Advance Our Energy Security
The United States is now the world leader in oil and gas production. America’s energy revival is not only
good for growth, it offers new buffers against the coercive use of energy by some and new opportuni-
ties for helping others transition to low-carbon economies. American oil production has increased
dramatically, impacting global markets. Imports have decreased substantially, reducing the funds we
send overseas. Consumption has declined, reducing our vulnerability to global supply disruption and
price shocks. However, we still have a significant stake in the energy security of our allies in Europe and
elsewhere. Seismic shifts in supply and demand are underway across the globe. Increasing global access
to reliable and affordable energy is one of the most powerful ways to support social and economic
development and to help build new markets for U.S. technology and investment.
The challenges faced by Ukrainian and European dependence on Russian energy supplies puts a spot-
light on the need for an expanded view of energy security that recognizes the collective needs of the
United States, our allies, and trading partners as well as the importance of competitive energy markets.
Therefore, we must promote diversification of energy fuels, sources, and routes, as well as encourage
indigenous sources of energy supply. Greater energy security and independence within the Americas
is central to these efforts. We will also stay engaged with global suppliers and our partners to reduce
the potential for energy-related conflict in places like the Arctic and Asia. Our energy security will be
further enhanced by living up to commitments made in the Rome Declaration and through our all-of-
the-above energy strategy for a low-carbon world. We will continue to develop American fossil resources
while becoming a more efficient country that develops cleaner, alternative fuels and vehicles. We are
demonstrating that America can and will lead the global economy while reducing our emissions.
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