirement from regualr services may be elected/selected for Emeritus Fellowship/ Membership of the Academy.

  • A Fellow has the right to withdraw his/her title of Academy by writing to the Executive Secretary, AMSc giving valid reasons. The request will be placed before the Executive Council, AMSc which may accept or return it for reconsideration.

Nomination Format


Election of Fellows of Academy of Microbiological Sciences (FAMSc)
Important Instructions

  1. Duly completed nomination Proforma should be sent by Registered Post/Courier Service/ by Hand either by the Proposer or Seconder of Nominee to the General Secretary, AMI, so as to reach on or before the last date specified by AMSc.

  1. Nomination for Selection of Fellow” should be written on the envelope containing the nomination papers.

  1. Both the Proposer as well as the Seconder must sign the nomination Proforma.

  1. Both the Proposer as well as the Seconder of the nomination should either be FAMSc or Life Member, AMI for the last ten years.

  1. Separate sub heads for listing scientific achievements under different categories are provided in the nomination Proforma. For ensuring uniformity in evaluation, research publication in National and International Journals only may be listed.

  1. Ten most important publications with their Impact Factor and Citation index should be listed on the sheet enclosed with the nomination Proforma.

  1. Ten copies of the list of publications with their Impact Factor and Citation index and one set of reprints of 10 best publications should be provided.

  1. One set of the cover page and contents of the important books/monographs/manuals published with total page number along with publishers name and place of publishing should be enclosed.

  1. All the columns in the Part B and C of the Proforma should be typed.

  1. CD containing soft copy of the complete Nomination Form, including the PDF of 10 best papers, must accompany with the Nomination.

  1. Nomination with incomplete information will be returned to the nominee with copy to the proposer and shall not be considered for processing for its evaluation.


For office use only


File No.


cademy of Microbiological Sciences, India

Nomination format for Election of Fellows

The undersigned Fellows of the Academy of Microbiological Sciences / Life members (minimum 10 years) of AMI propose and second


(Name of the candidate in capital letters)

as a candidate for election as a Fellow of the Academy. His/her candidature may be considered in Section

(Mention the Number and Title of the Section as given under the guidelines)

Certified that the nominee has made outstanding contributions to Microbiological Sciences, based on our personal knowledge










Significant Achievements of the Nominee

Brief statement of the most significant research contributions of the nominee for circulation to the Fellowship.

(To be typed clearly within the space provided)

Name of the nominee:

(Surname followed by given name)

Designation & Address:

(last post held, if retired)










ate of birth:

Special attainments of the nominee based on the 10 best publications listed in B(1A) and/or 10 most important process or products developed using microbiological system listed in B(2); indicate their impact for the advancement of microbiology and/or policy formulation, supported by relevant documents. (maximum 150 words)


Proposer Seconder

  1. List 10 most important research publications, in chronological order. For each publication, give name(s) of the author(s), indicate the corresponding author by ‘*’ after his/her name, year of publication, full title of the paper, name of the journal, volume No. and page Nos.

Sl. No.

Details of Publications in the format given above

Average Impact Factor (5 yrs)

Number of Citations


Impact factor of ten publication

IF >10 = 5 Marks

IF >5 = 4.5 Marks

IF > 3 = 4 Marks

IF >1 = 2 Marks

IF < 1 =1 Mark

Total 50 marks



Detail publication list for last Five years

20 publications = 10 Marks

10 publication = 5 Marks

Five publications = 2 Marks

Total 10 marks

  1. List of 10 most important Products/process and platform Technologies/Patents granted /applied by the nominee

Sl. No

Details of Product/Technology

(Also write in one bullet point its impact in terms of adoption, commercialization and revenue generated)

Patent No./Country of patent
Release/notification details

Marking by the Sectional Committee

Product /technology/process 2X5 =10 marks

Patents 1X5 = 5 marks

Total 15 marks

(3) Technology transfer for commercialization

Sl. No.




Patent No./ Country

Marking by the Sectional Committee

Technology Transfer 2X 4 = 8

8 marks

(4) Books/Books chapter (Maximum five)

Sl. No.



