DE - DESCRIPTORS: adsorption-; alkali-metals; bentonite-; cation-exchange-capacity; Cauca-Colombia; chemical-properties; chlorinated-hydrocarbons; clastic-rocks; clay-mineralogy; Colombia-; dodecylbenzene-; geochemistry-; halogenated-hydrocarbons; metals-; methylene-chloride; organic-compounds; organo-metallics; sedimentary-rocks; sodium-; South-America; sulfonate-
CC - CATEGORY CODES: 02C-Geochemistry-of-rocks,-soils,-and-sediments; 06A-Sedimentary-petrology
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 23; illus. incl. 3 tables.
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data from CAPCAS, Elsevier Scientific Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands
IS - ISSN: 0169-1317
CO - CODEN: #51957
AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2001-040413
UD - UPDATE CODE: 200112
Registro 5181 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001
TI - TITLE: Aplicacion del metodo de Lischtvan y Lebediev al calculo de la erosion general
Translated Title: The use of Lischtvan-Lebediev method to compute general scour.
AU - AUTHORS: Schreider-Mario; Scacchi-Graciela; Franco-Felipe; Fuentes-Ramon; Moreno-Christian
AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Universidad Nacional del Litoral, ARG, Argentina
SO - SOURCE: Ingenieria Hidraulica en Mexico (1985). 16; 1, Pages 15-26. 2001.
PB - PUBLISHER: Instituto Mexicano de Tecnologia del Agua. Mexico, D.F., Mexico. 2001.
LA - LANGUAGE: Spanish
AB - ABSTRACT: This paper analyses the performance of the Lischtvan Lebediev method when applied to laboratory and field data. The results show a good agreement with laboratory data when the experiments were carried out with clear water without sediment transport. The field data were well represented by Lischtvan Lebediev formula when these data corresponded to large rivers, like Parana (Argentina), Mississippi, USA, and Magdalena, Colombia, rivers, with a high sediment transport level. The good agreement reasons are based on the equation employed by the method, to evaluate the equilibrium velocity. When this equation is applied to sand beds and shallow waters (h<1 m) velocity values near the critical stage are obtained. Furthermore, the same equation gives velocity values near the equilibrium sediment transport conditions when flow depths are large (h>10 m). In the cases of gravel bed rivers, the calculated values showed a good agreement with measured values for the whole range of depths that could usually be present in this kind of rivers, only when the experiments were carried out with clear water conditions.
DE - DESCRIPTORS: bedload-; erodibility-; erosion-; gravel-bed-streams; Lischtvan-Lebediev-method; mathematical-models; scour-; sediment-transport; sediments-; streams-; surface-water; transport-; water-erosion
CC - CATEGORY CODES: 21-Hydrogeology; 30-Engineering-geology
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 12; illus. incl. 3 tables.
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute.
IS - ISSN: 0186-4076
AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2001-039370
UD - UPDATE CODE: 200112
Registro 5182 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001
TI - TITLE: Anomalous porosity and permeability preservation in deeply buried Tertiary and Mesozoic sandstones in the Cusiana Field, Llanos Foothills, Colombia.
AU - AUTHORS: Warren-Edward-A; Pulham-Andrew-J
AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: BPX Colombia, Santafe de Bogota, Colombia
SO - SOURCE: Journal of Sedimentary Research. 71; 1, Pages 2-14. 2001.
PB - PUBLISHER: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists. Tulsa, OK, United States. 2001.
LA - LANGUAGE: English
AB - ABSTRACT: Porosity in deeply buried (>14000 ft, 4200 m) sandstones of the lower Tertiary Mirador Formation in the Cusiana Field, Llanos foothills, Colombia, is less than 10 porosity units (p.u). However, permeability is as much as 1000 mD; which is believed to be due to the simple quartzose detrital grain composition and large grain size. The low porosity has resulted from pervasive quartz cement (10-15%). Fluid inclusion microthermometry and intergranular grain volumes indicate that the quartz cement precipitated at a temperature of around 100 C during deep burial. Surprisingly, thick (>400 ft, 120 m) sandstones of the underlying Upper Cretaceous Guadalupe Group in the Cusiana Field have porosity as high as 20 p.u. These sandstones are lithic sandstones composed of quartz and a variety of phosphate grain types and are poorly cemented. Quartz cement is not abundant and occurs as rims of micro-crystalline quartz on quartz and phosphate grains. In contrast, interbedded quartz arenites within the Guadalupe Group are heavily cemented by quartz cement and have porosity similar to the overlying Mirador Formation. The major control on porosity in these sandstones appears to be the presence of quartz cement; the quartz cement is controlled by grain composition. The reasons for the lack of quartz cement in the lithic sandstones of the Guadalupe Group are uncertain but phosphate poisoning inhibiting quartz cement growth is a possibility. The presence of high porosity "sweet spots" in deeply buried sandstones may be linked to the occurrence of phosphate beds--a primary depositional control.
