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CC - CATEGORY CODES: 02C-Geochemistry-of-rocks,-soils,-and-sediments; 05A-Igneous-and-metamorphic-petrology

DT - DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference-Document

BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic

MC - MAP COORDINATES: LAT: N030000; N030000; LONG: W0781000; W0781500.

RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute.

IS - ISSN: 1362-0886

AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2000-061101

UD - UPDATE CODE: 200020

Registro 5278 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001

TI - TITLE: Recycling of subcontinental lithospheric mantle; evidence from Os- and Nd- isotope compositions of volcanic rocks from the Caribbean oceanic plateau.

AU - AUTHORS: Bruegmann-Gerhard; Haff-Folkmar; Walker-Richard

AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Max-Planck-Institut fuer Chemie, Mainz, Federal Republic of Germany

BK - BOOK TITLE: In: European Union of Geosciences conference abstracts; EUG 10.

BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Anonymous

SO - SOURCE: Journal of Conference Abstracts. 4; 1, Pages 343. 1999.

NT - NOTES: Terra Abstracts, Vol. 11

PB - PUBLISHER: Cambridge Publications. Cambridge, United Kingdom. 1999.



CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: European Union of Geosciences conference; EUG 10. Strasbourg, France. March 28-April 1, 1999.

LA - LANGUAGE: English

DE - DESCRIPTORS: alkaline-earth-metals; Antilles-; Atlantic-Ocean; Caribbean-region; Caribbean-Sea; Central-America; Colombia-; Costa-Rica; crust-; Curacao-; cycles-; East-Pacific-Ocean-Islands; Galapagos-Islands; geochemistry-; Gorgona-Island; igneous-rocks; isotope-ratios; isotopes-; komatiite-; large-igneous-provinces; Lesser-Antilles; lithogeochemistry-; lithosphere-; mafic-composition; mantle-; mantle-plumes; Mesozoic-; metals-; Nd-144-Nd-143; neodymium-; Netherlands-Antilles; Nicoya-Complex; North-Atlantic; oceanic-crust; Os-187; osmium-; plateaus-; platinum-group; plutonic-rocks; rare-earths; South-America; Sr-87-Sr-86; stable-isotopes; strontium-; Tortugal-Complex; ultramafic-composition; ultramafics-; volcanic-rocks; West-Indies

CC - CATEGORY CODES: 02D-Isotope-geochemistry; 05A-Igneous-and-metamorphic-petrology

DT - DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference-Document

BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic

RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute.

IS - ISSN: 1362-0886

AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2000-061100

UD - UPDATE CODE: 200020

Registro 5279 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001

TI - TITLE: The geology of...emeralds.

AU - AUTHORS: Kunzig-Robert

SO - SOURCE: Discover (Chicago). 20; 5, Pages 35-36. 1999.

PB - PUBLISHER: Buena Vista Magazines. New York, NY, United States. 1999.



LA - LANGUAGE: English

DE - DESCRIPTORS: Colombia-; emerald-; mineral-assemblages; ring-silicates; silicates-; South-America

CC - CATEGORY CODES: 01B-Mineralogy-of-silicates


BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic


RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute.

IS - ISSN: 0274-7529

AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2000-060373

UD - UPDATE CODE: 200019

Registro 5280 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001

TI - TITLE: Geochemical evidences for fluid-rock interactions in the Chivor emerald deposit, Colombia.

AU - AUTHORS: Cheilletz-A; Royant-J-C; Royer-J-J; Branquet-Y

AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: CRPG-CNRS, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France

BK - BOOK TITLE: In: European Union of Geosciences conference abstracts; EUG 10.

BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Anonymous

SO - SOURCE: Journal of Conference Abstracts. 4; 1, Pages 773. 1999.

NT - NOTES: Terra Abstracts, Vol. 11

PB - PUBLISHER: Cambridge Publications. Cambridge, United Kingdom. 1999.



CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: European Union of Geosciences conference; EUG 10. Strasbourg, France. March 28-April 1, 1999.