Year of publication

Original/ Edited


Marking by the Sectional Committee

One mark for each books1X5 = 5 marks 5 marks

(5) Awards & honors 12 marks

International Awards of high repute given by Government 2 marks

or Inter-Governmental Organizations

Fellowship of National Science Academies (INSA, NASI, IAS, INAE) 2 marks

National Awards (by ICAR, UGC, CSIR, DST, DBT, NRDC) 2 marks

Awards from recognized Society/State government 2 marks

Institutional Awards 2 marks

Awards/Recognition by the National and International Level Professional Societies and Academies (not covered above) (Fellowship; Lifetime Achievement Award; Positions of President, Chief Editor (or equivalent position), and Secretary) 2 marks



(General Information to be provided by the nominee at the time of nomination)

Space for Passport size color photograph

1. Name in full:

(Surname followed by given name)

2. Date & Place (with State) of Birth:

3. Nationality:

4. Field of specialization:

5. Present Position/Designation:

(last post held, if retired)

6. Address: (a) Official: Tel. No.:

Fax No.:




(b) Residential: Tel. No.:


(Include STD code for Telephone & Fax No.)

7. Academic career and professional attainments

(a) Degree



(b) Position held


Period of appointment

8. Publications

  1. Total number of Publications in refereed journals. (Attach complete list in chronological order. For each publication give name(s) of the author(s), indicate the corresponding author by asterisk ‘*’ after his/her name, year of publication, full title, name of the journal, volume No. and page Nos, Impact Factor) :

  2. Books (For each book give name(s) of the author(s), year of publication, full title, name of the publisher, ISBN No. and total page Nos):

    1. Authored :

    2. Edited :

9. Products:

10. Technologies:

11. Patents:

I consider it a privilege to be nominated for election to the Fellowship of Academy of Microbiological Sciences. I certify that the information given in the Form is correct.

Date: Signature of the Nominee

Allocation of marks for different criteria:

  1. Publications/Products/Technologies – maximum 75 marks

  2. Technology transfer – maximum 8 marks

  3. Books – maximum 5 marks

  4. Awards & honors – maximum 12 marks

1. Publication /patent and technologies (Max. 75 marks)

A nominee must have a minimum score of 48 marks out of 80.

(a) Publications 60 marks

(i) Research publications will be given marks according to the Impact Factor of Journals:

  • Ten most important publications:

Each publication will be given a maximum of 5.0 marks with a cap of maximum 50 marks.

(ii) First author and corresponding author will get full marks in a publication and rest of the authors 75% marks

(iii) The nominees should submit the list of their 10 best research publications, in chronological order. For each publication give name(s) of the author(s), indicate the corresponding author by asterisk‘*’ after his/her name, year of publication, full title, name of the journal, volume No. and page Nos, Impact Factor ( Thomson Reuters Impact Factor (IF) journals).

(iv) Attach one set of reprints of the 10 most important publications listed in the nomination, and also submit soft copies of their PDF along with the soft copy of the complete Nomination Form on a CD.

(V) Attach detaiedl list of publication in last five years 10 marks

(b) Patents, Process and Technologies 15 marks

Note: An illustrative (but not exhaustive) description of indicators is provided below for allocation of marks. The Sectional Committees may consider equivalent indicators for scoring and award of maximum marks as given below depending upon relevance and level of penetration of product/ technology among stakeholders.

  1. Developer of each patented filed - 10 marks

  2. Product /technology /microbiological process/platform developed -5 marks

Documentary evidence should be enclosed for the patents/ copyright, adoption of products and technologies and their impact.

2. Technology Transfer 8 marks

Number of technology transferred to industry/ or MOU signed for collaboration

3. BOOKS 5 marks

Books with Copyright/ISBN No., published by a reputed publisher or organization, such as ICAR, CSIR and National Academies. Books published by the research institutes/universities may not be considered.

Each authored /edited book / book chapters scores 1 mark.

1. International Awards of high repute given by Government 2 marks

or Inter-Governmental Organizations
2. Fellowship of National Science Academies (INSA, NASI, IAS, INAE) 2 marks
3. National Awards (by ICAR, UGC, CSIR, DST, DBT, NRDC) 2 marks
4. Awards from recognized Society/State government 2 marks

5. Institutional/ Departmental Awards 2 marks

6. Awards/Recognition by the National and International Level Professional 2 marks

Societies and Academies (not covered above) (Fellowship; Lifetime Achievement

Award; Positions of President, Chief Editor (or equivalent position), and Secretary)

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