JCTVC-M0357 Non-SCE1: Cross-check of JCTVC-M0139 on Inter-layer Intra Mode Prediction [J. Xu (Sony)] [late]
JCTVC-M0196 Non-SCE 1: Intra Differential Coding at Enhancement Layer for SHVC [M. Guo, S. Liu, S. Lei (MediaTek)]
This contribution presents a method that only utilizes intra differential coding at enhancement layer in order to both improve the intra coding at enhancement layer with intra differential coding and reduce the increase of complexity introduced by intra differential coding. No additional flag is transmitted to indicate whether conventional intra coding that uses the spatial prediction or intra differential coding is used. It is reported that 0.4% and 0.5% coding gain can be achieved in AI 2x and AI 1.5x cases, respectively. The encoding time is 100% and 98% in AI 2x and AI 1.5x cases while the relative decoding time is 103.7% and 102.5% in those two cases, respectively.
Presentation not uploaded.
The proposal is to replace the current intra EL coding mode with this intra differential coding (versus having no intra differential coding or having both types available for the encoder to choose among).
Combining the proposal with SCE 1.3.1 (inter-layer mode coding) provides a reported additional 0.3% gain for a total gain of 0.7–0.8%. It was commented that the performance of this depends on the BL coding mode selection.
It was commented that not have any non-differential prediction modes available for the encoder to use may be undesirable.
It was remarked that there is a loss resilience issue if the intra in the enhancement layer always requires correct decoding in the base layer. Thus it may be undesirable to remove those modes. No action.
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