LA - LANGUAGE: English

DE - DESCRIPTORS: Andes-; black-shale; brines-; chemical-reactions; Chivor-Mine; clastic-rocks; Colombia-; Cretaceous-; Eastern-Cordillera; emerald-; emission-spectra; gems-; geochemistry-; host-rocks; hydrothermal-alteration; ICP-mass-spectra; mass-spectra; Mesozoic-; metasomatism-; ring-silicates; sedimentary-rocks; silicates-; South-America; spectra-; statistical-analysis; two-dimensional-models; water-rock-interaction

CC - CATEGORY CODES: 28A-Economic-geology,-geology-of-nonmetal-deposits; 02A-General-geochemistry

DT - DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference-Document

BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic


RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute.

IS - ISSN: 1362-0886

AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2000-060231

UD - UPDATE CODE: 200019

Registro 5281 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001

TI - TITLE: The Rush Peak fault zone, Cuddy Mountains, western Idaho; evidence for sinistral-oblique late-Quaternary movement.

AU - AUTHORS: Smith-Sara-C; Northrup-C-J; Wood-Spencer

AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Boise State University, Department of Geosciences, Boise, ID, United States

BK - BOOK TITLE: In: Geological Society of America, 1999 annual meeting.

BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Anonymous

SO - SOURCE: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America. 31; 7, Pages 48. 1999.

PB - PUBLISHER: Geological Society of America (GSA). Boulder, CO, United States. 1999.



CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: Geological Society of America, 1999 annual meeting. Denver, CO, United States. Oct. 25-28, 1999.

LA - LANGUAGE: English

AB - ABSTRACT: The southern range-front of the Cuddy Mountains in western Idaho is bounded by the Rush Peak Fault Zone (RPFZ), an ENE-striking, 12-km long fault that juxtaposes Mesozoic granitic basement on the north against Miocene volcanic rocks of the Colombia River Basalt Group (CRBG) on the south. Vertical displacement across the RPFZ exceeds 1800 m in the vicinity of Rush Peak, near Cambridge, ID. In Rush Creek canyon, two parallel fault scarps separated by about 20 m displace Quaternary alluvium and are coincident with the trace of the RPFZ. The largest of the scarp segments is approximately 10-15 meters high. The second scarp segment is 4-7 meters high and left-laterally displaces a levee approximately 7 meters. Weathering rinds of cobbles derived from the CRBG in the "B" horizon in the levee have thickness of 0.43 to 0.73 mm, consistent with a depositional age of 20-40 ka. The RPFZ, therefore, has been active with oblique left-lateral slip since the late Quaternary. Slickensides and slickenfibers on subvertical ENE-striking fractures are common in the granitic basement near the trace of the RPFZ. Kinematic analysis of these features indicates dominantly sinistral strike-slip movement associated with fracture development. These shear fractures provide evidence of earlier (Cretaceous to Early Tertiary?) phases of strike-slip motion on the RPFZ. Quaternary fault scarps have not yet been documented elsewhere along the fault, although it marks a sharp break in slope for a distance of 12 km. The average slope of the southern face of Cuddy Mountain is 21 degrees, whereas the average slope of the basalt surface across the fault to the south is 11 degrees. Stream-gradient values were calculated along the southern range-front to find zones of late Quaternary movement. Stream-gradient index (SL) values were categorized by stream order and separated into low, medium-low, medium-high, and high zones. SL zones align well with the mountain front and fault trace. Knickpoints on third-order streams have migrated approximately 0.5 km up gradient from the fault zone.

DE - DESCRIPTORS: alluvium-; Cambridge-Idaho; Cenozoic-; clastic-sediments; Columbia-River-Basalt-Group; Cuddy-Mountains; displacements-; fault-scarps; faults-; geomorphology-; Idaho-; knickpoints-; lateral-faults; left-lateral-faults; Miocene-; Neogene-; neotectonics-; oblique-slip-faults; orientation-; Quaternary-; Rush-Peak-fault-zone; sediments-; strike-; tectonics-; Tertiary-; United-States; upper-Quaternary; weathering-rinds; western-Idaho

CC - CATEGORY CODES: 16-Structural-geology

DT - DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference-Document

BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic

RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data supplied by the Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, United States

IS - ISSN: 0016-7592


AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2000-058349

UD - UPDATE CODE: 200019

Registro 5282 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001

TI - TITLE: ILP Quaternary fault and fold mapping in South America; a recent rapid response application of the GIS database.

