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DE - DESCRIPTORS: accommodation-zones; basins-; Campanian-; Cenozoic-; Colombia-; Cretaceous-; cross-sections; lithostratigraphy-; Mesozoic-; Miocene-; Neogene-; Paleogene-; paleogeography-; reconstruction-; sedimentary-basins; sedimentary-rocks; Senonian-; South-America; structural-controls; tectonics-; tectonostratigraphic-units; Tertiary-; Upper-Cretaceous; Venezuela-; western-Venezuela

CC - CATEGORY CODES: 12-Stratigraphy; 16-Structural-geology


BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic

IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 87; illus. incl. sects., sketch maps.

RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data from CAPCAS, Elsevier Scientific Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands

IS - ISSN: 0031-0182


AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 1999-064248

UD - UPDATE CODE: 199922

Registro 5326 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001

TI - TITLE: Campanian-Oligocene evolution and tectonostratigraphic development of northwestern South America.

AU - AUTHORS: Villamil-Tomas; Restrepo-Pace-Pedro-A; Svela-K

AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Conoco, Advance Exploration Organization, Houston, TX, United States

BK - BOOK TITLE: In: AAPG international conference and exhibition; abstracts.

BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Anonymous

SO - SOURCE: AAPG Bulletin. 83; 8, Pages 1344. 1999.

PB - PUBLISHER: American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Tulsa, OK, United States. 1999.



CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: AAPG international conference and exhibition. Birmingham, United Kingdom. Sept. 12-15, 1999.

LA - LANGUAGE: English

AB - ABSTRACT: Stratigraphic evidence on depocenter evolution combined with the structural/tectonic causes for such changes allow us to understand the Campanian Oligocene of northwestern South America within a tectonostratigraphic framework. The central axis of deposition migrated from west to east; this migration had a structural origin and it happened in combination with tectonically-driven changes in accommodation space. The tectonostratigraphic evolution can be divided into the following phases: (1) The axis of the Campanian depocenter was located west of the present Central Cordillera. (2) The axis of late Maastrichtian deposition runs approximately over the present day western foothills of the Eastern Cordillera, crosses over Santander into Venezuela. Accommodation space decreased as reflected in a facies change from distal marine shales to shallow-water sandstones and isolated carbonates. (3) In Paleocene times, the central axis of deposition was located along the spine of the Eastern Cordillera, extending into western Venezuela. Accommodation space continued to decrease. (4) In latest Paleocene-early Eocene times the axis of deposition shifted to the eastern foothills of the Easter Cordillera and accommodation space decreased markedly leading to a major regional unconformity. (5) In Middle-Late Eocene times the axis of deposition continued to shift eastwards but accommodation space increased allowing sporadic marine invasions. (6) In Oligocene times initial uplift of the Eastern Cordillera divided the main depocenter into two central axes, accommodation space diminished in uplifted regions and continued to increase in the depocenters. (7) As uplift of the Eastern Cordillera continued, the eastern depocenter axis (proto Orinoco) migrated east and the western depocenter axis (proto Magdalena) migrated west. The changes discussed here were controlled by the structural/tectonic evolution of the margin.

DE - DESCRIPTORS: Campanian-; carbonate-rocks; Cenozoic-; Central-Cordillera; clastic-rocks; Colombia-; Cretaceous-; depositional-environment; marine-environment; Mesozoic-; northwesteren-South-America; Oligocene-; Paleogene-; sandstone-; Santander-Colombia; sedimentary-rocks; Senonian-; shale-; shallow-water-environment; South-America; structural-controls; tectonostratigraphic-units; Tertiary-; uplifts-; Upper-Cretaceous; Venezuela-

CC - CATEGORY CODES: 12-Stratigraphy

DT - DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference-Document

BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic

RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data supplied by American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, United States

IS - ISSN: 0149-1423


AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 1999-063412

UD - UPDATE CODE: 199921

Registro 5327 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001

TI - TITLE: Fold and thrust belt along the western flank of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia; style, kinematics and timing constraints derived from seismic data and detailed surface mapping.

AU - AUTHORS: Restrepo-Pace-Pedro-A; Colmenares-Fabio; Higuera-Camilo; Mayorga-Marcela; Leal-Jairo

AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Conoco Colombia, Houston, TX, United States

BK - BOOK TITLE: In: AAPG international conference and exhibition; abstracts.

BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Anonymous

SO - SOURCE: AAPG Bulletin. 83; 8, Pages 1336. 1999.

PB - PUBLISHER: American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Tulsa, OK, United States. 1999.



CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: AAPG international conference and exhibition. Birmingham, United Kingdom. Sept. 12-15, 1999.

LA - LANGUAGE: English

AB - ABSTRACT: The west verging fold and thrust belt along the western flank of the Eastern Cordillera consists of a complex thin-skinned belt which resulted from polyphase deformation. Field data point to the initial development of a forward breaking thin-skinned thrust system consisting of west verging high frequency spaced imbricate thrusts. The youngest sediments involved in this system are Paleocene age together with Early Eocene (?) synkinematic deposits, and the thrusts are concealed below the Late Eocene unconformity. Subsequent reactivation of some of these structures occurred in a break backward sequence that initiated in Mid-Late Miocene time, as evidenced by the tilting of the Lower Eocene synkinematic deposits and from onlapping relationships within the Miocene fluvial/molassic deposits. This latter thrusting generated frontal intracutaneous wedges and hinterland west verging lower frequency spaced thrusts. Structural development concluded with major inversion of fundamental hinterland faults creating the present structural relief. Retrodeformed cross-sections indicate that at least 50% contraction took place here. We preset data that has profound implications in source rock burial-maturation-migration-charge and trap integrity for this highly prospective area.

DE - DESCRIPTORS: Andes-; Cenozoic-; Colombia-; deformation-; depositional-environment; Eastern-Cordillera; Eocene-; faults-; fluvial-environment; fold-and-thrust-belts; geophysical-methods; geophysical-surveys; imbricate-tectonics; kinematics-; maturity-; migration-; Paleocene-; Paleogene-; petroleum-; reactivation-; seismic-methods; South-America; surveys-; tectonics-; Tertiary-; thin-skinned-tectonics; thrust-faults; traps-

CC - CATEGORY CODES: 29A-Economic-geology,-geology-of-energy-sources; 16-Structural-geology

DT - DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference-Document

BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic

RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data supplied by American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, United States

IS - ISSN: 0149-1423


AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 1999-063399

UD - UPDATE CODE: 199921

Registro 5328 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001

TI - TITLE: Fold and thrust belt hydrocarbon plays along the eastern margin of the middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia.

AU - AUTHORS: Restrepo-Pace-Pedro-A; James-K-H; Villamil-Tomas

AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Conoco, Houston, TX, United States

BK - BOOK TITLE: In: AAPG international conference and exhibition; abstracts.

BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Anonymous

SO - SOURCE: AAPG Bulletin. 83; 8, Pages 1336. 1999.

PB - PUBLISHER: American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Tulsa, OK, United States. 1999.



CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: AAPG international conference and exhibition. Birmingham, United Kingdom. Sept. 12-15, 1999.

LA - LANGUAGE: English

AB - ABSTRACT: The Middle Magdalena Valley (MMV) of Colombia is an asymmetric, intermontane depression bordered by the Central and Eastern Cordilleras. The basin contains a Tertiary sedimentary wedge that thickens to the east below the foldbelt of the Eastern Cordillera's west flank. More than 3.5 BBOE reserves have been discovered in the MMV since first discoveries in the early 1900's. These were sourced by the upper Cretaceous La Luna Formation and reservoired in Eocene to Oligocene fluvial sandstones. A polydeformed west-verging fold and thrustbelt characterize the eastern margin of the basin. North and/or south plunging anticlinoria related to structural inversion in the hinterland portion of the foldbelt develop into thin-skinned structures in the middle portion of the foldbelt. The outer portions of the foldbelt exhibit a series on NS basement involved fault-related anticlines. Compressive structures were developed in Late Paleocene-Early Eocene time, Oligocene-Middle Miocene and during the major Mio-Pliocene Andean orogenic phase. Several plays have been explored in this complex foldbelt. Inversion-related anticlines such as La Cira-Infantas (870 MMBOE) and Provincia (380 MMBOE) have yielded most of the production to date. Potential footwall structures adjacent to these remain untested. The disharmonic, faulted anticline at Opon contains 700 BCF gas. Other plays are emerging as exploration moves towards the hinterland. The Emerald Mountain discovery (132 MMBO of proven reserves) involves fractured Upper Cretaceous limestones as reservoir, which apparently seal against a thrust fault. Recent seismic campaigns indicate the presence of four-way closed subthrust plays.