DE - DESCRIPTORS: anomalies-; burial-diagenesis; cementation-; Cenozoic-; clastic-rocks; Colombia-; Cretaceous-; Cusiana-Field; diagenesis-; Eocene-; Guadalupe-Group; Llanos-Foothills; Mesozoic-; Mirador-Formation; oil-and-gas-fields; Paleogene-; permeability-; petroleum-; porosity-; reservoir-rocks; sandstone-; sedimentary-rocks; South-America; Tertiary-; Upper-Cretaceous
CC - CATEGORY CODES: 29A-Economic-geology,-geology-of-energy-sources; 06A-Sedimentary-petrology
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
MC - MAP COORDINATES: LAT: N050000; N052000; LONG: W0723000; W0725000.
IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 18; illus. incl. 3 tables, sketch map.
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data supplied by SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), Tulsa, OK, United States
CO - CODEN: #04803
AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2001-036552
UD - UPDATE CODE: 200111
Registro 5183 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001
TI - TITLE: Quaternary tectonics and present stress tensor of the inverted northern Falcon Basin, northwestern Venezuela.
AU - AUTHORS: Audemard-M-Franck-A
BK - BOOK TITLE: In: Paul Hancock memorial issue.
BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Dunne-William-M (editor); Stewart-Iain-S (editor); Turner-Jonathan-P (editor)
SO - SOURCE: Journal of Structural Geology. 23; 2-3, Pages 431-453. 2001.
PB - PUBLISHER: Pergamon. Oxford, International. 2001.
LA - LANGUAGE: English
AB - ABSTRACT: The Tertiary Falcon Basin in northwestern Venezuela has a privileged position in the geodynamic puzzle of northwestern South America, occurring in a region where several major plates (Caribbean, South America and Nazca) and minor lithospheric blocks (Maracaibo, Bonaire and Western Colombia) are interacting. A combination of good exposures due to aridity and a near-continuous sedimentary record in a now inverted basin helps to unravel the Neogene and Quaternary geodynamic evolution of this region. A neotectonic and microtectonic investigation of the Plio-Quaternary sedimentary rocks of the northern Falcon Basin reveals that this region is subject to a compressive to transpressive regime at present. This regime is characterized by a NNW-SSE oriented maximum horizontal stress, and a ENE-WSW trending intermediate (or minimum) horizontal stress, as is confirmed by focal mechanism solutions. This stress field is in agreement both with the NNE-directed extrusion of the Maracaibo and Bonaire blocks in Western Venezuela, where the Falcon Basin is located, and present-day transpression along the Caribbean-South America plate boundary zone.
DE - DESCRIPTORS: basin-inversion; Cenozoic-; Falcon-Basin; faults-; Maracaibo-Basin; neotectonics-; northwestern-Venezuela; orientation-; Rio-Seco-Fault; South-America; stress-; Taima-Taima-Thrust; tectonics-; Tertiary-; thrust-faults; Urumaco-Fault; Venezuela-
CC - CATEGORY CODES: 16-Structural-geology
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
MC - MAP COORDINATES: LAT: N104400; N104400; LONG: W0713700; W0713700.
IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 82; illus. incl. sect., 1 table, geol. sketch map.
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data from CAPCAS, Elsevier Scientific Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands
IS - ISSN: 0191-8141
AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2001-022931
UD - UPDATE CODE: 200108
Registro 5184 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001
TI - TITLE: Theoretical rocks physics for bypassed oil detection behind the casing; La Cira-Infantas oil field.
AU - AUTHORS: Gutierrez-Mario-A; Dvorkin-Jack; Nur-Amos
AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
BK - BOOK TITLE: In: Rock physics.
BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Sparkman-Gene (prefacer)
SO - SOURCE: The Leading Edge (Tulsa, OK). 20; 2, Pages 192, 197. 2001.
PB - PUBLISHER: Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Tulsa, OK, United States. 2001.
LA - LANGUAGE: English
DE - DESCRIPTORS: acoustical-methods; body-waves; boreholes-; casing-; Cenozoic-; Colombia-; elastic-waves; fluvial-features; geophysical-methods; La-Cira-Infantas-Field; Magdalena-Valley; meanders-; oil-and-gas-fields; P-waves; petroleum-; petroleum-engineering; physical-properties; reservoir-properties; S-waves; seismic-waves; siliciclastics-; South-America; Tertiary-; theoretical-studies; velocity-; well-logging
CC - CATEGORY CODES: 29A-Economic-geology,-geology-of-energy-sources; 20-Applied-geophysics
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
IL - ILLUSTRATION: illus. incl. block diag.
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute.
IS - ISSN: 1070-485X
CO - CODEN: #01738
AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2001-022850
UD - UPDATE CODE: 200108
Registro 5185 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001
TI - TITLE: The monitoring and prediction of mining subsidence in the Amaga, Angelopolis, Venecia and Bolombolo regions, Antioquia, Colombia.
AU - AUTHORS: Donnelly-L-J; de-la-Cruz-H; Asmar-I; Zapata-O; Perez-J-D
AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: IMC Group Consulting, Sutton-in-Ashfield, United Kingdom
SO - SOURCE: Engineering Geology. 59; 1-2, Pages 103-114. 2001.
PB - PUBLISHER: Elsevier. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2001.
LA - LANGUAGE: English
AB - ABSTRACT: Amaga, Angelopolis, Venecia and Bolombolo are small towns located in Antioquia, in the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. Mining has been practised in this region for a period of at least 100 years. This mining has mainly been small-scale, poorly mechanised and restricted to shallow room and pillar workings. Recently, the semi-mechanisation of some mines has enabled coal to be extracted using longwall mining methods. However, this has resulted in subsidence that has caused severe damage to structures, residential property, and agricultural land, and also induced landslides. In the British Isles, there are several reliable methods that can be used to predict the likelihood and magnitude of mining subsidence. The British Coal Corporation and the University of Nottingham have developed one such method, the "Subsidence With Influence Function Technique (SWIFT)." Based on mining subsidence observations undertaken in the coalfields of Britain over a period of approximately 50 years. The SWIFT program was used to predict the magnitude of subsidence, above a longwall panel, at the Industrial Hullera mine in Colombia. The results were then compared with subsidence profiles obtained from precise levelling and field monitoring. In each case, the SWIFT program overestimated the magnitude of mining subsidence by 0.17-0.20 m. However, the morphology of the subsidence profile, area-of-influence and location of maximum subsidence were similar. This overestimation of the predicted subsidence was attributed to the occurrence of strong, igneous rocks, such as rhyolite sills, in the Colombian coal measures. These strong, competent horizons act as cantilever beams during subsidence, causing bed separation and therefore reducing the magnitude of subsidence. In spite of these differences, mining subsidence can be predicted with a reasonable degree of accuracy and precision using the SWIFT technique, provided the software is calibrated and used in conjunction with local expertise.
DE - DESCRIPTORS: Amaga-Colombia; Andes-; Angelopolis-Colombia; Antioquia-Colombia; Bolombolo-Colombia; buildings-; Central-Cordillera; coal-mines; Colombia-; computer-programs; data-processing; geologic-hazards; land-subsidence; longwall-mining; mines-; mining-; mining-geology; monitoring-; Northern-Andes; prediction-; South-America; Subsidence-With-Influence-Function-Technique; SWIFT-; underground-mining; Venecia-Colombia
CC - CATEGORY CODES: 30-Engineering-geology
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
MC - MAP COORDINATES: LAT: N060000; N070000; LONG: W0753000; W0763000.
IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 17; illus. incl. 1 table, geol. sketch map.
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data from CAPCAS, Elsevier Scientific Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands
IS - ISSN: 0013-7952
AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2001-021700
UD - UPDATE CODE: 200107
Registro 5186 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001
TI - TITLE: Terrestrial record of methane hydrate dissociation in the Early Cretaceous.