AU - AUTHORS: Dart-Richard-L; Cox-Jonathan-W

AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: U. S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO, United States

BK - BOOK TITLE: In: Geological Society of America, 1999 annual meeting.

BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Anonymous

SO - SOURCE: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America. 31; 7, Pages 47. 1999.

PB - PUBLISHER: Geological Society of America (GSA). Boulder, CO, United States. 1999.

RP - RESEARCH PROGRAM: USGSOP (Non-USGS publications with USGS authors)



CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: Geological Society of America, 1999 annual meeting. Denver, CO, United States. Oct. 25-28, 1999.

LA - LANGUAGE: English

DE - DESCRIPTORS: aftershocks-; applications-; ARC-INFO; cartography-; Cenozoic-; Colombia-; data-bases; data-processing; digital-cartography; earthquakes-; epicenters-; faults-; folds-; geographic-information-systems; information-systems; magnitude-; main-shocks; mitigation-; neotectonics-; Quaternary-; Quindio-earthquake-1999; seismotectonics-; slip-rates; South-America; tectonics-; Western-Hemisphere

CC - CATEGORY CODES: 16-Structural-geology; 19-Seismology

DT - DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference-Document

BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic

RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data supplied by the Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, United States

IS - ISSN: 0016-7592


AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2000-058343

UD - UPDATE CODE: 200019

Registro 5283 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001

TI - TITLE: Crystal chemistry of hematite-ilmenite solid solution from dacitic/ andesitic pumices and its bearing to "self-reversed" thermomagnetic remanence (SR-TRM).

AU - AUTHORS: Fehr-Karl-Thomas; Hoffmann-Viktor

AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Universitaet Muenchen, Institut fuer Mineralogie, Petrologie und Geochemie, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany

BK - BOOK TITLE: In: European Union of Geosciences conference abstracts; EUG 10.

BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Anonymous

SO - SOURCE: Journal of Conference Abstracts. 4; 1, Pages 645. 1999.

NT - NOTES: Terra Abstracts, Vol. 11

PB - PUBLISHER: Cambridge Publications. Cambridge, United Kingdom. 1999.



CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: European Union of Geosciences Conference; EUG 10. Strasbourg, France. March 28-April 1, 1999.

LA - LANGUAGE: English

DE - DESCRIPTORS: andesitic-composition; Asia-; Colombia-; crystal-chemistry; dacitic-composition; electron-probe-data; experimental-studies; explosive-eruptions; Far-East; Gumma-Japan; Haruna-; hematite-; Honshu-; hybridization-; igneous-rocks; ilmenite-; Japan-; Luzon-; magmas-; magnetic-domains; magnetic-minerals; magnetization-; mixing-; Mount-Pinatubo; natural-materials; natural-remanent-magnetization; Nevado-del-Ruiz; oxides-; paleomagnetism-; Philippine-Islands; pumice-; pyroclastics-; remanent-magnetization; reversals-; solid-solution; South-America; thermoremanent-magnetization; volcanic-rocks; volcanism-

CC - CATEGORY CODES: 05A-Igneous-and-metamorphic-petrology; 01C-Mineralogy-of-non-silicates

DT - DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference-Document

BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic

MC - MAP COORDINATES: LAT: N150800; N150800; LONG: E1202100; E1202100.

LAT: N362500; N362500; LONG: E1385000; E1385000.

LAT: N045300; N045300; LONG: W0752200; W0752200.

RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute.

IS - ISSN: 1362-0886

AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2000-058233

UD - UPDATE CODE: 200019

Registro 5284 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001

TI - TITLE: Seasonal environmental variation in Miocene western Amazonia; reconstructions based on the isotope composition of bivalve growth increments.

