JCTVC-M0263 AHG13: SHVC Upsampling with phase offset adjustment [K. Minoo, D. Baylon, A. Luthra] [late]
In SHM1.0, cross-layer pixel prediction is performed using separable, fixed filters that are identical for each dimension. As a consequence, the phase offsets for the filters used for interpolation are fixed. If the downsampling process introduces a phase offset in the base layer, different than the assumed downsampling process, the interpolation process may not be able to properly compensate for this with fixed phase offset filters. This contribution proposes possible related changes for SHVC.TBA.
In SHM1.0, cross-layer pixel prediction is performed using separable, fixed filters that are identical for each dimension. As a consequence, the phase offsets for the filters used for interpolation are fixed. If the downsampling process introduces a phase offset in the base layer, different than the assumed downsampling process, the interpolation process may not be able to properly compensate for this with fixed phase offset filters. This contribution proposes some ways to address this issue for SHVC.
Late contribution – initially uploaded 3 days past deadline.
Proposing PPS syntax, which could address interlace. Some support was expressed for allowing additional flexibility.
Proponent is not requesting adoption now because filter coefficients are not available. No semantic restriction language to avoid overflow.
Adaptive filters can also provide some coding efficiency gains, but the encoder complexity increases significantly.
Rounding for phase determination is not required with this contribution, truncation can be done, which some architectures would do once per line.
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