AU - AUTHORS: Jahren-A-Hope; Arens-Nan-Crystal; Sarmiento-Gustavo; Guerrero-Javier; Amundson-Ronald
AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Johns Hopkins University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Baltimore, MD, United States
SO - SOURCE: Geology (Boulder). 29; 2, Pages 159-162. 2001.
PB - PUBLISHER: Geological Society of America (GSA). Boulder, CO, United States. 2001.
LA - LANGUAGE: English
AB - ABSTRACT: Reconstruction of changing C isotopic composition of Early Cretaceous atmospheric CO (sub 2) from fossilized C3 vascular land-plant tissue revealed a brief and striking negative excursion (Delta nearly equal -5 per mil) in atmospheric delta (super 13) C, followed by a rapid positive compensation (Delta nearly equal +5 per mil) during the Aptian (ca. 117 Ma). Mass-balance calculations show that dissociation of a small amount of methane gas hydrate is the most tenable cause of the negative excursion; this would also result in an increased CO (sub 2) :O (sub 2) mixing ratio as O (sub 2) is consumed during CH (sub 4) oxidation to CO (sub 2) , spurring the exponential phase of angiosperm biogeographic expansion.
DE - DESCRIPTORS: aliphatic-hydrocarbons; alkanes-; Andes-; Angiospermae-; Aptian-; C-13-C-12; carbon-; carbon-dioxide; Colombia-; Cretaceous-; dissociation-; Eastern-Cordillera; gas-hydrates; geochemical-indicators; geochemistry-; hydrocarbons-; isotope-ratios; isotopes-; Lower-Cretaceous; mass-balance; Mesozoic-; methane-; organic-compounds; oxidation-; oxygen-; paleoatmosphere-; paleoecology-; Plantae-; South-America; Spermatophyta-; stable-isotopes; terrestrial-environment
CC - CATEGORY CODES: 12-Stratigraphy; 02D-Isotope-geochemistry
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 38; illus. incl. 1 table.
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data supplied by the Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, United States
IS - ISSN: 0091-7613
AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2001-013815
UD - UPDATE CODE: 200105
Registro 5187 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001
TI - TITLE: Volcanic flux of nitrogen from the Earth.
AU - AUTHORS: Sano-Yuji; Takahata-Naoto; Nishio-Yoshiro; Fischer-Tobias-P; Williams-Stanley-N
AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Hiroshima University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
SO - SOURCE: Chemical Geology. 171; 3-4, Pages 263-271. 2001.
PB - PUBLISHER: Elsevier. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2001.
LA - LANGUAGE: English
AB - ABSTRACT: The global flux of nitrogen from subduction zones is estimated by the elemental and isotopic compositions of nitrogen, argon and helium observed in volcanic gases and hydrothermal fluids in island arcs and in back-arc basin basalt (BABB) glasses. The (super 3) He/ (super 4) He ratios of island arc samples vary from 4.7 R (sub atm) to 7.5 R (sub atm) , indicating a typical subduction signature. The (super 40) Ar/ (super 36) Ar ratios are consistent with atmospheric values except for a few samples. The delta (super 15) N values range from +0.1 per mil to +4.6 per mil, which is generally higher than those of BABB glasses. Taking into account data distribution in the delta (super 15) N-N (sub 2) / (super 36) Ar diagram, we distinguish three nitrogen components (mantle-derived, sedimentary and atmospheric nitrogen) for the island arc samples. Contribution of mantle-derived nitrogen is 9-30% in the samples, which is consistent with that of mantle-derived carbon. It is possible to calculate nitrogen flux based on the (super 3) He flux in the literature and N (sub 2) / (super 3) He ratios corrected for elemental fractionation. The nitrogen flux of 6.4X10 (super 8) mol/year from island arc is comparable with 5.6X10 (super 8) mol/year from back-arc basin, but smaller than 2.2X10 (super 9) mol/year from mid-ocean ridges. In detail, island arcs show a large flux of subducted sedimentary nitrogen, while back-arc basins have a relatively small but measurable subduction component. The nitrogen flux of 4.1X10 (super 6) mol/year from hot spot region is significantly small, which is consistent with the characteristic of global carbon flux from the Earth. Total volcanic flux of nitrogen amounts to 2.8X10 (super 9) mol/year by taking mid-ocean ridge, hot spot and subduction values. The global nitrogen flux, if it has been constant for the 4.55 billion years of geological time, leads to an accumulation of 1.3X10 (super 19) mol in total, which is one order of magnitude smaller than 1.8X10 (super 20) mol of the present inventory of nitrogen at the Earth's surface.