AU - AUTHORS: Vonhof-Hubert; Kaandorp-Ron; Wesseling-Frank; Ganssen-Gerald

AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Free University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Amsterdam, Netherlands

BK - BOOK TITLE: In: European Union of Geosciences conference abstracts; EUG 10.

BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Anonymous

SO - SOURCE: Journal of Conference Abstracts. 4; 1, Pages 204. 1999.

NT - NOTES: Terra Abstracts, Vol. 11

PB - PUBLISHER: Cambridge Publications. Cambridge, United Kingdom. 1999.



CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: European Union of Geosciences conference; EUG 10. Strasbourg, France. March 28-April 1, 1999.

LA - LANGUAGE: English

DE - DESCRIPTORS: Amazon-Basin; biochemistry-; Bivalvia-; brackish-water-environment; Cenozoic-; Colombia-; fresh-water-environment; growth-rates; Invertebrata-; isotope-ratios; isotopes-; Miocene-; modern-analogs; Mollusca-; Neogene-; O-18-O-16; oxygen-; paleoclimatology-; paleoecology-; paleoenvironment-; paleohydrology-; paleotemperature-; Pebas-Formation; Peru-; reconstruction-; seasonal-variations; shells-; South-America; stable-isotopes; Tertiary-

CC - CATEGORY CODES: 12-Stratigraphy; 02D-Isotope-geochemistry

DT - DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference-Document

BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic

RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute.

IS - ISSN: 1362-0886

AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2000-055904

UD - UPDATE CODE: 200018

Registro 5285 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001

TI - TITLE: Surface manifestations of deep fluid from Colombian hydrothermal systems; review.

AU - AUTHORS: Alfaro-Claudia; Bernal-Nelson


BK - BOOK TITLE: In: Global geothermal resources; sustainable energy for the future.

BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Johnson-Stuart-D; Allis-Rick-G; Thomasson-Robert-L; Hanson-Jim; Capuano-Louis-E Jr.; Schochet-Daniel; Livesay-Bill; Page-Terrence; Lovekin-James-W; Johnson-Stephen-E

SO - SOURCE: Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council. 23; Pages 447-452. 1999.

PB - PUBLISHER: GRC - Geothermal Resources Council. Davis, CA, United States. 1999.



CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: Global Resources Council 1999 annual meeting. Reno, NV, United States. Oct. 17-20, 1999.

LA - LANGUAGE: English

AB - ABSTRACT: Based on the geochemistry of the hot spring waters, mainly located along the Colombian Andes, deep geothermal fluid reaches the surface through hot springs associated with one system developed in sedimentary rocks and five volcanoes. They were grouped according to their location in four areas, two of them towards the center of the country: (1) Cundinamarca and Boyaca Provinces and (2) Nevado del Ruiz volcano, and the others to the South: (3) Huila-Purace-Dona Juana volcanoes and (4) Azufral volcano. The Na-K-Mg relative composition reveals these waters are highly affected by dilution. At Nevado del Ruiz and Azufral volcanoes dilution trends can be inferred. The conservative species in general, pointed out characteristic relative compositions for each system, particularly clear for those with higher number of hot springs (Nevado del Ruiz and Azufral volcanoes). The highest B/CI ratio is found in hot springs from Nevado del Ruiz and the lowest, in the Area 1. The estimated temperatures by aqueous geothermometers, suggest the existence of intermediate to high temperature geothermal systems (160-260 degrees C). This paper is based on the chemical composition of 29 hot spring waters, in which the deep contribution can be postulated, out of about 180 compiled from previous works.

DE - DESCRIPTORS: Andes-; characterization-; chemical-composition; Colombia-; dilution-; geochemistry-; geologic-thermometry; geothermal-systems; ground-water; high-temperature; hot-springs; hydrochemistry-; review-; sedimentary-rocks; South-America; springs-; temperature-; thermal-waters; volcanoes-

CC - CATEGORY CODES: 02B-Hydrochemistry

DT - DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial; Conference-Document

BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic

IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 7; illus. incl. 2 tables, sketch map.

RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute.

IS - ISSN: 0193-5933

CO - CODEN: #00463

AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2000-053026

UD - UPDATE CODE: 200017

Registro 5286 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001

TI - TITLE: The location and extent of volcanic massive sulphide and manto-type copper deposits in the Cretaceous volcanic arcs in the Peruvian Andes.

AU - AUTHORS: Injoque-J

AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Compania de Minas Buenaventura, Lima, Peru

BK - BOOK TITLE: In: PACRIM '99 congress; proceedings.

BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Weber-Graeme (editor)

SO - SOURCE: Publication Series - Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 4-99; Pages 327-334. 1999.

PB - PUBLISHER: AusIMM - Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Parkville, Victoria, Australia. 1999.



CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: International congress on Earth science, exploration and mining around the Pacific Rim. Bali, Indonesia. Oct. 10-13, 1999.

LA - LANGUAGE: English

AB - ABSTRACT: Cretaceous volcanic activity (Hauterivian Albian) in the Peruvian Andes can be found along the coast of Peru and the western edge of the Andes mountains between 15 degrees 30'S and 5 degrees 30'S, extending discontinuously in south to Chile and north to Ecuador and Colombia. This volcanic activity formed in three aborted marginal basins; the NNW-trending volcanic Canete and Huarmey, and NNE-tending Lancones basins. These volcanic rocks are predominantly andesitic and basaltic in composition, of calc-alkaline and tholeiite affinity with subordinate dacitic and rhyolitic rocks. One notable feature is the appearance of "ocoitas" from Ica (14 degrees S) south to Santiago de Chile. These rocks have a calc-alkaline to alkaline affinity. From south to north, the continental crust gradually becomes thinner, allowing mantle material to rise towards the surface. Ophiolitic sequences of this type form a marginal basin in Colombia. Very low-grade regional metamorphism which affects the volcanic rocks also varies gradually from south to north. Between Santiago de Chile and Ica this takes the form of burial metamorphism, with moderate geothermal gradients (20 degrees -30 degrees C/km). Metamorphism in the Huarmey basin is transitional between burial and ocean-floor metamorphism, with very high geothermal gradients (<300 degrees C/km). High geothermal gradients are also apparent in metamorphism of the Lancones basin, though less than the other basins. Ocean-floor metamorphism is present in the ophiolitic sequence in Colombia. Associated mineral deposits in the Huarmey and Lancones basins, and in the north, are of the volcanic massive sulphide-type (VMS). The principal deposits in Peru are Leonila Graciela (20 Mt Zn and Pb) and Tambogrande (40 Mt Cu and Zn). There are also smaller mines and prospects. To the south of Lima, manto-type Cu deposits (CuMT) are found with a mineralogy of chalcopyrites, pyrites, magnetite, actinolite and apatite. The main example is Raul Condestable (10 Mt Cu). Other prospects are present to the south and Chile has some very large mines of this type (El Soldado, Lo Aguirre). The notable differences between the CuMT and the VSM deposits are thought to be the result of the prevailing conditions in the earth's crust during the Hauterivian Albian. To the south, calc-alkaline and alkaline volcanic activity in aborted marginal basins, with thicker crust, was thick, produced moderate geothermal gradients associated with burial-type regional metamorphism and deposits of CuMT. In the north aborted marginal basins, with thicker crust, was thick, produced moderate geothermal gradients associated with burial-type regional metamorphism and deposits of CuMT. In the north aborted marginal basins associated with calc-alkaline to tholeiitic volcanic activity and a gradually thinning crust, produced transitional regional metamorphism between burial-type and ocean-floor type, associated with high to very high geothermal gradients and VMS deposits. In Colombia these conditions led to ophiolite extrusive rocks, ocean-floor metamorphism and also VMS deposits.