DE - DESCRIPTORS: Andean-Orogeny; Andes-; anticlines-; basins-; Cenozoic-; Colombia-; Cretaceous-; Eastern-Cordillera; Emerald-Mountain; fold-and-thrust-belts; folds-; intermontane-basins; La-Luna-Formation; Magdalena-Valley; Mesozoic-; natural-gas; petroleum-; reserves-; South-America; structural-traps; tectonics-; Tertiary-; thin-skinned-tectonics; traps-; Upper-Cretaceous

CC - CATEGORY CODES: 29A-Economic-geology,-geology-of-energy-sources; 16-Structural-geology

DT - DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference-Document

BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic

RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data supplied by American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, United States

IS - ISSN: 0149-1423


AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 1999-063398

UD - UPDATE CODE: 199921

Registro 5329 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001

TI - TITLE: Petroleum potential of the Catatumbo Basin, Colombia.

AU - AUTHORS: Chaboudy-Louis-R Jr.; Palmer-Koleman-Susan-E; McGuire-Douglas-J; Vega-Victor-H; Rosenfeld-Joshua-H; Robles-Silva-Juan-Carlos

AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Amoco Production Company, Houston, TX, United States

BK - BOOK TITLE: In: AAPG international conference and exhibition; abstracts.

BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Anonymous

SO - SOURCE: AAPG Bulletin. 83; 8, Pages 1304. 1999.

PB - PUBLISHER: American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Tulsa, OK, United States. 1999.



CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: AAPG international conference and exhibition. Birmingham, United Kingdom. Sept. 12-15, 1999.

LA - LANGUAGE: English

AB - ABSTRACT: The Maracaibo Basin of Venezuela is one of the world's most prolific hydrocarbon provinces (35 BBOE cum.) The basin extends into northeastern Colombia where it is known as the Catatumbo Basin. This area contains several structurally and stratigraphically trapped oil accumulations in Tertiary fluvio-deltaic deposits and fractured Cretaceous carbonates and clastics (500 MMBOE cum.) The southwestern edge of the Catatumbo Basin is a north-trending transpressional fault zone (Catatumbo Flexure) which juxtaposes the basin to the east with the basement-cored Santander Massif to the west. The authors believe that the Catatumbo Basin holds significant undiscovered petroleum in fractured reservoirs analogous to those which trap significant amounts of petroleum down regional dip within the basin. The fetch area is underlain by at least two world-class Upper Cretaceous source units; the La Luna Fm. (oils identified in Upper Cretaceous/Tertiary reservoirs and Tertiary seeps near the Catatumbo Fault), and the Cogollo Fm. (oils found only in fractured Lower to Upper Cretaceous reservoirs). Structural complexities, rich source rock, and numerous analogous producing fields make the Catatumbo Basin a prime target for oil exploration.

DE - DESCRIPTORS: Catatumbo-Basin; Catatumbo-Fault; Catatumbo-Flexure; Cenozoic-; Colombia-; Cretaceous-; deltaic-environment; depositional-environment; dip-; fault-zones; faults-; fluvial-environment; La-Luna-Formation; Maracaibo-Basin; Mesozoic-; naturally-fractured-reservoirs; northeastern-Colombia; oil-seeps; petroleum-; petroleum-accumulation; petroleum-exploration; reservoir-rocks; Santander-Massif; source-rocks; South-America; stratigraphic-traps; structural-traps; Tertiary-; transpression-; traps-; Upper-Cretaceous; Venezuela-

CC - CATEGORY CODES: 29A-Economic-geology,-geology-of-energy-sources

DT - DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference-Document

BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic

RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data supplied by American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, United States

IS - ISSN: 0149-1423


AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 1999-063332

UD - UPDATE CODE: 199921

Registro 5330 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001

TI - TITLE: Stratigraphic and structural reinterpretation of the Tello Field, upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia.

AU - AUTHORS: Ramon-Juan-Carlos; Vidal-Gloria


BK - BOOK TITLE: In: AAPG international conference and exhibition; abstracts.

BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Anonymous

SO - SOURCE: AAPG Bulletin. 83; 8, Pages 1335. 1999.