DE - DESCRIPTORS: Ar-40-Ar-36; argon-; Asia-; atmosphere-; back-arc-basins; basins-; Bismarck-Sea; Colombia-; Commonwealth-of-Independent-States; degassing-; East-Pacific; Far-East; gases-; global-; He-4-He-3; helium-; Indonesia-; island-arcs; isotope-ratios; isotopes-; Kamchatka-Peninsula; Loihi-Seamount; mantle-; Manus-Basin; Mariana-Trough; marine-sediments; migration-of-elements; N-15-N-14; nitrogen-; noble-gases; North-Fiji-Basin; North-Pacific; Northeast-Pacific; Northwest-Pacific; Pacific-Ocean; Russian-Federation; Russian-Pacific-region; sediments-; South-America; South-Pacific; Southwest-Pacific; stable-isotopes; subduction-zones; thermal-waters; volcanism-; West-Pacific
CC - CATEGORY CODES: 02D-Isotope-geochemistry
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 27; illus. incl. 2 tables.
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data from CAPCAS, Elsevier Scientific Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands
IS - ISSN: 0009-2541
AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2001-012447
UD - UPDATE CODE: 200105
Registro 5188 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001
TI - TITLE: Petrographic evidence for climatic and tectonic control on the arenites of the Yavi Formation in Colombia, South America.
AU - AUTHORS: Solano-Acosta-Wilfrido
AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Indiana State University, Geography, Geology and Anthropology Department, Terre Haute, IN, United States
BK - BOOK TITLE: In: Geological Society of America, North-Central Section, 34th annual meeting.
BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Anonymous
SO - SOURCE: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America. 32; 4, Pages 61. 2000.
PB - PUBLISHER: Geological Society of America (GSA). Boulder, CO, United States. 2000.
CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: Geological Society of America, North-Central Section, 34th annual meeting. Indianapolis, IN, United States. April 6-7, 2000.
LA - LANGUAGE: English
AB - ABSTRACT: The Cretaceous (Aptian?) Yavi Formation (Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia) consists of continental red beds, which were deposited within a back-arc basin in the eastern margin of the Central Cordillera in the Colombian Andes. A systematic stratigraphic variation in sandstone composition within the sequence reveals a climatic change during deposition, ranging from semiarid to semihumid-humid. Petrographic study also reveals unroofing of the Jurassic volcano-clastic Saldana Formation (source rocks) intermittently. Modal analysis of thirty-five sections shows a gradual transition from lower volcanolithic arenites to upper volcano-sublitharenites. Clastic grains consist of volcanic fragments (lava flows), ignimbrite clasts, volcanogenic chert, volcanic quartz and alkali-feldspars, and a few granitic clasts; the latter derived from a secondary plutonic source. The sporadic occurrence of angular granitic fragments within the sequence coincides with arid intervals, indicated by the presence of preserved unaltered feldspars. The red color of the Yavi sandstones is attributed to both red detrital matrix within the sandstones, and intrastratal alteration of iron-bearing minerals during diagenesis. On the basis of this petrographic work, the Yavi Formation was divided into well-defined climatic and tectonically controlled stratigraphic units that were used to correlate adjacent stratigraphic sections. Following the climatic discrimination scheme of Suttner and Dutta (1986), an interpretive curve for climatic variation through the sequence is presented along with the first quantitative-petrographic data for the Yavi Formation.
DE - DESCRIPTORS: Andes-; arenite-; clastic-rocks; climate-change; Colombia-; Cretaceous-; depositional-environment; diagenesis-; humid-environment; lithostratigraphy-; Magdalena-Valley; Mesozoic-; paleoclimatology-; paleoenvironment-; petrography-; provenance-; red-beds; sandstone-; sedimentary-rocks; semi-arid-environment; South-America; structural-controls; tectonics-; terrestrial-environment; volcaniclastics-; Yavi-Formation
CC - CATEGORY CODES: 06A-Sedimentary-petrology; 12-Stratigraphy
DT - DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference-Document
BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic
RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data supplied by the Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, United States 1>
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