DE - DESCRIPTORS: Albian-; Andes-; andesitic-composition; basalts-; Canete-Basin; copper-ores; Cretaceous-; crust-; crustal-thinning; geothermal-gradient; Hauterivian-; heat-flow; Huarmey-Basin; igneous-rocks; Lancones-Basin; Lower-Cretaceous; mantos-; massive-deposits; massive-sulfide-deposits; Mesozoic-; metal-ores; metamorphism-; mineral-deposits,-genesis; ocoitas-; ophiolite-; Peru-; Peruvian-Andes; South-America; tholeiite-; volcanic-rocks; zinc-ores

CC - CATEGORY CODES: 27A-Economic-geology,-geology-of-ore-deposits

DT - DOCUMENT TYPE: Serial; Conference-Document

BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic

MC - MAP COORDINATES: LAT: S180000; S000000; LONG: W0680000; W0813000.

IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 50; sects., geol. sketch maps.

RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute.

IS - ISSN: 1324-6240

CO - CODEN: #03621

AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 2000-052909

UD - UPDATE CODE: 200017

Registro 5287 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001

TI - TITLE: The impact of politics, economics and local legislation on exploration and mining in Pacrim countries.

AU - AUTHORS: Vaughan-W-S; Bourassa-M-J

AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Aird & Berlis, Toronto, ON, Canada

BK - BOOK TITLE: In: PACRIM '99 congress; proceedings.

BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Weber-Graeme (editor)

SO - SOURCE: Publication Series - Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 4-99; Pages 45-57. 1999.

PB - PUBLISHER: AusIMM - Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Parkville, Victoria, Australia. 1999.



CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: International congress on Earth science, exploration and mining around the Pacific Rim. Bali, Indonesia. Oct. 10-13, 1999.

LA - LANGUAGE: English

AB - ABSTRACT: In addition to the geologic risk of a particular project, the criteria that an international exploration company ("IEC") utilises when making an investment decision in a particular country should also include a critical analysis of the political, judicial and fiscal regime of the host country. A key investment criteria of an IEC is mineral tenure and the security and continuity of that mineral tenure under the host country's existing legal system as well as the host country's overall legal, political and fiscal framework, the latter of which can affect the project's overall economic viability in a number of ways. The authors, Steve Vaughan and Michael Bourassa of Aird & Berlis, Toronto, Canada, have taken the position that developing an understanding of a country's legal tradition is a crucial first step in analysing the mineral regulatory regime of a particular country. This paper continues their efforts to overview the most recent legal trends affecting the world's mineral industry and attempts to analyse, categorise, compare and contrast differing legal systems, cultural backgrounds and economic philosophies relating to the development of mineral rights in Pacrim countries and the resulting commercial, legal, and political framework which ultimately drives the relevant mineral legislation. For the convenience of organisation of this analysis, the authors have divided the Pacrim countries into four smaller groups, firstly, on the basis of their legal tradition and, secondly, by their geographic location: 1. Common Law Countries: USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand; 2. Spanish Civil Code Countries: Mexico, Central America (Panama, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala), South America (Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia). 3. Communist or Former Communist Countries: Mongolia, China, Russia. 4. Countries of the Pacific Southwest: Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Indo-China (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand), Papua New Guinea. The discussion starts with an analysis of the various types of legal regimes, attempts to classify or categorise them, reiterates the necessity for the rule of law and those factors which encourage mineral exploration and development and discusses and recommends the expansion of a practical country competitiveness rating system developed by the Fraser Institute. In addition to the fundamental issue of mineral tenure -- what it is and how secure it is -- the paper discusses how different legal systems have shaped different approaches taken by individual nations to attract foreign mineral investment. The paper analyses the best practices and experiences accumulated in different Pacrim countries with varying legal traditions and identifies a practical country competitiveness rating system which the authors believe should be expanded to cover all minerally endowed countries. This rating system will permit countries to identify their mineral regime weaknesses and adjust their legal systems to better attract mineral investment and will also permit exploration and mining companies to compare their jurisdictional choices with those selected by their competitors.

DE - DESCRIPTORS: Circum-Pacific-region; investment-; investment-legislation; legislation-; mineral-economics; mineral-exploration; mining-; mining-legislation; Pacific-region; regulations-

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