PB - PUBLISHER: American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Tulsa, OK, United States. 1999.



CN - CONFERENCE INFORMATION: AAPG international conference and exhibition. Birmingham, United Kingdom. Sept. 12-15, 1999.

LA - LANGUAGE: English

AB - ABSTRACT: The Tello field reservoir section was interpreted from 3-D seismic and biostratigraphic analysis from cuttings as an Early Miocene blanket-like fluvial sandstone overlying an Oligocene unconformity. Reservoir stratigraphy was "layer cake." Absence of sandstone in wells was interpreted as a lateral facies change to mudstone. Unexpected results from a recent infill drilling and water injection led to a review of the geological model. Data from over 800 feet of outcrop, 928 feet of cores from five wells, 21 new biostratigraphic analyses from cores, dipmeter and wireline logs from 35 wells, 5 check-shot and a 36 sq km seismic cube were interpreted and integrated to define a new reservoir model. Sedimentological studies indicate that the reservoir section was deposited in a well oxygenated, current-swept, shallow-marine shelf as aggradational tidally influenced cycles, as progradational shorefaces and as tidal bars and channels. High-resolution sequence stratigraphic subdivision of the reservoir allows identification of repeated sections in several wells. Dipmeter data shows low to very high dip angles within the oil-bearing reservoir and confirms the location of low-angle thrust faults, interpreted from well log data. Siliceous siltstones in the Lower Monserrate act as detachment surfaces for these thrusts. The integration of multiple data sets lead to a reinterpretation of the stratigraphic and structural models that results in better reservoir modeling and planning and recognition of undrilled potential of the Tello field.

DE - DESCRIPTORS: aggradation-; biostratigraphy-; Cenozoic-; clastic-rocks; Colombia-; cores-; cuttings-; decollement-; depositional-environment; drilling-; faults-; fluvial-environment; geophysical-methods; geophysical-surveys; high-resolution-methods; infill-drilling; interpretation-; lithofacies-; low-angle-faults; lower-Miocene; Magdalena-Valley; marine-environment; Miocene-; models-; Neogene-; oil-and-gas-fields; oil-wells; outcrops-; petroleum-; planning-; progradation-; reservoir-rocks; sandstone-; sedimentary-rocks; seismic-methods; shallow-water-environment; siltstone-; South-America; surveys-; Tello-Field; Tertiary-; three-dimensional-models; thrust-faults; well-logs

CC - CATEGORY CODES: 29A-Economic-geology,-geology-of-energy-sources

DT - DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract; Serial; Conference-Document

BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic

RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data supplied by American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, United States

IS - ISSN: 0149-1423


AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 1999-063311

UD - UPDATE CODE: 199921

Registro 5331 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001

TI - TITLE: Changes in circulation and trophic levels in the Pliocene Caribbean Sea; evidence from benthic foraminifer accumulation rates.

AU - AUTHORS: Bornmalm-Lennart; Widmark-Joen-G-V; Malmgren-Bjorn-A

AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Goteborg University, Marine Geology, Goteborg, Sweden

SO - SOURCE: Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 29; 3, Pages 209-221. 1999.

PB - PUBLISHER: Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. Ithaca, NY, United States. 1999.

RP - RESEARCH PROGRAM: DSDP (Deep Sea Drilling Project)



LA - LANGUAGE: English

AB - ABSTRACT: Changes in benthic foraminifer faunas throughout the late Neogene (about 5.8-1.8 Ma) were analyzed in DSDP Hole 502A (Caribbean Sea) to determine whether the development of the Isthmus of Panama and resulting changes in bottom-water circulation affected the benthic foraminifer community. Benthic foraminifer accumulation rates (BFAR) of the 11 most abundant and presumably also ecologically significant species revealed three intervals of distinct faunal developments: Interval 1 (prior to 4.65 Ma) exhibits a fluctuating pattern in the benthic foraminifer fauna with an increase of Epistominella exigua between 5.7 and 5.35 Ma, except at about 5.4 Ma. This variation of E. exigua may indicate a period of increased vertical flux of organic (phytodetritial) matter to the seafloor at the base of the sequence. Also towards the upper part of Interval 1, E. exigua shows periods of higher abundance, which could be related to higher vertical flux of phytodetritus to the seafloor. Interval 2 (4.65 to 3.9 Ma) is marked by a gradual increase of C. wuellerstorfi and Oridorsalis umbonatus, and decrease of Nuttallides umbonifera with periods of higher abundance of E. exigua. This faunal change can be related to alternations of sudden phyto-detritus inputs and increased circulation within the Caribbean Sea that resulted from the progressive emergence of the Panamanian landbridge changing the Caribbean Sea from a broad oceanic seaway into a marginal sea. The restricted surface-water flow over the Isthmus of Panama probably enhanced northward transport of warm, high-salinity waters into the high latitudes via the Gulf Stream and thus stimulated the total production of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) leading to an increased inflow of Upper North Atlantic Deep Water (UNADW) into the Caribbean Sea. The increased bottom-water activity in the Caribbean may have favored C. wuellerstorfi, which has been found to prefer an elevated suspension feeding position above the sediment surface. Intensified bottom-water circulation would allow more water to pass and thus provide more available food for this particular species. Interval 3 (about 3.9 to 1.8 Ma) began with a striking decrease of C. wuellerstorfi coeval with a rapid increase of N. umbonifera, which became the dominating species. This may have been a response to a declined velocity of the bottom-water currents in the Caribbean, probably caused by less inflow of bottom waters from the North Atlantic. The organic flux into the area may have been similar to Interval 2, but lower bottom-water current velocities may have favored the more oligotrophic species N. umbonifera relative to C. wuellerstorfi. The peak abundance of E. exigua between about 3.55 and 3.45, and at 3.4-3.35 Ma may be a result of strong but interrupted inputs of phyto-detritus into the Colombia Basin. Also in the upper part of the interval particularly between approximately 2.5 and 2.2 Ma the abundance of E. exigua exhibit increased values. At about 3.0 Ma N. umbonifera shows a drastic decrease and coeval recovery of C. wuellerstorfi, O. umbonatus, and Pyrgo murrhina. This faunal change could be attributable to (a) mixing between the base of nutrient-rich Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) and the upper layer of Upper North Atlantic Deep Water (UNADW), and/or (b) nutrient-rich local river outflow (e.g. from the Rio Magdalena) together with, at least periodically, (c) increased bottom-water currents that favored the normally elevated and suspension feeding C. wuellerstorfi. The short term alternation in the benthic foraminifer abundance, i.e. the instant recovery of N. umbonifera in the lower part of the interval, may indicate an amelioration of deep-water conditions, which may have been associated with a slower inflow of bottom water into the Caribbean Sea. Moreover, the increased average benthic delta (super 13) C value during the upper part of Interval 3 may also be a result of a better bottom-water ventilation in the Colombia Basin linked to the onset of the modern deep-water circulation, which most likely is related to periodically increased inflow of UNADW into the Caribbean Sea.

DE - DESCRIPTORS: Atlantic-Ocean; benthonic-taxa; bottom-water; C-13-C-12; carbon-; Caribbean-Sea; Cenozoic-; Central-America; circulation-; Deep-Sea-Drilling-Project; DSDP-Site-502; Foraminifera-; Invertebrata-; IPOD-; isotope-ratios; isotopes-; Leg-68; microfossils-; Neogene-; North-Atlantic; O-18-O-16; ocean-circulation; oxygen-; paleo-oceanography; Panama-; Pliocene-; Protista-; rates-; sedimentation-; sedimentation-rates; stable-isotopes; Tertiary-; trophic-analysis

CC - CATEGORY CODES: 12-Stratigraphy


BL - BIB LEVEL: Analytic

IL - ILLUSTRATION: Refs: 86; illus. incl. sect., 3 tables, sketch map.

RF - REFERENCE SOURCE: GeoRef, Copyright 2002, American Geological Institute.

IS - ISSN: 0096-1191


AN - ACCESSION NUMBER: 1999-062860

UD - UPDATE CODE: 199921

Registro 5332 de 5614 - GeoRef 1997-2001

TI - TITLE: Plate tectonic paleoceanographic hypothesis for Cretaceous source rocks and cherts of northern South America.

AU - AUTHORS: Villamil-Tomas; Arango-Claudia; Hay-William-W

AF - AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Conoco, Advance Exploration Organization, Houston, TX, United States

BK - BOOK TITLE: In: Evolution of the Cretaceous ocean-climate system.

BA - BOOK AUTHORS: Barrera-Enriqueta (editor); Johnson-Claudia-C (editor)

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